Page 16 of Fighting for Love

  “Whoa. Wait a second—you’re hiding your relationship from your family?”

  With a nod, I frowned and replied, “Yes. It’s been so stressful lying to them. And Finn’s job. Every day he goes to work…” My voice trailed off as I tried to keep it steady. “…I worry. I grew up watching my mother fear for my father’s life, and I’m not sure I can do that.”

  Angela reached for Presley and placed her in the small bassinet next to the desk. Then she took my hands and pulled me up.

  “Okay, I’m not buying that. I’ve grown up with a father and two brothers as firefighters, and do I worry? Hell yes I do, but the risk is part of their job.”

  I nodded in agreement. “I know.”

  Harmony put her arm around me and smiled. “I’ve had some pretty terrible things happen in my life that I’m sure Finn has told you about.”

  “He has,” I whispered.

  “Did he tell you I ran from Preston? I packed up one day and took off. He had almost been trapped in a house during a fire. I was there on the scene and watched it all play out. I don’t think I have ever been so scared in my entire life. I freaked and ran, but Preston eventually found me. I’m not going to lie and say I wasn’t happy when he told me he bought the pub and quit his job at the station. I was beyond happy, but I also know I loved him too much to have walked away from a life with him because of the risks of his job.”

  A tear slipped from my eye, and I felt incredibly weak. “I’m not like you, Harmony. I’m not sure I could ever be that strong. The way I feel about Finn, it keeps growing, and at times I feel like I’ll die if I don’t get to see him. I can only imagine that feeling will grow, and if something were to happen to him…I’m not sure I could be that strong.”

  She grinned and wiped my tear away. “Wouldn’t you rather live your life with him and treasure each and every day than spend the rest of your life wondering what it would have been like to be with him?”

  Angela sighed again. “Oh, how I love love. It’s so flipping amazing.”

  I laughed, then dragged in a deep breath. “My goodness. Where in the world did all this come from?” I asked while wiping my face and getting my composure back.

  “The baby. It’s weird; it brings out weird emotions when you hold her.”

  Angela and I both laughed at Harmony’s words.

  Holding up her hands, Angela said, “Okay, but wait. We still need to talk about this no-sex thing.”

  My face blushed. “I did mention to Finn how I was very…inexperienced. I think I might have scared him.”

  With a huge grin spreading across her face, Angela shook her head. “That’s not it; I can promise you that. If there is one thing my mother did right with my brothers, it was how she raised them to treat women. Now, Finn might have liked his playboy ways at one time, but I can guarantee you he is simply waiting for the right moment. He wants your first time together to be perfect.”

  I lifted my brows. “You think? Because right now, if he said he wanted me in the middle of the bar, I’d say yes!”

  We all laughed, quietly, since Presley was still sleeping soundly. Angela looked at me and grinned. “Trust me when I say Finn wants you too, Rory. I see it written all over his face. He’s waiting for the right moment.”

  I let out a sigh and rolled my eyes. “Well, I sure hope he finds it soon.”

  Chapter 25


  Off the market

  I stared at the back office door of the bar, waiting for the three of them to emerge.

  “You’ve been staring at that door for a while now, bro. What’s going on?”

  Not bothering to look at Wes, I responded, “Angela and Harmony took Rory in the back office, and they’ve been in there for some time now. What do you think they’re doing to her?”

  “Probably some kind of sacrifice. Something to welcome her into the family, since it’s clear that thanks to her you’ve taken yourself off the market.”

  My head snapped as I stared at him. “Sacrifice? What the fuck are you talking about?”

  Wes tossed his head back and laughed. “I love how you picked up on that, but not the part of me saying you took yourself off the market. Have you?”

  I didn’t even have to think twice about it. “Yes. Rory’s different from any other girl I’ve ever met. I don’t want to fuck things up with her.”

  He lifted his brows and replied, “Wow. Finn Ward a one-woman man. Who would have thought? You truly think you’ll be happy with one woman for the rest of your life?”

