1. Richard.

  2. His name is variously given in the sources as Aimery, Aimeri, Amaury, and Adhemar.

  3. Adam of Eynsham.

  4. Ibid.

  5. Ibid.

  6. Ibid.

  7. Ibid.

  8. Roger of Hoveden; Richard.

  9. Roger of Hoveden.

  10. (Charter Rolls.) It is sometimes claimed in modern biographies that Eleanor and Berengaria actually visited Turpenay, but a charter of Maurice, Bishop of Poitiers, confirms that "this gift was made by the Queen at Fontevrault," where she "invested Luke, Abbot of Turpenay, with it, in the presence of Peter of Capua, cardinal, and many others."

  11. Roger of Hoveden.

  12. Richard.

  13. Calendar of Documents, ed. Round; Charter Rolls.

  14. Charter Rolls.

  15. She had borne a daughter, Mary or Wilhelmina, the previous year; this daughter later married Bernard of Elbine, Prince of Orange.

  16. Calendar of Documents, ed. Round.

  17. Charter Rolls; Richard.

  18. Charter Rolls.

  19. Ibid.

  20. Richard.

  21. Roger of Hoveden.

  22. L'Histoire de Guillaume le Marechale.


  23. Roger of Hoveden; Ralph of Coggeshall.

  24. Ralph of Coggeshall.

  25. Ralph of Diceto.

  26. Ibid.; Ralph of Coggeshall; Roger of Hoveden; L'Histoire de Guillaume le Marechale.

  27. Ralph of Diceto.

  28. Richard; Rigord; Foedera.

  29. Charter Rolls.

  30. Ibid.

  31. Ibid.

  32. Ibid.

  33. Ibid.

  34. Ibid.

  35. For Joanna's veiling and death, see Roger of Hoveden.

  36. Some genealogical works give his name as Betrand, perhaps confusing him with Count Raymond's illegitimate son Bertrand. It is far more likely that he was named after the late King Richard.

  37. Charter Rolk

  38. Ibid.; Richard.

  39. For this episode, see Roger of Hoveden.

  40. Roger of Hoveden.

  41. Gervase of Canterbury.

  42. Roger of Hoveden.

  43. Gervase of Canterbury.

  44. Richard.

  45. Roger of Hoveden; some modern writers assert that Eleanor left before the truce was concluded, but it is clear from this account that she did not.

  46. Some books state that there were three unmarried daughters, including the eldest, Berengaria, but she had married Alfonso IX of Leon, as his second wife, in 1198.

  47. Pierre Vidal, Poesio. Queen Eleanor of Castile lived until 1214; she and King John were the only two of Eleanor's children to survive her.

  48. Quoted in Appel, Provenzalische Chrestomathie.

  49. Roger of Hoveden.

  50. Ibid.

  21 "The Brood of the Wicked Shall Not Thrive"

  1. Charter Rolls.

  2. Roger of Hoveden; Ralph of Diceto; Rigord. Hugh of Lincoln bore witness to this hatred when he visited Arthur in Paris and advised him to show himself friendly towards John in order to preserve the peace.

  3. Roger of Hoveden; Ralph of Diceto; Rigord.

  4. Roger of Hoveden.

  5. Foedera.

  6. Ralph of Diceto; Richard.


  7. Ralph de Lusignan had acquired the county of Eu by marriage to its Norman heiress.

  8. Roger of Hoveden.

  9. Guillaume le Breton.

  10. Roger of Hoveden.

  11. Aymer died in the summer of 1202, whereupon John succeeded him as Count of Angouleme.

  12. Roger of Hoveden.

  13. Ibid.; L'Histoire de Guillaume le Marechale; Chronique de Touraine; Annals of Bury St Edmunds (in Annales Monastici).

  14. Ralph of Coggeshall.

  15. Roger of Wendover.

  16. Matthew Paris.

  17. Ibid. Matthew Paris claimed he was told this by an eyewitness.

  18. After King John's death in 1216, Isabella of Angouleme married Hugh X de Lusignan, the son of her former betrothed.

  19. Ralph of Diceto.

  20. Adam of Eynsham.

  21. Roger of Wendover; Ralph of Diceto; Roger of Hoveden.

  22. Foedera.

  23. Charter Rolb.

  24. Ibid.

  25. Roger of Wendover.

  26. Roger of Hoveden; Rigord.

  27. Rigord.

  28. Her body remained unburied until the church at Villeneuve was completed in 1225, when she was interred there beside Guy of Thouars and their daughter Alice.

