Adel shakes his head. “Tonight when we get back home, I'm going to phone my father. I am going to ask him to find someone to annul the marriage.”

  “Yes, it seems best since this is going out of hand,” Kamil says. Adel nods his head in agreement.

  Kamil gets up and goes back to his room. Part of him hopes that he was not covering for Adel because he had been with Ms. Morgan. He dismisses the thought from his mind as he tries to fall back asleep in his bed.

  Adel lies face down on his bed and covers the pillow on his head. He wished that he had never agreed to this arranged marriage thing in the first place. He would have had Nora tonight if he and Yonka were not married.

  Chapter 36

  Reality is unavoidable

  The next afternoon, Kamil accompanies Adel to Yonka’s apartment. Adel wanted to make sure that he had a witness. Knowing Yonka, it was possible anything could happen. When they enter the apartment, they are greeted by the mess that Yonka left for the police to mark as evidence of the burglary. 

  Adel enters his bedroom. He sees his belongings strewn all over the floor and starts cursing the day he agreed to marry his crazy cousin.

  Kamil walks into the room. Adel’s dresser had been emptied and his clothes looked like they had been trampled on by stiletto heeled boots.  

  Kamil sighs. “So you think Yonka would do something like this?” 

  Adel waves his arms in the air. “Yeah, I do think so. If she can drug me and try to make me believe that we sleep together,  yes, she can do just about anything to get her way.” 

  Kamil shakes his head. “But what does she get out of this? If she has her own life, why would she want to stay with this “fake” marriage?” 

  Adel can’t figure it out either. “Maybe she just wants to have Grand Uncle leave her alone. Who knows?” 


  Adel asks Kamil to help him clean up his room. Over the years, Kamil has put up with Adel’s weird obsession for keeping everything neat. After putting everything back in order, Adel decides to call his father.  He asks Kamil for a long distance calling card. Kamil gives him one. Why Adel never buys one for himself, he will never know. Adel dials his home phone number in Istanbul.

  His father answers the phone in his rough usual manner. “Alo?”

  Adel's father had not heard from Adel in months hoping and praying that he and Yonka were getting along.

  “Father, I am calling to ask for you to arrange for the sheikh to annul my marriage to Yonka.”

  Adel’s father cannot believe his ears. “Why do you want to shame your family? How can you request such a thing?”

  Adel is insistent. “Father, Yonka and I will never be like husband and wife. She lives her own life. She drinks, she smokes, she takes drugs.” 

  Adel's father shakes his head, still in shock. He stands up from the couch while Adel’s mother holds him steady. What was going on? What is Adel saying to him?

  Adel’s father cries out. “Why do you say things about your wife?”

  Sammy runs into the room to see what the commotion is. He goes to his father’s side, worried that something might happen.

  Adel replies angrily, “Because it is the truth.  She told me right after the marriage ceremony to let her live her life and I live my own. We sleep in separate rooms and do everything separately like roommates.”

  Kamil sits quietly, trying to support his friend by giving him reassuring looks.

  Adel’s father cries out. “It is your responsibility to try to be a husband to her.”

  Adel can’t take it anymore. If his father wasn’t going to listen, he will just have to tell him bluntly.

  He bursts out. “She has a lover who she talks to on the phone every night. I don't care about that because I already decided that I do not want to continue with this farce of a marriage.” 

  Adel’s father is so furious that he ignores the sharp pain in his left arm. He yells into the phone, “Adel, this is going to destroy your mother. It is going to...” He stops. 

  “I'm sorry but I cannot live like this,” Adel says. “I want to stop this before it goes too far. I am still young. I want to have a real marriage and have children. I thought I could go through with this to ‘do the right thing’ but I didn't realize that it would be with someone who is only trying to hide from the family her ‘real’ life. Father, I...” 

  “Stop!” Adel's father gasps. He clutches his chest. Adel's mother screams and puts her arms around her husband as he falls onto the couch. Adel's sisters start screaming when they see their father’s face crumpled in pain.

