Page 12 of Fighting for Love

  “Oh no,” I whispered as I watched Finn’s knees give out. The nurse called out for help, and the doctor spun around in time to catch Finn, but Preston slipped from Finn’s arms and went down again.

  “Get some help to get these guys over to the sofa,” the doctor said, and a nurse left the room.

  Focusing in on me, the doctor smiled. “Sister?” My mouth opened, but not a damn thing came out.

  Harmony started breathing heavily again. “The baby wants out! Now!” she yelled.

  I pressed my lips together and shook my head. The doctor laughed. “Well, you are now. Stand over there and help her.”

  It felt like I had just walked into a brick wall. What did he say? He can’t possible think I can…no. I don’t even know Harmony!

  The nurse came in with two guys who helped to bring Preston and Finn over to the sofa. “Why…why aren’t they waking up?” I asked.

  The nurse walked over to me and guided me back to Harmony’s side. “Sweetie, I know you just met her, but you’re all she has.”

  All the air in the room vanished. “Rory?”

  I quickly turned and looked at Harmony. Her hand was reached out to mine as the doctor said, “Get ready to push, Harmony.”

  With a smile on my face, I took her hand and wiped her damp hair away from her forehead. My own forehead was covered in sweat as I took in a deep breath. Never in a million years would I have ever pictured myself helping a complete stranger during childbirth.

  Squeezing her hand lightly, I helped her sit up as we looked into each other’s eyes. I saw the excitement, but also the fear: Her husband was passed out, and she was about to bring a baby into the world.

  “You ready?” I asked.

  She smiled and nodded her head as she said, “I’m going to kill him.”

  I giggled and replied, “I’ll help you!”

  “Harmony,” the doctor said, “one good push. On three.”

  Holding her hand and rubbing her back, I softly whispered, “You’ve got this, Harmony. Your baby is almost here.”

  Harmony grunted and pushed with everything she had. I wasn’t even aware of how hard she was squeezing my hand as I watched the doctor.

  “There she is!” the doctor called out as Harmony and I both started crying. Harmony dropped back against the bed in exhaustion.

  The doctor asked, “Are you cutting the cord?”

  “What?” I asked in a panicked voice.

  When I looked up, Preston was standing there, tears streaming down his face. He took the scissors and cut the cord as I covered my mouth and cried harder.

  He’d woken up! Just in time.

  I took a step back and watched everything play out. The nurse placed the baby directly onto Harmony’s chest, and the newborn instantly stopped crying and gazed up into her mother’s eyes. It was one of the most beautiful and amazing things I’d ever seen in my life.

  “What’s her name, Mom and Dad?” the nurse asked.

  With tears rolling down her cheeks, Harmony whispered…“Presley.”

  I couldn’t take my eyes off them. Preston covered both Harmony and Presley in kisses and promised them both the moon and stars. My chest grew tight as I realized I wanted this. Maybe not right now…but I wanted it. The love between the three of them was so strong you could feel it in the room. A part of me was jealous to see the happiness that flowed around this tiny little family. It was a dream I always knew I wanted, but never imagined I’d want this much.

  My eyes drifted over to the sofa, where I saw Finn crying while he watched the exchange. It took everything I had to stay standing. My chest felt heavy as a burning desire I’d never experienced before filled my entire body.

  I needed air.

  Quickly making my way out of the room, I rushed to the elevator and hit the button. With a peek over my shoulder, I sighed in relief when I didn’t see Finn. The doors opened and I practically ran in. The second the doors closed, I took in a long deep breath. My eyes closed, and the only thing I saw was Finn. His smile. The way his eyes seemed to go dark right before he kissed me. The feel of his hands on my body.

  Too fast.

  This was all happening too fast.

  Chapter 19


  She just left

  It didn’t take me long to realize Rory had left the room. I quietly slipped out and headed to the waiting room, expecting her to be there. When my mother, sister, and father all got off the elevator, they made a beeline straight to me.

  I smiled, and my mother instantly started crying.

  “It’s a beautiful, healthy baby girl. They’re spending some time alone together. If you guys let the nurse know you’re here, I’m sure it won’t be long before you can pop in and see her and Harmony.”

  Angela did a little jump and covered her mouth. My mother turned to my father and cried into his chest, and my dad looked up and mouthed the words…“Thank you.”

  “Finn, have you seen her?”

  I chuckled. “Yeah. Things moved a bit fast, and Rory and I were in the room when the baby started to crown.”

  My mother sprung her head up and looked at me. “Rory? Where is she?”

  I glanced around. “I’m not really sure. She snuck out of the room while Preston and Harmony were holding Presley.”

  “Wait…you saw the baby being born? Gross!” Angela said, then made a gagging sound.

  I felt my cheeks heat. “Well, I didn’t really see Presley being born. Preston kind of passed out and—”

  “Passed out?” my mother and father said at once.

  “Yeah. He saw the head and, bam, he was out. Then I went to help him up, and I saw the same thing. Even though I’ve delivered a few babies…it took me by surprise, and I was out.”

  My father let out a roar of laughter. “Good Lord. I’ve raised pansy-ass boys.”

