Which laboured after him to the mountain's top

  Even on their knees and hands, let him fly down,

  Not one accompanying his declining102 foot.

  PAINTER 'Tis common:

  A thousand moral paintings I can show

  That shall demonstrate these quick105 blows of Fortune's

  More pregnantly106 than words. Yet you do well

  To show Lord Timon that mean107 eyes have seen

  The foot above the head.108

  Trumpets sound. Enter Lord Timon [with Lucilius and other servants following], addressing himself courteously to every suitor [and then speaking with a Messenger]

  TIMON Imprisoned is he, say you?

  MESSENGER Ay, my good lord: five talents110 is his debt,

  His means most short, his creditors most strait.111

  Your honourable letter he desires

  To those have shut him up, which failing,

  Periods his comfort.114

  TIMON Noble Ventidius! Well,

  I am not of that feather116 to shake off

  My friend when he must need me. I do know him

  A gentleman that well deserves a help,

  Which he shall have: I'll pay the debt and free him.

  MESSENGER Your lordship ever binds him.120

  TIMON Commend me121 to him. I will send his ransom,

  And being enfranchised122, bid him come to me:

  'Tis not enough to help the feeble up,

  But to support him after. Fare you well.

  MESSENGER All happiness to your honour.


  Enter an old Athenian

  OLD MAN Lord Timon, hear me speak.

  TIMON Freely, good father.127

  OLD MAN Thou hast a servant named Lucilius.

  TIMON I have so: what of him?

  OLD MAN Most noble Timon, call the man before thee.


  TIMON Attends he here or no? Lucilius!

  Comes forward

  LUCILIUS Here, at your lordship's service.

  OLD MAN This fellow here, Lord Timon, this thy creature,133

  By night frequents my house. I am a man

  That from my first have been inclined to thrift,135

  And my estate deserves an heir more raised136

  Than one which holds a trencher.137

  TIMON Well, what further?

  OLD MAN One only daughter have I, no kin else

  On whom I may confer what I have got:

  The maid is fair, o'th'youngest for a bride,141

  And I have bred142 her at my dearest cost

  In qualities143 of the best. This man of thine

  Attempts144 her love: I prithee, noble lord,

  Join with me to forbid him her resort,145

  Myself have spoke in vain.

  TIMON The man is honest.147

  OLD MAN Therefore he will be,148 Timon:

  His honesty rewards him in itself,

  It must not bear150 my daughter.

  TIMON Does she love him?

  OLD MAN She is young and apt:152

  Our own precedent153 passions do instruct us

  What levity's154 in youth.

  To Lucilius

  TIMON Love you the maid?

  LUCILIUS Ay, my good lord, and she accepts of it.

  OLD MAN If in her marriage my consent be missing,

  I call the gods to witness, I will choose

  Mine heir from forth the beggars of the world,

  And dispossess her all.160

  TIMON How shall she be endowed161

  If she be mated with an equal husband?

  OLD MAN Three talents on the present; in future, all.

  TIMON This gentleman164 of mine hath served me long:

  To build his fortune I will strain a little,

  For 'tis a bond166 in men. Give him thy daughter:

  What you bestow, in him I'll counterpoise,167

  And make him weigh with168 her.

  OLD MAN Most noble lord,

  Pawn me to this your honour170, she is his.

  TIMON My hand to thee: mine honour on my promise.

  LUCILIUS Humbly I thank your lordship: never may

  That state173 or fortune fall into my keeping,

  Which is not owed to you!

  Exeunt [Lucilius and Old Man]

  Presents the poem

  POET Vouchsafe175 my labour, and long live your lordship!

  TIMON I thank you. You shall hear from me anon:176

  To the Painter

  Go not away.-- What have you there, my friend?

  Presents the painting

  PAINTER A piece of painting, which I do beseech

  Your lordship to accept.

  TIMON Painting is welcome.

  The painting is almost the natural man,181

  For since dishonour traffics182 with man's nature,

  He is but outside: these pencilled183 figures are

  Even such as they give out184. I like your work,

  And you shall find I like it185: wait attendance

  Till you hear further from me.

