* * *

  Nora is sitting on her bed. She had just finished talking with Kamil—telling him everything that happened at Whistler, Yonka’s phone call and her break-up with Michael. She must have sounded hysterical but Kamil’s patience and kind words helped her calm her nerves. She was ready to go to sleep when her cell phone rings. She checks the caller ID and sees that it is Adel. Why is he calling me now? She hesitates a moment before she answers her phone.

  “Hello Nora?” 

  Nora pauses. Finally she says, “Hi Adel.”

  There is an awkward silence. 

  Adel says, “I miss you. Can I come see you?”

  Nora shakes her head. “I am a bit tired. Can we do this tomorrow?” 

  “Is everything all right, Nora?” 

  Nora says quietly, “Not really. I've got a lot on my mind right now.” 

  “I see...”

  Nora does not know what to say next.

  Adel nods his head. “Well, I won't keep you.” 

  She bites her lip. “Adel...” 

  “I am sorry for bothering you.”  Adel is about to end the call.

  “Wait.  You're right. I think we do need to talk. Can you come by my place?” 

  “I don't know what's going on... I had some good news to tell you but it seems you are cold to me now.”

  Nora continues. “I'm sorry. It's just that your wife Yonka called me today.” 


  Nora is holding back her tears but she can't help it now. Adel says, “I'm right outside. I’m coming up right now.”

  Nora nods her head and hangs up the phone.

  Chapter 41

  Istanbul, Turkey

  Adel's Grand Uncle is at the home of his parents. It is very rare for him to visit Adel’s family home. Adel’s mother prepares a plate of sweets and fruit.  Juliana serves the coffee to his Grand Uncle and their father.  After taking a sip of coffee, Grand Uncle gives Adel's father a look which signals to everyone that the serious talk will now begin. Adel's father waves to the girls to leave the room.  

  Grand Uncle begins, “Adel must fulfill his marriage commitment.” 

  Adel's father says, “The two are not living as husband and wife.  Yonka lives her own life as a single western woman, smoking, drinking, and has a boyfriend.” 

  “Who says these things?”  Grand Uncle asks, “You believe your good-for-nothing son?  He just wants everything easy life and when it doesn't work out for him, he runs away.” 

  Adel's father is angry but he tries to keep his composure. “Uncle,” he says, “I have already approved the annulment. The process is underway.  It is best for both Yonka and Adel.”

  Grand Uncle becomes furious. He waves his arms in the air. “No, I will talk to the sheikh,” he says in a loud voice. “This annulment cannot take place. Adel must fulfill his obligation or else...”

  Adel's father frowns. “Uncle, the decision is mine and not yours to make.”

  Grand Uncle wags his finger. “Adel has to fulfill his obligation as a husband to his wife AND to his child.” 

  Adel's father starts to speak and then stops. He is confused.

  Grand Uncle continues. “Yes, so your son did not tell you the reason why he wants to annul the marriage,” he says. “He has another woman, and when he finds his wife is pregnant, he wants to run away.”

  Adel's father says quietly, “Uncle, I do not believe this of my son.  If he says, he and Yonka have not consummated the marriage, I believe him. He is a responsible man.”

  Grand Uncle stands up. “Are you saying my granddaughter is a liar?!” 

  Adel's father says, “I am saying that I believe my son.”

  Grand Uncle shakes his finger at Adel's father. “If your son does not honour his commitment as husband to Yonka, you will pay for this.”

  Adel's father stands up looking eye to eye with his Uncle. He says, “Uncle, everyone knows well of Yonka's ways. I think it will be revealed soon who has honoured or not honoured their marriage commitment.”

  Grand Uncle raises his hands up in frustration. “Have you gone mad?” Grand Uncle looks up to the sky and yells, “Oh dear God, what have I done to deserve this?  I've treated this man like a son and this is how he shows his gratefulness?”  He walks past Adel's father and out the door.

   * * *

  Later that night, Adel's parents are sitting at the kitchen table. Adel’s father holds his head in his hands.  Adel's mother puts her arm around her husband. 

