Page 14 of His Proposed Deal

  “Have you seen your father?” I asked.

  “Yes, and it didn’t go over well. He pretty much disowned me. His words.” He sat down across from me.

  “Why?” To think that a parent would disown their child saddened me, and I couldn’t even imagine it.

  “He told me I betrayed him and he doesn’t deal with traitors. We got into a huge fight and my mom just stood there and didn’t say a word. He told me to watch my back with my company because it could all come crashing down in the blink of an eye.”

  “Max, I’m sorry.”

  “He’s a ruthless son of a bitch. He always has been and he always will be. He told me that I was no longer a part of the family and he never wanted to see me again.”

  “And your mom just stood by and let him talk to you like that?”

  “Yep. I walked out of their house and I don’t have any intention of ever going back.”

  “Are you going to tell them about the baby?”

  “No, Emma. I’m no longer a part of their family, so, technically, they aren’t going to have a grandchild.”

  “What about Fiona?”

  “I’ll tell her. She hates them and she’s flying to Paris for the summer. She said she may not come back.”

  “What about college?”

  “She’ll study over there.”

  My heart ached for him. It truly did because I could see the sadness in his eyes and the despair in his voice when he talked about them. This had to be incredibly hard for him. There was a knock at the door and Max got up and answered it and set our food on the table. I took a couple of plates down and set the table. As we sat there eating, I asked him about his company.

  “Where are you going to set up here in New York?”

  “Connor Black of Black Enterprises has the third floor of his building for rent. I met with him earlier in the week and signed the agreement. It’ll do for now until the company grows. Then I can move to my own building.”

  “What’s your company called?” I asked out of curiosity.

  “Hamilton Tech. I’ve hired the best of the best to develop new software and hi tech equipment that people are going to love. Or at least I hope they do.”

  “They will.” I gave a small smile.

  After we finished eating, it was back to building the crib. Many expletives later and two more hours, it was finally built and put in its proper place.

  “Good job, Hamilton.” I put my hand on his shoulder.

  “I couldn’t have done it without your help.”

  I opened up the closet and took out the large bag that held some of the wall hangings. I pulled out the silver letter S and held it up.

  “What’s that?” Max asked.

  “Her first initial.”

  “You’ve picked a name?”

  “Sarah. Sarah Renee Hamilton. The meaning of Sarah is princess.”

  Without even thinking about it, he walked over and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into him. Or at least as much as he could without my belly getting in the way. I didn’t pull back because it felt so good to be held again.

  “I love that name and she truly will be a princess. I wasn’t sure if you were going to give her my last name.”

  “Well, I wasn’t going to at first, but since you’re back and you’ve made it very clear that you’re going to be in her life, I thought I’d better. She should have the Hamilton name.”

  “Thank you, Emma. You have no idea what that means to me.” He kissed the top of my head.

  “I bought something else.” I broke our embrace and pulled two silver butterflies from the bag.

  He smiled.

  “I always want our little girl to dance. Even on her saddest days.”

  “She will. She’ll have your strength and, with you as her mother, she’ll dance her whole life. Would you like me to hang them?”

  “Yes. Please.”

  He hung the oval silver mirror first and then the butterflies on each side. It was perfect.

  “I better get going. You look exhausted and it’s getting late,” he spoke.

  “Okay. Thank you for everything today.”

  “You’re welcome, Emma. Thank you too.”

  I gave him a smile as I walked him to the door. “I’ll be in touch. I promise.”

  “Bye, Max.”

  “Bye, Emma. Bye, Sarah.” He placed his hand on my belly.

  Chapter 25

  “Emma, how are you? Are you okay? Is the baby okay?”

  “Mom. Calm down. I called to say hi. Everything is fine.”

  I heard her sigh. “Thank God. You know I get very nervous every time I see your name pop up.”

  “I have something to tell you, Mom. Max is back in New York and he knows about the baby. He told me that he wants to be in her life. So…”

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, Mom. I’m okay.”

