SERVANT There comes with them a forerunner114, my lord,

  which bears that office to signify their pleasures.115

  TIMON I pray, let them be admitted.

  Enter Cupid with the masque of Ladies

  The Masquers stay back

  CUPID Hail to thee, worthy Timon, and to all that

  Of his bounties taste! The five best senses

  Acknowledge thee their patron, and come freely

  To gratulate thy plenteous bosom:120

  There taste, touch, all121, pleased from thy table rise.

  They only now come but122 to feast thine eyes.

  TIMON They're welcome all, let 'em have kind123 admittance:

  Cupid brings forward the Masquers

  Music, make their welcome!

  FIRST LORD You see, my lord, how ample125 you're beloved.

  Enter the Masquers of Amazons, with lutes in their hands, dancing and playing

  APEMANTUS Hoyday, what a sweep126 of vanity comes this way!

  They dance? They are madwomen.

  Like madness is the glory128 of this life

  As this pomp129 shows to a little oil and root.

  We make ourselves fools to disport130 ourselves,

  And spend our flatteries, to drink131 those men

  Upon whose age we void132 it up again

  With poisonous spite and envy.133

  Who lives that's not depraved134 or depraves?

  Who dies that bears not one spurn135 to their graves

  Of their friends' gift?136

  I should fear those that dance before me now

  Would one day stamp upon me. 'T'as been done:

  Men shut their doors against a setting sun.

  The Lords rise from table, with much adoring of Timon, and to show their loves each single out an Amazon and all dance, men with women, a lofty strain or two to the hautboys, and cease

  TIMON You have done our pleasures much grace140, fair ladies,

  Set a fair fashion on141 our entertainment,

  Which was not half so beautiful and kind:142

  You have added worth unto't and lustre,

  And entertained me with mine own device.144

  I am to thank you for't.

  FIRST LADY My lord, you take us even at the best.146

  APEMANTUS Faith, for the worst is filthy, and would not hold147

  taking, I doubt me.148

  TIMON Ladies, there is an idle banquet attends149 you:

  Please you to dispose yourselves.150

  ALL LADIES Most thankfully, my lord.

  Exeunt [Cupid and Ladies]

  TIMON Flavius.

  FLAVIUS My lord.

  TIMON The little casket bring me hither.


  FLAVIUS Yes, my lord.-- More jewels yet!

  There is no crossing him in's humour,156

  Else I should tell him well157 -- i' faith I should --

  When all's spent, he'd be crossed then, an158 he could.

  'Tis pity bounty had not eyes behind,159

  That man might ne'er be wretched for his mind.160


  FIRST LORD Where be our men?

  SERVANT Here, my lord, in readiness.

  SECOND LORD Our horses.

  Enter Flavius

  Carrying the casket

  TIMON O, my friends,

  I have one word to say to you: look you, my good lord,

  Gives a jewel from the casket

  I must entreat you honour me so much

  As to advance167 this jewel. Accept it and wear it,

  Kind my lord.

  FIRST LORD I am so far already in your gifts169--

  Timon gives jewels to all

  ALL So are we all.

  Enter a Servant

  SERVANT My lord, there are certain nobles of the senate

  Newly alighted and come to visit you.

  TIMON They are fairly173 welcome.

  [Exit Servant]

  FLAVIUS I beseech your honour,

  Vouchsafe me a word: it does concern you near.175

  TIMON Near? Why then, another time I'll hear thee.

  I prithee, let's be provided177 to show them entertainment.


  FLAVIUS I scarce know how.

  Enter another Servant

  SECOND SERVANT May it please your honour, Lord Lucius --

  Out of his free180 love -- hath presented to you

  Four milk-white horses trapped181 in silver.

  TIMON I shall accept them fairly. Let the presents

  Be worthily entertained.183

  [Exit Second Servant]

  Enter a Third Servant

  How now? What news?

  THIRD SERVANT Please you, my lord, that honourable gentleman,

  Lord Lucullus, entreats your company tomorrow to hunt with

  him, and has sent your honour two brace187 of greyhounds.

