Page 19 of Fighting for Love


  My eyes scanned the crowd as I took a sip of tea. When I saw her, I jumped up. “Regina! Over here!” I called out. Finn’s neighbor approached my table with a huge smile on her face. The guy on her arm immediately caught my eye.

  Man oh man. Regina certainly had good taste in men.

  I stood and gave her a quick hug and then shot my hand out to shake her boyfriend’s.

  “Paul, this is Rory Adams. Finn’s girlfriend.”

  His smile grew bigger. “Aw, the one we decorated Finn’s place for last night.”

  My cheeks heated and I looked away. “You’re embarrassing her, you jackass.”

  With a chuckle, I waved it off. “Thank you, by the way. Everything was perfect.”

  Regina’s face beamed with happiness. “I’m so happy for you, Rory. You really do have a great guy there. I wasn’t sure if he would ever find the one woman who would settle him down. I can certainly tell you filled that role, simply by the way he looks and talks about you.”

  There went my face, heating up again. “He’s very special to me, there is no doubt about that.”

  “So, if things are going great with Finn, why do you need a PI?” Paul asked.

  “I’m working on a case, and I have a gut feeling. My father always told me to never ignore those feelings.”

  Paul nodded his head and replied, “I agree with him. So tell me, what do you need from me?”

  “I need to prove that these two women”—I slid a file over to Paul, which he took and opened—“know each other.”

  “Okay. This actually shouldn’t be hard to figure out. I’m sure that just digging into their pasts and following them around for a few days should bring you your answer pretty quick.”

  “Good. The trial is in a few months. They keep pushing it back, and I’m pretty sure they’re doing it on purpose. If we can get this woman to drop the charges, my client can move on with his life and get back to the job he loves so much.”

  Paul pulled out a small laptop from the Regina’s oversized bag and opened it as she ordered two coffees and chicken salad sandwiches.

  She leaned forward and winked. “So…how was last night?”

  My eyes drifted over to Paul, who was deep in concentration while typing away on his laptop.

  “Ignore him. He’s already started his search; he won’t pay attention to us.”

  Keeping my voice low, I replied, “It was…amazing.”

  She wiggled her eyebrows. “We’re running to the restroom, babe.”

  Paul grunted, which caused me to giggle. Regina and I stood and made our way to the ladies’ room. The second we walked in, she grabbed my arms and flashed me a huge smile.

  “Tell me everything! Was he sweet? He better have been sweet. He told me it was your first time together…which let me tell you blew my mind. Well, don’t just stand there. Tell me!”

  I glanced down to hide my embarrassment. I hardly knew Regina enough to share what happened between Finn and me last night. I had tried to call Autumn and Clare this morning, but neither of them answered. Then I called Harmony, and she wasn’t able to talk. I wanted to shout from the rooftops how amazing I felt today, and had no one to tell. No one but Finn’s ex-fling.

  “Um…he was very sweet and last night was amazing.”

  She pursed her lips and stared at me. “Okay. I get it. I’m the neighbor he slept with; it could be awkward, but let me assure you, it’s not. We slept together, Rory. There were no emotions there. Nothing.” She flashed me a wicked grin. “He’s big, isn’t he?”

  I covered my mouth and laughed while looking away.

  Regina pushed me lightly on the shoulder and said, “Yes! See? Come on, I’ve been dying to know how it was.”

  “Wonderful. Incredible. I experienced things last night I never knew I could. Physically and emotionally. Which scares me.”

  Her smile faded some. “Why does that scare you?”

  I shrugged. “I feel so weird talking to you about this. We hardly know each other.”

  Regina took a step back and spit on the palm of her hand. “Come on. Do it and we’ll be spit sisters.”

  Widening my eyes, I glanced down to her hand. “You want me to spit in my hand and shake yours? We aren’t in grade school anymore.”

  “Do you want to exchange blood and be blood sisters? I’m down for that, too.”

  I quickly spit in my hand and pressed it to hers.

