65 wont accustomed

  73 composition state of health

  76 meat food

  77 watched remained awake/kept guard

  83 inherits receives

  84 nicely ingeniously, precisely

  85 to mock in mocking

  86 kill ... me i.e. by banishing Gaunt's son and heir

  93 see thee ill see you imperfectly (as my sight is failing)/see the ill that is in you 101 compass circumference

  102 verge limit, rim/the twelve-mile radius around the king's court/measure of land 103 waste wasteland/wastefulness/damage done to property by a tenant/waist 104 grandsire i.e. Edward III

  105 his sons Edward's sons, Richard's uncles/Richard's own (as yet unborn) children 106 forth beyond

  107 Deposing disinheriting, depriving possessed in possession of the crown (sense then shifts to "inhabited by the devil") 109 cousin kinsman regent ruler

  111 for ... land insofar as your world consists of this land

  114 state ... law absolute legal status (as king) is now subject to legal processes (as a result of leasing out land) 116 Presuming on taking advantage of ague fever and shaking 117 frozen cold, hostile/chilled by illness

  120 seat throne/status

  122 roundly bluntly/fluently

  123 unreverent disrespectful

  125 For that because

  126 pelican the bird's offspring were thought to feed on her blood 127 tapped out drawn as from a barrel caroused drunk heartily/drunk toasts with 129 fair good, happiness

  133 unkindness unnatural behavior

  139 sullens sulks, gloomy moods

  140 become befit, suit

  143 dear As Harry as dearly as Gaunt holds Harry (but Richard interprets "as dearly as Harry holds Richard") 151 spent used up, exhausted

  155 pilgrimage i.e. journey through life

  157 supplant get rid of rug-headed shaggy-haired kerns lightly armed foot soldiers 160 ask some charge require some expenditure

  161 seize take possession (legal term)

  162 plate gold or silver tableware movables portable property 167 Gaunt's rebukes the rebukes given by Richard to Gaunt private wrongs wrongs done to individuals 168 Bullingbrook ... marriage Richard prevented the exiled Bullingbrook from marrying a cousin of the French king 171 bend one wrinkle direct one frown

  178 Accomplished ... hours i.e. when he was your age Accomplished equipped 190 withal with that

  191 seize take legal possession of

  192 royalties rights granted by the king/rights due to one of royal blood 194 true loyal/legitimate (as heir)

  198 His i.e. time's customary rights i.e. of inheritance and succession 199 ensue follow

  204 Call ... patents revoke the documents signed by the king granting land or titles 205 By ... livery allowing him to sue, through his lawyers, for the right to his inheritance 206 homage avowal of allegiance, part of the formal process of receiving one's inheritance 207 pluck pull

  209 prick spur

  213 by nearby, present

  215 courses i.e. of action

  216 events consequences

  218 repair come

  219 see attend to Tomorrow next tomorrow/tomorrow morning 220 trow believe

  230 great swollen with emotion with silence by keeping silent 231 liberal freely speaking

  234 Tends ... to does what you want to say relate to

  239 Bereft forcibly deprived, robbed gelded deprived of wealth/castrated 246 prosecute perform/pursue

  248 piled most editors emend to "pilled" (stripped bare, plundered) 250 ancient long-standing

  251 exactions means of enforcing payment

  252 blanks blank charters benevolences forced loans wot know 253 this i.e. all the money that has been collected

  255 basely ... compromise made concessions in a cowardly way

  258 in farm for rent, on lease

  259 broken financially ruined

  267 sore sorely, threateningly

  268 strike draw in the sails/strike blows in opposition securely overconfidently, heedlessly 271 suffering enduring, permitting

  274 tidings news

  281 Rainold ... Exeter in fact, it was the young Earl of Arundel who escaped from Exeter's custody; it seems likely that a line is missing here and many editors insert a line based on Shakespeare's source, Holinshed's Chronicles: "Thomas, son and heir to th'Earl of Arundel"

  282 broke escaped

  283 His i.e. the Earl of Arundel's

  286 furnished equipped

  287 tall large, grand

  288 expedience haste

  290 had ere this would have done already stay await 293 Imp out repair by inserting new feathers (falconry term)

