as biologist, 507, 564, 569–72, 576, 577;
evolutionary hypotheses of, 570–71, 578, 580, 651, 755;
as literary stylist, 549, 554, 555, 572–75;
paleontology founded by, 554–55;
and philosophes, 572, 578, 637, 651, 680, 681, 695;
planetary-origin theory of, 553–54, 570–71;
and Mme. de Pompadour, 283, 571
Buffon, Marie, nee Saint-Belon (d. 1769), 570
buhlwork, 281, 304
Burckhardt, Jean Charles or Johann Karl (1773–1825), 549
Burgundy, Louis, Duke of (1682–1712), father of Louis XV, 5–6, 272
Burgundy, Louis Joseph of France, Duke of (1751–61), grandson of Louis XV, 288
Burgundy, Marie Adélaïde of Savoy, Duchess of (1685–1712), mother of Louis XV, 5, 272
Burigny, Jean Lévesque de (1692–1785), 502
Burke, Edmund (1729–97), 74, 102*, 529, 760;
and Montesquieu, 359, 360
Burlington, Richard Boyle, 3d Earl of (1695–1753), 215, 230, 232
Burlington House, London, 215, 230–31
Burney, Charles (1726–1814), 230, 245, 410, 516
Burney, Fanny (1752–1840), 88, 542
Bury, Lancashire, England, 51
Busoni, Ferruccio (1866–1924), 420
Bussy, Abbé de (fl. 1710), 4–5
Bute, John Stuart, 3d Earl of (1713–92), 211, 213
Bute, Mary, Countess of, nee Montagu (1718–94), dau. of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, 193, 210, 211, 213, 595
Butler, Joseph (1692–1752), 95, 117, 121, 125–27
Butler, Samuel (1612–80) , 217
Buxtehude, Dietrich (1637–1707), 227, 413
Byng, John, Admiral (1704–57), 725
Byron, George Gordon, Lord (1788–1824), 213, 559
Byron, John (1723–86), 558–59
Cabanis, Pierre Jean Georges (1757–1808), 583
cabinet system of government, 91
Caen, Academy of, 498
Caesar, Caius Julius (100–44 B.C.), 156, 159, 233;
Montesquieu’s views on, 346, 347
Café de la Régence, Paris, 660
Café Gradot, Paris, 22
Café Procope (Cave), Paris, 22, 294, 388, 632
Caffè, 499
Caffieri, Filippo (1634–1716), 309
Caffiéri, François Charles (1667–1729), 309
Caffiéri, Jacques (1678–1755), 304, 309
Caffiéri, Philippe (1714–77), 309
Cagliostro, “Count” Alessandro di (Giuseppe Balsamo; 1743–95), 593
Cajori, Florian (1895–1930), 548*
Calais, France, 41, 219
Calas, Marc Antoine (d. 1761), 728–30
Calas, Pierre, 728–32
Calas, Donat, 728–32, 751
Calas, Jean (1698–1762), 267, 693, 718, 726–33, 736, 737, 751, 752, 761, 772, 783
Calas, Louis, 728, 751
Calas, Mme., 728–32, 751
calcination, 375
calculus, 507, 508–9, 516, 541, 545;
algebraic (analysis), 509, 511–12;
infinitesimal, 509, 544;
integral, 515;
of variations, 510, 511, 512
Calcutta, 264
Calico Act (England, 1721), 49
California, 560
Caligula (Caius Caesar Germanicus), Emperor of Rome (r. 37–41), 486
Calmet, Dom Augustin (1672–1757), 471, 494, 501
Calonne, Charles Alexandre de (1734–1802), 535
Calpurnia, wife of Caesar (1st cent. B.C.), 233
Calvin, John (1509–64), 118, 480, 481;
and Calas case, 727–28;
his concept of God, 152, 704;
Voltaire on, 480, 738, 747
Calvinism: in Anglican doctrine, 117–18;
and Catholicism, similarities in, 476, 737, 738;
in France, 727–28;
in German states, 402, 747;
and music, 415;
in Prussia, 437;
in Scotland, 108;
and the stage, 481–82;
in Switzerland, 476, 478–79, 480–82
Camargo, Marie Anne de Cupis de (1710–70), 295, 322
Cambrai, France, 320;
archbishopric of, 32, 254
Cambridge University, 120, 121, 127, 509, 579, 628;
Chesterfield and, 63, 81;
Gray at, 180–82 passim;
science taught at, 63, 507
Camerarius, Rudolf (1665–1721), 565
Cameron clan, 110
Campanella, Tommaso (1568–1639), 692
Campbell, Colin (fl. 1717), 215
Canada, 264, 560, 607, 708
Canaletto, Antonio (1697–1768), 60
Candide (Voltaire), 718, 723–26, 744
Candolle, Augustin Pyrame de (1778–1841), 565