  “It’s best that he’s in her life. You know that, right? You didn’t get to grow up with a father and you didn’t have a choice. My granddaughter has a choice because her father wants to be in her life. It’s the best gift you can give her.”

  “I know. Listen, Mom, I have to go now. I’ll talk to you soon.”

  As I sat on the mushroom and looked up at the bright blue sky, I took in the warmth of the sun upon my skin. Watching the mothers pushing their babies in their strollers, I smiled because, before too long, that would be me and Sarah. The girls were happy that Max was taking responsibility for his daughter, but Molly still wasn’t convinced. She said a man like him doesn’t change overnight. Who knows? Maybe they do or maybe they don’t. I hadn’t heard from Max in a few days and I was okay with that. We were friends who were sharing a child. My phone rang and when I looked at the screen, I saw that Max was calling. I smiled.




  “Are you home?”


  “Where are you?”

  “Sitting on a mushroom in Central Park.” I smiled.

  “Ah. Alice In Wonderland. Stay there. I’m on my way.”


  “You’ll see. Be there soon.”

  Hannah and I were texting each other back and forth and, when I looked up, I saw Max walking towards me. My heart fluttered every time I saw him in one of his business suits.

  “Smile.” He held up his phone and snapped a picture of me. He held out his hand and helped me up.

  “So, to what do I owe the pleasure of being in your company today, Mr. Hamilton?”

  “Sorry I’ve been MIA the past few days. I’ve been getting things moved from Chicago and to my new office.”

  “That’s good. I’m surprised you’re not at the office now.”

  “I was, but I really want you to see it, so that’s why I called you. I thought maybe we could go to my office and then go to lunch. Plus, I saw this really cool stroller in the window at Baby Bellini that I wanted to show you.”

  I gave him a small smile. “That sounds like fun.”

  “Great. Let’s go.” He held out his arm.

  We walked to the Rolls Royce where Darren was waiting for us and he drove us to Max’s office. We walked into the lobby of Black Enterprises and took the elevator up to the third floor. When the doors opened, we were greeted by a woman with long, black hair, a slender waist, and legs that any woman would die for. Not to mention the fact that when you looked at her, all you saw was her cleavage. It made me very insecure.

  “Hello, Mr. Hamilton.”

  “Hello, Brazil.” He smiled.

  I rolled my eyes as he led me to his office. He pushed open the large dark wood doors and we stepped inside. In front of the wall of windows sat a long, rectangular glass desk with a black executive chair behind it.

  “This is great, Max. It suits you.” I winked. “It’s very corporate.”

  “I’m glad you approve, considering I’m a corporate man.”

  I walked around his desk and noticed the double pictur
e frame sitting on it. On the left side was me sitting in the ottoman in the nursery, looking out the window with my hand on my belly, and on the right side was the ultrasound picture I gave him.

  “When did you take this picture of me? I look horrible.”

  “The day we built the crib, and I think you look beautiful. Do you have a problem with me having your picture on my desk? You are the mother of my child.”

  “You don’t think it’s a bit odd since we’re not together?” I arched my eyebrow.

  “No. That’s you pregnant and our baby girl on the other side. What’s so odd about that?”

  I sighed. I wasn’t about to get in an argument over it. “Nothing.” I set the picture frame down on the desk and quickly changed the subject. “Brazil? Really?”

  “What about her?” he asked.

  “I take it that cleavage is part of your employee dress code.”

  He chuckled. “She’s not my type.”

  “What is your type?” I asked unwillingly.

  He placed his hands on my hips. “I didn’t even know I had one until I met you.” His eyes stared into mine.

  I gulped. “Why don’t we head over to Baby Bellini and you can show me that really cool stroller.”

  He brought his finger up to my chin and then lightly ran it across my jawline. His eyes were seductive and his lips were dangerously close to mine as he leaned in closer to me. I broke our moment. I knew he was about to kiss me and I couldn’t let it happen. I was a hormonal mess and very vulnerable.

