64 There's ... back (to Varro's servant) you have been labeled "fool"/(to Apemantus) the fool is behind you, follows you (perhaps with homosexual connotations, picked up in Apemantus' reply with stand'st--"have an erection"--and on him) 65 No ... single that cannot be as you, a fool, are standing alone 67 He (it is) he who
67 usurers moneylenders
68 bawds pimps, go-betweens
68 want financial need/sexual desire
75 Gramercies great thanks
76 e'en even now
76 setting on putting on to the fire to boil (possibly plays on the sense of "sexually arousing") 76 scald remove the feathers of/infect with venereal disease/treat for venereal disease (by inducing sweating) 77 Corinth i.e. a brothel (the Greek port of Corinth was notorious for prostitution) 82 rod punishment cane
82 answer reply to/punish
85 superscription address
91 whelped born as a puppy
91 famish die by starvation
93 outrunn'st grace i.e. run away from the advice that might save you (Apemantus shifts the sense of gone to "damned") 96 If ... home i.e. if Timon is at home, there is a fool at his house 98 would if only, we wish
98 served provided for, advantaged (Apemantus plays on the phrase "to serve a trick") 103 to as
104 one i.e. a usurer (plays on the sense of "pimp, procuress/one who regularly "uses" men, i.e. has sex with them) 104 fool perhaps with a suggestion of "sexual plaything" (fools were proverbially well endowed) 107 sadly i.e. because they have spent their money or contracted venereal disease (the Fool continues to joke that the house is a brothel) 108 render give
109 whoremaster user of prostitutes
110 which ... esteemed despite which you shall be no less well regarded (i.e. he is poorly regarded already) 115 stones testicles
116 artificial one philosopher's stone, which could supposedly turn base metals into gold (mythological) 117 goes ... down walks about/gains and loses an erection/has sex 117 fourscore eighty
122 become done credit to
125 lover ... woman i.e. people who are traditionally foolish 127 walk near remain nearby
128 marvel wonder
130 rated ... means estimated my expenditure according to what my resources would allow 133 leisures unoccupied moments
133 proposed brought it up for consideration
134 Go to exclamation of dismissive impatience
135 Perchance perhaps
135 single isolated/slight, trivial
135 vantages opportunities
136 indisposition unwillingness
136 back off
137 that ... minister my disinclination became your reason 142 found ... honesty i.e. trusted me to calculate them 145 gainst ... manners contrary to what good manners require 146 close closed/close to your chest
147 checks rebukes
148 in i.e. about
150 now's a time at least you can listen now/you must listen now 151 greatest ... half the highest estimate of your wealth is not even half enough 154 engaged mortgaged
155 stop feed/silence
156 present dues immediate debts
156 apace quickly
157 interim the short-term, immediate future
157 at length in the long run
158 reck'ning settlement of accounts
159 Lacedaemon Sparta (city in southern Greece)
164 husbandry household economy
164 falsehood dishonesty
165 auditors checkers of accounts
166 proof test
167 offices parts of the house used by servants (kitchen etc.) 167 oppressed overstretched/overcrowded
168 feeders guests/servants to guests (who must also be fed) 168 vaults wine cellars
169 spilth spillage
170 minstrelsy music and singing
171 wasteful cock wastefully flowing tap of a wine barrel 172 set ... flow i.e. cried
175 bits excessive tidbits, wasteful morsels
175 slaves servants/rogues
176 englutted swallowed
176 Timon's Timon's friend, kept at Timon's expense 182 fast-lost lost quickly/lost due to the absence of food 183 couched hidden
184 sermon preach at
185 villainous proceeding from unworthy motives/extended to villains 187 conscience understanding
189 broach tap (a barrel)
190 try test
190 argument of hearts protestations of love