  294 broking pawn being pledged to a pawnbroker

  295 gilt gold (puns on "guilt")

  297 post haste Ravenspurgh a former Yorkshire port on the River Humber 298 faint lose heart, are nervous

  301 Hold ... horse as long as my horse holds out

  3 heaviness sorrow

  4 entertain maintain/receive

  14 shadows mirrored reflections, insubstantial things

  16 glazed glassed over/covered with a film

  17 thing entire to complete thing into

  18 perspectives optical devices incorporating mirrors that produce distorted images/seemingly distorted paintings that only become clear when viewed from a particular angle rightly directly, from the front 19 awry obliquely, from the side

  20 Distinguish form make their shape clear, reveal order

  22 himself the original grief/Richard's departure wail bewail, lament 25 More for more

  27 for in place of/because of

  30 heavy weightily/sorrowfully

  31 on ... think dwelling anxiously on nothing, on the absence of thought 33 conceit imagination (the queen shifts the sense to "thought, understanding") 34 nothing less i.e. far from it still always 36 begot conceived, created something substantial, actual 37 grieve grieve for, feel sorrow over

  38 in reversion i.e. as a legacy, not yet inherited

  40 wot know, believe

  45 wherefore why

  46 retired pulled back (from Ireland)

  48 strongly with a powerful military force

  49 repeals himself recalls himself from exile/revokes his sentence of banishment 50 uplifted arms arms raised in prayer/brandished weapons

  60 staff i.e. the symbol of his role as Steward of the king's household 61 household i.e. royal establishment

  64 heir child, offspring

  65 prodigy portent/monster

  71 cozening deceitful (may play on "cousin")

  73 bands bonds

  74 lingers draws out, causes to linger in extremity to the very end/the final moments of life 77 careful anxious, care-filled

  78 comfortable comforting

  80 crosses obstacles

  81 save protect (his rule in Ireland)

  83 underprop support, prop up

  85 surfeit excess, overindulgence

  86 try put to the test

  87 son i.e. the Duke of Aumerle

  89 cold unenthusiastic/unmoved

  91 Sirrah sir (used to an inferior) sister sister-in-law 92 presently immediately

  93 take my ring i.e. as a sign that the message is genuinely from York 99 Heav'n i.e. I pray heaven (God)

  101 would wish

  102 So provided that untruth disloyalty

  103 brother's i.e. the murdered Gloucester's

  104 posts messengers

  105 do manage, provide

  109 muster assemble in readiness for action

  113 oath i.e. of allegiance

  116 kindred kinship, family bond

  117 somewhat something

  118 Dispose of make arrangements for

  120 Berkeley Castle a castle in Gloucestershire, near Bristol

  123 at ... seven in chaos

  124 sits i.e. blows

  125 power troops

  129 those those who

  133 generally universally/by t
he people

  134 judgement ... we they are to be judges, then our fate lies in their hands 136 straight (go) straightaway

  138 office service

  139 hateful hate-filled

  140 curs dogs

  143 presages forebodings vain wrong, in vain

  145 as depends on how

  9 Cottshold the Cotswolds, rural area covering part of Oxfordshire and Gloucestershire 10 In by wanting lacking

  11 beguiled whiled away

  12 tediousness and process tedious course

  16 By this in this way/with this hope

  22 whencesoever wherever he may be

  26 forsook abandoned, rejected

  35 levied raised

  36 repair go

  42 tender offer (sense then shifts to "youthful, inexperienced")

  45 approved proven

  46 gentle noble/courteous/kind

  49 fortune success, luck/wealth

  50 still always

  52 stir events, activity

  54 yond yonder, that tuft clump

  57 estimate repute

  59 spurring i.e. the blood of the horses they have spurred on so hard 60 wot know

  62 unfelt i.e. not yet expressed through material reward which i.e. which treasury

  66 thanks ... poor i.e. gratitude is the only wealth the poor have 67 comes to years reaches the age of maturity

  71 my ... Lancaster Bullingbrook will respond only to his proper title (Duke of Lancaster), inherited from his father, John of Gaunt 74 aught anything

  76 raze erase/scrape title puns on "tittle," i.e. tiniest part 77 what ... will whatever the title you wish me to use