  TIMON I'll hunt with him, and let them be received

  Not without fair189 reward.

  [Exit Third Servant]


  FLAVIUS What will this come to?

  He commands us to provide, and give great gifts,

  And all out of an empty coffer:192

  Nor will he know his purse, or yield me this,193

  To show him what a beggar his heart is,

  Being of no power to make his wishes good.195

  His promises fly so beyond his state196

  That what he speaks is all in debt, he owes

  For ev'ry word: he is so kind that he now

  Pays interest for't; his land's put to their books.199

  Well, would200 I were gently put out of office

  Before I were forced out.

  Happier is he that has no friend to feed

  Than such that do e'en enemies exceed.203

  I bleed inwardly for my lord.


  To the Lords

  TIMON You do yourselves

  Much wrong, you bate206 too much of your own merits.

  Gives a gift to Second Lord

  Here, my lord, a trifle of our love.

  SECOND LORD With more than common thanks I will receive it.

  THIRD LORD O, he's the very soul of bounty!

  To First Lord

  TIMON And now I remember, my lord, you gave210

  Good words the other day of a bay courser211

  I rode on. 'Tis yours, because you liked it.

  FIRST LORD O, I beseech you pardon me, my lord, in that.213

  TIMON You may take my word, my lord: I know, no man

  Can justly praise but what he does affect.215

  I weigh my friend's affection with mine own,216

  I'll tell you true. I'll call to217 you.

  ALL LORDS O, none so welcome.

  TIMON I take all and your several visitations219

  So kind to heart, 'tis not enough to give:

  Methinks I could deal221 kingdoms to my friends,

  And ne'er be weary.-- Alcibiades,

  Thou art a soldier, therefore seldom rich.

  Gives a gift?

  It comes in charity to thee, for all thy living224

  Is 'mongst the dead, and all the lands thou hast

  Lie in a pitched field.226

  ALCIBIADES Ay, defiled227 land, my lord.

  FIRST LORD We are so virtuously bound228--

  TIMON And so am I to you.

  SECOND LORD So infinitely endeared230--


  TIMON All to you231.-- Lights, more lights!

  FIRST LORD The best of happiness,

  Honour and fortunes keep with you, Lord Timon!

  TIMON Ready for234 his friends.

  Exeunt Lords. [Apemantus and Timon remain]

  APEMANTUS What a coil's235 here,

  Serving of becks236 and jutting-out of bums!

  I doubt whether their legs237 be worth the sums

  That are given for 'em. Friendship's full of dregs:238

s false239 hearts should never have sound legs,

  Thus honest fools lay out their wealth on curtsies.

  TIMON Now, Apemantus, if thou wert not sullen I would be

  good to thee.

  APEMANTUS No, I'll243 nothing; for if I should be bribed too, there

  would be none left to rail upon244 thee, and then thou wouldst

  sin the faster. Thou giv'st so long, Timon, I fear me245 thou wilt

  give away thyself in paper246 shortly. What needs these feasts,

  pomps and vainglories?247

  TIMON Nay, an you begin to rail on society once,248 I am sworn

  not to give regard to you. Farewell, and come with better249




  Thou wilt not hear me now, thou shalt not then.252

  I'll lock thy heaven253 from thee.

  O, that men's ears should be

  To counsel255 deaf, but not to flattery!


  [Act 2 Scene 1]

  running scene 3

  Enter a Senator

  With bonds in his hand

  SENATOR And late1, five thousand: to Varro and to Isidore

  He owes nine thousand, besides my former sum,

  Which makes it five-and-twenty. Still in motion3

  Of raging waste? It cannot hold4, it will not.

  If I want gold, steal but a beggar's dog

  And give it Timon, why, the dog coins gold.

  If I would sell my horse, and buy twenty more

  Better than he, why, give my horse to Timon,

  Ask nothing, give it him, it foals me straight9

  And able horses. No porter10 at his gate,

  But rather one that smiles and still11 invites

  All that pass by. It cannot hold: no reason

  Can sound his state in safety. Caphis, ho!13

  Caphis, I say!

