Voltaire and, 370, 486, 636, 639–44
passim, 674, 697, 718–20, 740, 752; see also “Geneva” (d’Alembert)
Encyclopédie méthodique, L’, 756
Endeavour, 559
Enden, Frans van den (d. 1676), 503
Enfer détruit, L’ (d’Holbach), 697
England (Great Britain), 43–248;
Admiralty, 510;
army, 73, 98;
art in, 49, 214–24;
class divisions in, 45–49, 52–54, 55–56, 62–63, 90, 91, 98, 117–19
passim, 129, 135, 164, 183;
commerce of, 45, 50, 53, 55–56, 57–60
passim, 66–68
passim, 98, 101–2, 247, 479, 538, 557;
constitution of, 58, 71, 247, 344, 353, 358, 368–69, 446;
corruption in, 58, 68, 74, 90, 104, 135, 137 (see also Parliament, British; Walpole, Sir Robert);
daily life in, 75–81;
economic conditions in, 47, 95, 97, 98;
Foreign Office, 159;
industry in, 48–50, 52–54, 55, 59;
invasions of, 107, 156 (see also Jacobite rebellions);
literature, see literature, English;
music in, see music;
navy, 55, 67, 73, 100, 102–3, 200, 265, 455, 538, 591;
population, 49, 59;
seas, control of, 32, 45, 48, 55, 101–2, 114, 271, 455, 538, 708;
taxation, 48, 71, 82, 98, 368;
union (parliamentary) with Scotland, 107, 200
FOREIGN ALLIANCES AND AGREEMENTS: with France and Holland (1717), see Triple Alliance;
with Portugal, 68;
and Pragmatic Sanction, 436, 452;
with Prussia (1756), 115, 285;
with Sardinia (1743), 455;
Warsaw Pact (1745), 456
PEACE TREATIES: Aix-la-Chapelle (1748), 112, 457;
Hanover (1745), 457
AT WAR: 49, 66, 214;
in Seven Years’ War, 115, 157, 264, 265, 538, 607, 708, 736, 768–69;
in war of 1718 against Spain, 32;
in War of Austrian Succession, 82, 109, 264–65, 272, 277–78, 385, 453, 455–56, 457;
in War of Jenkins’ Ear, 101–3, 109, 200, 238, 558
England, Church of, see Anglican Church
English language, 177, 181
engraving, 45, 217, 219–24, 311, 312, 315
Enlightenment, Scottish, 107, 140, 158, 556, 587
Enquiry concerning Political Justice (Godwin), 691, 713
Enquiry concerning the Human Understanding, An (Hume), 148–49, 160
Enquiry concerning the Principles of Morals, An (Hume), 148, 149–50
Enquiry into the Causes of the Late Increase of Robbers, An (Fielding), 70–71
Entretien d’un père avec ses enfants, L’ (Diderot) , 662
Entretien d’un philosophe, L’ (Diderot), 657
Entretiens sur Le Fils naturel (Diderot), 669–670
Enville, Duchesse d’ (fl. 1762), 730, 782
Épée, Charles Michel de l’ (1712–89), 597
Epictetus (C.50–C.120), Stoic philosopher, 748
Epicurus (342?–270 B.C.), Greek philosopher, 33, 149, 616, 621, 624, 645, 665
epidemics, see disease
epigenesis, 576
Épinay, Louise Florence Pétronille de La Live d’ (1726–83), 158, 479, 480;
on Mme. Denis, 472;
and Grimm, 338, 666, 671, 674, 781;
and Rousseau, 266, 674;
on Dr. Tronchin, 601–2;
Voltaire and, 601, 759
Erasmus, Desiderius (1466?–1536), 136
“Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot” (Pope), 175
Epistle to the Author of “The Three Impostors’” (Voltaire), 717
“Epistle to William Hogarth” (Churchill), 223
Épître à M. le duc d’Orléans” (Voltaire), 34
Épître à Uranie (Voltaire), 38–39, 372, 734
Époques de la nature, Les (Buffon), 553, 554–555, 570
Epsom Wells, 80
Epworth, Lincolnshire, England, 129, 133
Erfurt, Saxony, 413
Ericson, Leif (fl. c.1000), 558
Ériphile (Voltaire), 363, 365
Eriska, Outer Hebrides, 110
Erlangen, University of, 400
Ernest Augustus, Elector of Hanover (r. 1692–98), 89
Ernest Augustus, Prince-Bishop of Osnabrück and Duke of York (d. 1728), 229
Ernesti, Johann August (fl. 1736), 417
Erreurs de Voltaire, Les (Nonnotte), 486, 756
Eskimos, 357, 558
Espion du Grand Seigneur, L’ (Marana), 341
Esprit des lois (Montesquieu), 154, 300, 309, 321, 340, 341, 347–60, 569, 693
