Castillon-sur-Agen, Gascony, 154

  Catania, Sicily, 263

  Celestine II, Pope, 42

  Celestine III, Pope, 229, 263, 266, 271, 280, 282-287, 289-291, 294, 298, 309

  Celle, Elie de la, Seneschal of Gascony, 276

  Celle, Pierre de la, 26

  Cercamon, troubadour, 14, 65

  Chalcedon (Kadikoy), Asia Minor, 59

  Chalus, Limousin, 310-312

  Champagne, County of, 21, 40-42, 55, 75

  Chaniers, Church of, Saintes, 95

  Channel Islands, 344

  Charlemagne, Holy Roman Emperor, 5-8, 22, 103, 105, 179

  Charroux, Poitou, 312

  Blondel le Nesle, 281

  Blundeville, Ranulf de, Earl of Chester, 241, 305, 315

  Blyth, Notts., 147

  Bodleian Library, Oxford, 352

  Bohemond II, King of Antioch, 64

  Bohemond of Sicily, 224

  Bohun, Humphrey de, 206

  Bohun, Joscelin de, Bishop of Salisbury, 186, 195

  Bologna, Italy, 27, 141

  Bonmoulins, France, 243

  Bonneville-sur-Touques, Normandy, 273

  Bordeaux, Archbishop of, 87, 184, 238, 328

  Bordeaux, Cathedral and City of, 5, 6, 15, 20, 23-25, 87, 127, 146, 150, 260, 307, 324, 328, 329

  Born, Bertran de, 116, 175, 193, 195, 200, 224, 226, 229-230, 258-259

  Bouchet, Jean

  Bourges, Cathedral and City of, 28, 35, 38-39, 47, 49, 268

  Bourgeuil, Abbot of, 302

  Boxley, Abbot of, 280, 282

  Brandin, mercenary captain, 324

  Branitchevo (Branicevo), Serbia, 56

  Braose, William de, Lord of Brecon, 334, 336, 338, 340

  Bredelais, Wales, 165

  Bridlington Priory, Yorks., 349

  Brindisi, Italy, 70, 263, 264, 278

  Bristol, Somerset, 81, 334

  Brito, Robert, 186-188

  Brittany, County/Duchy of, 5, 75, 145, 149, 167-169, 172, 177, 178, 204, 209, 214, 236, 239, 241, 305, 311, 314, 323, 326, 332, 334, 337, 340, 344

  Brosse, Viscount, 276

  Brunswick, Cathedral and City of, Germany, 170, 245

  Brussels, Flanders, 297

  Bures, Normandy, 186, 189, 214, 256, 273

  Burgh, Hubert de, 336-338


  Chartres, Bishop of, 23, 349 Chartres, Cathedral and City of, 7, 26-27, 95. 116, 343 Chateau du Loir, Anjou, 86 Chateau Gaillard, Normandy, 304-305, 309, 311, 330, 341, 342 Chateauroux, Berry, 241 Chatre, Pierre de la, Archbisop of Bourges, 38-39, 44, 45 Chaumont Castle, Maine, 153, 185 Cherbourg, Normandy, 127, 150, 157, 340

  Chester, City of, 146

  Chinon, Castle and Town of, Touraine, 76, 167-168, 179, 195, 199, 203, 206, 245, 246, 250, 257, 258, 301, 308, 309, 311, 314, 323, 328, 331, 333, 337 Chirchedune, Adam, 217 Choniates, Niketas, 57 Chretien de Troyes, 131, 179 Churchill, Sir Winston, 166 Cite Palace, Paris, 27-28, 73, 316 Clairvaux, Anjou, 226 Clairvaux Abbey, Champagne, 33, 41, 52

  Clare, Isabella de, Countess of Pembroke, 250 Clare, Richard de, Earl of Pembroke, 250

  Clare, Roger de, Earl of Hertford, 93 Clare, Rohese de, Countess of Lincoln, 93, 173

  Clarendon, Wilts., 109, 140, 161, 167

  Clement III, Pope, 252

  Clifford, Rosamund de, 165-167, 173, 213-214, 218-220, 234, 345 Clifford, Sir Walter de, 165, 214, 219 Clipstone, Notts., 298 Cluny Abbey, Burgundy, 6-7, 116 Cocus, William, 339 Coggeshall, Essex, 349 Cognac, Lord of, 19, 389 Cologne, Cathedral and City of, Germany, 226, 295-297 Colombieres (Villandry), Touraine, 245

  Compostela, Spain, 20 (see also St.