Canons (estate of Duke of Chandos), 231
Canterbury, Archbishop of: in 1716–37, see Wake, William;
in 1737–47, see Potter, John
Canton, John (1718–72), 522
capitalism, 48, 49, 52–54, 56, 98, 666
Captain Singleton (Defoe), 188
Capuchins, 258, 751–52
carbon dioxide (carbonic-acid gas), 517, 524, 526, 534, 567–68
carbon monoxide, discovery of, 530
Cardan, Jerome (1501–76), 52
cardiology, 586
Caribbean Sea, 264, 294
Carinthia, 431
Carissimi, Giacomo (c.1604–1674), 237, 242
Carlisle, England, 111
Carlos of Bourbon, Don (b.1716), see Charles III of Spain
Carlyle, Alexander (fl. 1756), Scottish clergyman, 184
Carlyle, Thomas (1795–1881), 258, 439
Carnarvon, Earl of, see Chandos, Duke of
Carniola, 431
Caroline of Ansbach (1683–1737), Queen of George II of England, 75, 81, 94–95, 344;
arrival in England, 89;
and Joseph Butler, 95, 125, 127;
and Chesterfield, 82, 95;
court of, 90, 95;
death of, 95, 97;
and excise bill riots, 98;
Handel helped by, 95, 231;
and husband’s mistresses, 97;
and Lady Mary, 95, 207, 595;
at opera, 233, 236;
and Pope, 95, 169;
religious liberalism of, 94, 95, 97;
and Roubillac, 214–15;
Voltaire and, 95, 245, 248;
and Walpole, 95, 96, 97
Carriera, Rosalba (1675–1757), 320
Cars, Laurent (1699–1771), 311, 313
Cartagena, attack on, 200
cartographers, see mapmakers
Cartouche (Louis Dominique Bourguignon; 1693–1721), 22
Carvalho e Mello, Sebastião José de, see Pombal, Marquês de
Caryll, John (fl. 1711), 166
Casanova, Giovanni Jacopo (1725–98), 478
Casaubon, Isaac (1559–1614), 500
Caslon, William (1692–1766), 163
Cassel, Hesse, 414, 417
Cassini, Giovanni Domenico (1625–1712), 544
Cassini, Jacques (1677–1756), 544
Cassini, Comte Jacques Dominique de (1748–1845), 544, 560
Cassini de Thury, César François (1714–84), 544, 560
Cassini family, 552
Castor et Pollux (Rameau), 296
castrati (male sopranos), 226, 230, 232–36
passim, 428
Castres, France, 732–33
Cateau-Cambrésis, France, 254
Catéchisme de l’honnête homme, Le (Voltaire), 741
Catéchisme universel, Le (Saint-Lambert), 777–78
Catherine I, Empress of Russia (r. 1725–27), 277, 311
Catherine II the Great, Empress of Russia (r. 1762–96), 216, 360, 477, 575, 606, 776;
and d’Alembert, 516;
Diderot’s protectress, 644, 646, 665, 675, 679, 774;
and Euler, 510;
and the Jesuits, 773;
and Voltaire, 596, 730, 733, 744; 779, 785
Catholic Church: and Napoleon, 583;
pagan residue in ritual of, 122;
remnants of its ritual in Protestant services, 118, 424–27;
ritual defended by Diderot, 656–57;
Voltaire on early Church, 485; see also Jesuits;
restrictions against, 118, 135, 164, 165, 167, 174, 176, 369, 495
IN FRANCE (French clergy), 253–58, 755–59;
and art, 310;
assemblies (convocations) of, 254–55, 642, 699, 756, 770, 771;
atheism among, 782–83 (see also Meslier, Jean);
benefices of, 32, 253–54, 255;
and bourgeoisie, 611, 781;
charities of, 288, 778;
under the Directory, 713;
makes dons gratuits, 254–55, 270, 608, 642, 699;
ecclesiastical courts of, 268;
education controlled by, 286–87, 608, 684–85, 697;
and 1759
edict, 737;
and Encyclopédie, 485, 635–42
passim, 644–46, 648, 720, 737;
and financiers, 265, 266;
intolerance of, see persecution of heresies, below; under Louis XIV, 21;
monasteries and nunneries, 256, 657–58;
Montesquieu and, 343, 345, 348, 355;
nobility and, 253–54, 324;
parish priests, 255–56;
persecution of heresies (Albigenses, Huguenots, etc.), 17, 257, 495, 605, 608, 684–85, 727–36;
philosophes’ indictment of, 605, 608, 626, 682, 684–85, 694, 697
(see also Voltaire and, below);
Mme. de Pompadour opposed by, 283–84;