Essai de cosmologie (Maupertuis), 514–15
Essai d’éducation nationale (La Chalotais), 773
Essais (Montaigue), 100, 624
Essai sur les moeurs, or Essai sur l’histoire générale (Voltaire), 156, 356, 464, 483–89, 505, 583, 719;
Abrégé edition, 471, 484;
attacks Christian intolerance, 480, 486, 488, 767;
criticized, 486, 488, 758
Essai sur les préjugés, par M. du Marsais (d’Holbach), 699
Essai sur l’ histoire générale (Voltaire), see Essai sur les moeurs
Essai sur l’origine des connaissances humaines (Condillac), 582
Essay concerning the Nature of Ailments (Arbuthnot), 592
Essay on Criticism, An (Pope), 165–66, 246
Essay on Free Toleration (Voltaire), 731*
Essay on Man (Pope), 172–75, 177, 246, 376
Essay on the Causes and Phenomena of Earthquakes (Mitchell), 555–56
Essays and Treatises on Various Subjects (Hume), 155–56
Essays, Moral and Political (Hume), 154–55
Esterházy family, 431
Estrées, Gabrielle d’ (1573–99), 40
Estrées, Maréchal Victor Marie d’ (1660–1737), 14
Étallonde, Dominique Gaillard d’ (1740-after 1788), 734–35
ethics (morality, moral code): Confucian, impact of on West, 121, 401, 503, 505, 506, 739, 745;
“natural,” advocated by philosophes, 615, 625, 636, 686–88, 698–99, 705–7, 773, 776–80;
religion held necessary to, 355, 744–48, 756, 758, 763
ethnology, 348
Éthocratie, L’ (d’Holbach), 707, 710
Étioles, Alexandrine d’ (1744–54), 282
Étioles, Charles Guillaume Lenormant d’, 280, 281
Eton College, 62, 96, 113, 180;
Gray’s ode to, 181–82
Etrépigny, France, 611
Ettal, Kloster, 406
Euclid (fl. C.300 B.C.), 569
Eugene of Savoy, Prince (1663–1736), 74, 94, 433, 435, 454
Euler, Leonhard (1707–83), 375, 476, 507, 509–510, 516;
and Lagrange, 510, 511, 514;
work in astronomy, 509, 510, 538–39, 544–45, 546;
—in mathematics, 509–10;
—in physics, 514, 517
Euphrates River, 485
Euripides (480–406 B.C.), Greek dramatist, 193, 381, 500
Europe, population of, 59;
Union of advocated, 335–36
Evangelical (Low Church) movement, 137
Évangile de la raison, L’ (Voltaire), 741
Evelyn, Sir John (1620–1706), 205
evolution, theories of, 570–71, 578–81, 619, 626, 651, 655, 755
Évreux, Comte d’, 282
Examen de la religion (Voltaire-Meslier), 741
Examen de la religion chrétienne (Bergier), 756–57
Examen du matérialisme (Bergier), 756
Examen important de milord Bolingbroke (Voltaire), 743
excise bill (Britain, 1733), 98
Exeter, England, 136
Expedition of Humphrey Clinker, The (Smollett), 203–4
explorations, 557–60, 610, 633, 662
Experiments and Observations on
Different Kinds of Air (Priestley), 526–27, 567–68
Experiments on Vegetables (Ingenhousz), 568
Exposition abrégée du système du monde (Du Châtelet), 375
Exposition du Système du monde (Laplace), 547
Eymerico, Nicolás (1320–99), 693
Ezio (Handel), 234
Fable of the Bees, The (Mandeville), 138–39
Fabre, Jean Henri (1823–1915), biologist, 577
Fabri, Annibale (1697–1760), tenor, 234
Fabrice, Baron Friedrich Ernst (1683–1750), 362
factory system, 48, 52–53
Faguet, Emile (1847–1916), French critic, 355, 360, 713
Fahrenheit, Gabriel Daniel (1686–1736), 550
faïence, 305, 404
Fairchild, Thomas, 566
fairs, 55, 79, 135, 245, 397–98
Falconer, Sir David, 140
Falconet, Étienne Maurice (1716–91), 305, 306, 310, 667
Falkener, Everard (d. 1758), 245, 247, 368
Falkirk, Scotland, battle of (1746), 111
Falkland Islands, 558
Fallopio, Gabriele or Gabriello (1523–62), 590
fallow system, 260
Fanny Hill (Cleland), 64
Farinelli (Carlo Broschi; 1705–82), 226, 236
farmers general, 265–66, 271, 280, 281, 295, 354, 532, 535–36, 680
Fauchard, Pierre (fl. 1728), 599
Fauchet, Abbé Claude (1744–93), 782