191 frankly as freely
193 Assurance ... thoughts may your thoughts be blessed by proving true 194 sort way, sense
194 crowned given dignity/made wealthy
195 account consider (may play on the financial sense) 200 severally separately
204 occasions needs
204 time occasion, opportunity
204 toward for/to contribute toward
207 Hum! exclamation of doubt or displeasure
209 even ... health for my services to the welfare of the state 213 For that because
213 general usual
214 signet ring used as a seal, proof of authority
218 corporate collective
219 fall a low ebb (financially)
219 want lack
223 catch a wrench be accidentally twisted from its natural course 224 intending pretending/occupying themselves with
225 hard fractions harsh fragmentary sentences
226 half-caps semicourteous greetings, half-doffed hats 226 cold-moving stiff/indicative of cold feelings 229 cheerly cheerful
230 hereditary i.e. inherited with old age
231 caked congealed
232 'Tis it is due to
232 kindly natural
233 grows ... earth approaches the grave
234 dull unresponsive, sluggish
236 ingeniously honestly
238 stepped Into has inherited
242 good necessity genuine need
247 that ... foe i.e. the belief that friends will remain loyal during times of hardship is the undoing of the generous person 249 free generous (plays on the notion that "thought is free") Act 3 Scene 1
3.1 Location: Lucullus' house, Athens
5 warrant am sure
6 hits right fits in perfectly
6 ewer pitcher used to contain water for handwashing
7 tonight i.e. last night
8 respectively respectfully
9 complete accomplished
9 free-hearted generous
14 pretty excellent, fine
15 in on
16 supply fill
18 furnish provide
18 nothing in no way
19 present immediate
20 La ... la! either an exclamation of disdain or equivalent to "Indeed!"
21 so ... house i.e. one in which hospitality is so lavish 23 on't of it
24 have him persuade him to
24 embrace accept
26 honesty generosity
31 speaks your pleasure is kind to say so
32 towardly promising/helpful, friendly
32 prompt ready and willing
33 give to give
34 use ... well i.e. make the most of opportunities that arise 35 parts qualities
36 sirrah sir (used to a social inferior)
40 bare mere
41 security deposit or pledge that guarantees a loan
41 solidares invented term for a coin of low value, perhaps from the Roman solidus or Italian soldo
41 wink close your eyes
43 differ ... lived change in the course of a single lifetime 47 these i.e. the coins
47 scald burn (in hell)
48 molten ... damnation being boiled in molten metal was the traditional punishment of usurers in hell 49 himself i.e. a true friend
50 milky i.e. weak, cowardly
51 turns curdles
52 passion suffering/extreme emotion
53 my ... him been fed by Timon
54 nutriment nourishment
59 hour suffering as he dies
r />
Act 3 Scene 2
3.2 Location: a public place in Athens
3 for to be
12 necessity belonged to't how urgent it was
13 How? What?
20 his i.e. the gifts Lucullus received from Timon 20 mistook him made a mistake
21 occasion need
22 hap chance
23 sweat sweated (through hurrying)
26 exquisite excellent/accomplished
28 endeared obliged/affectionate
31 present occasion urgent needs (present plays ironically on the sense of "gift") 32 use need
34 merry joking
37 virtuous i.e. incurred through virtuous generosity 41 disfurnish myself against leave myself unprepared for 44 purchase ... part yesterday have spent a sum of money/made a small investment 44 undo ... honour i.e. ruin my chance of helping Timon 46 use borrow from
47 would wish
50 conceive the fairest think the best
51 kind generous, helpful
52 pleasure oblige
53 befriend ... far i.e. be so kind
56 look ... turn find something to do for you in return 57 shrunk i.e. diminished in fortune
58 hardly speed prosper with great difficulty
61 world's soul i.e. the essence of the world
61 piece kind, type (cut from the same cloth)
