Page 16 of Lorn

  She’d never seen the GarLycan leader but everything she’d heard about him gave her the willies. Her father ordered her to hide in their apartment when he thought anyone from that clan was in the vicinity, not sure how they’d feel about a mostly human amongst them. Lord Aveoth was rumored to be a handsome, intimidating man, but there was a supposed coldness about him that implied he probably didn’t have a heart. “I heard Lord Aveoth is really mad at Decker. He doesn’t sound like the forgiving type.”

  “He isn’t. Lord Aveoth will kill Decker if he returns to this area. I’m sure our old leader is desperate to find a way to make peace.”

  “Is that possible?”

  “I don’t think so. Decker already played out his only advantage when he tried to trade his granddaughter.”

  “The GarLycan leader is scary but I can’t believe he couldn’t attract a woman on his own. Why did Decker think giving him his granddaughter would make Lord Aveoth do his bidding?”

  “She wasn’t just any woman. She was a blood relative to his intended lover, who died before he could claim her. It’s rumored that Lord Aveoth became addicted to her blood and would kill to have one her descendants.”

  “That’s possible? I’ve never heard of that before.”

  “He’s a GarLycan.

  “So it’s a Gargoyle thing?”

  “I guess. So little is known about them.”

  “It couldn’t be too big of a weakness. Dad said he allowed Decker’s granddaughters to mate VampLycans.”

  Lorn nodded. “Decker underestimated the GarLycan leader, thankfully. I still shudder to think what would have happened if Lord Aveoth had agreed to go to war with the three other clans. I would have broken ranks and fought alongside them.”

  “I would have, too, even if they hadn’t wanted my help.”

  “Well, it doesn’t matter now. It didn’t happen. Lord Aveoth wants to kill him. It will end so many problems if he succeeds.”

  “I know I wish Decker were dead.”

  Lorn grew quiet and Kira studied him. He seemed deep in thought. She wished she could read his mind. “What are you thinking about?”

  He hesitated and then met her gaze. “Velder contacted me, and I had a meeting with the other clans.”

  “Do they want a war?”

  “No. They asked me to step up and take leadership of our clan so we keep the peace. I was undecided what to do until now.”

  Kira heard determination in his tone. “What’s that?”

  “I’m going to take charge of our clan.”

  “Your father wants to lead.”

  “I know, but he’d be just as bad as Decker. I’m done.” Lorn hugged her tight. “I’m not losing you. Fuck that. I’ll take the clan and make my own laws. I’m going to make it possible to claim you as my mate regardless of anything else, Kira. We’ve lived under to Decker’s tyranny for long enough. Our clan won’t voluntarily change its ways—so I’m going to force it to happen.”

  “Lorn…” She wasn’t sure what to say at first. She did know how she felt. Frightened. “You’d have to challenge Nabby and anyone who backs Decker still. That will be a lot of the first-generation elders. Hell, most of the clan, for that matter.” Another person popped into her thoughts. “And your father.”

  “I’ll probably have to kill him. He won’t leave me with any other choice.” Lorn grimly regarded her. “I’ve let them keep us apart for long enough. No more.”

  Tears filled her eyes. “Lorn, the odds are impossible. You’re one man.”

  His entire body grew rigid. “You don’t have faith in me?”

  “I do.” She grabbed his face, staring deeply into his eyes. “I love you. Let’s just run away together and go far from here. That’s better than taking on the clan.”

  His expression softened. “We’d always be looking over our shoulder. What if we were to have children? Do you want that kind of life for them? Worried that enforcers will show up with orders to kill us? Dodging Vampire nests and Lycan packs trying to take us out because we’re considered outcasts and enemies? You deserve all the things you’ve been denied, Kira. That’s a clan that accepts you. Living in a place where we’re surrounded by people willing to help us maintain a safe environment. I want to give you that.