  “We better go.” I walked towards the door and I heard him sigh.

  We stepped inside Baby Bellini and, instantly, the saleslady recognized me.

  “Hello there. Did your furniture get delivered on time?” she asked with a smile.

  “Yes, and it’s just as beautiful in the nursery as it was in your window display.”

  “We’re here to look at that stroller you have in the window,” Max spoke.

  “Ah, yes. That’s our new arrival. Come with me and I’ll show the special features.”

  Suddenly, I felt like we were buying a car.

  “As you can see, the seat is reversible and it’s a simple one-step fold. This stroller is the only one you’ll ever need. The shock and suspension is unlike any other stroller, which makes for a smooth ride. It will keep baby very happy and a happy baby makes for happy parents.” She grinned. “It also comes with this bassinet, which attaches right here. Easy on, easy off.”

  I glanced at the price tag. It was eight hundred dollars.

  “What do you think, Emma?” Max asked.

  “I think it’s great but a little on the expensive side for a stroller.”

  “But, honey, your baby will be so comfortable in it. It also has an extra-large basket for the diaper bag and any other bags you may have. And the sunshade is extendable to shield that precious little one from the sun.”

  “Sounds good to me. We’ll take it.” Max smiled.

  As soon as the Max paid for the stroller, he turned and looked at me. “Are you ready for lunch?”

  “Do you think you can take me home? I’m not feeling well.”

  “What’s wrong?” he asked with concern.

  “My stomach hurts a bit and I just want to lie down.”

  “Of course. Let’s get you home right away.”


  I stepped inside the apartment and walked straight to my bedroom and lay on the bed. Max walked in and set a bottle of water on the nightstand.


  “You’re welcome. Do I need to call your doctor?” he asked as he placed his hand on my forehead.

  “No. I think I just need to sleep for a while.”

  “Okay. I’ll be out there if you need anything.”

  “You’re staying?”

  “Yeah. I’m not leaving you alone. I have some work to do, so I’ll just sit on the couch and do it. Now close your eyes.” He smiled.

  A couple of hours later, I awoke to a severe cramping in my stomach. Cramping so bad that I could barely breathe.

  “MAX!” I screamed.

  Within a second, he came running into the room. “What’s wrong?” He leaned over me.

  “I don’t know. I’m cramping really bad. Something’s wrong.”

  He pulled his phone from his pocket and called Darren to get here as fast as he could. “I’m taking you to the hospital.”

  Tears were streaming down my face as I tried to get up with Max’s help.

  “Come on, sweetheart. Everything’s going to be okay.”

  “No, Max. Something’s wrong.” I doubled over and he grabbed me.

  “Okay. Let’s just get you to the hospital.”

  I struggled to get down to the lobby. The pain was intense. I slid into the back seat, and as soon as Max climbed in next to me, I laid my head on his shoulder and he took hold of my hand. Darren pulled up to the emergency entrance and Max flew out of the car and ran inside, getting a nurse to come outside.

  “What’s going on, honey?” the blonde-haired woman asked. “How far along are you?”

  “Twenty-eight weeks and I’m cramping really bad.”

  “Okay. Let’s get you out of the car and up to the labor and delivery unit.”

  She helped me out of the car while Max held the wheelchair and I sat down.

  “How far apart are the cramps?” the nurse asked.

  “They’re constant.”

  As she wheeled me up, Max held my hand. Once we arrived to the labor and delivery unit, I was immediately put into a room and two nurses helped me into a gown and quickly hooked me up to the fetal monitor. I looked at Max and grabbed his arm.

  “You need to call the girls and tell them I’m here.”

  “I will in a bit. Let’s wait and see what the doctor says.”

  Within minutes, Dr. Richardson walked in the room. “I’m glad I was here, Emma. What’s going on?”

  “I think I’m in labor, Dr. Richardson, and it’s way too soon.”

