Page 18 of Fighting for Love

  I can’t imagine how making love to Finn could have been any more wonderful than it was this first time. The way he slowly took me to heaven and back was something I would dream about all day.

  He hovered over my body, resting on his elbows, while dragging in one deep breath after another. My body still hummed from the orgasm he’d given me. It was like he’d known exactly how to move to hit that one spot that tumbled me over the ledge and into euphoria.

  His head lifted and our eyes met. I forced myself not to utter the three words my heart longed to say to him. The dark flecks in his emerald eyes flickered in the sunlight as he gazed at me with so much love. My stomach fluttered. It was then I noticed how light it was outside.

  The light feeling in my chest was replaced with panic. “Ohmygod! What time is it?” I asked.

  Finn’s eyes cast to the side of the bed. When his face drained of color, I knew I was in trouble.

  “Fuck, we’re late!”

  He pulled out of me quickly, but not before kissing me on the lips one last time. “It’s almost nine.”

  I flew up and yelled, “Nine!”

  That’s when we heard the scratching at the bedroom door. Finn had been rushing to the bathroom when he stopped in his tracks.

  “Oh no. He’s out of his crate,” he mumbled before making his way to the bedroom door. I, on the other hand, was running around like a madwoman. I was late for work. I’d never been late for anything in my entire life.

  The door opened and Flash came running in and over to me in the closet, where I’d hung up my work clothes last night so they wouldn’t wrinkle. I slipped on my black skirt and covered my mouth. “You’re not in your crate, buddy?”

  Finn looked sick to his stomach over being so late. He shook his head and turned back toward the bathroom. “I can’t deal with Flash right now. Not right now.”

  Attempting to hide my giggle, I finished getting dressed and picked up the overnight bag I’d packed. My toothbrush caught my eye, and I grabbed it.

  Flash was barking at my side. “I know, Flash, “I said. “But you have to wait another few minutes and then we will eat and go potty.”

  He whined and rushed ahead of me and into the bathroom. Finn was finished brushing his teeth and was running his hands through his hair. I had to stop and catch my breath. My lower stomach pulled with desire and my eyes widened in surprise.

  Holy hell, Rory. Get it together! I’d literally just had sex with him, and here I was wanting him again.

  Finn turned and started out of the bathroom and into his room. I licked my lips as I gave him a once-over.

  “Keep looking at me like that and we’re going to be even more late.”

  My mouth formed an O while my eyes dropped to his semihard erection. I wanted him again. Desperately. Was it simply because it was Finn? Or was it because I had gone so long without sex that I was now a sex addict?

  I’m going with number one.

  It’s Finn.

  Still trained in on his dick, I felt his hands on my face. He lifted my mouth to his and kissed me. My knees went weak and my senses left me.

  “Finn,” I whimpered against his lips. My free hand moved down his bare chest until I reached what I longed for. Wrapping my hand around his now totally hard dick, I slowly moved up and down.

  “Fucking hell, Rory. We can’t.”

  I didn’t care about anything right now but feeling him in my mouth. Dropping to my knees, I quickly took him before he could argue.

  The hiss from his mouth caused me to smile. “Jesus! Oh God.”

  Knowing I was making him feel good, I worked my mouth and hand over him. I’d never in my life given a man a blow job, and I was pretty sure I was doing something wrong, but Finn didn’t seem to mind. His hands grabbed my hair and he held my head still as I sucked and licked along his shaft.

  “Oh fuck yes. Baby, that feels…Oh fuck.”

  I moaned while moving my hand down to play with his balls. I remembered Autumn mentioning once that most guys liked it when you played with their balls while giving them head. My only concern, as I rolled them in my hand, was hurting him.

  “Motherfucker…Rory…oh fuuuck!”

  Whatever I was doing, it was working. His balls pulled up, and I knew he was close.

  “Baby, pull back and finish with your hand if you don’t want me coming in…

  oh God…in your…holy shit. In your mouth!”