63 dips ... dish "he that dippeth his hand with me in the dish, he shall betray me" (Matthew 26:23) 63 in my knowing to my knowledge
64 been ... father i.e. behaved as a father to him 65 kept his maintained Lucius'
65 credit finances/reputation
65 his i.e. Timon's
68 treads presses
69 monstrousness unnatural behavior (from proverbial "ingratitude is monstrous") 70 looks out shows himself
71 in ... his considering, relative to Lucius' entire fortune 75 tasted Timon had experience of Timon's generosity
76 over upon
79 carriage conduct
81 put ... donation made a gift of my wealth/considered all my wealth a gift from Timon 84 with ... dispense to do away with compassion
85 policy strategy, self-interested calculation
Act 3 Scene 3
3.3 Location: Sempronius' house, Athens
7 touched tested (for quality--a touchstone is used to tell pure metals from base ones) 14 Thrive ... over prosper on his money but give up on him 16 That he who
16 my place i.e. at the top of his list of friends 16 sense ... first no reason why, in his need, he should not have turned to me first 18 in my conscience to my mind
20 backwardly poorly/slowly/in reverse order of priority 21 requite repay
22 argument of topic for
25 Had he had
25 but ... sake on account of my good will toward him 26 courage desire
27 faint weak
28 bates diminishes
29 goodly fine
30 politic cunning
30 crossed thwarted
32 set him clear make even the devil seem innocent
32 fairly virtuously/cleanly
33 foul wicked/dirty
33 Takes ... wicked imitates virtuous behavior in order to be wicked 34 zeal religious devotion
34 set ... fire i.e. begin wars in the name of religion 37 dead i.e. to him
38 wards locks
39 Many for many
40 sure securely (from arrest for debt)
41 liberal over-generous
42 keep his house stay indoors
Act 3 Scene 4
3.4 Location: Timon's house, Athens
8 at once to all of you
10 the hour is the time
11 Labouring for getting on for, approaching
12 much i.e. late
15 on't at it
15 wont accustomed
15 shine rise (like the sun)
16 waxed grown
17 prodigal wasteful
18 like the sun's i.e. reaching a peak, and then declining 22 am of share
23 t'observe to note and interpret
27 For ... money i.e. the money he owes me was spent on the jewels 28 heart feelings/wish
29 Mark note, listen to
29 shows appears
31 e'en ... 'em it is as if your lord demands money to pay for the jewels that were a gift to him 33 charge employment
35 stealth stealing
38 much deep very great (amount)
39 confidence intimacy, trusted friendship
39 mine i.e. my master's
40 his had equalled his loan would have been as great as that of your master 45 attend wait for
45 signify so much make this known
47 diligent dutiful/officious
49 in a cloud troubled/muffled up
53 certain certain sums of (in his reply Flavius plays on the sense of "secure, assured") 57 preferred brought forward, presented
58 false disloyal
59 fawn show delight/grovel
60 take down swallow
60 maws throat/stomachs
61 stir me up provoke me
63 made an end parted company
64 reckon add up
65 serve do, suffice (Flavius plays on the sense of "do a servant's duty") 66 base dishonorable/low-born
68 cashiered dismissed (from service)
68 worship used ironically
70 broader more plainly
71 rail rant
74 repair return
75 take't ... soul believe me
76 wondrously extraordinarily
76 comfortable cheerful
77 forsook abandoned
77 keeps remains in
80 if ... health if he is so ill
82 make ... gods i.e. not risk punishment after death for leaving debts behind him 82 clear unhindered/innocent
86 passage passing through/moving
87 free unrestrained/generous
88 retentive confining
91 Put in present your bill
97 Knock ... 'em Timon plays on the fact that bill also means "long-handled weapon"
97 cleave split
97 girdle belt
99 sums amounts of money
101 Tell count
106 fall upon attack, punish
107 throw ... at i.e. give up on
108 desperate irrecoverable/mad, reckless
Act 3 Scene 5
