Page 25 of One Perfect Kiss

  The older couple leaned across the ropes and introduced themselves as Aaron and Lynn Blume, who were there with their son, Linc, his fiancée, Maggie, along with Linc’s best friend, Travis, and Maggie’s best friend, Korinne.

  “Linc and Maggie are getting married next month,” Aaron said, “so we’re out here enjoying some fun family-and-friend time before the big day.”

  “Oh, how exciting for all of you,” Josie said. “And congratulations.”

  “Thank you,” Maggie said, smoothing her hands down her skirt. “I’m excited and nervous, and this mini vacation has really been helping to ease the stress.”

  “Where are you getting married?” Zach asked.

  “Redondo Beach,” Linc said. “This awesome church that both our families belong to, with the reception at my parents’ country club.”

  Lynn, a lovely woman with beautiful black hair who did not look old enough to be Linc’s mother, came over and put her arm around her son. “But we are not here to talk wedding stuff,” she said. “We’re here to party. Starting with drinks and dancing.”

  “That’s what I’m talking about,” Maggie said. “Come on, Korinne. We’re hitting the dance floor. You, too, Lynn.”

  Lynn stood. “As if you could hold me back.”

  Korinne was tall and built and had a flashy grin. She took a long swallow of her drink, then set it on the table. “I’m in.”

  “You coming, Josie?” Maggie asked.

  Josie looked over at Zach, who grinned. “Go for it.”

  “Yes,” she said, excitement making her eyes glitter like diamonds. “Let’s go, ladies.”

  He watched her head down the stairs and disappear into the crowd on the dance floor. He’d been hoping for this. Not that he wouldn’t mind having her all to himself, but making friends and cutting loose a little was just what she needed.

  The guys invited him to come over and sit by them, so he grabbed his glass of whiskey and took a seat.

  “You played football for Detroit, didn’t you?” Aaron asked.

  “I can’t believe you’d even remember that.”

  “Well, I consider myself a big fan of the sport. Plus, one of UCLA’s best linebackers played for Detroit at the same time you did.”

  Zach knew exactly who Aaron was talking about. “Fallon O’Hara.”

  Aaron nodded.

  “Great guy,” Zach said. “Even better defensive back.”

  “I think so. And hey, sorry about that knee injury.”

  “Thanks. Me, too.”

  “So, what are you doing now?” Linc asked.

  “I teach high school history and coach the football team at a small school in Oklahoma.”

  “No kidding,” Travis said, leaning forward with interest. “I teach, too.”

  “Do you?”

  “Yeah. Science.”

  “Great choice,” Zach said.

  “Teaching’s a fantastic career,” Aaron said. “And you get to stay in football with coaching. I’ll bet your kids love you.”

  Zach laughed. “Depends on the day.”

  “I hear that,” Travis said, following up with a short laugh.

  The guys talked football for a while, until the women returned. Josie knocked back the rest of her martini.

  “That was so fun,” she said, grabbing Zach’s hand. “Come on. Time to dance.”

  Lynn took a seat, and so did Korinne. Maggie grabbed Linc. “You, too, buddy.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Linc said, flashing a grin at his fiancée.

  Zach let Josie lead him out onto the dance floor. They were shoved in like overpacked carry-on luggage out there, but he didn’t mind, because he got to watch Josie show off her moves. And the woman could definitely move. She swayed her hips, turned, and beckoned to him with her body. He was mesmerized. And when she wrapped her hand around his neck to pull him close, he could do nothing but obey her every command.

  As she pressed up close to him, her body shined with a sheen of sweat, and it was the hottest damn thing he’d ever seen or felt. All he could think about was licking her body all over until she begged him to make her come.

  He grasped her around the waist and tugged her closer, letting her feel what she did to him. Her expression went hot.

  “Clearly you enjoy dancing.”

  He moved his hips against her. “I enjoy you.”

  “When we get back to our room, I’ll expect you to prove that.”

  He was hoping she’d want to go back to their room soon. Or now. Now would be good.