  Hell, no way was I pulling out. I wanted to take every ounce of him. What was it Clare had said to do? Oh yeah.

  Reaching my hand around, I hesitated for a brief moment before lightly applying pressure to his backside.

  “Fuck!” Finn cried out as hot cum hit the back of my throat. I’m doing it! I’m making him come with my mouth.

  My glee quickly dissipated.

  Oh my God. It’s thick. It tastes disgusting. I’m going to gag!

  Finn’s hands were on my head as he slowly pumped into my mouth. More squirts of cum filled my mouth.

  I’m going to choke to death on cum! This is not how I want to die!

  Pulling my head back, I started to gag and spit out the nastiness in my mouth.

  “Yuck! Oh God!” I attempted to say between bouts of gagging. “Water! I need water!”

  Flash decided that was his cue. He ran over and jumped on me, knocking me to the floor.

  “Flash! No! Bad dog!” Finn cried out in between his snorting and laughing. He grabbed Flash by the collar and quickly carried him from the room. I jumped up and ran to the sink, where I promptly placed my mouth under the faucet in an attempt to get the taste out.

  “I’m starting to think that you don’t like cum in your mouth.”

  Turning and shooting him a glare, I spit the water out toward him as he laughed. “That was gross. It was thick and tasted…not good.” I pointed to my mouth. “This is now a no-fly zone.”

  His brows shot up. “A no-fly zone?”

  “Yes. That was my first and last blow job.”

  When his eyes turned dark, I felt my cheeks heat. He slowly walked up and grabbed the hand towel and started to wipe off my face. “That was your first time doing that?”

  My lower lip jetted out into a pout while I nodded. “Yes.”

  “Fucking hell. You were damn good at it for being your first time.”

  My cheeks grew hotter. “I had whores for friends in college. They used to talk about giving them all the time. Gave me tips for when I decided to try it.”

  His brows pinched together in confusion. “Your friends were whores?”

  Scrunching my nose, I grinned. “Okay, they weren’t, but they slept with a fair amount of guys.”

  Finn had begun to say something when his phone rang. He quickly picked it up. “What’s up? Yes, I know I’m late. I…overslept. I know, Colton. I’m leaving in five.”

  I pulled my hair up into a ponytail and leaned in toward the mirror. I looked like I had been thoroughly fucked, but makeup would have to wait. Quickly brushing my teeth, I took one last look at myself before turning to head into the bedroom. Finn was still on the phone with Colton. He looked stressed, especially when he pushed that hand through his brown hair. The area between my legs pulsed, and I quickly glanced away.

  With a sigh, I headed over to my purse and bag and slipped on my heels.

  “I’ll deal with it when I get there,” I heard Finn say.

  Turning, I stared at him. He had somehow gotten dressed in that short amount of time. He stood before me in his uniform, and I was positive the earth shook some.

  “Oh my,” I whispered as I watched him put his radio onto his belt. I’d never seen a man so handsome in my entire life, and I’d just spent the most amazing night of my life with him. He glanced up and smiled. There went my heart.

  I was in more than deep shit.

  I was in love with Finn Ward.

  Chapter 30


  Who knows

  I rushed into the station and let Flash off his leash.
He quickly made the rounds to everyone and greeted them. Colton and Zeb stared at me from across the room. I was almost positive Zeb knew what was going on.

  “Cap wants to see you, Ward,” someone called out.

  Fuck. I’d never been late for work before. Not once.

  With a loud sigh, I headed to the captain’s office as I took a look back at Colton and Zeb. Both gave me a weak smile, which I returned with a head pop.

  I inhaled a deep breath and knocked.

  “Come in.”

  Is it just me, or does his voice seem angry? Jesus, Ward. Be a man and walk in.

  I opened the door and walked in. Captain Adams looked up and frowned before motioning for me to sit.

  “You’re late for your shift.”

  I cleared my throat and sat. “I know, sir. I’m sorry. The alarm on my phone didn’t go off. I normally have a backup alarm, but I…I um…I didn’t turn it on last night. I’ve never been late before. Ever.”

