Page 126 of The Age of Voltaire

  Choiseul, Duc Étienne François de (1719–1815), 301, 493, 762;

  and Calas case, 730, 732;

  friend to philosophes and Voltaire, 692, 737–38, 767, 782;

  and Jesuits’ fall, 767, 769, 770

  Choiseul, Louise Honorine Crozat, Duchesse de (1735–1801), 301, 752, 782

  Choiseul-Romanet, Comtesse Charlotte Rosalie de (1733–53). 284

  Choisy, 285

  Chotusitz, Bohemia, battle of (1742), 454

  Christ Church, Oxford, 130

  Christian VII, King of Denmark and Norway (r. 1766–1808), 733

  Christian, Johann (1706–77), 406

  Christian Brothers, 498, 773, 775

  Christian Hero (Steele), 178

  Christianisme dévoilé, Le (d’Holbach), 698, 699, 756

  Christianity: attack upon, 335, 495, 497, 505, 603–786;

  —by English deists, 116–17, 119–23;

  —by philosophes, 116, 497, 572, 636–49

  passim, 656–58, 682, 692–93, 695–714, 767, 771, 780;

  —by Voltaire, 21, 486, 497, 572, 715–54, 767:

  defense of, 123–27, 755–65

  Christianity as Old as the Creation (Tindal), 121

  Christianity Not Founded on Argument (Dodwell), 127

  Christian Ludwig (1677–1734), Margrave of Brandenburg, 415, 422

  Christian Philosopher, The (Stanislas Leszczyński), 389

  Christina, Queen of Sweden (r. 1632–54), 444

  chronometer, marine, 538

  Chubb, Thomas (1679–1747), 120, 247

  Churchill, Charles (1731–64), 223

  Churchill, John, Duke of Marlborough, see Marlborough

  Churchill, Sir Winston (1874–1965), 93

  Church of England, see Anglican Church

  Cibber, Colley (1671–1757), 171

  Cibber, Susannah Maria, nee Arne (1714–66), 239, 240

  Cicero, Marcus Tullius (106–43 B.C.), 121, 374, 449, 739, 748

  Cid, Le (Corneille), 670

  Cideville, Pierre Robert Le Cornier de (1693–1778), 449, 480

  Cilèa, Francesco (1866–1950), 328*

  Circassians, 594, 596

  Cirey, Château de, 7, 211, 371–79

  passim, 382–83, 386, 389–90, 391, 393, 443, 445, 466, 715

  Cistercians, 433

  Citizen of the World (Goldsmith), 504

  Civil Wars, English (1642–49), 116, 157, 238

  Clairaut, Alexis Claude (1713–65), 283, 511, 537, 539, 544–45;

  helps Mme. du Châtelet with Principia, 375, 390, 544;

  and Lapland expedition, 544, 552;

  his studies of moon, 538, 544–45

  Clairaut’s theorem, 544

  Clairon, Mlle. (Claire Josèphe Léris; 1723–1803), 508, 761

  Clapp, Marguerite (fl. 1725), 64

  Clarendon, Edward Hyde, 3d Earl of (1661–1723), 185

  Clarens, Vaud, 475

  Clarissa, or The History of a Young Lady (Richardson), 187–88, 190–93, 197, 331, 658, 674

  Clarke, Samuel (1675–1729), 95, 127, 141, 146

  Classes Plantarum (Linnaeus), 563

  classical style: in architecture, 24, 80, 165, 215–16, 307;

  in English poetry, 78, 165–78, 193;

  in French literature, 184, 575, 668, 671;

  in garden design, 78;

  German literature and, 400, 477;

  in music, 295;

  in sculpture, 308–10 passim

  Claudius I, Emperor of Rome (r. 41–54), 486

  Claudius (Keiser), 244

  Clayton, Thomas (1670?–1730?), 226

  Cleland, John (fl. 1749), 64

  Clement XI (Giovanni Francesco Albani), Pope (r. 1700–21), 32

  Clement XII, Pope (r. 1730–40), 481

  Clement XIII (Carlo della Torre Rezzonico), Pope (r. 1758–69), 681, 751, 756, 769, 771