  James, shrine of) Conan III, Count of Brittany, 145, 149 Conan IV, Count of Brittany, 149, 168, 172

  Conciergerie, Paris, 27 Conrad, Bishop of Trent, 263 Conrad III, German Emperor, 47, 51-52, 54-60, 68 Constance, Duchess of Brittany, 168, 177, 179, 206, 209, 224, 237, 240-241, 257, 305, 315, 322, 331 Constance, Princess of Antioch, 64 Constance of Aries, Queen of France, 32

  Constance of Castile, Queen of France, 101, 148, 149, 152 Constance of France, Countess of Boulogne and Toulouse, 84, 150, 151, 198, 305 Constance of Hauteville, German Empress, 262 Constantinople, City of, 51, 56-60, 68, 69, 131

  Constitutions of Clarendon, 106, 161, 162, 167-168, 178, 184-185

  Corbeil, France, 42

  Corfe Castle, Dorset, 334

  Corfu, Greece, 278, 279

  Cotentin, The, Normandy, 342

  Courcy, John de, 239

  Courts of Love, 175-176

  Cromwell, Oliver, 139

  Cyprus, Island and Kingdom of, 70, 266, 278, 294, 295

  Dafydd ap Owain, Prince of East

  Gwynedd, 207 Dalon, Order of, 102 Damascus, Palestine, 68-69, 114 Dangerosa, Viscountess of Chatellerault, 12-13, 15 Daniel, Samuel, 166 Dante Aligheri, 200 Darum, Outremer, 277 David I, King of Scodand, 80 Deauville, Normandy, 273


  Delaney, Thomas, 166

  Deuil, Odo de, 30, 32, 47, 51, 55-57, 61, 65, 70, 379 Devizes, Wilts., 207 Dieppe, Normandy, 180 Diva, Guy, 326, 330 Djebail, Bishop of, 47 Dol, Brittany, 204 Domfront, Normandy, 154, 185 Dover, Castle and Town of, Kent, 145, 169, 203, 222, 223, 255, 269-271, 275

  Drayton, Michael, 166 Dreux, France, 256 Driencourt, Normandy, 204, 330 Dublin, Ireland, 191-192 Dunstable, Beds., 302 Dunwich, Suffolk, 295 Durham, Cathedral and City of, 251 Durnstein, Castle, Austria, 279, 281, 282

  Eaton Bray, Beds., 130, 302 Ebalus, Count of Poitou, 7 Eble II, Viscount of Ventadour, 97-98 Edessa, City and Principality of, 45, 48, 64

  Edgar, King of England, 105 Edinburgh, City of, 209 Edward I, King of England, 105, 349 Edward III, King of England, 307 Edward the Confessor, King of England, 106, 107, 137, 138, 154, 160

  Eleanor, Duchess of Aquitaine, Queen of France, Queen of England annulment of first marriage, 1-2, 42, 66-67, 69, 73-74, 84, 87-88 appearance, 1, 17-18, 181 arrest and imprisonment, 4, 202-203, 207, 210-213, 216-218, 223, 226, 229, 242, 391 attempted abductions of, 89, 96, 171

  besieged at Mirebeau, 333 birth, 13

  births of children, 31, 46, 73, 100, 139, 144, 146, 147. !49, 154, 155, 167, 168 character, 1, 4, 17, 18, 32, 126 childhood and youth, 14-17 chroniclers' opinions of, 348, 350, 353

  coronations, 35, 103

  court at Poitiers, 174-177, 206

  death, 343~344

  dynastic significance of, 1-2, 4, 91 education and accomplishments, 16-17

  finances, 128-129, 214, 254-255, 274, 301 heraldic device, 123 household, 133-134, 136 involvement in rebellion against

  Henry II, 196-203 journey to Castile, 323-325 journey to Germany, 295-297 journey to Navarre and Sicily, 260-261, 263-266 legends about, 65-66, 129, 166, 219, 345

  letters to the Pope, 283-287, 289-291 lifestyle, 16-18, 27-28, 33-35, 69-70, 108, 136-137, 160 lineage, 7-8, 13

  marriage to Henry II, and reactions to it, 1-2, 90, 95-96 marriage to Louis VII, 24-25 name, xi, 13

  negotiations for first marriage, 19, 22

  negotiations for second marriage, 85-87, 89-90 patron of Fontevrault, 51, 87, 92, in, 129-130, 184, 238-239, 274, 312, 320

  patron of literature and music, 9, 17, 28, 47, 50, 126, 130-132, 136, 174-175 patron of religious houses and hospitals, 37, 51, 91, 123, 129, 171, 255, 320 poems dedicated to, 125-126