  29. Gervase of Canterbury.

  30. Ralph of Coggeshall.

  31. Ibid.

  32. Ibid. Marie, Philip's daughter by Agnes of Meran, was five years old.

  33. Rigord; Guillaume le Breton; Roger of Wendover.

  34. Roger of Wendover.

  35. Calendar of Documents, ed. Round.

  36. Ralph of Coggeshall.

  37. Ibid.; Guillaume le Breton; Chronique des eglises d'Anjou; Roger of Wendover.

  38. Ralph of Coggeshall.

  39. L'Histoire des dues de Normandie.

  40. Letter from King John to the English barons, quoted by Ralph of Coggeshall.

  41. Ralph of Coggeshall.

  42. L'Histoire des dues de Normandie.

  43. Guillaume le Breton; Ralph of Coggeshall.

  44. Roger of Wendover.

  45. Ralph of Coggeshall.


  46. L'Histoire des dues de Normandie.

  47. Ralph of Coggeshall.

  48. Ibid.

  49. Roger of Wendover.

  50. Ibid.

  51. Ibid.

  52. John's quarrel with the Lusignans was not resolved until 1214, when Hugh's son, the future Hugh X, was betrothed to Joanna, the daughter of John and Isabella. After John's death, the betrothal was broken and Isabella herself married Hugh X.

  53. There she would remain, albeit generously treated, until her death forty years later in the reign of John's son, Henry III.

  54. Roger of Wendover.

  55. Ralph of Coggeshall; Matthew Paris.

  56. Ralph of Coggeshall.

  57. Roger of Wendover.

  58. Chronique des eglises d'Anjou.

  22 "A Candle Goeth Out"

  1. Ralph of Coggeshall.

  2. Roger of Wendover.

  3. Ralph of Coggeshall.

  4. Ibid.

  5. Ibid.

  6. L'Histoire de Guillaume le Marechale.

  7. Ibid.

  8. Roger of Wendover.

  9. Rotuli Litterarum Patentium; Ralph of Coggeshall.

  10. Rotuli Litterarum Patentium.

  11. Roger of Wendover.

  12. Guillaume le Breton.

  13. Ibid.

  14. Annals of Margam (in Annales Monastici).

  15. Ibid.

  16. Matthew Paris.

  17. Rotuli Litterarum Patentium.

  18. Most notably Richard and Powicke.

  19. Ralph of Coggeshall; Chronicle of Lanercost.

  20. Referred to in Powicke, The Loss of Normandy.

  21. Ralph of Coggeshall.

  22. Annals of Margam.

  23. Matthew Paris.

  24. Roger of Wendover.

  25. Rigord; Guillaume le Breton.

  26. L'Histoire de Guillaume le Marechale.


  27. Roger of Wendover.

  28. Ibid.

  29. L'Histoire de Guillaume le Marechale.

  30. Ibid.

  31. Ibid.

  32. Ralph of Coggeshall.

  33. Ibid.

  34. Annals of Waverley (in Annales Monastici). Some later sources, notably L'art de verifier les dates, give the date of Eleanor's death incorrectly as 31 March.

  35. Isabella was buried at Fontevrault on her death in 1246. Drawings of all the effigies prior to restoration were produced by C. A. Stothard in The Monumental Effigies of Great Britain, 1876.

6. Joanna's tomb was irrevocably damaged during the French Revolution.

  37. A record of all those souls to be prayed for by the community.

  38. Quoted in Bienvenu, Alienor d'Aquitaine et Fontevraud.

  39. Liberate Rolb.

  40. Charter Rolls.

  41. Philippe Mouskes, Chronique Rimee (quoted by Marion Meade in Eleanor of Aquitaine).


  Genealogical Tables


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  Abelard, Peter, 27, 28, 33-34, 348

  Abingdon Abbey, Bucks, 127

  Abraham, royal messenger, 208

  Achard, Lord of Chalus, 310

  Acquapendente, Italy, 72, 266

  Acre (Akko), Outremer, 68, 70, 229, 265, 267, 269, 278, 279, 308, 351

  Adam, Richard Is cook, 312 Adam of Eynsham, 123, 347, 404 Addison, Joseph, 166 Adelaide of Maurienne, Queen of France, 22, 32-33, 42-43, 54 Adela of Champagne, Queen of France, 152, 164, 223 Adela of Normandy, Countess of Blois, 79 Adela of Normandy, Duchess of Aquitaine, 7 Adelard of Bath, 81, 119 Adeliza of Louvain, Queen of England, 126 Adolf of Altena, Archbishop of Cologne, 295-297 Adrian IV, Pope, 145, 191 Adrianople, Greece, 56 Aelith of Aquitaine (see Patronilla) Aenor of Chatellerault, Duchess of Aquitaine, 12-14, I5 Agatha, royal governess, 169, 313 Agen, Aquitaine, 305 Agen, Bishop of, 227

