108 The ... head i.e. Fortune's foot, ready to kick one down the mountain/the great man tumbling head over heels 108 suitor petitioner, one with a formal request to make 110 five talents a very large sum of money; the exact value of a talent in the early seventeenth century is unclear, but seems to have been somewhere between PS150 and PS200

  111 means wealth

  111 strait exacting, severe

  114 Periods puts an end to

  114 comfort hope, encouragement

  116 feather i.e. disposition, type

  120 ever binds him makes him obliged to you forever 121 Commend me convey my greetings

  122 enfranchised set free

  127 father respectful form of address to an old man 133 creature dependant

  135 first i.e. early life

  135 thrift economy/profit-making

  136 more raised i.e. of higher status

  137 one ... trencher i.e. a domestic servant 137 trencher wooden plate

  141 o'th'youngest ... bride i.e. just old enough to marry 142 bred brought up

  143 qualities accomplishments

  144 Attempts tries to obtain

  145 her resort to visit her

  147 honest honorable, worthy

  148 Therefore ... be i.e. he will continue to be so if he does not pursue her 150 bear carry off as a prize

  152 apt impressionable/sexually inclined

  153 precedent earlier, youthful

  154 levity frivolity/licentiousness, immorality

  160 all completely/of everything

  161 How ... endowed what will her dowry be

  164 gentleman a man of good birth attending a man of high rank 166 bond obligation

  167 counterpoise match, counterbalance

  168 with i.e. as much as

  170 Pawn ... honour if you will pledge your honor to do this 173 state wealth

  175 Vouchsafe deign to accept

  176 anon soon

  181 the natural man man as he really is

  182 traffics has dealings

  183 He ... outside i.e. human nature is defined by mere (unreliable) outward appearance 183 pencilled painted

  184 Even ... out exactly what they appear to be

  185 shall ... it i.e. will be rewarded for it 189 must needs must

  190 Hath ... praise i.e. cannot hope to financially match the praise it has received (the Jeweller thinks that Timon means that the jewel has been "underpraised") 192 A mere satiety an absolute excess

  193 extolled praised

  194 unclew unwind, undo, ruin

  195 rated valued

  196 those ... give i.e. at the price the seller would pay 197 like the same

  198 prized ... masters differently valued by different owners/valued according to the respect men have for the owner 199 mend improve, add value to

  200 mocked acted

  201 common tongue general opinion

  203 Will ... chid? Do you want to be scolded?

  206 morrow morning

  207 gentle noble/courteous

  207 stay wait

  208 When and that impossibility will only occur when 214 name i.e. knave

  215 proud arrogant, presumptuous (Apemantus shifts the sense to "honored, glad") 220 doing nothing i.e. because there are no honest Athenians 222 innocence inability of the painted character to do harm/foolishness 223 Wrought worked

  224 He i.e. God

  226 dog plays on the fact that "cynic" is derived from the Greek for "dog"

  227 generation species (implying that the Painter's mother is a "bitch," i.e. female dog/lewd woman) 230 eat not lords do not consume the wealth (or flesh) of lords 231 An if

  232 eat have sex with

  232 come by acquire (perhaps with orgasmic connotations) 232 great bellies i.e. through overeating/in pregnancy 233 apprehension interpretation/sexual grasping

  234 So ... labour if you understand it in that way, keep it as a reward for your efforts (labour plays on the sense of "pains of childbirth") 236 Not ... doit "plain-dealing is a jewel, but they that use it die beggars" (proverbial) 236 plain-dealing honest behavior/forthright lechery 237 doit coin of little value

  239 How now greeting which implies inquiry about well-being 245 poet ... liest the idea of the creative artist as a liar was conventional 248 him i.e. Timon

  250 worthy of plays on the idea of "of financial value to"

  254 E'en even, i.e. exactly

  258 Wherefore? Why?

  259 no angry wit not enough anger in my wit

  262 Traffic trade, business

  262 confound ruin

  265 What whose

  266 horse horsemen

  267 of companionship one party, together

  268 entertain welcome

  268 give them guide show them

  271 of your sights to see you

  273 So, so, there! a comment on the greetings that are under way ("Well, look at that"), exclamation of observation/commentary on the greetings 274 contract and starve shrink and wither

