they are beyond my comprehension. Whetheraffection, or any other motive influences him, I know not; yet though hepromises to advance you rapidly, I doubt the sincerity of his words.But oh! Ivan, I am powerless, and commit you to the charge of the Godof your fathers."

  "For your sake," exclaimed the young man, "I would resign all my fondaspirations, and would gladly remain to protect you; but, alas! as aslave I must obey the Baron's will, or seek my own fortune in the worldwithout his aid."

  "Well do I know your love, my brave youth," replied the lady, "whichwould hazard all for my welfare; but that I ask not. No! go where gloryand fame await you, and care not for me, for I feel that my course oflife is well nigh run, and that the day of my freedom is at hand. Muchmore of anguish than you, Ivan, can possibly know, has my bosom borne;but the hour is not yet come when I may recount to you the tale of mywoes."

  "To what secret woes do your words allude?" exclaimed Ivan, inagitation. "Oh, my more than mother! my protectress! my guardian angel!am I then incapable of protecting you, or at least of comforting you?Oh despise me not by concealing your sufferings from me!"

  "Alas! your interference," said the lady, despondingly, "would be oflittle avail; it might bring ruin on yourself, without improving my lot.No, no, loved one! I would not blight your happiness with my sorrow.You are on the eve of visiting Moscow; when there, mix in the world;seek all the enjoyment it can afford, though I fear me there is butlittle to be found. Yet I too was once blest with perfect happiness.You will return here, I learn, before you depart for the army, when Iwill relate all; till then, may your young heart be unseared by grief."

  "Oh! disclose your griefs to me now, dearest lady. Let me endeavour toconsole them; and let my devotion in your service prove my love. Surelythe Baron, though severe and unjust at times to me, cannot--dare not, beso barbarous as to injure one so lovely and gentle as yourself."

  "I may not at present reveal to you my sad history," replied the lady;"prudence demands that the veil should not yet be withdrawn. You knownot what the Baron is. Time will display his nature."

  The lady and the youth were still indulging in their melancholy, yetinteresting conversation, when they were suddenly interrupted by theappearance of Ladislau, looking like some woodland sprite, as, withalarm on his countenance, he rushed up to them through the mass of theshrubbery.

  "Hist! hist!" he cried, but in a suppressed voice; "fly, Ivan, fly! offwith you--begone! this is no place for you! Madam, pardon my intrusion.Fly, Ivan, fly! The Baron has returned; this moment I heard the trampof his horse's hoofs in the court-yard, and his voice raised in anger;so I hastened to warn you. He stormed and raged as usual. Yes, hishigh mightiness was storming like a tornado."

  The dwarf laughed in a shrill tone, and added, "He will undoubtedly comethis way; and it would not calm his anger to find his son here insteadof accompanying him in the chase of animals, less savage than himself.So fly, my friend, fly from hence; tarry not another moment. And Iwould recommend you too, Madam, to avoid him at present, if you wish notto bear the brunt of his fury, which has been excited by Ivan'sabsence."

  Ivan respectfully raised the lady's hand to his lips, and was biddingher farewell, when the dwarf exclaimed, "Haste, haste, or you will bediscovered--see, here he comes;" and at that instant, the Baron was seenat a short distance, walking rapidly towards them. Ivan quicklyretreated by an opposite path, fortunately unperceived by his father,while the Baron advanced towards the lady and dwarf, with a dark frownon his brow.

  "So, ho, Madam," he cried; "is it thus you abide by my injunctions notto move beyond your apartment? Be pleased forthwith to retire to yourchamber, until I repair thither; I shall know how to correct thisdisobedience to my commands. Make no answer! go, Madam, at once!"

  The lady spoke not, though her lip trembled with emotion, and there wasa flush on her brow, as she turned to obey the Baron's command, andwalked calmly towards the chateau.

  "And you, imp! what business of state brought you to the lady?" said theBaron, turning to the dwarf. "Doubtless, you have been laying somemischievous plans together. Have you lately seen Ivan, sir manikin?"

  "Yes, most noble and potent Seigneur," answered Ladislau; "I met himsome time since, walking in solitary and meditative mood. I venturednot to interrupt the current of his thoughts. Can I be the bearer ofany of your most gracious orders to him?"

