Thank You! (July 2010)

  If I would say just a simple „Thank you”, it wouldn't describe my gratitude even in the smallest range. The human languages are mostly limited when it is about describing emotions and feelings. Therefore, take my „Thank you” and be sure that it's much, much more than just words captured in black letters. 

My journey with „Lovefool“ started as I have seen the first scenes in front of my eyes, somewhere on the way between my university, my apartment, between course of examinations, masses of the professional literature for my work papers and every other work needed in my life. 

Already as my journey began, I met many people who accompanied me and who would still (hopefully) accompany me. The first great critics were my closest friends and then, the team at Scholar Online Europe. These people encouraged me and took away from me many tasks, fears and obligations that caught me up to that time like a boa. 

My first book „Lovefool“ was published in English (at the moment, it gets a second grammar check - thank to Jacqueline). And my life has changed rapidly. 

In the meantime, my book is no work just of mine, but a common project of many people, who are invisible for fans. All these people get one more thank you at that point, because they have changed my life and brought me at the literary riverside. Otherwise, all my work would stay captured in a drawer of my desktop. 

I thank Anna and her team at Scholar Online Europe, where young, lost souls like me get a really good, European stay as well as every needed mental and media support. It's not only about translators, who voluntary carry for better integration. They are my friends and people I know, who give me advices and support me like the fellows on the way to Mordor. 

That is Rita and Rainer, who have been sitting days and nights and improved the German edition grammatically, polished everything once again and put into question Barbie's fingernails and 'river of words'. They didn't want to influence the lyric side of my book that is underlined so often. That is Mandy and other voluntary translators, who work on interviews and other material. It is my friends, who point at details and who send me music advices. It's about musicians, who composed songs and melodies that inspire me. It's Anna, again, who brought the idea of making the soundtrack instead of a list for all chapters and in this way, she won over the chaos. It's Coldplay, Beyonce, Paramore, Anna Nalick, Train, Muse, Tegan & Sara, Greg Laswell, several (movie) composers and classic artists, who influenced my mood while writing and they did it up to the further extension of my musical perception. It's people I know from social media, who motivate me and send constructive criticism. 

Last, but not least, it's my fans, who won't be mentioned here by names, because there are too many of you! They wrote to me and are happy, when they get answer from me (luckily, I am still able to answer your correspondence, even if it is made only a short hop between yesterday and tomorrow.). These people take my conceptions and analyze them, they ask questions and send some suggestions. Sometimes, it's like a table tennis: we inspire us each other and you can find some details frozen for the eternity in my book in form of black letters that you recognize. If you find such things on one of the pages, it is apparently no pure coincidence! :-)

Thank you to people who bring me further literally, even if their actions have not much in common with my book: a smile on a very bad day or a call from far, far away are simple things that make life so worth to live. My family supports me, even if not many of them are potential readers of my book. 

It is “just” the third edition of my book that was published already in October 2009 in English, in November 2009 in Polish and now, July 2010 in German. It is for me much more than a book and much more than just a simple “Thank you”. It is a life of my characters: Mia, Sebastian and Julian. Moreover, it is the reality that is sometimes much more beautiful than every imagined conception. I wrote today via Twitter: „I am happy in front of a greater happiness. That is luck. Good luck! “ And it is how I feel about right now. I just finished the second part of “Lovefool” (with the title: „Lovefool – I(m)mortal“) and gave it away to the grammar check. I am still waiting for further opinions of you, people from the whole world, and I feel just happy. I send you the good luck of the world and I hope that we can celebrate together, even if it's not only possible from the logistical point of view. 
We read us soon! 
Many thanks, 

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