  But then Korinne showed up with Travis, and Linc and Maggie danced their way over, and a few minutes later Aaron and Lynn joined them on the dance floor. Josie laughed and pulled away from him to mingle with their newfound friends.

  She’d really let go tonight. She’d laughed, danced, and drunk—a lot. But she was having a great time, and that was what he wanted for her. It didn’t hurt that they’d ended up seated next to a fantastic group of people. Zach had to admit he liked them all, too.

  It was three hours later before they made their exit from the club. Josie was draped all over him as they made their way to the elevators.

  “Have fun?”

  She lifted her gaze to his. “I had a blast. Thank you.”

  The elevator doors opened, and they walked in. Zach pushed the button to their room.

  “My feet are killing me,” she said, sliding out of her heels.

  He looked at her. “You put away quite a few vodka martinis. Yet you seem stone-cold sober.”

  She nodded. “Dancing. Sweats all the alcohol out. Plus, I also had Nancy bring me water in between, so I stayed hydrated. I’m not big on getting wasted.”

  “I understand. You probably saw plenty of that with your mom.”

  “Plenty. But it doesn’t stop me from having a good time. I just know my limits.”

  “I’m sure you do.” The elevator doors opened, and they made their way out and down the hall toward their room. “How is your mom? Have you talked to her?”

  “Right before we left for this trip. She’s doing well. She said it’s not easy, but she’s determined to make it work.”

  “That’s very encouraging.”

  “It’s always encouraging.” She leaned against the wall while he fished the key out of his wallet. “She does rehab well, Zach. And this isn’t her first rodeo, so she knows what to expect. Plus, when she’s away from the temptation of drugs, she’ll get clean and clearheaded, and it’s all great. It’s what happens after that will tell whether it sticks or not.”

  He could tell she wasn’t going to get her hopes up about her mom. Not that he could blame her. She’d probably been disappointed countless times. That had to be hard.

  He opened the door, and Josie walked in, flipping on all the lights. She disappeared into the bedroom.

  Okay, so no sexy kissing in the dark tonight. Maybe bringing up her mom had been a bad idea. She’d been relaxed and in a great mood, and he’d ruined that. Which was a shame since tonight was their last night in Las Vegas, and he’d wanted to make it memorable for her. For both of them.

  Until she peeked her head out of the bedroom with a sexy smile on her face. “I’m sweaty, so I’m stripping down and getting into the shower. Wanna join me?”

  It took him less than twenty seconds to get naked.

  Chapter 28

  * * *

  JOSIE FELT THE nudge on her shoulder and woke to the sound of Zach’s voice.

  “Hey, sleepyhead. We’ve landed in Tulsa.”

  “We’re here already? Wow, I must have really passed out.”

  Zach unbuckled his seat belt and shot her a grin. “We did stay up kind of late last night.”

  Josie cast a look at Mack, who still wore his headphones and likely couldn’t hear them. She slipped on her tennis shoes, then undid her seat belt and stretched. “Yeah, like all night. You’re incredibly demanding.”

  Zach leaned over her seat and pressed a seriously heated kiss on her. When he pulled back
, she was breathing hard.

  “I don’t recall you complaining at the time, though now that I think about it, there might have been some screaming.”

  Her body went hot as she recalled just how much sex they’d had last night. And in how many locations of their apartment-suite-hotel-room-whatever. And yes, there had definitely been screaming.

  She reached up and caressed his jaw. “I’m open to a repeat performance, anytime.”

  Zach leaned down to kiss her again, but Mack cleared his throat and said, “Hey, guys, we’re here.”

  Josie whipped her attention over to find Mack had turned to open the plane door for them.

  They exited the plane, and they both thanked Mack for the trip before climbing into Zach’s car and taking off. They stopped at the veterinary clinic, which fortunately was open a few hours on Sunday for boarding pickups so Zach could fetch Wilson, who was extremely happy to see him. After that, he drove Josie home and took her bag to the front door.

  When he pulled her against him, she realized she didn’t want him to leave. But she knew he needed to get Wilson home, and she needed to see Tumbles and Arthur and spend some serious cuddle time with her babies.