  "Yes, go find him, and say I desire his attendance," said the Baron."No, stay--I myself will seek him. In which direction went he, do yousay?"

  "In yonder avenue," replied the dwarf, pointing to an opposite spot tothe one he believed the youth was to be found in.

  As the Baron walked quickly forward, he muttered to himself, "Can it bethat she, whose stubborn soul would never bend to my will, should becaptivated by this youth! By heavens! if I so find it, I will tear herlimb from limb, and let the boy feast his eyes on the spectacle. Hadthe idea occurred to me before, he never should have returned here. Heis capable of any deed; there is a bold, unruly spirit within him, whichI must curb with a tight rein, or he will break loose even from me. Heto be my rival, forsooth! here comes the audacious youth. By heavens!he has a right noble air, which may well win any woman's love. I woulddestroy him at once, to prevent any further mischief; but then I losethe cherished object for which I nurtured him--no, no, that were worsethan folly. He shall live to become the fierce soldier I would makehim, and when he gains more of the spirit of the tiger, which he nowsomewhat lacks, I shall be content. He comes of a race, whose blood isstrongly imbued with it, and in his it must exist also."

  By the time the Baron had arrived at the conclusion of this soliloquy,which vaguely hinted at his sinister schemes, his anger had beentempered, partly by the ideas of future triumph it awakened, partly bythe cool perfumed breeze, which played within the shady walk. He hadbeen unsuccessful that morning in the chase, which had raised hischoler; and when he missed Ivan from his side, and ascertained oninquiry, that he had been seen riding in the direction of the chateau,his rage was greatly increased. On his return, he learned that his sonhad proceeded into the grounds, whither the lady had shortly before alsobeen observed to go.

  "I perceive, Sir," he said on confronting his son, "that you preferluxurious ease in shady bowers, to the hardy and noble exercise ofhunting, in disobedience moreover to my wishes; but let me tell you,young man, such is but a bad promise of your future conduct in amilitary career; and you need not expect my countenance or support,during the continuance of such frivolities, and opposition to my will.I expect henceforth to find you foremost in danger, and ever prompt toendure hardships without murmur. Thus it was that I fought my way upthe ladder of fame, and thus must you follow, if you desire advancement,and value a high name."

  "I trust, Sir, you will never find me remiss in my military duties,"answered Ivan.

  "I have found you already deficient in its most essential branch;"angrily rejoined the Baron, then assuming a calmer tone, he added "youhad some motive, and not a trifling one, which induced you to actcontrary to my will this day; ah, you start! Beware, young man, shouldmy suspicions prove correct, your fate is sealed! Again, I say, beware!My nature is such as will not be trifled with; prepare for yourdeparture to-morrow for Moscow; that is a favour I grant you; so answerme not; you now know my will."

  Accustomed as he was to the authoritative tone of one who, in hismildest mood, never brooked a reply, Ivan's lips moved with emotion, yetthey uttered no sound, as the Baron turned away, and walked towards themansion.

  The dark hints which his father had let fall fixed Ivan to the spot indeep meditation; yet he could not settle in his mind to what they couldallude, dismissing at once, as too preposterous, the real cause.Finally he came to the resolution of implicitly following his orders,though he would fain have tarried a few days longer in the chateau, tohold further intercourse with his sorrowful protectress. Then retiringto his chamber, to make the requisite preparations, he was soon joinedby the dwarf.

  As soon as he wa
s informed of his friend's banishment, tears fell fromthe little man's eyes.

  "Oh, Ivan," he exclaimed, "my friend, my brother, my son--for you areeach and all to me--I have experienced many cruel trials; but to partwith you is severer than all combined. We may never meet again, for Ifear the Baron will not allow you to return here; and I am growing soweary of this cruel world, that I expect not to remain much longer aninhabitant of it. Ivan, my dear boy, forget not Ladislau, for beassured his first and last daily thought will be of you."

  Ivan succeeded in soothing his little friend's grief, by sincereassurances of his remembrance. He then requested him to take hisearnest farewell to the lady, as he could not hope to see her