-She won’t come. – said Lucius and looked at Xenia.

  -We need her. – answered Xenia calmly.

  -It won’t work out.

  -All the time you are blaming others for your problems, you are giving them control over your life. We have to take the risk, if it is needed. We have to wait for her.

  They were sitting at the table in the living room of Sebastian’s apartment and waited. Sebastian was sleeping in his bed and they could hear him snoring.

  -She won’t come.

  In fact, they didn’t talk. They exchange their thoughts. Their lips weren’t moving, but their talk was taking place here, in this room. After Lucius’s statement, nobody thought about anything for a while.

  -It is strange that he had recovered so fast. – wondered Lucius.

  -It was because of the rays that were everywhere. One of them surely touched him and if that, what Jonas said, is true, Sebastian could have gotten some of our power and it healed him. – added Xenia.

  -It is only possible to heal people, it is still impossible to transfer our skills. – explained Leonard. –We have made experiments and we know for sure it is not working.

  Then they fell silent again.

  The three beings looked at each other confused. Xenia was playing with her blond hair and Lucius was looking here and there. Only Leonard was sitting calmly, spreading out serenity.

  -With this story, some facts are very strange to me. –Leonard started and the other two looked at him with curiosity. – How did Philotheos become Jonas. We don’t know what he was doing and what he had learnt in the meanwhile. We arrived too late to help Julian, and we were too late to see Jonas. The only picture of him we have we pulled from Sebastian's memories. In fact, Sebastian’s memory is quite diffuse. He was focussed on Mia. However, these memories still show us enough to be sure with whom we have to deal. Then, there is this girl. Julian kept her secret and we don’t know for how long. We don’t know what was going on between them and we can’t read her mind. She blocks us and I hope that our Wisemen will be able to overcome her blocking system. Last, but not least, Sebastian won’t go away from here without her. He has feelings for her and he is important for her, as well.

  -Mia’s love for Julian and for Sebastian is something that makes her life so special. We need her to complete the puzzle. – Xenia agreed.

  -We need more information about her. I still don’t trust her. – Lucius added.

  -Why not? – Leonard was curious.

  -She has influence. If it impossible to make this boy come with us without her, it is a bad sign for me.

  The other two beings nodded.

  -What’s bothering me is that it is impossible to be at two different places at once. – said Xenia. – And Sebastian was surely with Philotheos yesterday. Surprisingly, Julian sent us a message and we know that Sebastian was seen yesterday in Zurich. I can’t explain it other than with the time theory. He has to be the One. The facts have been checked and confirmed. Sebastian was in Zurich yesterday and at the same time, he was with Philotheos. I checked his style of writing, I checked his signature, and everything matches.

  -It is strange. He is has so much energy today. It is not normal for a human being to be so nervous and energetic. When Xenia told him about us, he couldn’t sit peacefully, he looked hyped. In fact, he took the news rather well. He wasn’t as surprised as we assumed he would be.

  The other two kept silence. There were many unknowns in this game and Mia seemed to be one of the keys. Sebastian was even more important, he seemed to possess more skills than anybody assumed up to now.

  It was already early morning. The sun woke up and its first sun rays shone on sleeping Warsaw. You could hear the wind in the morning trees.

  -It is time. – Lucius announced and before he ended the sentence, Xenia was already at the bed of Sebastian. She woke him up and smiled at him.

  Sebastian smiled shyly back. He looked around and in his eyes showed a question for Mia. He jumped out of his bed and it didn’t take him long to get dressed.

  -No, she didn’t show up. – said Xenia friendly, because he was still searching for Mia. - It is very hard for us, too, but we have to move on.

  -She will come, we have to wait. – Sebastian assured.

  Without Mia, this situation wasn't bearable for him. He didn’t want to take this risk on his own. He needed his friend to be here. If these beings were right, Julian was very hurt and needed their help. But where was Mia? She was supposed to be here already long ago. What did she have to think through? Was she all right? She didn’t look good. In fact, she looked bad.

  Sebastian could understand her fears. This ugly and cruel bastard wanted to kill her. She was beaten and she collapsed. If she had fears about being hurt again, Sebastian wasn’t able to swear he could protect her. He could swear to do his best to protect her. Compared to these beings, he was a weak human. But they needed his help and he had to help.

  Sebastian was overwhelmed by this new information. Knowing that Julian was one of “them” was somehow frightening. However, he didn't feel betrayed. He understood his friend and his reasons. Now, everything about Julian fell into the right place. It became obvious how Julian could have only friends and no enemies, how Julian was able to evaluate people and situations. Therefore, he felt betrayed by Mia. She knew who Julian was and she hadn't told him. She was privileged to have such knowledge and she didn’t share it. Obviously, she didn’t trust him. How could you keep such a secret to yourself?

  Sebastian didn’t know everything about these creatures, but their skills and power were fascinating. He enjoyed the new task and wanted to spend more time with such great, influential beings. At the same time, he missed Mia and was sure that she had to have her reasons. What was bothering him even more was that Mia and Julian were somehow connected. Until now, nobody explained him how strong this connection was. Surely, there was something between them both. Sebastian wanted to know.

  Xenia told him that they would tell him more about them later. At first, they had to travel and change location. Jonas could follow them and the most important was to protect Sebastian. Sebastian didn’t know why he was so important to them. He enjoyed this status, but he didn’t understand the reasons.

  Now, when Sebastian came into the living room, the three special beings turned their heads towards the door. Sebastian couldn’t hear Mia like they did. They heard her steps on the staircase and Lucius was the only one who wasn't relieved. Sebastian smiled. He knew that she would come. Love always wins.

  Leonard stood up and waited at the door for Mia. It took some minutes for her to arrive on the top of the stairs. Finally she appeared in the corridor and saw four faces looking at her with different emotions, she continued to walk in. She looked all of them. Leonard was curious about her burning eyes, Xenia was smiling friendly and Lucius was watching her very carefully.

  Mia didn’t smile, Mia wasn’t sad, either. Her eyes were burning with a strange, undefined fire. There was strength and desperate longing for hope.

  Sebastian stepped forward and the others observed this two human beings.

  -Mia, they told me there is hope. I know that you are my person. Let me be your person. We have to help Julian and there is no time to lose. He is somehow brain-damaged, if he would be a human, he would be brain damaged. I don’t know how much it is possible and how much it is real. I just know that we have to help him, if we have the possibility.

  Sebastian was talking like a machine gun that was shooting out the words rapidly without breaks. He didn’t even take breath, when he started a new sentence. He was excited in a very nervous way. He was feeling the nervousness in the air, in his body, with all his mind and he wasn't able to calm down without Mia’s help. He was visibly wound up.

  -We are leaving Warsaw. We are leaving Poland. We are leaving everything behind what made us who we are. Mia, we need you. I need you. Help me to understand it. Am I alrea
dy crazy? Is it all real?

  Surprisingly, she hugged Sebastian and while she held Sebastian close, something even more strangely happened: her thought appeared in the air and the three special beings decoded it.

  “Nobody loses by daring. However, you may lose while waiting for the right moment of time. I lost so much already, and it will never happen again.”

  -It’s OK. I am here for you, Sebastian. I am here for you.

  Sebastian was visibly calmer and quieter. His heart was still racing, but he was on his way to a normal condition. He wasn’t dreaming, he wasn’t hallucinating, he became a conscious part of something bigger than other humans were allowed to know.

  It was the first step to a new beginning. It was a start of a strange, unforeseeable way. It was the right direction. Love should come through someday.