  Enter Caphis

  CAPHIS Here, sir. What is your pleasure?

  SENATOR Get on your cloak, and haste you to Lord Timon.

  Importune him for my moneys. Be not ceased17

  With slight denial, nor then silenced when18

  'Commend me to your master', and the cap

  Plays in the right hand, thus: but tell him

  My uses cry to me, I must serve my turn21

  Out of mine own, his days and times22 are past

  And my reliances on his fracted23 dates

  Have smit24 my credit. I love and honour him,

  But must not break my back to heal his finger.

  Immediate are my needs, and my relief26

  Must not be tossed and turned27 to me in words,

  But find supply28 immediate. Get you gone.

  Put on a most importunate aspect,29

  A visage of demand, for I do fear

  When every feather sticks in his own wing,31

  Lord Timon will be left a naked gull,32

  Which flashes now a phoenix33. Get you gone.

  CAPHIS I go, sir.

  SENATOR 'I go, sir'? Take the bonds along with you,

  Gives the bonds

  And have the dates in36. Come.

  CAPHIS I will, sir.



  [Act 2 Scene 2]

  running scene 4

  Enter Steward [Flavius], with many bills in his hand

  FLAVIUS No care, no stop: so senseless of expense

  That he will neither know how to maintain2 it,

  Nor cease his flow of riot3, takes no account

  How things go from him, nor resume4 no care

  Of what is to continue. Never mind5

  Was to be so unwise, to be so kind.

  What shall be done? He will not hear, till feel.7

  I must be round8 with him, now he comes from hunting.

  Fie, fie, fie, fie!

  Enter Caphis, [meeting Servants of] Isidore and Varro

  CAPHIS Good even, Varro. What, you come for money?

  VARRO'S SERVANT Is't not your business too?

  CAPHIS It is: and yours too, Isidore?


  CAPHIS Would we were all discharged!14

  VARRO'S SERVANT I fear it.15

  CAPHIS Here comes the lord.

  Enter Timon and his train16 [including Alcibiades]

  TIMON So soon as dinner's done, we'll forth17 again,

  To Caphis

  My Alcibiades.-- With me? What is your will?

  Gives a bill

  CAPHIS My lord, here is a note of certain dues.19

  TIMON Dues? Whence are you?20

  CAPHIS Of Athens here, my lord.

  TIMON Go to my steward.

  CAPHIS Please it your lordship, he hath put me off

  To the succession of new days this month:24

  My master is awaked by great occasion25

  To call upon his own26, and humbly prays you

  That with your other noble parts you'll suit27

  In giving him his right.

  TIMON Mine honest friend,

  I prithee but repair30 to me next morning.

  CAPHIS Nay, good my lord--

  TIMON Contain thyself, good friend.

  VARRO'S SERVANT One Varro's servant, my good lord--


  He humbly prays your speedy payment.

  CAPHIS If you did know, my lord, my master's wants36--

  VARRO'S SERVANT 'Twas due on forfeiture37, my lord, six weeks

  and past.

  ISIDORE'S SERVANT Your steward puts me off, my lord, and I

  Am sent expressly to your lordship.

  TIMON Give me breath41.--

  To his train

  I do beseech you, good my lords, keep on:42

  I'll wait upon43 you instantly.--

  [Exeunt Alcibiades and Lords]

  To Flavius

  Come hither. Pray you,

  How goes the world that I am thus encountered45

  With clamorous demands46 of broken bonds

  And the detention47 of long-since-due debts,

  Against my honour?48

  To Servants

  FLAVIUS Please you, gentlemen,

  The time is unagreeable to50 this business:

  Your importunacy cease till after dinner,

  That I may make his lordship understand

  Wherefore you are not paid.

  To Servants

  TIMON Do so, my friends.--

  To Flavius

  See them well entertained.