property and wealth of, 254, 259, 355, 385, 387–88, 608;
replies to philosophes’ attack, 755–59;
during Revolution, 695;
taxation, resistance to, 255, 269, 270, 283, 535, 608, 610;
Voltaire and: his attacks on, 255, 368, 385, 387–88, 483, 485, 718, 767;
his Lettres philosophiques condemned by, 371;
his rapprochement with, 750–53; see also Christianity, attack on; Jansenists; Jesuits
IN GERMANY, 402, 438, 459
IN IRELAND, 82, 103–7, 495
IN SILESIA, 452, 459
IN SPAIN AND PORTUGAL, see Inquisition
IN SWITZERLAND, 473–74, 475, 476
Catholic Encyclopedia, 494*, 495*
Catilina (Crébillon père), 283, 330
Cato, Marcus Porcius, the Elder (Cato Senex; 234–149 B.C.), 738
Cato, Marcus Porcius, the Younger (95–46 B.C.), 346
Cato (Addison), 165, 184
Caus, Salomon de (1576–1626), 52
Cavallieri, A., astronomer, 539
Cave, Edward (1691–1754), 51
Caveau, Le, 332
Cavendish, Henry (1731–1810), 522, 531
Caveyrac, Abbé de (fl. 1762), 731*
Caylus, Anne Claude de Tubières, Comte de (1692–1765), 309, 311, 328
Caylus, Daniel Charles Gabriel de Pestels de, bishop of Auxerre (from 1704), 258, 288
Cazes, Pierre Jacques (1676–1754), 316–17
Cellamare, Antonio del Giudice, Principe di (1657–1733), 18, 32
Celsius, Anders (1701–44), 550
censorship, 496–98
IN FRANCE (permission, privilège), 258, 324, 332, 463, 493, 496–98 608, 633, 651, 694, 738;
of Encyclopédie, 634–44
passim, 647;
under Malesherbes, 348, 611, 638–39, 681;
philosophes resort to, 641, 761, 763, 783;
of Voltaire’s works, 40, 362, 366, 369, 370–71, 375
IN OTHER COUNTRIES: England, 119, 496, 497;
German states, 463, 496;
Scandinavia, 496;
Switzerland, 476, 481, 496;
United Provinces, 496
Certitude des preuves du Christianisme, La (Bergier), 756
Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de (1547–1616), 30, 194, 197, 200, 541, 658
Chaldeans, 640
Châlons-sur-Marne, 383, 388
Chambers, Ephraim (1680–1740), 499, 634
Chambre de Justice (Paris, 1716), 10, 14
Chambre des Députés, Paris, 307
Chambre des Enquêtes, 301
Chamfort, Sébastien Roch Nicolas de (1741–94), moralist, 331, 782
Champion, Antoinette, see Diderot, Antoinette Champion
Champion, Mme, 624
Champs-Élysées, Paris, 307
Chancery Court, England, 72
Chandernagor, 264, 503
Chandler, Edward, Bishop (fl. 1728), 117, 123
Chandon, Abbé Mayeul (fl. 1767), 756
Chandos, James Brydges, Earl of Carnarvon and 1st Duke of (1673–1744), 231
Chantilly, 306;
forest of, 335
Chantilly, Château de, 270, 307–8
Chapman, George (1559?–1634), 169 Characteristics (Shaftesbury), 178
Chardin, Jean or Sir John (1643–1713), traveler, 341
Chardin, Jean Baptiste Siméon (1699–1779), painter, 282, 311, 316–19, 404;
Le Bénédicité, 288, 318;
Diderot’s views on, 312, 319, 665, 667;
and La Tour, 320, 321, 322
Chardin, Marguerite Pouget, 318–19
Chardin, Marguerite Sainctar, 317, 318
Charlemagne, King of the Franks (r. 768–814), Emperor of the West (r. 800–814), 484, 486, 487
Charlemont, James Caulfield, 1st Earl of (1728–99), 147
Charles I, King of England, Scotland, and Ireland (r. 1625–49), 89, 116, 156–57, 214
Charles II, King of England, Scotland, and Ireland (r. 1660–85), 7, 77, 97, 112, 248
Charles III (Don Carlos of Bourbon), King of Spain (r. 1759–88), King of Naples and Sicily as Charles IV (r. 1735–59), 402, 500
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor (r. 1519–56), 412
Charles V (Robertson), see History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles V
Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor (r. 1711–40), 31, 94;
accession and reign of, 431–36;
death of, 436, 449;
and Pragmatic Sanction, 435–36