  His brow lifted. “Huh. Crazy this is your first time being late for work, and the same thing happened to my daughter Rory this morning. She’s never been late for anything, and today of all days…she’s late.”

  Not moving an inch, I simply smiled and replied, “Crazy coincidence.”

  The smile that moved across his face made me nervous. “Sure is.”

  “I’m sorry, Captain Adams. I won’t let it happen again. This is the first and last time I will ever be late for my shift.”

  He nodded while leaning back in his chair. “You know, Ward, I have to say, I was wrong about you.”

  Lifting my brow, I asked, “Why is that, sir?”

  “You probably don’t remember me from when you were younger.”

  With a grin, I nodded. “I don’t. sir. I’m sorry.”

  He laughed. “You were young. Had a thing for my daughter Rory, though.”

  I swallowed hard and prayed he didn’t see the sweat forming on my forehead. “R-really?”

  “You would follow her everywhere. My wife and your mother thought it was cute.”

  With a forced laugh, I spoke when I should have kept my mouth shut. “And you didn’t?”

  His eyes turned dark and he leaned forward. “Someday, Ward. Someday you’ll have a daughter and you’ll want to protect her from guys like you.”

  My blood boiled. “From guys like me? I’m sorry, sir, but what is that supposed to mean?”

  “Players. Love them and leave them. I know….I was once that man.”

  I leaned forward to show him he was not intimidating me. “May I ask you a question, sir?”

  He chuckled. “Sure, Ward.”

  “What made you change?”

  “I met Chelsea and fell in love. She changed my entire world.”

  I nodded. “So if it happened for you, why couldn’t the same thing happen to ‘a guy like me’?”

  Captain Adams’s eyes turned dark. “I guess it could.”

  We sat in silence for a few moments before he spoke again. “You know, if you want to keep Flash here at the station, you can.”

  “Is my lesson over then?”

  His jaw clenched and he remained silent.

  “I’d actually like to continue to bring him home, sir. I’ve been working on training him.”

  Before he could answer, an alarm went off. I stood and said, “Good talking to you, Cap.”

  Before he could respond, I headed out of his office and down to the truck, my heart pounding in my chest so loud I could hardly hear what was going on around me.

  Quickly getting dressed, I glanced up and saw Captain Adams staring at me.

  He knew.


  The weights dropped to the floor as I dragged in a deep breath.

  “Jesus, Ward. You all right today?”

  Glancing over to Colton, I replied, “No. I’m not. Did you say something to Cap?”

  “Fuck no I didn’t. You know me better than that.”

  “What are we talking about?” Zeb asked.

  We turned and looked at him and replied in unison, “Nothing.”

  Holding up his hands, Zeb took a step back. “Damn. I don’t think I’ve ever seen the two of you so uptight before.”

  I scrubbed my hands down my face, then dropped them to my side and took a quick glance around. “I’m dating Captain Adams’s daughter. He just doesn’t know it. At least I don’t think he knows.”

  Zeb’s eyes widened in surprise. “Hold on….I’m still trying to process that you said you were dating someone.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Fuck you.”

  He let out a chuckle, then dropped his smile and turned serious. “Ward, you do know that if he finds out you’re dating his daughter he is either going to kill you, make your life miserable, or fire you.”

  With a laugh, I shook my head. “Fire me why? Because I’m dating his daughter? There aren’t any rules that say I can’t.”

  “No, but he’ll be hell-bent to find something you do wrong and use it to get you out.”

  I reached down and picked the weight bar up again. “Well, he won’t find anything.”

  “You were late today, dude. Since I’ve known you, you have never been late for a shift.”

  Letting out a huff, I started to pump the iron for ten reps before dropping it on the floor again. “Well, there’s a first time for everything. I overslept. It’s not the end of the world.”

  “Were you with Rory last night?” Colton asked.

  Not wanting to lie to my best friends, I swallowed and looked down at nothing on the floor. “Yes. We were together last night and she was also late. Cap brought up how she was late today as well. Almost like he was fishing for something.”