  PAINTER The gods preserve ye!

  TIMON Well fare you, gentleman: give me your hand,

  To the Jeweller

  We must needs189 dine together.-- Sir, your jewel

  Hath suffered under praise.190

  JEWELLER What, my lord, dispraise?

  TIMON A mere satiety192 of commendations.

  If I should pay you for't as 'tis extolled193

  It would unclew194 me quite.

  JEWELLER My lord, 'tis rated195

  As those which sell would give196: but you well know

  Things of like197 value differing in the owners

  Are prized by their masters198. Believe't, dear lord,

  Presents the jewel

  You mend199 the jewel by the wearing it.

  TIMON Well mocked.200

  Enter Apemantus

  MERCHANT No, my good lord, he speaks the common tongue201

  Which all men speak with him.

  TIMON Look, who comes here. Will you be chid?203

  JEWELLER We'll bear with your lordship.

  MERCHANT He'll spare none.

  TIMON Good morrow206 to thee, gentle Apemantus!

  APEMANTUS Till I be gentle, stay207 thou for thy good morrow --

  When208 thou art Timon's dog, and these knaves honest.

  TIMON Why dost thou call them knaves? Thou know'st them not.

  APEMANTUS Are they not Athenians?

  TIMON Yes.

  APEMANTUS Then I repent not.

  JEWELLER You know me, Apemantus?

  APEMANTUS Thou know'st I do: I called thee by thy name.214

  TIMON Thou art proud,215 Apemantus!

  APEMANTUS Of nothing so much as that I am not like Timon.

  TIMON Whither art going?

  APEMANTUS To knock out an honest Athenian's brains.

  TIMON That's a deed thou'lt die for.

  APEMANTUS Right, if doing nothing220 be death by th'law.

  TIMON How lik'st thou this picture, Apemantus?

  APEMANTUS The best, for the innocence.222

  TIMON Wrought223 he not well that painted it?

  APEMANTUS He224 wrought better that made the painter, and yet

  he's but a filthy piece of work.

  PAINTER You're a dog.226

  APEMANTUS Thy mother's of my generation227: what's she, if I be

  a dog?

  TIMON Wilt dine with me, Apemantus?

  APEMANTUS No, I eat not lords.230

  TIMON An231 thou shouldst, thou'dst anger ladies.

  APEMANTUS O, they eat lords: so they come by great bellies.232

  TIMON That's a lascivious apprehension.233

  APEMANTUS So thou apprehend'st it, take it for thy labour.234

  TIMON How dost thou like this jewel, Apemantus?

  APEMANTUS Not so well as plain-dealing236, which will not cost a

  man a doit.237

sp; TIMON What dost thou think 'tis worth?

  APEMANTUS Not worth my thinking.-- How now239, poet?

  POET How now, philosopher?

  APEMANTUS Thou liest.

  POET Art not one?


  POET Then I lie not.

  APEMANTUS Art not a poet?245

  POET Yes.

  APEMANTUS Then thou liest: look in thy last work, where thou

  hast feigned him248 a worthy fellow.

  POET That's not feigned, he is so.

  APEMANTUS Yes, he is worthy of250 thee, and to pay thee for thy

  labour. He that loves to be flattered is worthy o'th'flatterer.

  Heavens, that I were a lord!

  TIMON What wouldst do then, Apemantus?

  APEMANTUS E'en254 as Apemantus does now: hate a lord with my


  TIMON What, thyself?


  TIMON Wherefore?258

  APEMANTUS That I had no angry wit259 to be a lord.-- Art not

  thou a merchant?

  MERCHANT Ay, Apemantus.

  APEMANTUS Traffic confound262 thee, if the gods will not!

  MERCHANT If traffic do it, the gods do it.

  APEMANTUS Traffic's thy god, and thy god confound thee!

  Trumpet sounds. Enter a Messenger

  TIMON What265 trumpet's that?

  MESSENGER 'Tis Alcibiades, and some twenty horse266

  All of companionship.267

  TIMON Pray entertain them, give them guide268 to us.