  78 glorious illustrious, important

  79 pricks spurs

  80 absent time i.e. time during which the king is absent

  81 native natural, inherent (with connotations of birth) self-born originating with you, brandished for your own cause (also "self-borne"--carried by yourself) 85 deceivable deceptive

  87 Grace ... grace don't speak to me of "grace" (since your behavior is so ungracious)

  89 ungracious unmannerly/wicked/lacking in spiritual grace

  91 dust particle of dust

  95 ostentation of despised display of despicable (because traitorous) 101 Black Prince Edward, Richard's father and son of Edward III 104 palsy weakness of the body, accompanied at times with tremor 107 On ... wherein? What point of law have I contravened and how?/What personal flaw am I deemed to have and how has it manifested itself? condition legal stipulation/personal quality; York shifts the sense to "circumstances"

  112 braving defiant, boastfully flaunted

  114 for as/to claim the title of

  116 indifferent impartial

  121 perforce forcibly

  122 unthrifts spendthrifts, wasteful people (with moral connotations) 128 rouse expose, chase from hiding (hunting term) bay last stand (where the cornered animal turns on its hunters) 129 denied ... liv'ry refused the right to legally claim my inheritance 130 letters patents documents signed by the king granting land or titles (Bullingbrook's have been revoked by Richard) 131 distrained confiscated by law

  132 amiss wrongly

  134 challenge law claim my legal rights

  136 of free descent through legal succession

  138 stands ... upon is the responsibility of your grace

  139 endowments i.e. wealth and property (that has now been given to others) 143 kind manner

  144 Be ... way i.e. act on his own authority, help himself (literally, carve his own piece of meat) 152 issue outcome

  154 power army ill left left in disordered, poor condition 156 attach arrest stoop i.e. kneel for mercy

  159 as neuter neutral

  163 win persuade

  166 caterpillars i.e. parasites

  1 stayed waited

  2 hardly with difficulty

  8 bay-trees bay leaves were associated with victory and immortality 9 meteors regarded as bad omens

  11 lean-looked gaunt, lean-looking

  13 The one i.e. rich men

  20 firmament sky

  22 Witnessing betokening, indicating

  23 wait upon offer allegiance to

  24 crossly adversely

  3 presently immediately part depart from

  4 urging insisting on, emphasizing pernicious wicked, destructive 7 causes of legal reasons for

  9 happy fortunate

  10 unhappied made unfortunate, ruined clean completely 11 in manner as it were, in a way

  12 divorce breach, separation

  13 Broke ... bed i.e. interfered with marital union and happiness 20 clouds mists of breath/climates, skies

  22 signories estates

  23 Disparked my parks opened my enclosed hunting grounds for other uses 24 coat coat of arms (often emblazoned on stained or painted windows) 25 imprese heraldic family emblem

  29 death death penalty (legal term)

  35 dispatched dealt with/killed

  37 entreated treated

  38 commends regards

  41 at large (expressed) in full

  colours military flags (and those carrying them)

  1 Barkloughly Castle actually Harlech Castle

  2 brooks likes (technically "tolerates")

  9 fondly affectionately/foolishly

  13 sense appetite

  14 spiders like toads, they were thought to be poisonous 16 annoyance harm

  20 Guard protect/trim with an ornamental border prithee pray thee 21 double forked mortal deadly

  23 senseless conjuration appeal to the unfeeling earth/foolish entreaty 25 native rightful, legitimately crowned

  30 security overconfidence

  32 Discomfortable discouraging

  33 eye ... world when, to us, the sun is hidden beneath the earth, lighting the underside of the world 49 rude turbulent

  50 balm consecrating oil, used to anoint a king at his coronation 53 pressed conscripted

  54 shrewd sharp, biting steel sword

  56 angel puns on the sense of "gold coin"

  59 Nor near no nearer

  60 Discomfort sorrow/discouragement

  63 happy fortunate

  67 state kingship, power

  71 But now only a moment ago

  72 triumph rejoice, exult

  83 high noble in rank (sense then shifts to "proud, ambitious")

  85 power ... turn sufficient troops for our needs

  86 betide befall, come to

  87 care-tuned tuned by sorrow/tuned to a sorrowful key deliver report to 90 care burden, source of anxiety

