we will recommenceour former amusements."

  "I am truly glad to see you, my worthy friend Ladislau," answered Ivan,"and to find you as vivacious and active as ever; but there is one Iwould inquire after; my kind protectress--my most beloved friend--tellme, Ladislau, how is she? of no one else have I been able to learn, noras you well know, dared I to seek the information, my heart yearnedafter, though my thoughts have been filled with sad forebodings."

  "My young friend," replied Ladislau, "she is well, and is anxiouslywaiting to see you; but the mighty man, the great Baron, has beentreating her more severely than ever, and will not allow her to proceedbeyond the walls of the garden. One of these days his cruelty will meetwith its due reward!"

  "Alas!" said Ivan, "that I should not have the power to rescue thatangelic being from his tyranny! She herself forbids me to interfere.Tell me, my dear Ladislau, when shall I find an opportunity of seeingher?"

  "I cannot now say," answered the dwarf. "I will, however, contrive thematter for you, whilst the Baron is from home, and the meeting willcontribute greatly to the lady's cure. Ha! ha! ha! I am laughing atthe idea that those, whom the mighty tyrant despises, can so outwit him;aye, and revenge themselves too, in a way he little dreams of. The daywill come, when he shall learn that the being he has kept to laugh andjeer at, has a soul with passions strong as his own, and who has knownhow to revenge himself for all the injuries and insults heaped on himfor so many years. But away with such thoughts: now that you arereturned, Ivan! pleasure must be our sole study, and I owe you my utmostservices, for you were ever kind and attentive, while others scorned me,although they laughed at what they termed my antic tricks. I amgrateful, Ivan, and I will prove it; for though I can be a bitter andimplacable hater, I can also be a firm and true friend."

  "In your love, I have always trusted, my good Ladislau, though what Imay have done is not worthy of mention; and you amply repay me by yourservices, and constant readiness to follow my wishes."

  "Well, well, we will not discuss that matter now;" said Ladislau, "buttell me, Ivan, how came it, that you did not arrive yesterday? I waslooking out for you the whole day!"

  Ivan gave him an account of his adventure, in rescuing the Gipsy maidAzila, and of his visit to the tents of her tribe, to which the dwarflistened attentively.

  "You acted rightly," said he, as Ivan concluded; "and you may somefuture day be richly rewarded. Is she not beautiful, and endowed withtalent, and far superior to the life she leads?"

  "If you allude to Azila," replied Ivan, "she is both; but how happensit, that you are acquainted with these Gipsies?"

  "Ha! ha! ha!" chuckled the dwarf, "that's a long story, my dear boy, andI cannot tell it you now, though I may some day. You have much tolearn--many deep secrets--of which my bosom is the depositary; ha! ha!those who despise me, little know the power I possess! There is one,who would give half he is worth, to know a secret which is safely lockedup in my breast, and he would not scruple to tear it open, if he knewthat it was there! Ha! ha! ha!" and the dwarf laughed shrilly, as hetriumphed in this consciousness of his own power, and of the revenge hewas taking on those by whom he considered himself injured.

  "Now to you, Ivan," he continued, "who indulge in no idle curiosity, andtreat me so kindly, I will some day, when the fit moment arrives,disclose the treasured secret."

  "You are one of the first of the few persons I remember ever since mychildhood," answered Ivan, "and I act towards you as I feel--withsincere regard. But tell me, Ladislau, what is there remarkable, orunusual, with respect to the Gipsy's daughter, besides her beauty, whichI can judge of, and her talents which I suppose do not extend beyond hersweet singing, and a clever tact in turning her pretended knowledge ofpalmistry to account."

  "Ah, you little see into her character, if you imagine that shepractises any of the vulgar deceits of her tribe," answered the dwarf."She is above every act of that kind. Her heart is with her people, andshe delights in their wild life; yet she might, if it so pleased her,dwell in cities, and enjoy all the luxuries others value so highly. Hereducation has not been neglected, while her talents are of the highestorder, her judgment superior, and her virtue unquestionable; these highendowments she employs for her noble ends. She might have been fardifferent from what she is--enjoying rank, riches and power; but thentoo probably, alas! she might have been proud, vicious and ignorant. Ilove her much, but would not have her different to what she is, thoughon some future day, it may be said that I have injured her; but I knowbetter. I am saying, perhaps, more than is prudent; I can, however,trust you, Ivan, and I beseech you, utter not a syllable of what youhave heard, as you love me."