  The Servants start to follow

  FLAVIUS Pray, draw near.55


  Enter Apemantus and Fool

  CAPHIS Stay, stay, here comes the fool with Apemantus: let's

  ha' some sport with 'em.

  VARRO'S SERVANT Hang him, he'll abuse us.

  ISIDORE'S SERVANT A plague upon him, dog!

  VARRO'S SERVANT How dost60, fool?

  APEMANTUS Dost dialogue with thy shadow?61

  VARRO'S SERVANT I speak not to thee.

  To Fool

  APEMANTUS No,'tis to thyself.-- Come away.

  ISIDORE'S SERVANT There's the fool hangs on your back64 already.

  APEMANTUS No, thou stand'st single65: thou'rt not on him yet.

  CAPHIS Where's the fool now?

  APEMANTUS He last asked the question. Poor rogues and usurers'67

  men, bawds between gold and want.68

  ALL SERVANTS What are we, Apemantus?



  APEMANTUS That you ask me what you are, and do not know

  yourselves. Speak to 'em, fool.

  FOOL How do you, gentlemen?

  ALL SERVANTS Gramercies75, good fool. How does your mistress?

  FOOL She's e'en setting on water to scald76 such chickens as

  you are. Would we could see you at Corinth!77

  APEMANTUS Good, gramercy.

nbsp; Enter Page

  FOOL Look you, here comes my master's page.

  To the Fool

  PAGE Why, how now, captain? What do you in

  this wise company?-- How dost thou, Apemantus?

  APEMANTUS Would I had a rod in my mouth, that I might answer82

  thee profitably.

  Gives letters

  PAGE Prithee, Apemantus, read me the

  superscription85 of these letters: I know not which is which.

  APEMANTUS Canst not read?

  PAGE No.

  APEMANTUS There will little learning die then, that day thou art

  hanged. This is to Lord Timon, this to Alcibiades. Go, thou

  wast born a bastard, and thou'lt die a bawd.

  PAGE Thou wast whelped a dog, and thou shalt famish91 a

  dog's death. Answer not, I am gone.


  APEMANTUS E'en so thou outrunn'st grace93.--

  Fool, I will go with you to Lord Timon's.

  FOOL Will you leave me there?

  To Servants

  APEMANTUS If Timon stay at home96.-- You three

  serve three usurers?

  ALL SERVANTS Ay: would they served98 us!

  APEMANTUS So would I: as good a trick as ever hangman served


  FOOL Are you three usurers' men?

  ALL SERVANTS Ay, fool.

  FOOL I think no usurer but has a fool to103 his servant: my

  mistress is one, and I am her fool104. When men come to

  borrow of your masters, they approach sadly and go away

  merry, but they enter my master's house merrily and go

  away sadly107: the reason of this?

  VARRO'S SERVANT I could render108 one.

  APEMANTUS Do it then, that we may account thee a whoremaster109

  and a knave, which notwithstanding thou shalt be no less110


  VARRO'S SERVANT What is a whoremaster, fool?

  FOOL A fool in good clothes, and something like thee. 'Tis

  a spirit: sometime't appears like a lord, sometime like a lawyer,

  sometime like a philosopher with two stones115 more than's

  artificial one116. He is very often like a knight; and generally in

  all shapes that man goes up and down in from fourscore117 to

  thirteen, this spirit walks in.

  VARRO'S SERVANT Thou art not altogether a fool.

  FOOL Nor thou altogether a wise man: as much foolery as

  I have, so much wit thou lack'st.

  APEMANTUS That answer might have become122 Apemantus.

  ALL SERVANTS Aside, aside, here comes Lord Timon.

  Enter Timon and Steward

  APEMANTUS Come with me, fool, come.

  FOOL I do not always follow lover, elder brother and125

  woman: sometime the philosopher.

  [Exeunt Apemantus and Fool]

  FLAVIUS Pray you walk near:127 I'll speak with you anon.

  Exeunt [Servants]

  TIMON You make me marvel128 wherefore ere this time