  Rolling my eyes, I pulled out my phone and sent Rory a message.

  Me: Hey, are you okay? Where are you?

  It wasn’t two seconds later she replied.

  Rory: I needed some fresh air and came outside.

  Me: Are you out front? I’ll come get you.

  Rory: That’s okay. I’m really tired, and I need to do some work. I’ll catch a taxi.

  I widened my eyes at her reply, and my chest felt like someone was sitting on it.

  Me: Is everything okay? I’m really sorry about what happened.

  Rory: It’s fine. I just don’t think I can take any more big events tonight. Thank you for a beautiful day, though. I really enjoyed myself. In more ways than one. Tell Harmony and Preston congrats for me. Their daughter is beautiful.

  I was stunned. What in the hell happened?

  “Finn honey, is everything okay?”

  I didn’t bother to even look at my mother when I said, “Rory’s heading home. She um…she’s leaving.”

  Her hand on my arm felt warm. “I’m sure she was a bit overwhelmed if the two of you passed out and left her to fend for Harmony. Give her her space, sweetheart. That had to have been an overwhelming experience for her…and then to try and throw all of us on top of that? I don’t blame her for wanting some space.”

  I knew my mother was right, but it didn’t feel right to just let her go. Holding my phone in my hand, I typed out my reply.

  Me: I had a great day too. Please let me take you home. I’m on my way down.

  Turning, I quickly headed to the elevator. I hit the down button and waited impatiently for it to arrive. Once it reached the lobby floor, I took off toward the front door. My heart sank when I saw a taxi driving off.

  “Rory,” I whispered as I watched the brake lights fade into the distance. Suddenly my phone buzzed in my hand.

  Rory: Please stay and enjoy your new baby niece. Good night, Finn.

  I’d never in my life been so disappointed to see a date end.


  “Finn? Earth to Finn?”

  The pillow hit me square in the face, pulling me out of my daydream. “What?”

/>   “Jesus, dude, what in the hell are you thinking about?”


  “Nothing. I guess maybe Preston and Harmony. Wondering how they’re doing.”

  Zeb pulled his head back in surprise, but didn’t say anything.

  “Ward, get your ass in here!”

  My heart jumped to my throat—Captain Adams was calling me into his office.

  As I walked that way, I glanced over to Colton. He shook his head, and I shrugged my shoulders. The only people who knew about me and Rory were Colton and my family. And I knew none of them would have uttered a word.

  Walking into his office, I plastered on a smile.

  “Take a seat, son.”


  I did as he asked and sat. “How is the training of Flash going?”

  My eyes narrowed, and I could tell he was trying to keep his smile hidden. “He’s doing great.”

  “Good. I heard you had some trouble in the beginning.”

  “Is that so?”

  He leaned back and made a steeple with his fingers while nodding. “John Penley said Flash got a little too excited in your place.”

  “Nothing I couldn’t handle, sir.”

  He studied me with an intense stare. Does he know? Shit.

  “Is that all you needed, sir? To find out about Flash?”

  He dropped his hands and drew in closer. “Why do you think I had you bring Flash home, Ward?”

  Clenching my jaw tight, I looked directly into his eyes. “I’m not sure, Captain Adams.”

  “I worked alongside your father. Mike Ward was a good guy. Loved his wife and his family. I remember seeing you and your brothers running around the firehouse from time to time. You even met my daughter Rory once when she was around five.”

  My heart dropped, and I was positive he saw the way I reacted.

  “Really?” I casually replied.

  “You see, I value family, Ward. I think it is one of the most important things in a man’s life.”

  I swallowed hard. “As do I, sir.”

  “I heard your younger brother, Preston, and his wife just had a baby.”

  With a nod, I answered, “Yes, sir. A baby girl named Presley.” Pulling out my phone, I pulled up the picture of her. Turning it to him, I smiled. “Most beautiful girl in the world next to my ma and sister.”

  He looked at the photo, then shot his eyes up to mine. He seemed a little stunned, but soon wore a smile as he looked back at my phone.

  “She is indeed a beautiful little thing. I don’t get to see your father much anymore. Hell, I don’t remember the last time I saw him. Will you let him know I send my congratulations? Tell him to stop by our old stomping grounds once in a while if he can.”

  Is that the reason he called me in here? Preston’s daughter?

  “Um…yes, sir, I’ll pass that along to him.”

  “Sounds good, Ward. Thank you.”

  I stood and took him in as he looked down and read something on his desk. Turning, I headed to the door.


  Glancing back at him, I asked, “Yes, sir?”

  “Do you know why I had you take Flash home?”

  I shook my head. “Not really, sir.”

  “Rumor has it you think I don’t like you.”

  Lifting my brow, I asked, “Is the rumor true?”

  He smiled as he stared into my eyes. “Flash has a vet appointment next week I need to take him to.”

  That bastard. He was going to just leave me hanging. “No worries on that, sir. I’ve already got it planned to take him. I’m off that day.”

  His brow lifted. “You’ll take him?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  I pulled the door open and went to walk out. “You’re not even the least bit curious what my answer to your question is?”