  275 small hardly any

  275 sweet smooth, falsely pleasant

  276 strain race

  276 bred out degenerated

  278 saved my longing i.e. satisfied my desire to see you 279 hungerly hungrily

  279 your sight the sight of you

  281 Ere before

  281 depart part

  281 bounteous abundant

  282 different various

  282 in go in

  285 That ... still it is always that time

  286 omitt'st neglect

  288 meat food

  297 unpeaceable quarrelsome

  297 spurn kick

  298 fly flee, run away from

  298 o'th'ass of the donkey/idiot

  299 opposite to antagonistic toward/the reverse of

  300 outgoes exceeds

  302 Plutus the wealthy Greek god of the underworld

  303 steward servant in charge of all domestic affairs 303 meed gift

  306 All ... quittance repayment with interest

  Act 1 Scene 2

  1.2 Location: the banqueting room in Timon's house

  1.2 Hautboys oboe-like instruments 1.2 States senators

  1.2 dropping moodily, unenthusiastically/casually 3 long peace i.e. death

  6 free generous

  7 service respect, homage

  11 ever always

  12 he ... receives biblical: "if ye lend to them of whom ye hope to receive, what thank have ye?" (Luke 6:34), "It is more blessed to give than to receive" (Acts 20:35) 13 that game i.e. appearing freely generous yet permitting repayment 14 faults ... fair "rich men have no faults" (proverbial) 17 Ceremony respectful courtesy, formal conduct

  18 set ... on give a fair appearance to, smooth over

  18 faint half-hearted/trivial

  18 hollow insincere

  19 Recanting goodness goodness that will be withdrawn 19 ere before

  20 none i.e. no ceremony

  23 confessed acknowledged, granted (Apemantus shifts the sense to "heard the confession of a criminal") 24 Hanged "confess and be hanged" (proverbial)

  28 Fie exclamation of disgust or reproach

  28 churl peasant/villain (i.e. ungracious, contemptible) 28 humour mood, temperament (the four humors were bodily fluids thought to govern health and disposition) 29 become befit, suit

  30 Ira ... est "Anger is a brief madness" (Latin) 31 yond yonder, that

  33 affect like/seek out

  35 apperil peril, risk

  36 observe scrutinize people and make comments on them 36 on't of it

  37 heed notice

  38 would wish to

  38 power i.e. to silence you

  38 meat ... silent i.e. as you eat

  40 'twould ... thee i.e. the food is a benefit to be enjoyed by Timon's flatterers; not being one, Apemantus would choke on it 41 eats i.e. prey upon, consume the wealth of

  42 dip ... blood may allude to the Last Supper of Christ and his disciples: "he that dippeth his hand wi
th me in the dish, he shall betray me" (Matthew 26:23) 43 all ... up the maddest thing of all is that he encourages them 46 without knives in Shakespeare's day guests brought their own knives to dinner 47 Good ... meat i.e. because less would be eaten 48 example precedent, previous evidence

  49 pledges ... him i.e. drinks a toast to his life 50 divided draught shared cup (divided may also suggest deception) 51 huge powerful, high-ranking

  52 spy ... notes i.e. see his windpipe dangerously exposed as his head tilts back 52 notes distinctive signs (plays on the sense of "musical notes," with the windpipe as an instrument) 53 harness armor

  54 in heart heartily, in friendship

  54 health toast/shared cup

  56 brave fine

  56 keeps ... well i.e. does not miss an opportunity 56 tides time/movement of the sea

  57 Those ... ill "to drink health is to drink sickness" (proverbial) 57 health toast/physical healthiness

  57 state estate, wealth/physical condition

  59 sinner i.e. cause of sin

  60 i'th'mire stuck in the mud, i.e. in trouble 61 odds difference

  62 proud lavish/arrogant

  62 grace prayer said before a meal

  63 pelf wealth/spoils, booty

  65 fond foolish

  67 harlot prostitute

  69 keeper jailer

  71 fall to't start eating

  72 root i.e. vegetables

  73 dich do it

  74 field battlefield

  76 breakfast of enemies i.e. cutting enemies up on the battlefield 78 So provided that