  Agnell, Thomas, Archdeacon of Wells, 126, 229, 231 Agnes of Aquitaine, Abbess of Millezais, 38 Agnes of Blois, 251 Agnes of Burgundy, Duchess of Aquitaine, Countess of Anjou, 8 Agnes of Meran, 331, 332 Ailred of Rievaulx, 131 Aimar, Count of Limoges, 310, 331 Aimery, Viscount of Thouars, 295, 314, 315, 322-323, 329-330, 335, 337

  Aimery I de Rochefoucauld, Viscount of Chatellerault, 12 Aimery of Limoges, Patriarch of Antioch, 63 Alaiz, Viscountess of Ventadour, 97-98 d'Albini, Ralph, 122 d'Albini, William, Earl of Arundel, 169, 292 Alençon, Normandy, 200, 244 Alexander III, Pope, 153, 154, 160-163, 168, 179-182, 184, 189-192, 195, 198, 214-216, 220, 224, 237, 242, 290-291 Alexandria, Egypt, 131 Alfonso, IX, King of Leon, 319 Alfonso II, King of Aragon, 198, 294 Alfonso Jordan, Count of Toulouse, 14, 24, 37, 50, 68 Alfonso VII, King of Castile, 101


  Alfonso VIII, King of Castile, 185, 221, 324, 332

  Alfonso X, King of Castile, 258

  Alice, Queen of Antioch, 64

  Alice of Maurienne, xi, 191, 194, 195, 198, 206-207

  Alix of France, Countess of Blois, xi, 73, 88, 96, 129, 161, 308

  Aliza, Prioress of Fontevrault, 326

  Alnwick, Northld., 208, 210

  Alys of France, Countess of Ponthieu, xi, 152, 177, 206, 207, 215, 220, 221, 229, 232, 235, 236, 241-243, 245, 250, 256-258, 260, 261, 264-265, 273, 281, 288, 301, 304

  Amaria, Eleanor's maid, 212, 218, 236

  Amboise, Touraine, 76, 185

  Ambrose, historian, 257, 260

  Amelie of Cognac, 389

  Amesbury Abbey, Wilts., 130, 274

  Anacletus, anti-pope, 14

  Anatolia (Anadolu), Asia Minor, 59

  Andelys, Normandy, 304

  Andilly, Poitou, 318

  Andreas Capellanus (Andrew the Chaplain), 175

  Angers, Bishop of, 312

  Angers, City of, 75, 81, 86, 97, 123, 164, 167, 179, 221, 234, 315, 335

  Angouleme, City and County of, 5, 6, 37, 170, 178, 204, 327

  Anjou, County of, 5, 21, 74-77, 86, 97, 101, 128, 144, 145, 153, 163, 168, 172, 174, 177, 179, 182, 204, 209, 224, 225, 229, 232, 235, 239, 243-245, 257, 293, 301, 315, 332, 342, 344

  Annweiler, Germany, 282

  Anselm, chaplain to Richard I, 279, 350

  Antioch, City and Principality of, 11, 18, 45, 48, 56, 60, 62-67, 72

  Antwerp, Flanders, 297

  Aquitaine, Duchy of, 5-10, 13, 16-20, 22, 24, 35, 47, 49, 50, 51, 69, 74, 75, 84, 86-87, 89-91, 95-97, 128, 144-146, 150, 154, 167-174, 177-179, 185, 192, 194, 196, 199, 205, 212, 214, 215, 217, 221, 222, 224-226, 229, 232, 236-239, 242, 248, 254, 255, 293, 301, 305-308, 314, 316-318, 320, 322, 330, 331, 344

  Aragon, Kingdom of, 14 d'Arbrissel, Robert, 11-12 Areley Regis, Worcs., 349 Aremburga of Maine, Countess of Anjou, 76 Argentan, Normandy, 78, 150, 170, 177, 189, 200, 214, 225 Arnulf, Bishop of Lisieux, 78, 189-190 Arques, Normandy, 204 Arras, Flanders, 308 Arsuf, Outremer, 269 Arthur, Duke of Brittany, 131, 241, 252, 257, 264, 268, 281, 304, 305, 308, 311, 315-316, 320, 322, 326, 331-340

  Arthur, legenday King of Britain, 8, 14, 81, 130-132, 179, 264, 347, 349, 35i Artois, County of, 268 Arundel, Earl of (see d'Albini) Ascalon, Outremer, 269 Attalia (Antalya), Asia Minor, 60, 62 Audearde of Burgundy, Duchess of Aquitaine, 8 Aumale, Normandy, 204, 308 Auvergne, Count of, 169 Auvergne, County of, 5, 194 Auxerre, Burgundy, 72, 117, 141 Avranches, Bishop of, 319 Avranches, Cathedral and City of, 192, 194, 195, 341 Aymer, Count of Angouleme, 324, 327-338, 330 Aymer, Viscount of Limoges, 19 Azay-le-Rideau, Touraine, 244