  Clement XIV (Giovanni Ganganelli), Pope (r. 1769–74), 773

  Clément, Jacques (1567?–89), 617

  Cleopatra (Mattheson opera), 227–28

  Clermont-Ferrand, 296, 310

  Cleves, 379, 437, 448–49, 735

  Cliffort, George (fl. 1736), 562

  Clive, Kitty (Catherine Raftor Clive; 1711–85), 183

  Clive, Robert (1725–74), 216

  clocks, 50, 306, 309

  Club de l’Entresol, 294, 335 coal, 76;

  mining and mines, 49, 55, 261, 556;

  miners, and Methodism, 132, 135

  Coalbrookdale, 50

  Cobham, Richard Temple, Viscount (fl. 1720), 78

  Cocceji, Baron Samuel von (1679–1755), 447

  Cochin, Charles Nicolas II (1715–90), 319, 635, 667

  coffeehouses and clubs: in London, 62, 66, 79–80, 165, 167, 169, 185, 205, 600;

  in Paris, 294–95, 332, 335, 660

  coke, 50

  Coke, Sir Edward (1552–1634), 71

  Colbert, Jean Baptiste (1619–83), 13, 52, 262, 464

  Colchester, Essex, England, 51

  Coleridge, Samuel Taylor (1772–1834), 530

  Collé, Charles (1709–83), singer, 332

  Collège de Blois, 757

  Collège de France, 545

  Collège de St.-Côme, Paris, 598

  Collège des Quatre-Nations, Paris, 515

  Collège Louis-le-Grand, Paris, 3, 37, 287, 608, 623, 680;

  secularized, 775

  Collège St.-Michel, Paris, 6

  Collegium Curiosum, 498

  Collegium Medico-Chirurgicum, Berlin, 599

  Collegium Musicum, Leipzig, 409, 416

  Collegium Romanum, 539

  Collignon, Dom, 782

  Collins, Anthony (1676–1729), 120, 247

  Collins, William (1721–59), lyric poet, 78, 180, 193

  Colmar, Alsace, 470–71

  Colne, Lancashire, England, 526

  Cologne, 208, 397, 405

  Cologne, Archbishop of, 406

  Colombia, 200

  Colorado River, 560

  Columbus, Christopher (1446?–1506), 49 combustion, 524;

  Lavoisier’s experiments in, 532*, 533–34;

  Priestley’s experiments in, 527–28;

  and respiration 534, 589

  comédie, defined, 669*

  Comédie-Française (and Théâtre-Français), 28, 267, 289, 325, 670, 762;

  Adrienne Lecouvreur with, 41, 277, 326, 328;

  Vanloo’s ovation at, 312;

  Voltaire-Rohan encounter at, 41;

  Voltaire’s plays staged by, 28, 363, 377, 378, 380, 381, 388, 765

  Comédie-Italienne, 26;

  theater of, see Théâtre des Italiens

  comets, 539, 545, 548, 554, 570

  Commentaire littéral sur tous les livres de l’ Ancien et du Nouveau Testament (Calmet), 501

  Commentaries (Blackstone), 494

  common land, see enclosure

  Commons, House of: as a court, 59, 72;