Charles VII, Holy Roman Emperor (r. 1742–45), Elector of Bavaria as Charles Albert (r. 1726–45), 398, 436, 452–54, 456
Charles XII, King of Sweden (r. 1697–1718), 362–63, 438
Charles XII (Voltaire), see Histoire de Charles XII
Charles Albert of Bavaria, Elector (r. 1726–45), see Charles VII, Emperor
Charles Alexander of Lorraine, Prince (1712–80), 454, 456
Charles Edward, Prince (Bonnie Prince Charlie), see Stuart, Charles Edward
Charles Emmanuel I, King of Sardinia (r. 1730–73), 115, 436, 455
Charles Theodore, Elector Palatine (r. 1733–99), 398, 409, 551
Charleston, South Carolina, 131
Charlotte Elisabeth, Princess Palatine and Duchesse d’Orléans (1652–1722), 6, 8, 16, 20, 21–22, 36
Charlottenburg, Schloss, 94
Charlotte Sophia (1744–1818), Queen of George III of England, 730
Charterhouse school, London, 130
Charteris, Colonel Francis (1669–1731), 366
Chartres, Louis Philippe Joseph d’Orléans, Duc de (b. 1747–d.1793;
Due d’Orléans from 1785), 601
Chastellux, Marquis François Jean de (1734–88), 782
Châteaubriand, François René de (1768–1848), 575
Châteauneuf, Abbé de (fl. 1700), 3–4
Châteauroux, Marie Anne de Nesle de La Tournelle, Duchesse de (1717–44), 275–77, 285, 300, 307
Châtel, Jean (1575?–94), 765
Châtelet, Marquise du, see Du Châtelet-Lomont, Marquise
Châtenay, France, 36
tham, Lord, see Pitt, William, the Elder
Chatterton, Thomas (1752–70), 180
Chaucer, Geoffrey (c.1340–1400), 198
Chaulieu, Guillaume Amfrye, Abbé de (1639–1720), 4–5
Chaulnes, Duchesse de, 290
Chaumeix, Abraham de (c.1730–1790), 642
Chaumont, Claude (fl. 1764), 736
Chaumont, France, 375
Chauvelin, Germain Louis de (1685–1762), Keeper of the Seals (1727–37), 362, 371, 782
Chelsea, 202, 214, 242
Chemical Treatise on Air and Fire (Scheele), 525
chemistry, 7, 507, 509, 517, 522, 523–36, 592;
and astronomy, 537;
impact on civilization, 584;
impact on medicine, 586;
new nomenclature for, 534;
and physiology, 589;
and psychology. 583
Cheselden, William (1688–1752), 597, 599, 627–28
Chesterfield, Elizabeth, Countess of, nee Savile (d. 1708), 81
Chesterfield, Petronilla, Countess of, see Walsingham, Countess of
Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, 4th Earl of (1694–1773), 81–88;
on Bolingbroke’s literary work, 99, 465;
and Queen Caroline, 82, 90, 95;
death of, 88;
foresees French Revolution, 86–87;
his gambling, 66, 81, 87;
on the German fondness for titles, 403;
in Ireland as lord lieutenant, 82, 495;
on the Irish poor, 103;
and Johnson, 82, 87, 162;
on manners, 79, 81, 83, 85;
his marriage, 82;
and Montesquieu, 82, 344, 353;
in Paris, 82, 300;
on royal courts, 81;
and Voltaire, 82, 86, 87, 88, 465, 784;
opposes Walpole, 82, 99;
other observations and opinions, 63, 80, 132, 215, 241, 289
Chesterfield, Philip Stanhope, 3d Earl of (d. 1726), 81, 82
Chesterfield House, London, 214, 215
Chevreuse, Duc de (1717–71), 252
Chiarugi, Vincenzo (1759–1820), 598
Chiaveri, Gaetano (1689–1770), 399
Ch’ien Lung, Emperor of China (r. 1736–96), 506
Child, Sir Josiah (1630–99), 56–57
Chile, 559
Chimborazo, Mount, 552
China: cultural influence on Europe, 503–6, 694;
historical chronology calculated, 500, 501–2, 506;
inoculation practiced in, 594;
lacquer work from, 304;
Montesquieu on, 350;
porcelain from, 281, 282, 306;
Voltaire on, 484, 485;
Wolff on, 401
China illustrata (Kircher), 503
chinoiseries, 505
Chirurgien dentiste, Le (Fauchard), 599
Chiswick, Middlesex, England, 215, 220
chlorine, 525, 584
Choderlos de Laclos, Pierre Ambroise François (1741–1803), 331
Chodowiecki, Daniel (1726–1801), German painter, 600