  “I do solemnly swear to be a faithful and honest spit sister to Rory…”


  “…to Rory Adams.” She jerked her head for me to repeat what she had said.

  “Oh. My last name is Hall.”

  I nodded and licked my lips nervously. For Pete’s sake, Rory. It’s only spit!

  “I do solemnly swear to be a…”

  “…faithful and honest spit sister. Gesh, have you never done this before?”

  Frowning, I answered, “No! I do solemnly swear to be a faithful and honest spit sister to Regina Hall.”

  When I removed my hand I turned and washed it, but Regina simply wiped her hand on her jeans.

  I was never eating popcorn from the same bag with her after this.

  “Okay, spill it.”

  Turning, I leaned against the sink. “Well, we made love four times.”

  “Four! Jeeesus. Did you give him some kind of magical pill?”

  Chuckling, I shook my head. “No.”

  “Sweet. But you ‘made love’ four times? Or did he bang the hell out of you and cause stars to dance behind your eyes? That’s the kind of lover Paul is.”

  I believed it. He was built, and looked like he enjoyed a good roll in the hay. “Um…both.”

  She waggled her eyebrows. “Do you feel it today? I’d think, after four times?”

  “Oh yes. It’s also been a while since I was with a guy, so I’m extra sore today.”

  “Take a hot bath tonight. You’ll feel much better.”

  I nodded.

  “He really cares about you, Rory. I hope you can see that.”

  My chest squeezed. “I care about him also. He’s brought out a side of me I didn’t know I had.”

  “That’s a good thing!”

  I looked into her blue eyes and took in a deep breath. “Do you think Finn is the type of guy who will be happy with just one woman in his life?”

  She didn’t even hesitate. “Yes. I really do. Please don’t let his past pave the way for your future. He’s a good guy, Rory. And I see why he is so attracted to you. You’re smart, beautiful, and the perfect normal for his crazy.”

  I laughed and shook my head. “Thanks for getting me to open up. It’s been hard keeping my relationship with Finn a secret.”

  Her smile faded. “A secret from who?”

  I pulled the corner of my lip into my mouth. “My parents.”

  She’d started to respond when someone walked into the ladies’ room. She took my arm in hers and we headed back to our table.

  “Lord, that conversation needs wine and chocolate.”

  I giggled and looked at the woman next to me. I would have never dreamed we would be friends, especially after I’d found out she slept with Finn. But Regina reminded me of Autumn and Clare. I made a mental note to introduce them all.

  As we walked up to the table, Paul looked up. “I got your answer.”

  My heart jumped to my throat, making it hard to talk. “Al…already?”

  He smiled and stuck his chest out some. “Yes.”

  I sank into my chair and stared at him. “And?”

  “Well, hang on to your seat, darlin’, because I think this is going to blow your mind.”

  Taking in a deep breath, I nodded for him to tell me.

  “The two women you wanted to find a connection to are for certain connected.”

  The excitement rushed over my body. I knew it! I knew they were connected.

  Pulling out my notebook, I got ready to start taking notes. “How are they connected???
? I asked.

  Paul grinned from ear to ear. “They’re sisters.”

  My pen dropped and I fell back against my seat. It took me five seconds to process what he’d just said.

  “Sisters?” I asked in a stunned voice.

  He turned the computer to show me a picture, and my mouth gaped open as I internally fist-pumped.

  We’d just won the case, before it even went to trial.

  Chapter 32


  The truth comes out

  Rushing into the building of the law frim, I glanced at my watch. My mother would still be in her office. I had no idea if idiot Russell was still here or not. I made my way to the elevator and pulled out my phone.

  Nothing from Finn. My heart sank, but I tried not to read into it much. When the doors dinged and opened, I was pulled from my daydreams of last night. As I made my way toward my office, my assistant, Krista, rushed up to me. “Rory, your mother is in your office. With Mr. McCormick.”

  With a smile, I said, “Is that so?”

  “Yes,” she said while attempting to keep up with my fast pace. “If you don’t mind me speaking frank…”

  I stopped. “Please do. Always, Krista.”