  Adel cries into the phone, “Father, Father! What is happening?!” 

  Sammy picks up the phone. “Adel, Father is having chest pain. We are going to bring him to the hospital. I'll call you later.” The line goes dead.


  Adel stares at the phone.  Kamil looks at him unsure of what happened. Adel begins pounding his fist into his hand. Tears are streaming from his face.

  “What happened?” Kamil asks. “Adel, tell me what happened?”

  Adel weeps uncontrollably and buries his face into his hands.

  Chapter 37

  Hurricane Yonka

  Nora decided that she had to confess everything to Michael. She meets him at a café hoping that being in a public place Michael wouldn’t be able to pull his “I’m listening, but not really” stunt on her again. She calmly explains to him that she had been seeing Adel over the last few weeks but that nothing had come out of it, except for a couple of kisses. She half expected Michael to rationalize the situation and tell her that now that this was out of her system, they could go get married and live happily ever after.

  Michael slams his napkin on the table.

  “So that's it? All the years we've been together and you gave it all up? For what? Your student?”

  Nora fumbles for a reasonable explanation but finds none. “I told you. He wasn't a student when we met.”

  Michael gets up and puts his jacket on.

  He says loudly, “Whatever! You know you've really lost it, Nora. I really don't know what to say to you anymore.” 

  Nora is silent. Knowing that there was no turning back now, she takes the engagement ring off her finger and slides it across the table to Michael.  He looks at her with disgust, grabs the ring and says under his breath, “Have a nice life.”

  He turns around and pushes himself through the crowd and leaves her sitting there in complete shock.


  Kamil helps Adel pack his suitcase.  “I should go with you. Your family is like family to me.”

  Adel turns to look at him speechless.  Kamil gives him a hug. He has never seen Adel so upset before.


  At Guy’s apartment, Yonka has Adel's sports bag open with his personal contents spread out on the table. In her hand is Nora’s business card. She turns it over and sees scribbled on the back is Nora's cell phone number.  She dials the number.


  Humiliated by the events in the café, Nora sits in her car getting ready to drive home. As she turns the key in the ignition, her cell phone rings.  She looks at the number but doesn't recognize it. She answers cautiously, “Hello?” 

  “Hello, is this Nora?” 

  Nora says, “Yes, who is this?” 

  “I'm Adel's sister. He speaks of you all the time.” 

  Nora pauses. “Sister?  I didn't know his sister was in town.” 

  “He doesn't tell you much, does he? But he speaks of you very much.”

  Who was this weird woman calling her cell phone? Nora begins to panic. “Why are you calling me?” 

  “Were you with Adel last night? We were trying to call him but he did not answer his phone. You see it was an emergency, his apartment had been broken into...”

  Nora can’t believe what she is hearing. “Is this some sick joke? Who the hell is this?”

onka pauses and then says seriously, “I am Adel's wife. I want to know, were you with him last night?” 

  Nora although shocked, says calmly, “You should talk to Adel.”

  Yonka growls, “Leave my husband alone. Do you hear me?”

  Nora repeats even more calmly, “I think you better talk to him.”

  Yonka is surprised with this woman’s calmness. “Do you have something to hide? Do you go after married men to screw their lives?! Or are they better in bed?”

  Nora did not appreciate being accused of something she did not do. She didn’t know Yonka at all but found her to be a completely annoying bitch.

  She replies, “He told me the whole situation between both of you. He said he is going to annul the marriage.”

  Yonka goes ballistic. “Do you realize what you’ve done? You whore!”

  This woman was simply incredible! Nora says, “That's enough. Don't call me again!”

  Yonka screams into the phone, “I'm pregnant! He wants to leave me for you, a home wrecking slut!” 

  Nora knew that Adel was a player but this news took her completely off guard. “I don't believe you! He said that both of you haven't even slept together. That's why he is going to get an annulment.” 

  “Of course he'd say that to you,” Yonka says. “He wanted to get into your pants. And you fell for it. Did he tell you that I'm pregnant? And that's the reason why he wants to end our marriage?” 