  “Do you think he suspects?” Zeb asked.

  I shook my head. “I’m not sure. Unless he’s seen us together. Otherwise he couldn’t know unless someone in my family or Colton here told him.”

  Colton shot me a dirty look. “I didn’t say a word to anyone, asshole.”

  “Listen, Finn,” Zeb said. “You know I’m not one to preach shit to you. But this doesn’t feel right. You’re starting your relationship with her in a lie.”

  “We aren’t lying to anyone.”

  He arched his brows. “You’re carrying a pretty damn big secret. Has she told anyone about you guys?”

  “No. At least not her parents. I think one of her best friends knows.”

  Zeb looked at me with a concerned look before turning away for a brief moment. “It’s going to implode on you, Finn. You’re better to just come out in the open and let the chips fall where they may.”

  Colton laughed. “Or let the fists land, because when Cap finds out I can promise you…he is not going to be happy.”

  Right on cue, the door to the gym opened and Captain Adams walked in. “Hey there, fellas.”

  “Hey, Cap,” we each said while going back to our workouts.

  When Cap glanced over to me, I attempted to not let the empty look he shot my way bother me. If he knew, he was taking it well. If he just suspected, he was trying to piece it together. If he didn’t know, then I had no idea how to read the blank stare.

  I made a mental note to talk to the one man who would have the answer.

  My father.

  Chapter 31


  Looking for answers

  The air in my office turned cold, causing me to look up. I saw Russell standing in the doorway. “Did you get caught up on the meeting you missed this morning?”

  I would have rolled my eyes if I thought it wouldn’t make me look like a child. “I did. Thank you.”

  “So why were you late?”

  Stunned by his direct question, I sat back and stared at him. “I overslept. Haven’t you ever overslept, Russell?”

  He laughed and walked up to my desk and sat on the edge of it. “Oh, I have. I also know what it means when a woman walks in with that look on her face.”

  My veins were pulsing with venom. “What ‘look’ is that, Russell?”
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  When he racked his eyes across my body, I felt exposed. “Excuse my frankness, but that just-fucked look. You had it all over your face this morning, Rory.”

  Heat flushed my cheeks. “Excuse me?” I said as I stared at him in utter shock.

  Holding up his hands, he laughed. “Hey, you asked so I gave you my answer. It was pretty obvious the firefighter got to you finally. I hope he was worth the heartache he’ll surely bring.”

  The room started to spin, and I had to take a deep breath in to focus back on what he was saying to me. “W-what are you talking about?”

  His laugh was dark and hit me like a flash of cold. “Oh, don’t try to pretend like you’re not seeing Finn Ward the firefighter. I’ve seen the way the two of you look at each other. I can see why you would hide it from your parents, though, considering his reputation and the fact that he works for your father.”

  Standing, I glared at him. “You don’t have any idea of what you’re talking about, Russell. And quite honestly, it’s none of your business who I’m dating, or who I’m fucking for that matter. What I do in my private life is just that. Private.”

  I could have sworn his eyes turned black. “Not when it starts affecting my cases. You snuck out early yesterday, then came in late today. I’ve alerted your mother.”

  My mouth fell open as I let out a gruff laugh. “You ran to my mother and told on me?”

  As I expected, Russell didn’t like the fact that I was standing up to him. “You may be the boss’s daughter, Rory, but that doesn’t excuse your jumping ship whenever you want. I happen to want to win this case, and I can’t if I have to worry about what you’re doing in your…private time.”

  My fists balled up and my lower lip quivered. Not because I was upset, but because I had never been so angry in my entire life. “How dare you accuse me of slacking off on this case. I’ll be sure to remember this when you head out to play golf during the workday. I happen to be one hundred and ten percent on top of this case, and I have every intention of seeing the accusations against Robert Long dismissed.”

  He laughed. “Dismissed? And how are you going to do that, Rory?”

  Reaching for my purse, I pushed past him as I mumbled, “Just watch me.”