  She glanced around before leaning in closer and whispering, “I think he is trying to get you off the Long case.”

  Standing a bit taller, I threw my shoulders back and took in a deep breath. “Well then, I say bring it on, Mr. McCormick.”

  Krista giggled and followed behind me. “Do you need anything, Ms. Adams?”

  “No, Krista, thank you.”

  I stopped at my office door and drew in a deep breath before turning the handle and walking in. I stopped and surveyed the scene. My mother sat on my side of the desk, while Russell sat in one of the chairs opposite my mother.

  “Rory, so nice of you to join us,” my mother said with a grin.

  “I had a business meeting I needed to attend. May I ask why everyone is camped out in my office?”

  My eyes drifted between my mother and Russell, but then immediately moved to the dozen red roses on my desk.

  Russell must have noticed my reaction. “Looks like your boyfriend sent you flowers, Rory.”

  Jerking my eyes back to him, I pierced him with my eyes. If I’d had the power to shoot daggers I’d have launched them at this asshole.

  “Boyfriend? Rory, are you seeing someone?”

  Shifting my attention to my mother, I walked into the room and set my purse and briefcase on my desk. I leaned down and smelled the flowers while closing my eyes. When I opened them, I shot a dirty look at Russell before smiling and turning to my mother. “Mom, what brings you into my office?”

  “Mr. McCormick has brought up a few issues which concern him.”

  “I see,” I said as I sat down on the sofa next to my desk. “Would this be me leaving early yesterday and perhaps me coming in late this morning? Which I might say was the first time I have ever been late?”

  “That, and he feels as if you are not…focused.”

  Oh, that dirty rat bastard. He sat there with a smug, victorious smile on his face. I couldn’t wait to slap it the hell off.

  “Is that so?” I asked with a fake smile.

  “I tried to speak to you about this earlier, Rory, but you stormed out of here before I could.”

  Standing, I walked up to my desk and reached into my bag for my laptop. Paul had sent me the pictures of Bryn Dierks and her sister, Casey Stevens, as well as some information on both of them. It had been so easy for him I had to wonder how our investigators here at the firm hadn’t found the connection after I’d brought up Bryn Dierks name.

  Opening my laptop, I glanced over to Russell. “Did you try to speak with me before or after you said I walked in this morning with a just-fucked look on my face.”

  My mother jumped up. “What?”

  Russell looked between both of us with a stunned expression. That’s right, Mr. McCormick, I have claws and know how to use them when needed.

  “You did not say that to my daughter.”

  His mouth fell open. “I…she…Let me explain.”

  Holding up my hand, I started talking. “We have more important things to discuss than Mr. McCormick’s wildly inappropriate remarks. While Mr. McCormick thought I was out playing hooky, I was actually meeting with a private investigator I hired because I had a gut feeling there was a connection between Bryn Dierks and Mr. Long’s accuser, Casey Stevens.”

  Russell rolled his eyes. “Rory, I’m not sure why you insist on this. There is no connection. You’re reaching.”

  My mother slowly turned and glared at Russell. I imagined if she could have, she would’ve shot fire from her eyes. “Go on, Rory,” she said, clenching her jaw. I knew she was still angry about Russell’s “just-fucked” remark.

  “Well, Russell, it turns out you’re wrong and my hunch was right.”

  Spinning the laptop around, I showed them a picture of Bryn Dierks at her wedding with her maid of honor standing by her side.

  “Is that Ms. Stevens next to her?” my mother asked.

  “Yes,” I said with a nod. “It’s from Bryn’s wedding blog, which is still up on the Internet. She has Casey tagged in the picture, which warmly reads, ‘My best friend and little sister.’ The investigator was able to find school records that has the two of them living in the same house, with the same parents listed and same address. Bryn’s maiden name also happens to be…” I looked over at Russell. “…Stevens. Bryn Stevens.