Faulkner’s Journal, 239
Favart, Charles Simon (1710–92), poet and playwright, 267
Favart, Marie Duronceray (1727–72), actress, 267
Fay, Charles du, see Du Fay
Feilding, Lady Mary, see Kingston, Mary, Countess of
Fel, Marie (1713–94), 322
Felipe, Don, see Philip, Duke of Parma
Fénelon, François de Salignac de La Mothe- (1651–1715), 31, 32, 254, 368, 483*
Ferdinand, Archduke (b.1754-d.1806), Duke of Modena, 410
Ferdinand Count Fathom (Smollett), 600
Ferdinand de’ Medici, Prince, see Medici, Ferdinand de’
Ferdinand of Brunswick, Duke (b.1721- d.1792), 780
Fermor, Arabella (fl. 1711), 166
Ferney, 482, 489, 575, 715, 720, 726, 735, 743, 751–53, 759, 767, 772, 784
Ferrand, Mlle., 582
Ferrers, Laurence Shirley, 4th Earl of (1720–60), 72
Ferriol, Angélique Guérin de Tencin de, 327
Ferriol, Charles Augustin de, see Argental, Comte d’
Festin de Pierre, Le, or Don Juan (Molière), 670
Fêtes chinoises, Les (Noverre), 315
feudalism, 116, 336;
defended by Montesquieu, 341, 352;
Diderot on, 646;
in France, 252–53, 254, 259, 268, 279;
in Germany, 397, 437;
in Scotland, 107
Fiedler, Johann Christian (1697–1765), 404
Fielding, Charlotte Cradock (d. 1744), 193, 196, 198–99
Fielding, Henry (1707–54), 64, 65, 79, 80, 117, 193–99, 213, 216, 246, 332, 541;
comedies of, 183, 193;
death of, 199;
and Hogarth, 222, 224;
as magistrate, 70–71, 196, 198;
and Lady Mary, 193, 205;
middle classes portrayed by, 199, 205;
as novelist, 192, 193–99;
and prisons, 74, 198;
realism of, 192, 193, 199;
and Richardson, 188, 190, 192, 193–94, 205;
and Smollett, 199, 200, 204, 205;
and Robert Walpole, 99, 183, 195
Fielding, Sir John (d. 1780), 198
Fifteen Sermons (Butler), 125
Figg, James (d. 1734), 78
Fils naturel, Le (Diderot), 669–70, 762
Firmian, Count Leopold Anton von (1679–1744), Archbishop of Salzburg, 432, 438
First Silesian War (1740–42), 436, 451–54
Fischer, Johann Michael (1691–1766), German architect, 406
Fischer von Erlach, Johann Bernhard (1656–1723), Austrian architect, 432, 433
Fischer von Erlach, Josef Emanuel (1693–1742), 432, 433
Fitzjames, François, Duc de (1709–64), bishop of Soissons, 276, 277, 783
“fixed air” (carbon dioxide), 517, 524, 526, 534
Fizes, Dr., 203
Flanders, 276, 278, 455, 456, 457
Flaubert, Gustave (1821–80), 335, 726, 756
Flavacourt, Mme. de, nee Nesle, 275
Fleet prison, London, 64–65, 222
Flemming, Count Jakob Heinrich von (1667–1728), 414
Fleury, André Hercule de (1653–1743), cardinal, 269–72, 309, 331;
his ascent to chief ministership, 270, 274;
Belle-Isle’s scheme opposed by, 271–72, 453;
closes Club de l’Entresol, 294, 335;
death of, 272, 276, 382;
on Frederick II’s book, 449–50;
peace policy of, 103, 271, 449;
tolerance of, 257, 270;
Voltaire and, 269–70, 289, 379, 380, 381, 385, 449
Fleury, Omer de (fl. 1759), 642
Florence, Italy, 48, 212, 228, 306, 408, 598
Florida, 561
Fluxions (Newton), 569
flying shuttle, 48, 51
Fonseca, Dr., 362
Fontaine-Martel, Comtesse de (d. 1733), 362, 365
Fontainebleau, Château de, 274, 289, 365, 379, 386, 575;
Salle du Conseil, 312
Fontainebleau, forest of, 282
Fontenelle, Bernard Le Bovier de (1657–1757), 283, 618;
Chesterfield and, 82, 88;
Frederick II and, 442, 735;
Montesquieu and, 348;
and Regent, 7, 17;
at salons, 23, 24, 280, 300, 327, 681;
and Mme. de Tencin, 280, 299, 300;
Voltaire and, 37, 247
Fontenoy, battle of (1745), 277–78, 384–85, 456, 618;
Voltaire’s ode on, 385, 760, 779
Forkel, Johann Nicolaus (1749–1818), 429–30
Forlì, 586
Fort Egmont, Falkland Islands, 558
fortunetellers, 493
Foster, Sir William, 588
Foundling Hospital, London, 69, 218, 240
Fouquet, Nicolas (1615–80), 271