  Montesquieu’s view of, 353;

  as a legislative body, see Parliament, British

  Commonwealth (England, 1649–60), 157, 214

  communism, 152–53, 262, 351, 617, 646, 666

  Compagnie des Indes, 11–15, 264

  Compagnie d’Occident, 11

  Company of Secretaries to the King, 695

  Compiègne, forest of, 282

  Complete Introduction to Algebra (Euler), 510

  Comptes rendus des constitutions des Jésuites (La Chalotais), 770

  Compton, Sir Spencer, see Wilmington, Earl of

  Comte, Auguste (1798–1857), 679

  concerti grossi, 231, 242, 244, 422

  Concerts Spirituels, 295

  Concordat of 1801, 583

  Concorde, Place de la, 536; see also Louis Quinze, Place

  Condé, Louis II de Bourbon, Prince de (the Great Condé; 1621–86), 6

  Condillac, Étienne Bonnot de (1715–80), 507, 582–83, 633

  Condorcet, M. J. Antoine Nicolas Caritat, Marquis de (1743–94), 516, 530, 532, 7

  educational views of, 336, 536, 691, 774;

  at the salons, 300, 681, 781, 782;

  and Voltaire, 376, 717

  Confessions (Rousseau), 575, 679, 694

  Confucius (551–479 B.C.), 78, 121, 401, 503;

  Voltaire and, 506, 739, 745

  Confucius Sinarum philosophus, 503

  Congregationalists, 62, 118

  Congress, United States, 530

  Congreve, William (1670–1729), 65, 164, 169, 205, 246

  conic sections, 544

  Conjectures sur les mémoires originaux dontil paraît que Moïse s’est servi (Astruc), 501

  Conscious Lovers, The (Steele), 183

  conservation of energy, 516

  Conservative Party (Britain), 101

  Considérations sur le gouvernement de la France (d’Argenson), 278–79

  Considérations sur les causes de la grandeur des Romains … (Montesquieu), 345–47, 359–60

  Considérations sur les moeurs de ce siècle (Duclos), 337–38

  Constantine, Donation of, 486

  Constantinople, 158, 398, 685, 686;

  inoculation practiced in, 208, 209, 594–95

  Constituent Assembly (France, 1789–91), 17, 536, 695

  Constitutional Society of Birmingham, 529

  Contagion sacrée, La (Holbach), 699

  Conti, Louis Armand II de Bourbon, Prince de (1695–1727), 5, 14

  Conti, Louise Elisabeth de Bourbon-Condé, Princesse de (1693–1775), 493

  Conti, Louis François de Bourbon, Prince de (1717–76), 306

  contraception, 590

  Contrat social, Le (Rousseau), 693, 709

  Convention (France), see National Convention

  convulsionnaires, 257

  Conway, Henry Seymour (1721–95), 212

  Cook, Captain James (1728–79), 559–60, 591

  Cope, Sir John, 110–11

  Copenhagen, 410

  Copenhagen, Academy of, 498

  Copernicus, Nicolaus (1473–1543), 539, 540, 585, 633

  copyright, 163, 220, 324

  Coram, Sir Thomas (1668–1751), 69, 218

  Corelli, Archangelo (1653–1713), 229, 242, 414

  Coriolanus, Caius Marcius (fl. 495 B.C.), Roman hero, 233

  Corneille, Pierre (1606–84), 28, 37, 165, 670;

  Voltaire and, 3, 36, 365, 753

  Corporation of Surgeons, London, 588

  Correggio (Antonio Allegri; 1494–1534), 223, 313, 348

  Correspondance littéraire (Grimm), 666, 674, 677, 678, 693

  corvée, 260, 535, 646

  cosmopolitanism, 779–80

  Cost of Preserving Health, The (Arbuthnot), 592

  Cöthen, 232, 414–15

  Cotte, Père Louis (1740–1815), meteorologist, 551

  Cotte, Robert de (1656–1735), 307

  Coulomb, Charles Augustin de (1736–1806), 522, 585

  Council of Finance (France), 17

  Council of Regency (France), 6, 9

  Council of State (France), 30, 254, 268, 270, 285, 300;

  and philosophes, 639, 642, 681;