  “I interviewed an old neighbor of theirs before I headed back to the office, and was told Casey idolizes the ground her older sister Bryn walks on. Casey was very sick when she was younger, and Bryn’s the one who saved her. Donated a kidney to her. My best guess is Casey feels like she owes her very life to Bryn, so when Bryn wanted to get revenge for Robert Long turning her down, she went to Casey and came up with this plan to take him down. She probably figured with different last names, no on would put two and two together.”

  Pride washed across my mother’s face. “And they wouldn’t have, if you hadn’t made the connection, Rory.”

  Russell stood there staring at the picture. He finally looked up and said, “Yes. Thank goodness Finn Ward and you were at that library that day.”

  From the corner of my eye, I saw my mother look at me. “Finn? Why were you with Finn?”

  My heart started racing as my newfound confidence quickly came tumbling down.

  “Well, isn’t it obvious from the flowers, Mrs. Adams? They’re dating. Even though I strongly urged her against it.”

  “That’s enough, Russell,” I said. “Now, if you’ll please excuse us, I have some things to discuss with my mother. I suggest since you’re lead counsel on this, you might want to start drawing something up for Ms. Stevens’s attorney to look over.”

  Russell drew in a breath. “You’re right. I’ll get to work on that immediately. Mrs. Adams, Ms. Adams, enjoy your evening.”

  He spun on his expensive-ass heels and retreated from my office. Once the door shut, I walked up to it and locked it, not at all certain that he wouldn’t have attempted to come back in.

  I slowly turned around and leaned against the door. My mother was staring at me with a look of disbelief.

  “Rory, is what Russell said true? Are you and Finn dating?”

  I swallowed hard and glanced back at the flowers. She followed my stare and reached for the card. “Excuse me! Those are mine and you have no right to read that.”

  She stopped herself from opening the card and thrust her hand out toward me. “Then you read it and tell me who they are from.”

  Shit. Shit. Shit.

  Jiggling the card in her hand, she motioned for me to come take it. “Well, come on. I’m waiting with bated breath to see who sent you these beautiful flowers.”

  My hand pressed to my throat as I attempted to breathe. I hated Russell for putting me in this spot. Hated him with a passion.

  “Rory!” she shouted whi
le I jumped practically out of my skin. I forced myself to put one foot in front of the other until I stopped on the far side of the desk. She still had the card thrust out. Slowly, I reached up for it and opened the card and read it to myself. Heat crept up my face while my heart danced in delight.

  I can’t stop thinking about last night and how amazing it felt to be connected as one with you. I’m looking forward to Friday night. Love, Finn.

  I drew in a sharp breath when I saw the word “love.”

  “Who are they from, Rory?”

  Lifting my gaze to meet hers, I replied, “You do realize I’m a grown woman and you have no right to demand this of me.”

  Her features softened, and she took a step back and walked to the window. “I’m sorry. But the idea of you seeing someone and keeping it a secret…” She let out a harsh breath as she turned to face me.

  “Why, Rory? Why keep it a secret?”

  With a bitter laugh, I shook my head. “Are you serious, Mom? If Dad found out I was dating a firefighter, let alone Finn Ward, he’d fly off the handle. Kind of like what just happened here a second ago. I’m not a child. I have the right to decide who I’m going to date and who I’m not.”

  She smiled, and I frowned. Was she upset? Why was she smiling?

  “Oh, Rory honey, I don’t care who you date. I just want him to make you happy.”

  Relief swept across my body as my shoulders relaxed. “He makes me so happy, Mom.” I glanced down to the flowers. “He makes me feel so alive. I didn’t realize I was lost until I found him.”

  She opened her arms, and I walked into them. When she engulfed me in a hug, I started to cry. “I know Daddy isn’t going to understand, but I think I love him.”

  “Oh, Rory! Are you sure? It might just be an infatuation. Or maybe the fact that this is the first man you’ve dated since college. You might be feeling things because they’re so new to you.”

  Drawing back, I looked into her eyes. “They are new feelings. Feelings I’ve never experienced before. I’ve been on dates, Mom. I know the difference between a crush and what real love feels like.”

  She closed her eyes and nodded before looking back at me. “I know. I’m sorry—this just all seems so sudden to me.”