  She says, “What are you going to do?”

  Adel's father looks up. “We know that even if Adel is not the father of Yonka's child, it would be honourable for him to stay with Yonka.”

  Adel's mother sighs deeply shaking her head.

  He continues. “But should our son suffer because of Yonka's loose ways?”

  Adel's mother touches her husband’s hand. “We should stand behind our son,” she says.

  Adel's father nods his head in agreement. He stands up. “Of course we will. No matter what the consequences.”

   * * *

  At that same moment, Adel’s Grand Uncle is in his office, on the phone still waving his arms around—furious with Adel’s father’s defiance.   

  He yells into the phone, “Do what you have to. Find him and talk sense into him!” He pauses. “I said whatever you have to do. If he doesn't cooperate, bring him home.”

  Chapter 42

  Adel and Nora

  Adel climbs up the steps to Nora’s porch and rings the doorbell. He is livid that Yonka would have the nerve to call her.

  Meanwhile, Nora is in the bathroom, splashing water on her face. She dries her eyes and stares at herself in the mirror. Adel rings the doorbell again.

  Nora takes a deep breath and then goes down the stairs—each step seems surreal, as if she is floating. The last few days of events seem like a crazy dream. Her life was so straight forward before she met Adel.

  She finally finds herself at the front door. She can see Adel’s shape in the frosted glass slats. She opens the door and walks back to the centre of the foyer.  She looks pensively ahead, her back to the door.  Adel comes inside the house cautiously. He looks at her unsure of what to say.

  “Nora, say something.”

  Nora turns to Adel, her eyes wide with tears. She says, “I didn't realize how complicated this was going to be...”

  Adel interrupts her. “What are you talking about?”

  Nora says, “You and I.  It seems that everything is against us being together.”

  Adel reaches out to hold her hand. She pulls away.

  Adel says, “I can't believe that Yonka would stoop so low to call you.  I don't know what she said to upset you, but I can only imagine.  She would say or do anything to get her way.”

  Nora whirls around angrily. “She's your wife! Why wouldn't she be upset that her husband is with another woman?  And I can't believe that I am the other woman! Never in my life would I imagine that I would be the home wrecker.”

  She starts to cry. Adel reaches out and hugs her. She tries to pull away but then puts her head on his shoulder—too exhausted to fight.  Adel strokes her hair and holds her tight.  Adel speaks softly, “You're not the other woman.  You are the only woman for me.  I'm only married on paper. I spoke to my father and he will start the annulment immediately. Yonka has always been spoiled. It's always her way or no way.  She doesn't want me to annul the marriage because she wants my Grand Uncle to think that she is a good girl now. She wants to hide behind the marriage so that my Grand Uncle will leave her alone and just send her the money.”

  The sound of Adel’s voice is soothing, almost hypnotic. But suddenly, everything is sharp and clear in Nora’s mind.

  She pulls away again and says angrily, “I can't believe I'm falling for this again.  Do you mean what you say or are you so smooth? You say Yonka will do anything to get her way. But I have a feeli
ng you would say anything to get your way.”

  She starts to climb up the stairs.  Adel follows after her, reaching for her arm.

  “Nora, why are you saying these things?”

  Nora is shaking with emotion but then she pulls away. “I'm sorry, Adel. You need to fix your life first… and I need to figure out about mine.”


  “Just leave...” She doesn’t look him in the eye.

  Adel sees that Nora has made up her mind. He shakes his head as he turns and walks to the door. He doesn’t look back as he opens the door and leaves. The door closes softly behind him.

  Nora’s knees suddenly go weak and she sits down on the step. She buries her face into her hands and cries. This is the right thing to do… but what does the future have in store for her?

  Chapter 43

  Adel and Kamil

  Kamil is in bed and is awakened by his ringing cell phone. He reaches out to answer it.


  “Kamil, I need to see you,” Adel says.

  “Do you know what time it is?” He glances at the clock. It is one o’clock a.m. in the morning.

  “It's important.”

  “Is everything okay?” Kamil sits up.