  reviews Calas case, 730, 732

  Country Gentleman, The, 99

  Couperin, François (1668–1733), 231

  Cours d’études (Condillac), 583

  Courtrai, 276

  courts of law, see under law

  Coustou, Guillaume I (1677–1746), 308–9

  Coustou, Guillaume II (1716–77), 308

  Coustou, Nicolas (1658–1733), 308

  Coward, Henry, grocer, 55

  Covent Garden, London, 222, 240

  Covent Garden Journal, The, 199

  Covent Garden Théâtre, London, 183, 236

  Cowper, Judith (fl. 1722), 210

  Cowper, William (1731–1800), poet, 79, 182

  Coxe, William (fl. 1779), 474, 477, 481

  Coypel, Antoine (1661–1722), 25

  Coypel, Charles Antoine (1694–1752), son of Antoine Coypel, 25, 305, 311

  Coysevox, Antoine (1640–1720), 308

  Craftsman, The, 99, 162, 235

  Craon, Anne Marie de Beauvau, Princesse de, 212

  Crébillon fils (Claude Prosper Jolyot de Crébillon; 1707–77), 283, 331–32, 577, 627

  Crébillon père (Prosper Jolyot de Crébillon; 1674–1762), 280, 283, 323, 329–30, 388

  Crécy, Maison, 281

  Créqui, Renée Caroline de Froullay, Marquise de (1714–1803), 30, 36, 293, 374

  Cressent, Charles (1685–1766), 24, 304

  Cri des nations. Le (Voltaire), 743

  crime: in England, 54, 61, 66–67, 69–74, 119, 198;

  in France, 22, 267–68;

  in Ireland, 106;

  prevention, d’Holbach’s views on, 707;

  treatment of, philosophes’ influence on, 786; see also penal codes

  Crispo (Bononcini), 232

  Cristofori, Bartolommeo (1655–1731), 408

  Critica musica, 407

  Critique of Pure Reason (Kant), 160

  Croixmare, Marquis de (fl. 1760), 657–58

  Cromwell, Oliver (1599–1658), Lord Protector of England (r. 1653–58), 90

  crop rotation, 47, 260

  Crousaz, Jean (1663–1750), 125, 175

  Crozat, Antoine (1655–1738), 26

  crucible process, 50

  Cruikshank, George (1792–1878), 223

  Cruikshank, Isaac (1756?–1811?), 223

  Crusades, 692

  Cudworth, Ralph (1617–88), 705

  Cullen, William (1710–90), 551

  Culloden Moor, battle of (1746), 112, 241

  Cumberland, William Augustus, Duke of (1721–65), 111–12, 241

  Cumberland (battleship), 200

  Curll, Edmund (1675–1747), bookseller, 171

  Currie, James (1756–1805), 593

  Cüstrin (Kostrzyn), 442

  Cuvilliés, François de (1698–1767), 398–99

  Cuvier, Baron Georges Dagobert (1769–1832), 555, 573

  Cuzzoni, Francesca (c.1700–1770), 232–36

  passim, 243

  Cyclopoedia (Chambers), 499, 634

  Czechoslovakia, see Bohemia

  Daily Advertiser, The, 162

  Daily Courant, The, 242

  Lalin, Olof von (1701–63), 499

  Dalton, John (1766–1844), 551

  Dame aux camélias, La (Dumas fils), 335

  Damiens, Robert François (1715–57), 496, 737, 767

  Damilaville, Étienne Noël (1723–68), 497, 676, 730, 740, 774

  Dance, George, the Elder (1700–68), 215

  Dante Alighieri (1265–1321), 48

  Danton, Georges Jacques (1759–94), 713

  Danzig, 271

  Darby, Abraham I (d. 1717), 50

  Darby, Abraham II (d. 1730), 50

  Dardanelles, 648

  Dardanus (Rameau), 298

  Darius I Hystaspis, King of Persia (r. 521–485 B.C.), 233

  Darlington, Charlotte Sophia von Kielmannsegge, Countess of (c.1673–1725), 89–90, 242

  Darmstadt, Hesse, 415

  Darwin, Charles (1809–82), 150, 557, 578–81 passim

  Darwin, Erasmus (1731–1802), 528, 579–81

  Daubenton, Louis Jean Marie (1716–1800), 569

  Dauphin: in 1661–1711, see Louis, Dauphin, son of Louis XIV; in 1729–65, see Louis, Dauphin, son of Louis XV

  Confucius, Chinese philosopher (551–479 B.C.)