  94 fellow equal/servant

  95 mend remedy

  104 his applies both to rage and to Bullingbrook

  105 Bullingbrook probably puns on "brook" fearful frightened 107 Whitebeards i.e. old men

  109 big with deep voices (like men) clap place, thrust female feminine, i.e. youthful 110 arms armor

  111 beadsmen almsmen who were paid to pray on behalf of another 112 double-fatal doubly deadly (the wood of the yew was used to make bows; its leaves and berries were poisonous) 113 distaff-women women occupied in spinning (a distaff was a staff used to hold wool) bills long-handled weapons with blades at the ends 114 seat throne

  120 Measure our confines travel over our territories peaceful i.e. unopposed 122 I warrant I'm sure, I'll guarantee

  127 Judas the disciple who betrayed Jesus Christ

  129 spotted stained (with sin)

  130 property essence, own nature

  133 hands used to sign a document or swear an oath

  135 graved buried

  148 model microcosm, replica/mold

  149 paste and cover pastry covering/pie crust

  151 sad solemn/sorrowful stories historical narratives 156 rounds encircles mortal human/destined for death 157 antic grotesque buffoon

  158 his state at the king's regality

  160 monarchize act the monarch

  161 self self-made/self-centered conceit imaginings, concept (of himself) 163 humoure
d thus Death having amused himself in this way/Death, being so inclined/Death, having allowed the king to indulge himself in this way 171 Subjected under the dominion of grief/turned into a mere subject (rather than being a king) 174 presently immediately prevent ... wail seek to forestall the routes to (or sources of) grief 177 And ... yourself this line is omitted in Folio, seemingly as a printer's error rather than a deliberate cut 178 No ... fight nothing worse (than being slain) can come from fighting 179 death destroying death i.e. defying death by dying nobly (and, perhaps, being remembered in such a way)/by conquering death's power to make one afraid 182 a ... limb i.e. a great fighting force out of a small number of soldiers 183 chid'st reprove, upbraid

  184 change exchange doom destiny

  185 ague acute or violent fever/fit of shaking or shivering over-blown blown over 191 heavy gloomy, sorrowful

  193 by ... small by increments, little by little

  200 Beshrew curse forth Of out of

  205 Flint Castle situated in northeast Wales

  207 power forces, troops discharge dismiss

  208 ear plow, cultivate

  1 So that Bullingbrook enters in mid-conversation

  7 beseem befit

  14 to as to

  15 taking ... head treating the head of state in such a manner/being headstrong/omitting the king's title your by your 16 Mistake misunderstand (puns on "mistake")

  17 Take seize/presume

  18 mistake fail to understand that

  26 lies dwells, is

  30 who i.e. who he is

  31 belike probably

  33 rude rough, rugged ribs i.e. walls

  34 brazen brass (plays on the sense of "audacious, shameless") parle parley, negotiation between enemy forces (or the trumpet call signifying this) 35 his its (the castle's, but possibly also referring to Richard) ruined battered 41 my ... again the revoking of my banishment and restoration of my lands 43 th'advantage ... power the superiority of my military force

  44 lay flatten, subdue

  47 such that such a bedrench drench thoroughly, soak 49 tenderly gently, peacefully/lovingly

  53 tattered battered, old/jagged

  54 fair appointments fine military provision

  57 fire and water i.e. lightning and rain

  60 rain puns on "reign"

  62 mark note, observe Parley trumpet summons to negotiation 64 blushing i.e. in anger

  66 envious hostile

  67 stain obscure, dim tract course

  68 occident west (where the sun sets)

  70 lightens forth flashes out, like lightning

  73 amazed astounded, bewildered

  74 watch expect, wait for fearful full of reverence 77 awful full of awe

  78 hand sign/signature

  82 profane sin, commit sacrilege

  84 torn i.e. ruined, damned turning ... us i.e. betraying me 88 strike blight, afflict with plague (pestilence) 89 unbegot not yet conceived

  90 That of you who vassal servile, slavish

  94 ope open

  95 purple testament bloody legacy

  97 crowns heads (plays on crown in the previous line) 99 maid-pale virgin white, pale as a young girl