  Adel shakes his head. “Come outside. I’m parked in the driveway.”

  Kamil climbs out of bed quietly so as not wake Ayca. He puts on a jacket, a pair of pants and his shoes. He slips out of the apartment and goes down to meet Adel.

  When he gets into the car, Adel pulls out of the driveway and speeds down the street.

  “So what's going on?” Kamil asks.

  Adel slams his hand on the steering wheel. “Nora broke up with me,” he says. “Yonka found Nora’s number and called her. She told Nora something to make her doubt me. I need to fix this now.”

  Kamil is not surprised. “Why do you want to complicate things?” he asks. “Deal with this mess first with Yonka and then...”

  Adel interrupts him. “I have to convince Nora to be my wife.”

  Kamil can’t believe it. “Are you serious? Have you thought about how it would be if you and Nora got married?”

  Adel says, “Yes... well... no...it doesn't matter.”

  “But it does matter,” Kamil insists. “First of all, does she really know who you are? Would she ever want to live in Istanbul?  Would she be satisfied with the fact that you are just starting out. You have no job, no money.”

  Adel didn’t need to hear this from Kamil and he swerves the car. 

  Kamil cries out, “Hey Adel, slow down!”

  Instead of listening, Adel puts his foot on the pedal and speeds up. 

  Kamil looks nervously at Adel. “Adel... come on.. Stop the car. Let's get some coffee...” 

  Adel slams on the brakes, pulls the steering wheel sharply to the left and does a U-turn in the street into on-coming traffic. 

  Kamil raises his voice. “What's going on, Adel?”

  Adel says angrily under his breath, “I'll drop you back to your safe life, Kamil. You don't need to get mixed up in my mess.”  

  Kamil shuts his mouth for the rest of the ride. This is the thanks I get for trying to help, he thinks to himself.

  Adel drives up to his building. Kamil gets out of the car, slams the door and walks back into the apartment without looking back.

  Chapter 44


  Outside Yonka's apartment, Mirwan and three men are sitting in a dark van waiting and watching. Through the glass, they see Adel entering the lobby and going into the elevator.

  * * *

  When Mario called earlier that evening to say that he was back in town, Yonka was thrilled. He arrived soon after bringing her gifts from Dubai. When he arrived, she told him that she was pregnant with his child. The news brought tears of joy to his eyes. He promised her that he would never leave her again. He hugged her so hard she thought her arms would break. He told her to change into her fanciest dress because he was taking her to the most expensive restaurant in town to celebrate. He kissed her and promised to marry her right away.

  In the back of her head she kept thinking to herself that Adel had moved out just in time. She made up her mind to put all her energy to making her relationship with Mario succeed. She truly did love him despite the fact that her family would never accept him. She didn’t care anymore. She was choosing Mario, the father of her child and the love of her life. Her grandfather or her family will no longer stop her. Knowing this gave her a sense of peace and confidence that her life might have a happy ending after all.

  Mario tells her to hurry. Reservations at the restaurant are for eight o’clock p.m. She grabs her purse and meets him at the door. They both walk into the hallway arm in arm. Everything is so perfect.

  Suddenly Yonka has a sinking feeling in her stomach. She hugs Mario’s arm as they walk up to the elevator. She worries that if she lets go, he may disappear before her eyes. She presses the elevator button.

  The doors open. Standing in front of her is Adel.

  “What are you doing here?” she cries out in shock.

  Mario shakes his head in confusion, turns to Adel, pokes his finger into his chest and says, “Who the hell are you?”

  Adel smirks replying coldly, “I’m Yonka’s husband. Who the hell are you?”

  Mario’s eyes widen. “What?” He turns to Yonka. “Yonka, tell me that this isn’t true.”

  She tries to think of something to say but all that comes out of her mouth is, “Mario, please let me explain…”

  Mario’s face turns red. “I’m out of here!” He turns and pushes Adel to the side and walks into the elevator.

  Yonka tries to move Adel out of her way. “Mario, please… don’t go!”