  “Let’s not get carried away. I’m not asking her to marry me…yet. We just started dating, for fuck’s sake. Hell, we haven’t even made love yet.”

  Wes choked on the beer he had just gulped. Smiling, I hit his back and asked, “You okay there, bro?”

  Once he got his coughing under control, he leaned in closer and asked, “You haven’t fucked her yet?”

  I hit him on the shoulder and pushed him away. “Don’t talk about Rory like that.”

  His eyes widened in shock. “Holy shit. Are you in love with this girl?”

  Glancing back at the door, I thought about earlier when I had slipped and said the L word to Rory. She hadn’t even flinched. She must have taken it as slip of the tongue. Thank God. I wasn’t ready to drop that word on anyone yet.

  “No, but I am falling in love with her.”

  “Isn’t that the same thing?”

  I shrugged. “Maybe, I don’t know.”

  The door opened and all three girls stepped out. Rory was still carrying Presley in her arms. My breath caught as I watched her gaze down at the baby. When she looked up, our eyes instantly met. The way she smiled had me fighting to keep my knees from giving out on me. I returned the gesture, then watched as she rocked back and forth, talking to a sleeping Presley.

  Wes hit me on the back, drawing me out of my moment.

  “Oh hell yeah. You love her, Finn.”

  I didn’t even bother to argue with him, because I knew he was right. Still, I had questions. Could you fall in love with someone this quickly? Was I capable of falling in love and being with one woman only?

  My mother walked up and took Presley from Rory’s arms. Harmony said something that made Rory laugh, and heat coursed through my body.

  Yes. I was capable of falling in love—I already had. Seeing Rory holding my niece, I knew exactly what I wanted, and knew I would fight tooth and nail to get it.


  Three hours later and I was beat. Rory had met everyone and they had all fallen in love with her. I hated that we had to keep our relationship a secret from her parents, and hated that it was causing Rory so much stress.

  “Hey, you,” I whispered against her ear while wrapping my arms around her. “You having fun?”

  She leaned her body into mine, and I felt her heat instantly warm me. “I am. But I’m exhausted.”

  Turning her to me, I placed my hand on the side of her face and gazed into her eyes. “Will you stay with me tonight?”

  Her teeth sunk into her lips. “Tonight?”

  My heart was beating so hard in my chest I swore the whole damn bar could hear it. “Yes. Since we can’t go camping next weekend, I have an idea.”

  Her face lit up, then she frowned. “I have work tomorrow.”

  “I’ll make sure you’re at work on time.”

  Her eyes searched my face as she thought about it. “Okay. I’ll stay with you tonight.”

  I fist-pumped and pulled out my phone. “I need to call in a favor, so give me a couple minutes and we’ll leave.”

  She nodded. “Can we stop by my place so I can grab stuff for work tomorrow?”

  I winked. “Sure.”

  The phone started ringing, so I quickly kissed her lips and walked outside.

  “Your dog is fine, Finn. Stop calling to check up on him.”

  Feeling my cheeks heat, I glanced back toward the bar. I would never admit to anyone how much I liked that damn dog. “I’m not calling to check up
on him. I need a favor from you, Regina.”

  “Because watching your dog while you’re at a Sox game wasn’t enough.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I’m bringing Rory back to my place tonight.”

  “Oookay. And should this be like some kind of news flash? I’ve seen you bring plenty of girls home before. I am surprised that you’re in a relationship this long, though. Then again, I really liked her from the little I spoke with her earlier today.”

  “No, listen to me, Regina: She’s staying with me tonight. For the first time…our first time.”


  “You know, our first time being together.”

  Then she laughed and said, “Good one, Finn. For a second there you had me believing you were bringing her home to sleep with her for the first time.”

  “I am.”

  More silence.

  Regina cleared her throat. “No, seriously. You haven’t slept with her yet?”

  “No. I’ve been waiting for the right time.”

  Then it happened.

  She screamed.