  [Exeunt some Attendants]

  You must needs dine with me.-- Go not you hence

  To Painter

  Till I have thanked you.-- When dinner's done,

  To all

  Show me this piece.-- I am joyful of your sights.271

  Enter Alcibiades, with the rest

  Most welcome, sir!

  APEMANTUS So, so, there!273

  Aches contract and starve274 your supple joints!

  That there should be small love amongst these sweet275 knaves,

  And all this courtesy! The strain of man's bred out276

  Into baboon and monkey.

  To Timon

  ALCIBIADES Sir, you have saved my longing278, and I feed

  Most hungerly on your sight.279

  TIMON Right welcome, sir!

  Ere we depart, we'll share a bounteous281 time

  In different pleasures. Pray you, let us in.282

  Exeunt [all except Apemantus]

  Enter two Lords

  FIRST LORD What time o'day is't, Apemantus?

  APEMANTUS Time to be honest.

  FIRST LORD That time serves still.285

  APEMANTUS The most accursed thou, that still omitt'st286 it.

  SECOND LORD Thou art going to Lord Timon's feast?

  APEMANTUS Ay, to see meat288 fill knaves and wine heat fools.

  SECOND LORD Fare thee well, fare thee well.

  APEMANTUS Thou art a fool to bid me farewell twice.

  SECOND LORD Why, Apemantus?

  APEMANTUS Shouldst have kept one to thyself, for I mean to give

  thee none.

  FIRST LORD Hang thyself!

  APEMANTUS No, I will do nothing at thy bidding: make thy

  requests to thy friend.

  SECOND LORD Away, unpeaceable dog, or I'll spurn297 thee hence!

  APEMANTUS I will fly, like a dog, the heels o'th'ass.298


  FIRST LORD He's opposite to299 humanity. Come, shall we in,

  And taste Lord Timon's bounty? He outgoes300

  The very heart of kindness.

  SECOND LORD He pours it out. Plutus302, the god of gold,

  Is but his steward: no meed303, but he repays

  Sevenfold above itself: no gift to him

  But breeds the giver a return exceeding

  All use of quittance.306

  FIRST LORD The noblest mind he carries

  That ever governed man.

  SECOND LORD Long may he live in fortunes! Shall we in?

  I'll keep you company.


  [Act 1 Scene 2]

  running scene 2

  Hautboys playing loud music. A great banquet served in: and then enter Lord Timon, the States, the Athenian Lords, [Alcibiades and] Ventidius, which Timon redeemed from prison. Then comes, dropping, after all, Apemantus, discontentedly, like himself

  VENTIDIUS Most honoured Timon,

  It hath pleased the gods to remember my father's age,

  And call him to long peace.3

  He is gone happy, and has left me rich:

  Then, as in grateful virtue I am bound

  To your free6 heart, I do return those talents,

  Doubled with thanks and service7, from whose help

  Offers money

  I derived liberty.

  TIMON O, by no means,

  Honest Ventidius. You mistake my love:

  I gave it freely ever11, and there's none

  Can truly say he gives if he receives.12

  If our betters play at that game13, we must not dare

  To imitate them: faults that are rich are fair.14

  The Lords stand ceremoniously

  VENTIDIUS A noble spirit!

  TIMON Nay, my lords,

  Ceremony17 was but devised at first

  To set a gloss on faint deeds, hollow18 welcomes,

  Recanting goodness, sorry ere19 'tis shown,

  But where there is true friendship, there needs none.20

  Pray, sit: more welcome are ye to my fortunes

  Than my fortunes to me.

  They sit

  FIRST LORD My lord, we always have confessed23 it.

  APEMANTUS Ho, ho, confessed it? Hanged24 it, have you not?

  TIMON O, Apemantus, you are welcome.

  APEMANTUS No, you shall not make me welcome:

  I come to have thee thrust me out of doors.

  TIMON Fie, thou'rt a churl: ye've got a humour28 there

  Does not become29 a man: 'tis much to blame.

  They say, my lords, Ira furor brevis est,30

  But yond31 man is ever angry.

  Go, let him have a table by himself,

  For he does neither affect33 company,

  Nor is he fit for't, indeed.