3.5 Location: inside Timon's house (though the action is continuous from the previous scene) 1 put ... me taken my breath away
4 What ... so? Timon begins to plan the mock banquet
8 fitly conveniently
8 bid invite, summon
9 luxurs lechers, debauched men
12 distracted agitated/confused, maddened
15 Be ... care do not worry about it
Act 3 Scene 6
3.6 Location: the senate house, Athens
1 voice vote
1 fault's crime's
2 Bloody bloodthirsty, vicious
3 emboldens encourages
4 bruise crush
7 virtues i.e. your virtuous selves
11 hot blood anger
12 stepped into i.e. incurred the penalties of (the image is of entering water) 12 past depth too deep, out of their depth
13 heed care, thought
14 fate his ill-fated deed
15 comely decent, becoming
16 soil tarnish
16 fact crime
17 which buys out redeems
18 fair noble/just
19 touched hit, wounded/infected, defiled
19 touched to death fatally damaged
21 sober serious/reasonable, controlled
21 unnoted hardly noticeable
22 behave control, manage
23 but ... argument carried a point in a debate
24 undergo undertake
24 strict forced
27 form acceptable practice/lawful procedure
28 Upon the head into the category
28 wh
ich i.e. quarrelling
29 misbegot illegitimately conceived
31 suffer endure
32 breathe utter/take in
33 his wrongs the wrongs done to him
33 his outsides i.e. external to him, not essential 34 raiment clothing
34 carelessly casually
35 prefer promote, present
37 wrongs wrongs done to us
37 kill to kill
38 for ill an evil cause
40 gross obvious/wicked
40 clear innocent
41 bear tolerate, endure
42 under favour with your kind permission
43 captain soldier
44 fond foolish
47 repugnancy resistance
48 what ... Abroad? i.e. why do soldiers go and fight 50 bearing plays on the senses of "childbearing" and "bearing the weight of a man during sex"
50 carry it win the day (continues to play on senses relating to pregnancy and sex) 52 irons fetters, shackles
56 gust outburst, battering blast
57 by mercy if seen mercifully
60 Weigh consider, judge
61 breathe speak
63 Lacedaemon Sparta (city in southern Greece)
63 Byzantium Istanbul (city in Turkey)
64 briber giver of bribes
70 made ... 'em dealt wounds out rather too plentifully 71 sin ... him i.e. drunkenness
74 in ... fury i.e. when drunk
76 cherish factions encourage dissent
76 inferred alleged/implied
80 parts good qualities
81 right ... time military feats should have bought him the right to live out his natural life 83 deserts merits
83 to in addition to
84 for because
85 security safety/guaranteed return on a loan
86 pawn pledge, mortgage
87 Upon ... returns as a means of guaranteeing his repayment of your mercy 89 in valiant gore i.e. by dying in battle
92 On ... our at the risk of our highest
95 know recognize, acknowledge
101 sue plead
101 grace favor
104 spacious in effect has considerable implications/leads to exile in the wide world 107 dotage foolishness
109 shine sunshine
110 Attend ... judgement expect a more severe punishment 110 not ... spirit so as not to make us more angry 111 presently immediately
113 Only in bone as living skeletons
115 told counted
115 let out lent
118 balsam healing ointment
118 usuring practicing usury, inflicting cost for one's own profit 120 ill unwelcome
121 worthy worthy of, befitting
121 spleen rage (the spleen was thought to be the seat of extreme emotion) 123 lay for waylay/endeavor to get (plays on sense of "wager, bet") 123 hearts affections, followers (plays on sense of "suit of cards") 124 at odds in a state of conflict (sustains the gambling image) 125 brook tolerate
Act 3 Scene 7
3.7 Location: Timon's house, Athens
3.7 divers various
3 try test
4 tiring exhausting themselves/feeding (as a bird of prey tugs at flesh) 5 encountered met
5 low financially dire
6 several various
7 persuasion suggestion, evidence
10 many my near my many pressing obligations
11 conjured summoned, entreated
13 in debt obliged, committed to
13 importunate urgent