  Loudly in my ear. “Oh my God! Finn! Do you mean to tell me you have been dating this girl for a few weeks and you haven’t slept with her?”

  “That’s what I’m telling you. Now, will you help me make it special for her?”

  “Hell yes I will! What did you have in mind?”

  Chapter 26


  First time for everything

  My hands were sweating as I rubbed them over my jeans again.

  When Finn spoke, I jumped. “Did you get everything you needed?”

  I nodded and forced out a “Yep.”

  Oh gosh. Stop this, Rory. It’s not like you’ve never had sex before.

  Peeking over to Finn, I watched his jaw muscles flex as he looked out the window. Is he nervous too? Maybe that’s why he waited so long to do this. No. That’s crazy. Why would a man like Finn be nervous about sex?

  “You’re spinning your wheels over there, Éan.”

  I loved his nickname for me. I’d never had one before, and him calling me Éan made me feel special. Especially knowing it was Gaelic and he’d picked it for a reason. A sweet reason.

  The cab pulled up to Finn’s condo building. Handing the driver money, he said, “Keep the change, buddy.”

  The taxi driver grinned big and replied, “Hey, thanks. Enjoy your evening.”

  “Oh, we will.”

  My face heated instantly while I quickly climbed out of the taxi and Finn grabbed my bag. He reached for my hand and headed into the building. The security guards had all figured out that I was Finn’s girlfriend. Even though I now I had keys to the building entrance and Finn’s apartment, I never used them. It didn’t feel right. Anytime a guard saw me walking up, he would just buzz me in and tell me to tell Finn “Hey.”

  “Good evening, Mr. Ward, Ms. Adams.”

  Finn kept walking to the elevator while lifting his hand and saying, “Hey, Charles! Enjoy your night.”

  I waved and smiled as Finn practically pulled me into the elevator. The moment the doors shut, his mouth was on mine and I was a goner. My body melted into his while my hands pushed through his hair. We both moaned, and I could feel his hard length pressing into my stomach. It’s not like I hadn’t felt it before—I had. Plenty of times. But in a few minutes, he was going to try to stick that huge-ass thing inside of me.

  Finn pushed me against he elevator wall and lifted my leg, pushing himself against me more.

  Lord, please let it fit! I’ve seen it. He’s huge. I’m rusty. Cobwebs are probably formed inside my va-jay-jay, it’s been so long since she has seen action.

  “Rory,” Finn whispered as he nipped at my lower lip. “I want you so fucking bad I can’t stand it.”

  My heart dropped to my stomach. I wanted him too…but I was so nervous I was going to suck.

  Lacing my fingers through his hair again, I pulled on it as he groaned. “I want you too, Finn.”

  The doors to the elevator opened and he lifted me up while I wrapped my legs around his body. Never once did we stop kissing. He stopped at his door and leaned me against it.

  “What about Regina?” I panted between kisses.

  “She’s gone. I sent her a text that we were on our way up.”

  My eyes widened in shock. I hadn’t even noticed he was on his phone. Slowly sliding me down his body, he flashed me a panty-melting smile that caused me to grab onto his T-shirt to hold myself up.

  When he gazed down at me, I felt the heat between us like I’d never felt it before. Lifting his hand, he gently brushed a piece of my hair from my face and tucked it behind my ear. “I wanted to make our first time together special. It was important for me that you know how much you mean to me. It’s never been about the sex with you, Éan. It’s been so much more.”

  A tear slipped from my eye and slowly ran down my face. Finn reached up and gently wiped it away. “Say you’re gonna stay, Rory.”

  Pressing my lips together, I fought to hold back my tears. I knew what he was asking of me. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Promise me,” he whispered against my neck. “Because I need your touch like the desert needs water.”

  My head dropped back against the door and I was taken to a euphoria I’d never experienced before…and he hadn’t even made love to me yet.

  “I promise you,” I whispered from my lips as he swept me up into his arms. The moment the door opened I smelled the roses. Glancing around the room, I gasped. “Finn!”