  She wrapped her arms around him. “I had fun this weekend. Thank you for this trip.”

  “I had fun, too.” He kissed her and she melted against him, wishing this weekend could go on longer.

  But then he stepped back. “So, I’ll see you at school tomorrow.”

  Where they’d have to be polite and civil with each other. “Yes, see you at school.”

  He started to walk away, and she felt that pang of missing him already. But he’d only taken a few steps before he turned and came back to her, dragged her into his arms, and planted one seriously hot kiss on her, the kind of kiss that made her toes curl inside her tennis shoes. Her hair might have curled on its own, too. And she was certain steam was rising from the pavement. Because, damn. That was a magnificent, panty-dropping, “Take Me to Bed Right Now” kind of kiss.

  And then he pulled back, smiled that devilish smile, and said, “See ya, Josie.”

  She, on the other hand, had lost the ability to speak. So she just gave him some goofy smile, and she might have waved.

  As far as good-bye kisses went, that one was monumental.

  She took her bag and went inside.

  Chapter 29

  * * *

  “IT MIGHT RAIN tonight.”

  Josie turned from her closet to Jillian. “Don’t say that. Bad enough the temps are going to drop and we’re going to freeze our asses off.”

  “Oh, but there will be beer.” Jillian slanted a smile. “Beer will keep us warm.”

  “Not that warm.”

  Jillian slanted a look at her. “Come on, Josie. Don’t ruin my happy buzz. I’m excited about going to Oktoberfest tonight with you and Zach. And Jeff loves the entire event. It’s all he’s been talking about.”

  “Fine. I’m thrilled about it. I’m glad he suggested it to Zach. Even if we are going to freeze.”

  Jillian was sitting comfortably on the center of Josie’s bed, so she pulled her knees up to her chest and regarded Josie with a critical gaze. “Suck it up, girl. Wear your black boots and that super cute gray wool sweater, plus your black leggings. You’ll not only look hot, you’ll stay warm.”

  Josie pulled the leggings and her boots out of the closet, then went to the dresser where her gray sweater was tucked into a drawer. She laid the sweater on top of her dresser, then turned to Jillian. “Good call. What are you wearing?”

  “My red sweater and brown leggings, wool socks, and my dark brown boots. I’m bringing a coat along, too, because I don’t know how cold it’s going to get tonight. I want to have it in the car just in case.”

  Josie slid onto the bed next to Jillian. “And what’s the hot doctor wearing?”

  “Jeans that fit his amazing ass, no doubt, coupled with a shirt that will mold itself to his sculpted chest and abs.”

  Josie blinked. “I have no comment for that.”

  Jillian flung herself down onto her back, then rolled onto her side and leaned her head on her hand. “Oh, come on, Josie. Surely you think about how hot Zach is all the time.”

  “Not … all the time.” Just most of the time. Like all this week. After their incredible weekend in Las Vegas, and especially after that smoldering good-bye kiss he’d laid on her when he’d dropped her off, she had to refocus. So she’d buried herself in schoolwork, and so had Zach. But they still found time to see each other every night, either over at her place, over at his, or they’d gone out. And they’d slept together every night, which had made her ridiculously happy. Things were seriously heating up between them, and she had zero complaints about that. They were having a wonderful time together, and she was happier than she’d ever been before.

  Jillian’s lips curved. “I don’t think about Jeff all the time, either. Sometimes I’m asleep.”

  Josie rolled her eyes. “You’ve got it so bad.”

  And that worried Josie. She hoped Jeff was as good a guy as she thought he was, because she’d hate to see her best friend get hurt. Jillian had gotten wrapped up in this relationship with Jeff in a hurry. Fun and games and sex were one thing. Falling in love meant you could be hurt.

  She’d see how it went between Jillian and Jeff tonight. Because while she was enjoying her time with Zach, she had tight control over her heart.

  She could only hope that Jillian did as well.