  becomes Queen of England, 102-103

  becomes Queen of France, 26

  relationships with children, 46, 88, 155, 161, 168, 174, 176, 179, 182, 183, 196, 229, 234, 308, 321

  relationships with mothers-in-law, 32-33, 97, 143 relationship with Alys of France, 236

  relationship with Becket, 143, 164 relationship with Bernard of Clairvaux, 34-35, 43~44 relationship with Geoffrey of Anjou, 53, 85, 215 relationship with Henry II, 85, 92-93, 165, 170, 172-174, 178, 190-191, 196, 202, 215, 220-221, 231-232, 256 relationship with Louis VII, 29-30, 42, 48, 66-67, 69, 71-72 relationship with Raymond of Antioch, 18, 64-67 release from captivity, 248, 251 representations of, 18, 94-95, 30
5-307, 343 reputation, 65-66, 72, 74, 260, 344-346 restrictions of liberty eased, 231, 235-240

  retirement at Fontevrault, 301-302, 309-313, 316, 325, 326, 328-330, 335, 342

  role as Duchess of Aquitaine, 4-5, 18-19, 35-38, 86-87, 89-91, 96-97, 146, 150, 168-170, 172, 178-179, 192, 194, 198, 212-213, 237-239, 255, 301-302, 305, 307-308, 315-321

  role as Queen of England, Duchess of Normandy and Countess of Anjou, 4, 120, 126-128, 136-137, 143-153, 155-157, 160, 162-165, 167-170, 174, 178-179, 183-184, 186, 251-253, 255-258, 260, 268, 270, 274, 296-299, 314-317, 320-323

  role as Queen of France, 4, 32-33, 35-36, 38, 42-45, 86-87

  rules England in Richard Fs absence, 248-250, 254-256, 274-277, 281-283, 288-289, 291-295 on Second Crusade, 48-51, 54-58, 61-72

  succeeds father as Duchess of Aquitaine, 20 tomb, 18, 343 Eleanor of Brittany, 237, 294, 295, 334 Eleanor of Champagne, Countess of Vermandois, 38-40, 42 Eleanor of England, Queen of Castile, 154, 158, 163, 170, 174, 185, 221, 322, 324, 344 Eleanor of Provence, Queen of England, 219 Eleanor of Saxony, 225 Eleanor of Vermandois, Countess of Beaumont, 45 Elie, Count of Perigord, 276 Elie of Malemort, Archbishop of Bordeaux, 323, 325, 328, 338 Elizabeth II, Queen of Great Britain, 345

  Elizabeth of Vermandois, Countess of Flanders, 45 Ely, Cambs, 275, 293 Emilius, Paulus, 335, 342 Emma of Anjou, 175, 206 Emma of France, Duchess of Aquitaine, 7, 8 Emma of Limoges, Countess of Angouleme, 19 Engelram, Eleanor's butler, 302 Ephesus, Asia Minor, 60 Ermengarde, Countess of Narbonne, 175

  Ermengarde of Anjou, Duchess of Aquitaine, Duchess of Brittany, 9-10, 12

  l'Espan (now l'Epau), Abbey of, Le Mans, 313 Etampes, France, 51 Eudes, Duke of Aquitaine, 8 Eugenius III, Pope, 45-50, 54, 71, 87


  Eustace, Count of Boulogne, 80, 84, 95, 100

  Evelyn, John, 166

  Everswell, John, 166

  Evreux, Bishop of, 195

  Evreux, County of, Normandy, 323

  Fabri, Etienne, 227

  Fabyan, Robert, 166

  Falaise, Normandy, 122, 127, 151, 155, 167, 179, 184, 203, 206, 209, 334, 336-338

  Fantosme, Jordan, 390

  Farnham, Suffolk, 206

  Faversham Abbey, Kent, 111

  Faydide of Toulouse, 49

  Faye-le-Vineuse, Perigord, 206

  Ferdinand III, St., King of Castile, 344

  FitzAilwin, Henry, Mayor of London, 114, 293

  FitzGeldewin, Savaric, Bishop of Bath, 280, 296

  FitzGilbert, Richard, Earl of Pembroke, 169

  FitzHugh, Osbert, 219

  FitzLuke, John, Bishop of Evreua, 266-267

  FitzNigel, Richard, Bishop of London, 196, 209, 292, 350-351

  FitzPatrick, Ela, Countess of Salisbury, 94

  FitzPatrick, William, Earl of Salisbury, 94

  FitzRalph, John, 127

  FitzStephen, Ralph, 211, 223, 236, 240

  FitzStephen, William, 114, 115, 137, 174, 352-353, 385-388

  FitzUrse, Reginald, 186-188

  Florine of Burgundy, 49

  Foliot, Gilbert, Bishop of Hereford and London, 153, 157, 160, 162, 186, 195, 207