Fourcroy, Antoine François de (1755–1809), 534
Four Dissertations (Hume), 152, 184
Fourier, Jean Baptiste Joseph (1768–1830), 547
Fourth Lateran Ecumenical Council (1215), 494
Fox, Charles James (1749–1806), 530
Fox, Henry, 1st Baron Holland (1705–74), 218
Fragmente eines Ungenannten (Lessing), 502
Fragonard, Jean Honoré (1732–1806), 28
France, Anatole (Jacques Anatole François Thibault; 1844–1924), 655
France, 3–41, 249–393;
aids American Revolution, 522;
army of, 9, 19, 37, 266, 278, 438;
arts of, 5, 24–28, 33, 282, 303–22:
China, mission to, 504;
class divisions, 22, 251–66, 275, 278–79, 286, 287–93, 323, 368, 767, 768, 771, 780–82;
colonies, 11, 13–14, 264, 558;
commerce, 10–11, 13–16
passim, 66–68
passim, 247, 252, 264, 271, 476, 479, 538, 557;
court of, see under Versailles, Palace of;
cultural influence of, 248, 282, 308, 323, 779–80;
economy of, 9, 11, 15–16, 33, 271;
encirclement of, 32, 285;
First Republic (1792–1804), 536;
government administration, 10, 18–19, 253, 266–69, 270–71, 289, 398;
India, conflict with Britain in, 264–65, 503;
industry, 10–11, 13–16
passim, 51, 52, 261–62, 577;
aids Jacobite invasion of England, 92, 93, 109–12;
literature and music, see literature, French, and music in France;
navy, 109–10, 265, 271, 321, 539;
Poland, policy toward, 362;
population, 59, 251, 261;
Regency, see Regency, French;
Senate of (1799–1814), 549;
and Switzerland, 475;
taxation, 9–10, 12, 13, 18–19, 252, 254–55, 260, 265–66, 269, 270, 271, 608, 610;
typography mapped, 560
FOREIGN ALLIANCES AND AGREEMENTS: against Austria, 276 (1744), 435 (1733), 452–53 (1741);
with Austria (1756), 115, 285;
with England and Holland (1717), see Triple Alliance;
and Pragmatic Sanction, 436, 452
PEACE TREATIES: Aix-la-Chapelle (1748), 112, 278, 457;
Hague (1720, with Spain), 93
WARS: religious wars, 21, 40, 608;
Seven Years’ War, 115, 158, 264, 265, 285, 316, 489, 607, 736, 767–69;
against Spain (1718), 32;
War of Austrian Succession, 264–65, 276–78, 293, 338, 384–85, 386, 453–57, 779;
War of Polish Succession, 271, 435
Franche-Comté, 259
Francis I, Holy Roman Emperor (r. 1745–65), Duke of Lorraine as Francis Stephen (r. 1729–37), 361, 433, 436, 453, 456, 457
Francis I, King of France (r. 1515–47), 496
Francis (Francesco) III d’Este, Duke of Modena (r. 1737–80), 399
Francis of Assisi, Saint (1182–1226), 751, 753
Francis Stephen, Duke of Lorraine, see Francis I, Holy Roman Emperor
Francis Xavier, Saint, see Xavier
Frank, Johann Peter (1745–1821), 591
Frankfurt-am-Main, free city of, 397–98, 454, 457, 592;
Voltaire’s detention at, 469–70, 488, 489
Franklin, Benjamin (1706–90), 132, 507, 537, 596, 597;
electrical experiments of, 471, 519, 520–22;
in France, 522, 594, 692;
and philosophes, 693, 694, 784;
and Priestley, 526, 530
Frascati, Italy, 109
Frederick I, King of Prussia (r. 1701–13), Elector of Brandenburg as Frederick III (r. 1688–1701), 437, 448
Frederick I, King of Sweden (r. 1720–51) and Landgrave of Hesse-Cassel, 414
Frederick II the Great, King of Prussia (r. 1740–86), 89, 221, 277, 291, 360, 403, 405, 437, 439–60, 599, 606, 638, 665, 692
AT HOME: accession of, 402, 436, 439, 447;
his accomplishments, 407;
and Algarotti, 212, 449;
his appearance and character, 447, 459–60;
as author, 407, 458, 460, 407, 446, 449–50, 452, 458, 460, 711, 713;
on Charles VI, 435;
and the Encyclopédie, 639, 644;
on England, 98, 446;
the “enlightened despot,” 447–48, 459, 688, 711, 776;
father’s maltreatment of, 439–42, 450;
at father’s deathbed, 446–47;
free press under, 448, 496;
French language favored by, 323, 440, 441;