  "Your confidence shall not be abused," answered Ivan.

  "Fare thee well, fare thee well! I must now away, my young friend;"quickly cried the little man, as whisking round on one foot, waving hishand, and singing his adieus, he skipped out of the room.

  As long back as Ivan could recollect, he had always been on terms ofperfect friendship with the dwarf Ladislau; but never since his earliestinfancy had he observed the slightest alteration in his appearance. Atthat early age, he used to romp and play with him; and as he grew olderand stronger, with a consideration which few boys would have possessed,he never exerted his power and strength to his annoyance, so that thediminutive creature cherished a feeling of attachment for him, strongerthan for any other human being; while Ivan, having but few to expend hisaffections upon, returned his regard with equal sincerity.

  It is still the custom in many of the wealthy and noble families, bothof Russia and Poland, to retain in their establishments, one of the raceof dwarfs, to amuse their children and dependants, and as a butt fortheir own wit. As in former days, a jester, a fool, or a dwarf wasconsidered a necessary appendage to the household of every noblethroughout Europe, though that custom is now fortunately banished to theless civilised countries of the eastern part of the continent, whereeducation has made but slow advances.

  As soon as the dwarf had retired, Ivan threw himself on his couch; butit was long, ere the repose he sought, drew a veil over his confused andagitated thoughts.

  Volume 1, Chapter VII.

  Ivan had obtained but few and brief opportunities of meeting the ladywho resided at the chateau, and whose history was so totally unknown tothe world. The Baron constantly required his attendance, and narrowlywatched her actions.

  Some days had elapsed since Ivan's arrival, during which time he hadinvariably accompanied the Baron in his hunting expeditions, the latterhaving determined to clear his forests of the wolves which infestedthem. On the next of these expeditions, he determined to find someexpedient for absenting himself, so as to be able to obtain thelong-sought interview with his mysterious friend.

  Accordingly, whilst the followers were beating about for the lurkingplunderers, and the woods echoed with their loud shouts, he feigned anexcuse, and galloped back to the chateau, trusting that his briefabsence would be overlooked. In the mean time, the dwarf, who had notbeen summoned to the chase by his lord, had willingly remained at home,and prepared every means to facilitate the meeting. The young man, withanxious haste, repaired to the appointed spot, where, beneath a bowercovered with luxuriant dark foliage, and shaded by a group of venerabletrees, he beheld the loved object of his search.

  The lady had scarcely reached the meridian of life, still retainingevery feature of matronly beauty. Her figure was tall; its everymovement graceful; her face cast in the true Grecian mould, with a pureand translucent complexion; the long dark silken eyelash shading a cleargrey eye, and giving a subdued softness of expression to hercountenance. A casual observer on viewing the two persons, side byside, would have discovered a striking resemblance between them.

  Her watchful ear caught the sound of his footstep, and rising, sherushed forward to meet him, folding him in a momentary embrace, as heendeavoured reverently to kiss her hand. A convulsive sob impeded herutterance as she attempted to speak; but her fast-falling tears, whichbedewed his neck, express
ed the fulness of her love. That agitatingmoment over, her composure returned; and retiring to a seat, Ivan placedhimself by her side, his hand being fondly locked in hers.

  "Loved one," she said, "is it thus alone we can meet, by stealth, andbut for a brief space, after so long an absence, and when, too, you maybe torn from me for ever? Oh, Ivan! much have I suffered for your sake,and gladly would I suffer more; yet a woman's weakness overpowers me,when I think of the dangers you may be exposed to. He has told me thatyou are about to accompany him on a distant military expedition whereinyou may gain honour and renown, such as I know your noble heart willrejoice in; but dreadful forebodings haunt my mind, for I feel it willbe full of peril; and I cannot trust him. I seek to discover the planshe is meditating for you, but