  Fontainebleau, France, 22

  Fontevrault, Abbey and Order of, 11-12, 16, 50, 51, 87, 92, in, 123, 129-130, 170, 184, 204, 216, 232, 234, 238, 274, 280, 301-303, 307, 309-311, 314, 316, 320-322, 325, 326, 330, 332, 335, 339, 342-344

  Foulques, Patriarch of Jerusalem, 68

  Frederick I "Barbarossa," German Emperor, 163, 168, 185, 224, 290

  Frederick II, German Emperor, 163, 308

  French Revolution, 343

  Freteval, Touraine, 155, 184, 301

  Fulcher, Peter, 312

  Fulcod, Eleanor's chamberlain, 212

  Fulk, alleged son of Richard I, 194

  Fulk II, Count of Anjou, 76

  Fulk IV, Count of Anjou, 9, 76

  Fulk V, Count of Anjou, King of Jerusalem, 18, 64, 76-77

  Fulk of Neuilly, 194

  Galan, Thierry, 51, 55, 67, 70, 73

  Gascony (Guienne), Duchy of, 5, 8, 10, 19, 97, 117, 128, 135, 178, 185, 320, 322, 324, 338

  Gellons, Abbey of, Montpellier (see Saint-Guilhelm-le-Desert)

  Genoa, Italy, 294

  Geoffrey, bastard son of Henry II and Archbishop of York, 93-94, 144, 204, 208-210, 224, 244, 245, 251-252, 256, 257, 266, 268-270, 272, 275-276, 288, 298

  Geoffrey, Duke of Brittany, 149, 168, 172, 177-179, 186, 196, 197, 199-201, 204, 209, 214, 216-217, 221, 222, 224, 226, 227, 232, 234, 236-240, 257, 284, 339

  Geoffrey de Vigeois, 20, 34, 231, 235, 389, 390, 393

  Geoffrey Martel, Count of Anjou, 8

  Geoffrey of Anjou, Count of Nantes, 78, 86, 89, 96, 102, 145, 146, 149

  Geoffrey of Monmouth, 81, 130-131, 213, 347, 351

  Geoffrey "Plantagenet," Count of Anjou, 19, 21, 22, 40, 52-53, 74, 77-79, 84-86, 97, 149, 181, 306, 332


  George IV, King of Great Britain, 139

  Gerald of Wales (see Giraldus Cambrensis)

  Gertrude of Saxony, 225

  Gervase of Canterbury, 18, 50, 65, 92, 123, 126, 196, 215, 216, 247, 347, 381, 382, 384-391, 395, 397-403

  Gilbert of Sempringham, 130

  Giraldus Cambrensis, 52, 53, 65, 85, 93, 121-123, 165, 166, 174, 182, 193, 201, 203, 211, 213-214, 220, 224, 231, 240, 244, 247, 252, 347-348, 352, 379-383, 387, 389-392, 818-83

  Giraud, papal legate, 13

  Gisors, Normandy, 148, 205, 223, 232, 235, 242, 243, 250, 265, 271, 273

  Glanville, Ranulf, 208, 211, 223, 232, 248, 251, 282

  Glastonbury, Somerset, 131, 264

  Gloucester, Abbey, Castle and Town of, 117, 136, 137, 348

  Godstow Abbey, Oxon., 218-220, 392

  Gonesse, France, 164

  Gournay, Normandy, 332

  Granmont, Abbey and Order of, Limousin, 123, 228, 247

  Gratianus, Franciscus, 27

  Grim, Edward, 186-188, 385, 388

  Guarine of Clapion, 330

  Guernes of Pont-Saint-Maxence, 213

  Guienne (see Gascony)

  Guildford, Surrey, 240, 329

  Guillaume le Breton, 340, 348, 405

  Gurdun, Bertram de (alias John Sabroz or Peter Basili), 310-311

  Guy Geoffrey, Duke of Aquitaine (see William VIII)

  Guy of Thouars, 49, 315, 322

  Hagenau, Germany, 292

  Haie, Ralph de la, 206, 208

  Hamelin of Anjou, Earl of Surrey, 292-293

  Harvey, John, 303

  Hautfort Castle, Dordogne, 195, 230

  Hawise, Countess of Gloucester, 218, 252, 273, 319

  Heloise, wife of Peter Abelard, 33-34

  Henry, the Young King, 144, 146, 148, 149, 151-153, 155, 158, 159, 165, 168, 171-172, 174, 177-186, 190, 192-206, 208-210, 214-217, 220-230, 249, 320, 350