  He put my feet in the stirrups and looked at Max.

  “It’s okay. He’s the baby’s father.”

  Dr. Richardson nodded and examined me. He looked at me and pursed his lips. “It’s time, Emma. We need to do a C-Section now.”

  I looked at Max and shook my head as my lips trembled and the tears ran down my face. “No. It’s too soon.”

  “We don’t have a choice.” The door flew open and two men came in with a gurney. They helped me from the bed and rushed me down the hall and into the operating room. Max followed behind and changed into scrubs and a mask. As I lay there while the nurses prepped me, horrific thoughts flooded my mind. It was too soon and I wasn’t prepared for what might happen to her.

  “It’s okay,” Max spoke as he pressed my hand against his lips.

  “I’m making the incision, Emma,” Dr. Richardson said.

  “Just look at me,” Max softly spoke. “She’s going to be fine. You have to believe that.”

  He was trying so hard to stay strong for me, but I could tell he was about to break. He held my hand and, for a moment, buried his face in my shoulder.

  “Get her to the NICU stat,” Dr. Richardson yelled at the nurses as he handed them Sarah. “She’s about two pounds, Emma, and we have to get her to the NICU.”

  “Can’t I see her?” I cried.

  “I’m sorry, but not yet. We have to get her the proper medical care immediately.”

  My mind couldn’t wrap itself around the fact that my baby was born two months early. What did I do wrong? Could I have prevented this? Random questions flooded my mind as I turned away from Max because I couldn’t bear looking at how distraught he was. He didn’t say a word and he didn’t have to. I didn’t want him to.

  Dr. Richardson finished stitching me up and walked over and placed his hand on mine.

  “Your little girl is in the best hands and is getting the best care. With today’s medical advances, babies born this early have way better survival rates than they did te
n years ago. Plus, she’s a girl and girls are strong.” He winked. “You’ve been through an ordeal today and you need to rest. Not only for your baby, but for your body to start healing. It’s important, Emma, that you get as much rest as possible. You have to be strong for your daughter.”

  I nodded my head as tears continued to fall from my eyes. He walked out of the room and the nurses wheeled me back to mine. After getting me settled, a different nurse walked in.

  “Hi, Emma, my name is Lila and I’m going to be taking care of you for the rest of my shift. I’m going to give you a little something to help you relax.” She pushed a needle into my IV line. “I promise to keep you both updated on your daughter.”

  Before I knew it, my eyes had closed and I was fast asleep.

  Chapter 26

  My eyes opened, and Max wasn’t in the room. Nobody was in the room but me. I was in pain. The numbing medication must have worn off and I was feeling it big time. As I lay there, flat on my back, looking up at the ceiling, the fear for my daughter’s life overwhelmed me and the tears started up again. A few moments later, Max walked in and came to my bedside.

  “Hey,” he said as he ran his thumb across my forehead.

  “Hey.” I swallowed hard.

  “I called Kara and she was going to tell Molly and Aubrey. They’ll be here later. They wanted to come now and I told them that you needed to rest first. They also said they would call your mom.”

  “Have you seen her?” I asked.

  He looked down and softly nodded.

  “And?” I spoke sharply.

  “She’s doing as well as can be expected and she’s beautiful. I talked to the specialist and he’ll be in to talk to you soon.”

  “What did he say?”

  Just then, a man who appeared to be in his forties with sandy brown long hair and green eyes stepped into the room.

  “Hi, Emma. I’m Dr. Cooper and I’ll be taking care of Sarah. I know what you’re going through right now both emotionally and physically, but I want you to know that the outlook for Sarah is good. Her heart is perfect and she looks as good as can be expected for a twenty-eight-week-old preemie. I don’t see any abnormalities at all. The only problem is her breathing is a little unstable and we have her hooked up to a ventilator to help her. This is common in babies born this early and I don’t want you to be alarmed. I have a special team of nurses that are the best in the field and they’re going to take care of her around the clock.”