  “Some may be like Decker, but there are a lot in our clan who are fed up. We all deserve a chance to be happy. Your father and Lavos will have my back. Davis will fight for you and my brother will fight for me. Garson and Kar are with Lavos, so they’ll help. I’m not going to do this alone.”

  “You’ve always been so stubborn and honorable.” It was part of the reason she had fallen in love with him. He cared about others and protected the people who needed it most. It’s what had brought him into her life. He’d rescued her and won her heart.

  “We’re going to get you stronger—and then I’m going to start a war I plan to win.”

  “I’m going to fight at your side.”

  That made him growl, and he shook head.

  Kira went nose to nose with him, gripping his face tighter. “I’m not letting you do this alone.”

  “Damn it,” he rasped. “I won’t risk you. I want you to stay here, locked inside the den until it’s over.”

  “Do you really think that’s going to happen?”

  He closed his eyes and tilted his head, pressing his cheek against hers. “I can’t lose you.”

  “I can’t lose you either. You want to take the clan? Fine. I get it. I see the big picture. Your war is my war. We’re in this together. I’m not letting you go, either.”


  He’d agreed too fast. It reminded her of when they were kids and had argued. He’d say that same word in that exact tone. Then he’d do the opposite.

  Lorn could be sneaky…but she could be too.

  Chapter Nine

  Lorn knew he needed to get out of bed. But he loved having Kira in his arms. She felt right and perfect, snuggled against his body. Life wouldn’t allow him to ignore his responsibilities, though. He eased off the mattress. She didn’t stir so he figured the sun hadn’t gone down yet, but it had to be late in the day.

  He took a fast shower then used his emergency phone to text Lavos. He noted the time. He’d slept for longer than he’d thought.

  What’s going on?


  That one word had Lorn moving fast, unlocking the door and heading topside to get a better signal. He called his brother as soon as he got more bars. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nabby is worried some of the families will flee our clan to join the others. Our father suggested he separate the mated couples.”

  “Son of a bitch,” Lorn snarled.

  “Yeah. The idiot and his elder friends came up with the plan to assemble all the women and children inside the lodge, while the men are to remain at their homes. It’s caused friction since this morning. No one wants to leave their families unprotected after the Vampire attack. Who the hell could blame them? I tried to talk to Dad but he said it’s only going to affect the families that he doesn’t trust. As if that makes a difference. The bastard wouldn’t even listen to reason.”

  “He never does.”

  “Fights will break out when Nabby and his moron crew try to force the issue at sunset. Garson, Kar, and I are attempting to keep the peace but it’s just the three of us. I really need you, Lorn. You’re the only one who might be able to change our father’s mind. He’s the one giving Nabby orders, and he’s convinced the elder members to compel their children to comply.”

  “Ladius has gone way too far.”

  “No shit. It’s fucked up. Disrespect your parents, or go against your instincts to protect your mate and kids. Dad doesn’t see a problem with it since he’s never cared about family harmony. Selfish prick.”

  Lorn agreed. “Do you think he’s getting his orders directly from Decker?”

  “Does it matter? They both probably fear losing numbers. There’s no clan to rule if most of our people flee.”
br />
  “Where’s Davis?”

  “Nabby sent him on a supply and mail run before he informed the mated males what he expected of them. He’ll be back in an hour or so.”

  “How much do you trust Kar?”

  “With my life.”

  “Are you certain?”

  “Yes. He’d do anything for me. Why?”

  Lorn hated to say the words. “Send him to me. Privately tell him about Kira. I’ll come, but I won’t leave her unprotected. I’ll fucking kill your friend if he tries to get inside my den, Lavos. He can protect the area but don’t give him the exact location of the opening. Will that be a problem for him?”

  “He’ll do it for me.”

  “Will he tell anyone about Kira? Or want her dead because of what happened to her?”

  Lavos didn’t hesitate. “He’ll be fine with it. Shocked, but he’s gone on trips with me. He has no love for Vampires but he didn’t hassle the city ones we came across. He’s pretty mellow about other races as long as they don’t fuck with him.”