  Dauphine: in 1745–46, see Maria Teresa Rafaela; in 1747–67, see Marie Josèphe of Saxony

  Dauphiné, province of, 261

  David, French publisher (fl. 1745), 634

  Daviel, Jacques (1696–1762), 597

  Davy, Sir Humphry (1778–1829), 600

  De christiana expeditione apud Sinas (Trigault), 503

  Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, The (Gibbon), 156, 323, 488

  De’ crostacei … che si trovano su’ monti (Moro), 553

  Défense de l’ Esprit des lois (Montesquieu), 356

nbsp; Deffand, Marquise du, see Du Deffand

  Defoe, Daniel (1659?–1731), 59, 70, 162, 188, 247, 558;

  on rural England, 45;

  on stock manipulating, 56–57

  Dei corpi marini che sui monti si trovano (Vallisnieri), 553

  Deidamia (Handel), 238

  deism: in England, 45, 95, 116, 119–23, 135, 178, 374, 608;

  English clerics reply to, 123–27;

  in France, 294, 495, 767, 782;

  in Germany, 402;

  Hume and, 156, 160;

  Pope and, 172, 174, 178;

  professed by Diderot 625, 626, 655;

  rejected by d’Holbach, 704;

  supported by Encyclopédie, 644;

  Voltaire and, 4, 247, 248, 445, 609, 712–13, 715

  Déisme réfuté par lui-même, Le (Bergier), 756

  De Jure Belli et Pacts (Grotius), 359*

  De Jure Naturae et Gentium (Pufendorf), 359*

  Delacroix, Eugène (1798–1863), Romantic painter, 28, 679

  De la Cruauté religieuse (d’Holbach), 697

  Delambre, Chevalier Jean Baptiste Joseph (1749–1822), 540, 545

  De la Nature (Robinet), 578–79

  De l’Esprit (Helvétius), 301, 642, 681–91, 720, 755, 783;

  in La Barre case, 734

  De l’Homme (Helvétius), 682

  Délices, Les, 392*, 472–73, 481, 483, 635, 730, 762;

  abandoned by Voltaire, 742;

  d’Alembert’s visit to, 480;

  Casanova’s visit to, 478;

  “young atheist”

  incident at, 716;

  Zaïre staged at, 481

  De l’ Imposture sacer dotale (d’Holbach), 697

  De l’ Intelligence (Taine), 583

  Delisle, Joseph Nicolas (1688–1768), 545

  Deluc, Jean André (1727–1817), 550, 551–52

  Delvaux, Laurent (1695–1778), 214

  De materiae divisibilitate (Boscovich), 539

  democracy, 90;

  advocated, 279, 694;

  Diderot and, 665;

  Encyclopédie and, 646;

  Helvétius’ views on, 688;

  d’Holbach’s views, 710;

  Montesquieu’s views, 351–53

  Democritus (fl. C. 400 B.C.), 616, 624

  Demoivre, Abraham (1667–1754), 508–9

  De morbis veneréis (Astruc), 590

  Denis, Marie Louise Mignot (1712–90), 371;

  description of, 472;

  relationship with Voltaire, 391–93, 470, 471, 472;

  Voltaire writes to about Frederick’s court, 465–67

  passim, 621;

  warns him about Frederick, 461, 470

  Denis, Nicolas Charles (1712–44), 391

  Denmark, 59, 68, 308;

  in Great Northern War, 438;

  and Pragmatic Sanction, 436;

  religion in, 495

  Denner, Balthasar (1685–1749), 404

  Dennis, John (1657–1734), 166, 171

  dentistry, 599

  Derby, England, 52, 54, 111, 579