  So after Jillian left, she ran her afternoon errands, which consisted of grocery shopping and picking up some clothes at the dry cleaner. After that, she fed Tumbles and Arthur and enjoyed some playtime with her babies.

  She was so happy with how well Tumbles and Arthur were getting along. Arthur loved to be near Tumbles, and the feeling seemed to be mutual. Josie often found them sleeping together on the floor, cuddled up like two lifelong friends.

  Arthur was slowly learning the layout of the house, too, and that was helpful in how he maneuvered through his surroundings. He was getting better and better every day at circumnavigating the living room and kitchen, with Tumbles’s expert guidance.

  She gave Tumbles extra cuddles for being such an amazing big brother. He nuzzled her chin and purred in appreciation.

  When it was time to get ready, she took a shower and did her hair and makeup, then checked the weather. At least the rain had held off—so far. But the forecast still called for the temps to drop tonight. She should be fine with the outfit she’d chosen, but she grabbed her raincoat just in case. It was lined and warm and should protect her against whatever tonight’s weather might bring.

  She had just put the finishing touches on her lip gloss when the doorbell rang. She opened the door and smiled at Zach.


  “Hey, beautiful.” He brushed a lingering kiss across her lips, then walked in and shut the door behind him. He went over to the sofa where Tumbles was lounging. He took a seat and smoothed his hand over the cat’s back. “What’s up, Prince of Darkness?”

  Josie laughed. “I’m not sure I’ve ever heard you say his name.”

  “We have a mutual love thing going. I pet him and give him treats, but I get to call him the devil.”

  “Is that right?”

  Tumbles rolled over on his back and lightly bit Zach’s hand. Zach looked up at Josie and smiled. “See? It’s a love thing.”

  “Oh, I see it.” She had noticed how much more comfortable Zach was with Tumbles. Right now, he was tickling Tumbles’s belly, and the cat was playing with him. He’d also scooped Arthur up and cuddled him against his chest. It made her heart all squeezy with warmth and love to see Zach bonding with her animals.

  She sighed as she watched them, letting that warmth settle over her, imagining a houseful of cats and dogs and bunnies and maybe even a couple of kids, with Zach in the middle of it. He’d make a great dad. He had such a big heart. He could play tough, for sure, but inside he had so much love to give.
r />   Then she realized what she was doing, how she was feeling, the thoughts she was thinking. The cold dread of panic slammed into her.

  Oh, hell no.

  Not love. Definitely not love. Just happiness, because her animals were her everything. She loved her cat, for sure. And her bunny. Those were her only loves. The animal variety was safe. They gave unconditional love and would never hurt her.

  The human kind? Too risky. She slammed the brakes hard on that entire thought process.

  “So … are you ready, or is there something I need to be doing?”

  At Zach’s words, she realized she hadn’t moved at all since he came in. All she’d done was stare and contemplate her feelings.

  Ugh. Feelings. They had always complicated things. She was so much better off not having them.

  “Oh, sure. I’ll be right back.” She pivoted and went into her bedroom, shaking her head the entire time.

  This was the problem with having feelings, with falling in—

  No, she absolutely wasn’t going there, because she wasn’t falling in love with Zach. They were just friends. Friends who happened to be having sex. True, they had grown closer over the past few months, but that meant nothing.

  It sure didn’t mean love. She could have strong, warm feelings for a guy and not be in love with him. She could have a sexual relationship with a guy and not be in love with him. Eventually that hot flame of passion would burn itself out, and they could go back to being just friends again.

  She checked herself in her bathroom mirror.

  “Right, Josie?”

  Her reflection nodded.

  Right, Josie. You’ve got this. Logical, levelheaded, no emotions involved.

  “Good pep talk. Let’s go have some fun.”

  Chapter 30

  * * *

  WAS THERE ANYTHING better than a cold night, a smorgasbord of beer, the best bratwurst in town, and a beautiful woman next to him? Zach didn’t think so.

  Plus, he was hanging out with Jeff, who loved beer even more than he did. Jeff considered himself an expert on German beers, which made tasting them even more fun because Zach had someone to argue with.