  “I don't believe you,” Nora says.  

  Yonka knows she hit a nerve. “You believe him because he told you that we are like brother and sister?” she asks. 

  Oh my goodness, I can’t believe I’m having this conversation, Nora thinks to herself.

  “This is absolutely ridiculous. Leave me alone. Stop calling me.” Nora ends the call.  

  She starts her car, prepared now to go straight home and pour herself a glass of red wine and try to forget all this craziness she let herself get into. Before she pulls out into traffic, her cell phone beeps. She looks down at it. There is a new text message. Out of curiosity, she puts her car into park and checks the message.

  Her phone says “receiving three image files.”  As the files download, she sees the first photo— Yonka and Adel in an intimate kiss in their bed. The second photo—Adel’s face pressed against Yonka’s bosom. And finally, the last photo—Adel and Yonka cuddling, and Yonka smiling at the camera. Nora shuts the engine and sits dumbfounded. She could not believe how she had been duped by Adel’s charm and good looks. She lost her fiancé because of this good-for-nothing creep!

  She punches the steering wheel and begins to cry.

  Chapter 38

  Father and son

  Adel’s suitcase is packed. Kamil was looking online at travel websites to see the cost of the next flight to Istanbul when Adel’s cell phone rings.

  It is Adel’s mother and she tells him that they are at the hospital and that his father is fine.

  She says, “Thank God, it was only a small attack. The doctors were able to make him better right away.”

  Adel waves to Kamil to stop searching online. He is so relieved to hear the news. “Oh Ma, thank God. Thank God. I'm so sorry.” 

  His mother’s reassuring voice eases his nerves. “Do not be sorry. It is not your fault. Your father wants to speak with you.” She hands the phone to her husband. Adel can hear some whispering and then finally his father speaks into the phone.


  Adel interrupts. “I'm sorry, Father. I did not want to get you sick over this.  I'm coming home on the next airplane to Istanbul.”

  “Stop. Let me speak.” His father clears his throat.

  Adel nods his head. “Yes, Father.”

  “Maybe it is good this thing happened. It gave me time to think about my life. You know you are right...right about me being weak.”

  Adel moans, “Nooo, you are not weak...” 

  His father continues. “Let me finish.  I thought I could keep the peace.  I owe a lot to your Grand Uncle,” he says. “You know he was like a father to me when your grandfather died.  But I think I was too blind to see. To see what Grand Uncle has done to oppress me and my family.  I should have not agreed to this marriage between you and Yonka.  It is known here about Yonka's ways. There were stories about how she was here before she was sent to Canada.  We also heard about how angry her family and Grand Uncle are about some of the things she does in Canada.  And yet when your Grand Uncle came to me, I gave in to his request. He convinced me that she was better and that it would be best for both of you to be together. I had my doubts but ... I realize now, it was my weakness that made me give in. Your mother was against this. She is a very wise woman.”

  Adel's mother rubs her husband’s arm lovingly.  He looks up at her knowing his life would be so empty without her by his side.

  “I know now that you deserve a good woman like your mother. And nothing less.” 

  “Oh, Father...” Adel never heard him say such adoring things about his mother.

  Adel's father smiles. “I have already contacted the sheikh.  The annulment is now in process.” 

  Adel is shocked. “Father, thank you. Thank you...” He could not believe his ears.

  “My son. I am so proud of you. You are doing what I always dreamed of doing. I wanted to see the world. Doesn't mean I regret my life. I am grateful to God for your mother and your brothers and sisters.  You all are my treasure. More than any money or land could give to me...” 

  Adel nods his head still in disbelief.

  His father’s voice trails and begins to cough. He hands the phone to his wife.

  Adel's mother says to Adel, “Your father must rest now.  Call us again tomorrow? I love you, my son.” 

  Adel never felt so close to his family as he did in this moment.

  “I love you too, Ma.”

  Chapter 39


  Adel and Kamil are ready to leave the apartment. Adel has all his belongings in the hallway when Yonka enters. The three of them stand awkwardly in the foyer.