  “Send him in twenty minutes. I’ll meet him where I met with Davis. I’ll go talk to our father. This bullshit has got to stop before there are deaths. No mate is going to want to be parted from his family. The other elders will follow his lead once I get our father straightened out.”

  “Dad isn’t going to listen to you, Lorn.”

  “I’ll make him.”

  “What are you going to do if he won’t back down and Nabby still listens to him?”

  “Nabby can’t threaten violence against the men trying to protect their families if I fuck him up first.”

  “Don’t challenge Nabby unless I’m there. I don’t trust him to fight fair.”

  “Neither do I. Meet me at our parents’ home in half an hour.”

  “Will do.”

  Lorn hung up and went back inside the den. Kira slept on. He crouched next to her and reached out, caressing her cheek. She didn’t stir but he detected her faint heartbeat and her slow, steady breathing. He rose and changed his clothing. Then he left her a note, since he doubted he’d return before dark.

  Worry came next. What if she woke hungry and tried to seek out food on her own?


  He locked up the den when he left and erased all traces around it to make it impossible for Kar to locate the entrance. He reached the designated spot before the other man.

  Kar arrived on time, looking grim. “I’m sorry about Kira.”

  “She’s not dead. How much did my brother tell you?”

  “Everything.” His gaze drifted to Lorn’s throat. “He said you’re feeding her but I don’t see bites.”

  “You won’t. I heal too fast. Do you have a problem with this?”

  Kar shook his head. “I’ve always felt she got a bad deal with the clan. I like her. We’ve worked shifts together.”

  “You’ve never given me a reason to beat you.”

  “I’m not into bullying someone weaker or making her life harder. That bullshit is for pussies.”

  Lorn had always liked Kar. The guy kept to himself and never caused problems. He’d also refused to become one of Decker’s enforcers, instead choosing to patrol and protect the territory for the clan. “Good. I don’t plan to be gone long but shit happens. It’s doubtful that I’ll get back before dark.”

  Kar grimaced. “Oh man. I don’t even like mosquitoes.”

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  “You want me to feed her, right?”

  “Fuck no!” Lorn snarled. He remembered what she was like in bloodlust. He’d rip Kar apart if the guy took advantage of her while she was out of her head.

  “Sorry. You mentioned dark and she’s going to wake hungry. Vamps always do unless they’re older.”

  “I built my den to keep shit out, not in. It’s possible she could escape. I want you to swear you’ll catch her without causing any harm. I better not even find a bruise—and I’ll check every inch of her. Understand? She’s stronger than she used to be but she’s still little. Just secure her and find her something to feed from. But not rabbits. She’s got a fondness for them. Try a deer, or something she won’t kill by taking too much blood from it to survive.”

  Kar just gaped at him.

  “She’s still Kira. She can go a little wild when she’s hungry but she’d feel horrible if she ends up bleeding something to death.”

  Kar’s expression showed sympathy. “Kira always seemed tenderhearted.”

  “She still is.”

  “I can do that. I don’t want to hurt her.”

  “You’d better not. She’s mine.” Lorn took a step closer, his eyes reflecting his Lycan traits to show how strongly he felt about her. “Remember it.”

  Kar backed up and dropped his gaze. “I always knew that.”

  Lorn was surprised. “How?”

  Kar looked up at him and arched his eyebrows. “Are you for real? You’ve been beating the shit out of anyone who sniffed after her for as long as I can remember. She was your little shadow when we were kids. Wherever you where, there she was. Some thought you’d adopted her like some kind of pet, but I’m not blind. She’s sexy. I couldn’t spend that much time with a woman who looks that good and just keep it friends. I figured you’ve been secret lovers for years.”

  “The lover part is new, but I’ll fucking kill you if you take advantage of her during bloodlust. She belongs to me. Just keep that in mind if I’m not back in time and she gets out. She doesn’t want you, just your blood. Touch her sexually and you’re dead.”

  “You have my word.”

  “I’m trusting you with the most important person in my life.”