  Babastro, Battle of, 8

  Baghdad, Caliph and City of, 71

  Baldwin, Archbishop of Canterbury, 237, 245, 249, 252, 253, 268, 282, 349


  Baldwin II, King of Jerusalem, 77

  Baldwin III, King of Jerusalem, 53, 68, 77

  Baldwin IV, King of Jerusalem, 237, 242

  Baldwin VIII, Count of Flanders, 269

  Baldwin IX, Count of Flanders, 308

  Ballan, Maine, 245

  Banaum Castle, Poitou, 317

  Barbary Coast, Africa, 70

  Barbezieux, Rigaud de, 175, 308

  Barbieux Abbey, France, 223

  Barfleur, Normandy, 96, 97, 102, 151, 180, 206, 209, 239, 250, 299

  Barnwell Annalist, 319, 347

  Barri, Gerald de (see Giraldus Cambrensis)

  Barri, William de, 347-348

  Basili, Peter (see Gurdun, Bertram de)

  Bayeux, Bishops of, 300, 319

  Bayeux, Normandy, 127, 179, 186, 341. 351

  Baynard's Castle, London, 114

  Bayonne, Bishop of, 180

  Bayonne, Gascony, 15, 172, 258

  Beatrix of Beziers, 305

  Beaufort Castle, Anjou, 312

  Beaugency, France, 87

  Beaumont, Robert de, 2nd Earl of Leicester, 141, 146, 150, 205-206

  Beaumont, Robert de, 3rd Earl of Leicester, 205-206, 249, 288

  Beaumont Palace, Oxford (see the King's House)

  Beauvais, Normandy, 151, 252

  Bee Abbey, Normandy, 169

  Becket, Thomas, St., Archbishop of Canterbury, 27, 82, 109, 114, 141-144, 146, 148, 149, 151, 153, 155-162, 167-168, 178-181, 184-192, 196, 198, 207-209, 215, 222, 235, 266, 270, 297, 313, 319, 320, 347, 349, 350, 352, 385

  Bedford Castle and Town of, Beds., 118, 122

  Beit-Nuba, Outremer, 273

  Bela III, King of Hungary, 229, 279

  Belin, Castle of, Bordeaux, 13

  Bellebelle, mistress of Henry II, 236

  Bellesmains, John de, Bishop of Poitiers, 164, 184

  Belmeis, Richard de, Bishop of London, 144

  Benedict, Abbot of Chiusa, 191 Berengaria of Barcelona, 150

  Berengaria of Nav
arre, Queen of England, 258, 260-261, 263-267, 269, 272, 277, 294, 298, 302, 304, 305, 307, 311-313, 316, 317, 331, 398

  Berengaria of Portugal, 319

  Berkhampstead Castle, Herts., 159, 160, 235

  Bermondsey Abbey and Palace, London, 103, 141, 144

  Bernard, St., Abbot of Clairvaux, 14, 31, 33-35, 39, 41-46, 49-52, 73, 74, 84, 86, 87

  Bernard de Ventadour, 16, 17, 97-102, 131

  Berry, County of, 5, 21, 177, 221, 241, 242, 301

  Bertha of Sulzbach (see Irene, Empress of Byzantium)

  Bertrand, Count of Toulouse, 10, 14

  Berwick, Scodand (now Northld.), 209

  Bethizy, Paris, 22, 27

  Bewdley, Worcs., 349

  Bigod, Hugh, Earl of Norfolk, 206, 208

  Bishop's Lynn, Norfolk (see King's Lynn)

  Blachernae Palace, Constantinople, 57

  Blanche of Castile, Queen of France, 324-326

  Blaye, Aquitaine, 15, 150

  Bleddri of Wales, 14

  Bloet, Nesta, 94

  Bloet, Sir Ralph, 94

  Blois, Cathedral, City and County of, 7, 21, 75, 89


  Burgos, Cathedral and City of, Castile, 221, 324

  Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, 100, 146, 206, 297, 349

  Cadmos, Mount, Pahlagonia, 61, 72

  Caen, Normandy, 111, 123, 168, 179, 180, 225, 293, 300, 332, 334, 341, 35i

  Caerleon-on-Usk, Wales, 131

  Cahors, City of, 150

  Calabria, Italy, 72, 262

  Calais, France, 255

  Cambridge, City and University of, 151

  Canterbury, Cathedral and City of, 115, 155-156, 184-188, 192, 195, 198, 207-208, 215, 222, 255, 297, 313, 319, 329, 342, 347, 349

  Cape Malea, Greece, 70

  Capet, Royal House of, 21

  Cappadocia, Asia Minor, 60

  Carduc, Chancellor of France, 38

  Carisbrooke Castle, Isle of Wight, 169

  Carlisle, Cumberland, 80, 147, 206

  Cassee, Toulouse, 317

  Castello Radulphi, Rome, 266, 286

  Castile, Kingdom of, 14, 323