  78 new freshly

  81 bid ... 'em invite me to eat them

  83 use our hearts make use of the affection that we have for you 84 zeals loyalties, devotion

  85 perfect satisfied, complete

  88 else otherwise

  88 charitable loving

  89 from from among, out of

  90 told ... you described you more expansively/estimated you more highly 91 confirm corroborate, approve

  93 needless pointless, not needed

  98 do benefits give gifts/help

  98 properer more fittingly/more our own

  99 riches ... friends wealth of friendship/wealth belonging to our friends 100 commanding having at one's disposal

  101 made ... born destroyed before birth, i.e. expressed in tears, which seem sorrowful 102 faults errors; plays on the sense of "cracks (to let in water)"

  104 Thou ... drink Apemantus wryly implies that Timon's weakness enables his flatterers to take advantage of him 105 like same

  106 sprung up welled up, like a spring/grew

  107 a bastard illegitimate, i.e. insincere

  109 Much! exclamation of disbelief or sarcasm

  109.1 tucket trumpet call

  110 trump trumpet

  111 Please if it please

  111 most ... admittance who wish to enter; may possibly play on sense of "who are desirous to be received sexually"; wills sexual desires, office duty/sexual role, pleasures also resonate sexually 114 forerunner herald

  115 which ... pleasures whose job it is to announce their wishes 116 Cupid Roman god of love, usually depicted as a winged, blindfolded boy 116 masque courtly entertainment involving dancing and elaborate costumes 120 gratulate greet

  120 plenteous bosom generous heart

  121 There refers to Timon's generosity (plenteous bosom), and the banqueting table it has provided 121 all i.e. and the other three senses

  122 only ... but come solely

  123 kind friendly/gracious

  125 ample amply

  125 Amazons legendary race of female warriors 126 Hoyday exclamation of surprise

  126 sweep magnificent dancing motion

  128 Like similar, comparable

  128 glory vainglory, empty pride

  129 As ... root as can be seen by comparing this splendor (of banquet and masque) with a simple diet 129 pomp ceremony, splendor

  130 disport amuse

  131 spend express/use up/waste

  131 drink toast/swallow, consume

  132 Upon whose age old age/decline in fortune

  132 void vomit

  133 envy malice

  134 depraved defamed, slandered/morally corrupt

  135 spurn insult, rejection

  136 Of ... gift (that has been) given by their friends 139 adoring of revering of, expressing respect toward 139 lofty strain elevated, grand tune

  140 done ... grace added charm to our enjoyments, honored our revels 141 Set ... on i.e. lent elegance to

  142 kind gracious

  144 mine own device a masque commissioned and invented by me/a masque designed for me 146 take ... best evaluate us as highly as it is possible (Apemantus plays on the sexual sense of "take," i.e. "have sex with") 147 for because

  147 worst plays on the sense of "worst part," i.e. vagina 147 filthy disgusting/infected with venereal disease 147 hold taking stand up to evaluation/withstand sex (because it is diseased) 148 doubt me fear, suspect

  149 idle light, trifling

  149 banquet light meal, or fruit and sweetmeats served after the main meal 149 attends awaits

  150 dispose yourselves take your places

  156 crossing opposing, thwarting

  156 humour mood

  157 well plainly, bluntly

  158 crossed have his debts crossed out/paid

  158 an if only

  159 had ... behind i.e. was not wary

  160 for his mind as a result of his (generous) disposition 167 advance enhance in value (by wearing)

  169 so ... gifts already so obliged to you for other gifts 173 fairly kindly/courteously, graciously

  175 Vouchsafe permit

  175 near closely, seriously

  177 provided prepared

  180 free generous, open

  181 trapped harnessed

  183 worthily entertained received in a manner appropriate to their worth 187 brace pairs

  189 fair courteous/generous/just

  192 coffer money chest

  193 know his purse i.e. pay attention to his finances 193 yield me this allow me, give me the opportunity 195 make ... good put his wishes into effect