  Henry I, Count of Champagne, 50, 95-96, 152, 161, 175, 203

  Henry I, King of Castile, 344

  Henry I, King of England, 12, 18, 21, 64, 77-78, 80, 101, 104-106, 109, in, 112, 116, 120, 123, 126-128, 139-140, 146, 159, 233, 255, 387

  Henry II, Count of Champagne, King of Jerusalem, 277, 308, 344

  Henry II, King of England, 1-2, 9, 27, 52-53, 74, 78-86, 89-103, 105, 106, 108-110, 113, 116-118, 120-187, 189-251, 254-257, 266, 272, 282, 291, 293, 306-307, 311, 312, 314, 318, 320, 322, 324, 329, 343, 345, 347-353, 382, 388, 390

  Henry III, King of England, 219, 344

  Henry V, German Emperor, 77, 78

  Henry VI, German Emperor, 239, 262, 263, 279-280, 282-283, 285-287, 291-292, 294-296, 308

  Henry VIII, King of England, 198

  Henry of Berneval, 240, 313

  Henry of Huntingdon, 69, 75-76, 78, 95, 100, 380, 382, 384

  Henry of Pisa, Cardinal, 153, 154

  Henry of Saxony, 225, 344

  Henry the Lion, Duke of Saxony and Brunswick, 123, 163, 169, 170, 224, 225, 238, 280, 282, 296

  Heraclea, Asia Minor, 11

  Heraclius, Patriarch of Jerusalem, 237

  Herbert of
Bosham, 124, 158, 385, 388

  Heriger of Lobbes, 5

  Higden, Ranulf, 166, 219, 220, 392, 397

  Hodierna of St. Albans, 147

  Holy Sepulchre, Church of the, Jerusalem, 10, 45, 68, 242, 344


  Holy Trinity Priory, Aldgate, London, 144, 146

  Horns of Hattin, Palestine, 242

  Howden, Yorks., 256, 351

  Hugh, Archbishop of Sens, 87

  Hugh, Viscount of Chatellerault, 87, 112

  Hugh Capet, King of the Franks, 7, 21

  Hugh of Avalon, St., Bishop of Lincoln, 53, 82, 94, 110, 122, 123, 183, 215, 219, 270, 272, 298, 302, 312, 314-315, 329, 347

  Humbert II, Count of Maurienne and Savoy, 22, 59, 61

  Humbert III, Count of Maurienne, 191, 194, 198

  He de France, 5, 21

  He de la Cite, 26, 27

  He d'Oleron, 318

  Ingibiorg of Saxony, 225

  Innocent II, Pope, 14, 38-39, 41, 42

  Innocent III, Pope, 94, 309, 312, 326, 330-332

  Ipswich, Suffolk, 295

  Ireland, 124, 145, 191-192, 221, 232, 237, 239

  Irene (Bertha of Sulzbach), Empress of Byzantium, 56, 58

  Isaac Conmnenus, King of Cyprus, 266, 267, 272, 294

  Isabella, Countess of Flanders, 175

  Isabella of Angouleme, Queen of England, 128, 306, 327-332, 337, 343

  Isabella of Anjou, Abbess of Fontevrault, 12, 50, 92

  Isle of Wight, 163

  Istra, Carinthia, 279

  Ivry, Normandy, 221, 223, 232

  Jaffa (Tel Aviv), Outremer, 269, 272, 277

  Jaunay-Clan, Poitou, 312

  Jedburgh, Scodand, 209

  Jersey, Island of, 351

  Jerusalem, City and Kingdom of, 10-11, 46, 47, 67-70, 190, 237, 242, 245, 254, 255, 260, 267, 269, 272, 273, 276-277

  Joachim, Abbot of Corrazzo, 262

  Joan, Princess of Wales, 233

  Joan, wife of Adam, Richard I's cook, 312

  Joanna, daughter of King John, 405

  Joanna of England, Queen of Sicily, Countess of Toulouse, 167, 170, 179, 186, 206, 218, 220, 224, 262, 264, 266, 267, 269, 272, 277, 294, 305-307, 311, 317, 321-322, 343, 344, 405

  Joanna of Navarre, 127

  John, King of England, xi, 128, 155, 168, 170, 172, 174, 181, 186, 191, 194-195, 198, 199, 204, 205-208, 206, 210, 218, 220, 221, 232-241, 243-246, 251-254, 256, 260, 265, 268-276, 281, 284, 288-289, 292-296, 300, 301, 311, 313-323, 325-345, 348, 351