  “I’ll protect her, even from herself. I swear.”

  “Thank you. I’ll be back as soon as possible.”

  “Do you want to tell me where your den is so I can catch her before she gets too far if she escapes?”

  Lorn hesitated, then jerked his head in the direction he’d come. “She’s not a prisoner, but it’s for her safety to remain inside. Don’t investigate that stand of boulders too closely but that’s where you want to keep an eye out.”

  “I’ll never tell anyone.”

  “You’d better not.”

  Kar smiled. “My den is actually hidden beneath my house. I figured no one would look for it there. Now you know my secret. We’re even.”

  His respect for Kar increased. “I appreciate that.”

  “Know your enemy but have faith in your friends. We’re in this together, Lorn. Decker is gone and I don’t want him coming back. I also don’t want things to remain the way they were. Lavos said you’re willing to take over. I pledge my allegiance to you.”

  Those weren’t just words. A serious commitment had been made.

  It altered everything. It wouldn’t just be Lorn depending on his brother’s friends to side with him. Kar was officially giving him his loyalty.

  “Thank you. It’s an honor.”

  “The honor is mine. I have faith you’ll change things and make our clan better.”

  “And Kira?” Lorn wanted to know if they’d have issues later on.

  “You stated she’s yours, and I’ve known how you’ve felt about her since we were kids. I wouldn’t care if the woman I loved turned into a Vampire. It wouldn’t change a damn thing except I wouldn’t become a father. Kira’s compassionate and I know she hated how Decker ran things. That’s all that matters to me if you take her as your mate.”

  “I’ll be back as soon as possible. Protect her.”

  Kar nodded. “Good luck. Roll in the dirt a little. You look too clean for someone who’s supposedly been tracking Vampires out in the wilderness.” He sniffed. “I’m also picking up a slight Vamp scent on you but they won’t question that, considering where everyone thinks you’ve been.”

  Lorn took off toward the village. He heeded Kar’s advice and brushed up against bushes and trees to soil his clothing. He reached his parents’ home a few minutes late. Lavos had a
lready arrived. He heard his voice coming from the kitchen and followed it.

  “You have to stop this nonsense,” Lavos yelled.

  “Stop!” their mother demanded.

  “How can you take his side? You’re a mate. Would you want to be taken to the lodge and kept there by force?”

  “Don’t speak to your mother in that tone,” Ladius thundered. “How dare you!”

  “How dare you?” Lorn snarled.

  Ladius spun to glare at Lorn. “Where the hell have you been?”

  “Did you find Kira?” His mother stepped forward.

  “Fuck the girl,” Ladius snarled. “Your place was here, not chasing after her. You’ve embarrassed me for the last time! How do you think it looked to everyone after you abandoned your clan for her?”

  Lavos snorted. “Are you an idiot? Of course he went after her.”

  “Shut up.” Ladius motioned to Lavos then glared back at Lorn. “Answer me.”

  Lorn crossed his arms over his chest. “You’re the one who needs to explain what the hell you were thinking by ordering mates separated. You had Nabby order it, didn’t you? It’s against our nature. You can’t keep our clan intact by force and fear. Did you come up with that moronic plan or did Decker?”

  “I’m in charge while Decker is gone.”

  Lorn growled, taking that to mean his father had come up with the plan on his own. “I won’t allow you to terrorize our people.”

  “I’m doing no such thing.”

  “Bullshit. You’re attempting to hold the women and children hostage at the lodge. You think you’re so clever, but you’re a moron. What if the Vampires return? All the children gathered in one place will be a disadvantage. They could surround it and threaten to burn them to death inside if we don’t surrender. Did you think about that?”

  “The Vampires would never walk right into our village.”

  “Don’t be a fool. They trespassed on our land and broke the treaty. They attacked two of our clan members.”

  “That girl isn’t clan.”

  “You asshole,” Lorn grit out. “What about Veso? Has he returned? No. Because they’ve probably killed him.”