  “I’m here to do a job, sir. There isn’t a man here I wouldn’t risk my own life for, and that includes you, Captain. As long as I’m doing the job you need me to do, it doesn’t really matter if you like me or not.”

  He laughed and shook his head. “Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”

  I had no idea what he meant, and I didn’t care. I wasn’t in the mood to play games with the man who could possibly destroy my future, in more than one way.

  I left his office, shut the door, and headed outside.

  The second the fall air hit me, I drew in a deep breath.

  “What did he want?” Colton asked.

  “He asked about Preston’s baby.”


  “I think he knows about Rory and me.”

  Colton chuckled. “If he knew, he’d have cut your dick off. Trust me. He doesn’t know a damn thing.”

  My stomach felt sick. Was this any way to start a relationship? With lies and hiding? I hadn’t heard from Rory since her last text to me four days ago, and it was driving me fucking crazy. I’d never dealt with these kinds of feelings. I needed to talk to someone before I went mad with wondering why she’d left and why I hadn’t heard from her.

  Pulling my phone out, I sent Angela a text. If anyone could help me figure this shit out, it was my baby sister.

  Chapter 20


  Go with your gut

  I watched as a cloud took on different shapes in a matter of seconds. A dog. A mouse. The letter M. My mind spun around in a million different directions. I hadn’t been this unfocused in a long time. The idea that I had walked out on Finn a week ago bothered me more than I thought it would.

  I’d freaked out and acted on emotion. My first instinct had been to push Finn away, and I wasn’t sure why.

  The knock on my office door pulled me from my thoughts. “Come in.”

  Russell walked in with the file I’d asked to see. He had been out golfing with a few of the senior partners and a potential client they were hoping to land.

  He dropped the file on my desk and then sat down. “I thought you looked at this information.”

  “I did. But I want to make sure I look at it again. The other day when I was at the library, I was talking to the children’s librarian. On a hunch, I asked if Robert had ever volunteered there, and she said he had. Then she told me about a little boy who adored him. The mom became very obsessed with Robert. So much so he had to change the library he volunteered at.”

  “Why didn’t Long tell us this?”

  I shrugged. “Not sure, but it’s something we need to ask him.”

  “His accuser doesn’t have kids, though.”

  Flipping through the pages, I read over them quickly. I had no idea what I was looking for. “I know.”

  “But yet you think there might be a connection?”

  I glanced up at him. “I do.”

  He nodded. “Then go with your gut.”

  Smiling, I refocused on the paperwork in front of me. For once it felt like Russell had confidence in me.

  “So why were you in at the children’s library?”

  I said it without even thinking. “Finn was volunteer-reading there.”

  My head snapped up and my eyes widened in horror when I realized what I had let slip.

  “Finn Ward. The firefighter?”

  Oh. Shit.

  Act casual.


  “Are you dating him?”

  I let out a fake chuckle. “No. We ran into each other there.”

  Lies. Oh my gosh how easily I spit that out! My mother would be so disappointed in me.

  The way he was looking at me made me uncomfortable.

  “Really? Huh.”

  I wanted to ask what he meant by that, but decided the best thing to do would be to change the direction this conversation was headed.

  “Back to what I was saying, I have a feeling there is a connection and I’d like to investigate it a bit more.”

  He nodded. “We have Robert coming in next week to go over questions he’ll be asked on the stand.”

  “Okay. I think I’ll pay him a visit before then and see
if he remembers this lady.”

  Russell stood up. “Perfect. Shall we meet later and discuss what he said?”

  My heart stopped.


  I had hoped to see him tonight, but I knew he was working, so there wouldn’t be a chance of us having dinner anyway. With a forced grin, I replied, “Sure. I’ll text you when I’m through and on my way back.”

  “I have the perfect spot to meet. We can talk shop and grab a bite.”

  Trying like hell not to roll my eyes, I lifted the corner of my mouth into a slight grin. Working long hours and having dinner with my coworkers wasn’t anything new for me. But we usually just grabbed takeout or had it delivered. Russell insisted on eating out all the time. It only wasted time, in my opinion. I made a mental note to discuss this with him tonight.

  “I’ll let you know when I’ve finished talking to Robert.”

  He shot me a smile and then a wink before heading out of my office and shutting the door behind him. I couldn’t help but feel a bit stunned. He didn’t even offer to go with me to talk to Robert. It wasn’t like him to let me take on something on my own.

  I slowly sat down. He thinks I’m wasting my time. That bastard. Go with your gut. Hah! He’s amusing me is all.

  Narrowing me eyes, I glared at my door. Yeah, he didn’t offer to go because he doesn’t think I’ll get anything out of Robert. With a shake of my head, I looked through the file and found Robert’s phone number.

  Dialing, I cleared my throat.


  “Hello, Mr. Long, this is Rory Adams.”

  “Yes, hello, Ms. Adams. How are you?”

  “I’m doing well, thank you. I was wondering if you might be available for lunch today? I was wanting to go over some things with you and ask a few questions.”

  He sighed, and I knew this guy was over being asked questions. “I promise I won’t take up much of your time, and I’ll even pay for lunch.”

  “I don’t know what more I can tell you. Between the police and your law firm asking me a million questions, I doubt I have anything new for you.”