  Yonka blurts out, “What's going on?”

  Kamil looks away. 

  Adel turns and walks down the hallway. “I'm leaving.”

  Yonka frowns and follows him. “What? Do you think you're going to get away so easy?” 

  Adel does not look her in the eye. “Look, you know already that I want to annul the marriage. I was going to move out at the end of the month. But it is best if I do it now.”  He nods to Kamil and they start walking towards the door.  Yonka grabs Adel's arm.  He turns and looks at her surprised.

  “I won't let you,” Yonka says.

  “Won't let me what?” He looks at her in disbelief. 

  “My grandfather won't let this happen,” she says. “You can't leave.” 

  Adel nods his head and gives her a sarcastic smile. “Oh yeah?  My parents have already arranged the annulment,” he says. “There is nothing you or Grand Uncle can do to stop it.”  He pulls his arm from her in disgust. “Come on, Kamil, let's go.” 

  Yonka snaps. “I hope that little hussy was worth it.”

  Adel turns to her. “What did you say?” 

  “Yeah, I know you slept with that whore,” she says. “That's what all this is about.”

  Adel raises his hand and then he pulls his arm back ready to give her a good slap. Kamil shakes his head and gives him a disapproving look.

  Adel lowers his voice. “You are such a bitch.  Stay away from me.” 

  He motions to Kamil. “Come on, Kamil. Let’s go.” They both walk out the door. 

  “You donkey!” Yonka yells. “You won't get away with this!”  How did her plans turn into such a mess?


  The ringing of her phone startles her. Yonka walks to the living room and answers it.


  “Granddaughter,” her grandfather says. “Why
is Adel going to annul the marriage?”

  Yonka stops for a moment. “Hello Grandfather.” She starts to cry. She whimpers, “He is seeing a woman.”

  Her grandfather is shaking with anger. “What? You have proof of this?” 

  Yonka nods. “Yes, I spoke to the other woman.” She whimpers into the phone. 

  “Okay... stop crying. He tells his parents, your aunt and uncle, that you both live like brother and sister. That the marriage was not ...” 

  “That's a lie!” she exclaims. “How can he say this about his wife?” 

  “Can you prove he is lying?”

  “Yes, I have pictures of the two of us on our honeymoon—of us together, romantic,” she says. 

  Her grandfather pauses. “Okay... that's good but may not be enough. His parents, your aunt and uncle, believe him.” 

  Yonka takes a deep breath. “I am pregnant,” she says softly. 

  Her grandfather’s eyes widen. “That is all the proof I need,” he says. “Congratulations, my granddaughter.”

  She cries harder—partly because she is upset and scared that the truth will come out.

  “Shh… shhh.. Granddaughter. Don't worry. Grandfather will take care of all of this. You just take care of yourself.  I will call again.” 

  Yonka hangs up the phone. She is numb, unsure of what the future will hold for her and her baby.

  Chapter 40

  Is love really only an illusion?

  Adel and Kamil are driving in Adel’s car.  Kamil says, “Stay with us until you find your own place.”

  Adel shakes his head. “Thank you, but I don't want to impose on you and your family.”

  “You won't be imposing on me,” Kamil insists. 

  Adel says, “Okay, what I mean is I don't want to impose on your wife and her family.”

  Kamil chuckles to himself.  He couldn’t argue with that.

  “Seriously, I'll be fine,” Adel says. “If I need anything, I'll call you.”  He arrives at Kamil’s building. Kamil opens the door and steps out. He turns back and leans into the window.

  Kamil asks, “So what are you going to do now?” 

  Adel shakes his head. “Not sure yet. But I'll be okay,” he says.

   * * *

  Adel looks up Nora’s address on his smart phone. He drives to her townhouse in a suburb which is forty-five minutes away from the city. It takes him some time to find her address but he is very good at reading Google maps from his experience as a shuttle driver. When he arrives at the townhouse complex, he parks his car in the visitor parking. He dials Nora’s number on his cell phone.