  196 state estate, wealth

  199 put ... books mortgaged to them

  200 would I wish

  203 Than ... exceed than to feed such friends as are worse than enemies 206 bate diminish

  210 gave good words praised

  211 bay courser reddish-brown horse

  213 in that for liking it, and thus implying that I wanted it 215 affect desire, like

  216 weigh ... own consider my friend's desires to be the same as my own 217 call to visit

  219 several visitations your collective and individual visits 221 deal give

  224 living income/existence

  226 pitched field battlefield with armies drawn up for action 227 defiled plays on pitched as "covered with pitch (a black tar-like substance)"; "file" picks up on the sense of "troop formation"

  228 virtuously bound powerfully bound/bound by your virtue 230 endeared indebted/bound by affection/increased in value 231 All to you i.e. the obligation is all mine 234 Ready for at the service of

  235 coil confusion, fuss

  236 serving delivering

  236 becks bows

  237 legs limbs/bows

  238 dregs impurities, corruption

  239 false insincere, dishonest

  243 I'll I'll have

  244 rail upon abuse, rant at, insult

  245 fear me fear

  246 paper i.e. promissory notes, written securities 247 vainglories showy events

  248 an ... once if you begin to abuse good company

  249 come ... music i.e. change your tune, speak more positively 251 So so be it

  252 thou ... then you will not have the opportunity later 253 heaven salvation (achieved by listening to good advice) 255 counsel advice

  Act 2 Scene 1

  2.1 Location: a senator's house, Athens
  1 late recently

  3 motion ... waste in the process of reckless extravagance 4 hold last, be sustained

  9 foals brings forth more horses (gifts from Timon)

  9 straight immediately/strong

  10 porter i.e. gatekeeper who keeps out visitors 11 still always

  13 sound ... safety probe his finances and find them to be secure/declare his financial situation to be secure 13 ho! exclamation to attract attention

  17 importune urge, ask persistently

  17 ceased stopped

  18 slight dismissive, casual

  18 when ... hand i.e. with courteous words and gestures 21 uses needs (perhaps with a suggestion of "financial interest owed") 21 serve my turn provide for myself/meet the financial claims on me 22 own own money

  22 days and times i.e. the deadlines for payment 23 fracted broken

  24 smit impacted on, damaged

  26 relief i.e. request for repayment

  27 tossed and turned hit back (a tennis metaphor)

  28 supply financial provision

  29 importunate persistent, urgent

  29 aspect facial expression

  31 feather ... wing i.e. when every creditor is paid what they are due/when everything is back in its rightful place 32 gull unfledged bird/dupe, fool

  33 flashes shines brightly/temporarily displays

  33 phoenix mythical Arabian bird that was consumed by fire every five hundred years, then resurrected from the ashes; only one existed at a time 36 have ... in i.e. make sure the (missed) repayment dates are included Act 2 Scene 2

  2.2 Location: outside Timon's house, Athens

  2 know learn, be told

  2 maintain afford, stand the cost

  3 riot reveling, extravagance

  4 resume assumes

  5 what ... continue how the future will be provided for/what the consequences will be 5 Never ... kind never was there a mind so unwise in order to be so kind 7 till feel i.e. until he experiences the consequences 8 round plain-spoken, severe

  14 discharged paid

  15 fear it doubt that that will happen

  16 train retinue

  17 forth go out (hunting)

  19 dues debts

  20 Whence are you? Where are you from?

  24 To ... month i.e. from day to day for a month 25 awaked ... occasion prompted by urgent circumstances 26 call ... own call in what is owed to him

  27 with ... suit you will act in accordance with your other noble qualities 30 repair return

  36 wants needs/shortages

  37 forfeiture penalty of forfeiting the security for the loan (e.g. land and property) 41 breath breathing space

  42 keep on go on ahead

  43 wait upon follow

  45 How goes what is going on in

  45 encountered confronted/assaulted

  46 demands legal claims

  47 detention withholding

  48 Against my honour contrary to my reputation, damaging my honor 50 unagreeable to unsuitable for

  55 draw near i.e. follow me

  55 Fool professional jester

  60 dost do, i.e. are you

  61 Dost ... shadow? Are you talking to yourself?

  61 dialogue with speak to

  61 shadow mirror image