  Yonka sees Mario looking at her with disappointment in his eyes. The elevator doors close. She turns around and heads for the stairs.

  Adel follows her. “Yonka, we need to talk.”

  “Adel, leave me alone!”

  She runs down the first flight. Adel is right behind her.

  “I need to know what you told Nora. I need to know.”

  What an ass! She whirls around, half wanting to spit in his face.

  “I’m pregnant!” She yells.

  Adel cannot believe his ears. “You’re what?!” He grabs her by the elbow. “I guess you played me from the beginning.”

  Yonka frowns. “I don't know what the hell you're talking about.”

  Adel continues. “What did you think was going to happen? You thought I was going to believe that I am the father of your child?” 

  Yonka doesn't look surprised. She says in a sneer, “You think you’re so smart.”

  Adel glowers at her. “I know it must be difficult for you since the real father of your child doesn't want to have anything to do with you.” 

  Yonka's eyes widen in shock and her face turns beet red. She opens her mouth but no sound comes out. She tries again to say something but then stops. She puts her hand to her mouth and turns away.  Adel watches her body shake. He clears his throat. 

  Yonka says in a hoarse voice, “Please go...” 

  Adel realizes that for the first time, he was witnessing Yonka crying real tears. He was so used to seeing her fake the tears that he never thought she could cry real ones. 

  His voice softens. “So is that why you did all this?”

  She turns around angrily with tears streaking her cheeks.

  She snarls, “You don't know anything about me... You think you're better than me? You think that you know about life? About love? About the world that we live in?  You're living in a Turkish soap opera! You think that everything is going to end up happily ever after with that girlfriend of yours?”

  Adel snaps, “Don't talk about her!”

  “Sure, love is great when it's fresh and new,” she says bitterly, “but then reality hits you in the face.”

  Adel shakes his head. “You don't know
anything about love. The only person you've ever loved is yourself.” 

  Yonka puts her face in her hands and weeps. 

  Adel gives a big sigh and takes a step toward her saying quietly, “I came here wanting to ruin your life the way you ruined mine.  But it looks like you beat me to it.” 

  He holds her arm. 

  Yonka turns sharply, disgusted by his touch. She screams, “Let me go!” She loses her balance.

  “Yonka!” Adel cries. He reaches out for her hand but it is too late.

  Yonka’s foot slips off the step and she falls forward down the flight of stairs. Her scream echoes throughout the stairwell. There is a soft thud sound as her body hits the landing below. Her body is lifeless, crumpled up like a rag doll.

  Adel rushes down the stairs and kneels beside her.

  Suddenly the doors open and Mario rushes into the stairwell. He had heard Yonka’s screams from the lobby.

  “Yonka, Yonka!” Mario cries as he sees his true love, the mother of his child, lying on the ground. He kneels beside her and yells her name over and over.

  Adel gets up and tells Mario, “I’m going to get help. Call 9-1-1.”

  Mario quickly takes his cell phone out and dials 9-1-1. Adel runs out into the lobby screaming for help.

  Chapter 45


  Suddenly, Adel is grabbed by a man in dark clothes and dragged into a black van.  Two other men in dark clothes shut the van door. Inside the van Adel struggles as one man ties his arms behind his back. The other man covers his nose and mouth with a cloth, doused in chloroform.  Adel passes out.

   * * *

  Adel wakes up and finds himself tied to a steel chair.  His eyes slowly adjust to the dim lighting. Mirwan is standing in front of him with three men behind him.  Adel tries to move and realizes he cannot.

  Mirwan says, “You really got yourself fucked up this time.”

  Adel gives Mirwan a dirty look. He struggles. 

  Mirwan says, “Tsk. Tsk. Tsk.  If you think we're here because of what went down between you and me... you're wrong. This is bigger than that.”

  Adel looks confused. “What the hell are you talking about?” 

  Mirwan motions for one of the men to come over. The man smacks Adel in the face hard causing his nose to bleed. 

  Mirwan continues. “Like I said, this is bigger than that.  Your Grand Uncle sent us to talk some sense into you.”