  APEMANTUS Let me stay at thine apperil,35 Timon:

  I come to observe, I give thee warning on't.36

  TIMON I take no heed37 of thee; thou'rt an Athenian, therefore

  welcome. I myself would have no power: prithee let my meat38

  make thee silent.

  APEMANTUS I scorn thy meat: 'twould choke me, for I should40

  ne'er flatter thee. O you gods, what a number of men eats41

  Timon, and he sees 'em not! It grieves me to see so many dip42

  their meat in one man's blood, and all the madness is, he43

  cheers them up too.

  I wonder men dare trust themselves with men.

  Methinks they should invite them without knives:46

  Good for their meat47, and safer for their lives.

  There's much example48 for't: the fellow that sits next him,

  now parts bread with him, pledges the breath of him49 in a

  divided draught50, is the readiest man to kill him: 't'as been

  proved. If I were a huge51 man, I should fear to drink at meals,

  Lest they should spy my windpipe's dangerous notes:52

  Great men should drink with harness53 on their throats.

  TIMON My lord, in heart, and let the health54 go round.

  SECOND LORD Let it flow this way, my good lord.

  APEMANTUS 'Flow this way'? A brave fellow: he keeps his tides56

  well. Those healths will make thee and thy state57 look ill,


  Here's that which is too weak to be a sinner59 --

  Honest water -- which ne'er left man i'th'mire.60

  This and my food are equals, there's no odds.

  Feasts are too proud62 to give thanks to the gods.

  Apemantus' grace

  Immortal gods, I crave no pelf.63

  I pray for no man but myself:

  Grant I may never prove so fond,65

  To trust man on his oath or bond,

  Or a harlot67 for her weeping

  Or a dog that seems a-sleeping,

  Or a keeper69 with my freedom,

  Or my friends if I should need 'em.

  Amen. So fall to't.71

  Rich men sin, and I eat root.72

  Much good dich73 thy good heart, Apemantus!


  TIMON Captain Alcibiades, your heart's in the field74 now.

  ALCIBIADES My heart is ever at your service, my lord.

  TIMON You had rather be at a breakfast of enemies76 than a

  dinner of friends.

  ALCIBIADES So they were bleeding new78, my lord, there's no

  meat like 'em: I could wish my best friend at such a feast.

  APEMANTUS Would all those flatterers were thine enemies then,

  that then thou mightst kill 'em and bid me to 'em!81

  FIRST LORD Might we but have that happiness, my lord, that

  you would once use our hearts83 whereby we might express

  some part of our zeals84, we should think ourselves for ever


  TIMON O, no doubt, my good friends, but the gods themselves

  have provided that I shall have much help from you: how

  had you been my friends else? Why have you that charitable88

  title from89 thousands, did not you chiefly belong to my heart?

  I have told more of you to myself than you90 can with modesty

  speak in your own behalf, and thus far I confirm91 you. O you

  gods, think I, what need we have any friends if we should

  ne'er have need of 'em? They were the most needless93 creatures

  living, should we ne'er have use for 'em, and would most

  resemble sweet instruments hung up in cases that keeps

  their sounds to themselves. Why, I have often wished myself

  poorer, that I might come nearer to you. We are born to

  do benefits: and what better or properer98 can we call our own

  than the riches of our friends99? O, what a precious comfort

  'tis to have so many like brothers commanding100 one another's

  fortunes! O joy's e'en made away ere't can be born101: mine

  eyes cannot hold out water, methinks. To forget their faults,102 I

  Weeps, and drinks a toast

  drink to you.

  APEMANTUS Thou weep'st to make them drink,104 Timon.

  To Timon

  SECOND LORD Joy had the like105 conception in our eyes

  And at that instant like a babe sprung up.106

  APEMANTUS Ho, ho! I laugh to think that babe a bastard.107

  THIRD LORD I promise you, my lord, you moved me much.

  To Timon

  APEMANTUS Much!109

  Sound tucket

  TIMON What means that trump110? How now?

  Enter Servant

  SERVANT Please you, my lord, there are certain ladies most111

  desirous of admittance.

  TIMON Ladies? What are their wills?