  The entire living room was filled with lit candles. Roses were everywhere. Flash barked from his crate. “Awe, he wants out,” I said with a pout.

  Finn had yet to put me down. “Fuck that. The little bastard will knock over the candles and burn the place down.”

  My lower stomach pulled. “I know a firefighter who could help if that happens.”

  His eyes turned dark and a slow smile appeared across his face. “You do?”

  I nodded. “He’s really cute too,” I replied as I wiggled my eyebrows.

  He slowly let my body slide down his. When my toes touched the ground, he asked, “Should I be jealous?”

  Staring into his breath-taking emerald eyes, I barely was able to speak. “Well, I am really attracted to him. He has a cute dog too, who is hell on four paws, but I know he really loves the dog. Matter of fact, I’m pretty sure he called the dog sitter more than once to check on him.”

  Finn laughed. “How did you know?”

  With a wink, I answered him. “I didn’t. It was a guess.”

  Grabbing me and pulling me into his arms, he said, “You little stinker!”

  Flash barked more as we both turned to look at him. “We should really let him out or he’s going to get jealous.”

  Finn nodded in agreement. “The candles, though.”

  “Let’s move them to the bedroom.”

  Stopping where he was, Finn turned to me. We had been so caught up in the moment, both of us had forgotten what the candles and roses were here for.

  “Fuck the dog,” he said as he made his way back over to me and pulled my mouth to his. His kiss was filled with so much passion the only thing I could do was whimper in delight. He stepped back and looked at me…and my chest heaved up and down. My stomach fluttered, and I wasn’t sure if it was from the kiss, the way he was looking at me, or knowing I was seconds from this man filling me completely.

  Chapter 27


  Magical and amazing

  When we both needed air, Finn stepped back. My lips were tingling as I ran my fingertips over them. Finn winked and took my hand in his. He walked around the room and blew out the candles. I attempted to hide my smile. I’d had a feeling the firefighter in him was not going to leave them unattended.

  Glancing over at the crate, Finn pointed to Flash. “Sorry, buddy.”

  Flash whimpered and lay down. Finn slowly walked backward while holding both my hands. I don’t think I’d ever heard my he
art beat so loudly in my ears before.

  Once we were in his room, I sucked in a breath. The bedroom was covered in white lights. “How?” I asked in awe.

  Finn looked up and smiled. “I have no clue, but I have a feeling I owe Regina and her boyfriend more than a six-pack of beer.”

  Covering my mouth, I giggled. “For sure more than a six-pack.”

  Finn dropped my hand and gazed into my eyes. I’d never had a man look at me the way he was now. If I hadn’t known any better, I’d have sworn I saw love in his eyes.

  “I want to make this a night you’ll never forget.”

  Oh, dear. My panties were instantly soaked.

  When he pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it to the floor, I bit down on my lip to keep from moaning like the crazy horndog I felt like. If I’d had the nerve, I’d have ripped his clothes off and climbed on top of him.

  He started to take off his jeans, and I had to place my hand over my stomach. I felt like a high school girl about to get her first kiss. My stomach was flipping around, my heart was pounding, and the pulse between my legs was begging for relief.

  “Get undressed, Éan. I want to take a shower first.”

  My eyes about bulged out of my head. A shower? He wanted to take a shower…together? “W-what?”

  His dimples were full-blown. “Do you need help getting undressed?”

  I nodded my head. I didn’t need help, but if it meant his hands on my body, I would agree to anything.

  He walked up to me, and my body shivered when he reached for my shirt and lifted it over my head. Then goosebumps raced across my skin when his finger ran from my neck down to my cleavage.

  “Do you like when I touch you?”

  I quickly licked my dry lips and said with a scratchy voice, “Y-yes.”

  He smiled and leaned down, his mouth inches from mine. When he licked my lips, I groaned. It had to have been one of the hottest things I’d ever experienced, and I had a feeling there would be a hell of a lot more of those tonight.