on George II, 113;
on Germans and German culture, 400–401, 403, 410, 440;
and La Mettrie, 465, 617, 621–22;
his marriage, 442, 460;
and Maupertuis, 442, 448–49, 466–69, 514, 516, 719;
as musician, 407, 417, 439, 440, 441, 450, 455, 460;
opera and music fostered by, 408, 410–12, 417, 421, 455;
as poet, 407, 439, 441, 450, 455, 460, 461, 463, 465, 466;
and Mme. de Pompadour, 285;
his regimen, 460;
religion, contempt for, 402, 410, 428, 440, 441, 445, 502, 617, 715, 718;
religious toleration under, 402, 448, 452, 772–73;
and Sanssouci, 309, 311, 406–7, 460, 461;
science fostered by, 283, 441, 448–49, 460, 477, 510, 511, 514, 516, 621;
on superstition, 736;
his suppers, 460, 461;
and Voltaire, see FREDERICK AND VOLTAIRE below;
and Wilhelmine, 405, 439, 441, 442, 460, 469, 470;
and Wolff, 401, 402, 442–44
passim, 448
AT WAR: his army, 439, 449, 450, 459, 460;
his demand for Silesia rejected, 436, 451;
invades and conquers Silesia (1740–41), 109, 271, 436, 451–52, 514, 772, 779;
negotiates secret truce with Austria (1741), 272, 453–54;
reenters war, 454;
in Second Silesian War (1744–45), 276, 455–57;
signs separate peace with Austria in both wars, 278, 454, 457;
justifies his actions, 458;
and Seven Years’ War, 285, 316, 400, 410, 489, 768
FREDERICK AND VOLTAIRE: praises V.’s Henriade, 40;
beginning of their friendship, 372, 378;
his early correspondence with V., as crown prince (1736–40), 378, 442–46, 718, 740;
sends V. his Anti-Machiavel, 446;
his letters to V. on his accession, 447;
V.’s influence on his reign, 447–48, 450;
his first meeting with V., at Cleves (1740), 379, 448–49;
V. visits him in Berlin (1740) as French agent, 379, 449–50;
is dubbed “Great” by V., 431, 458;
is reproved by V. for making war, 458, 779;
his answer, 458;
V.’s second visit as French agent, at Aachen (1742), 381;
invites V. to live at Berlin-Potsdam, 382, 445, 455;
V.’s third visit as French agent, at Berlin (1743), 382, 455;
renews his invitations to V. (1748–50), offers post, 388–90, 393;
V. at his court (1750–53), 461 f., 621–22, 715, 718, 740;
is dissuaded by V. from hiring Fréron, 463, 760;
attacks V. for Hirsch and Maupertuis disputes, 462–63, 467–68, 719;
compels V. to return his poems, 469–70;
supports V.’s campaigns, 733, 735–36, 739, 744;
both answer d’Holbach, 711, 713;
on V.’s joining the Capuchins, 751–52;
pays tribute to V., 736, 785
Frederick Augustus I, Elector of Saxony (r. 1694–1733), see Augustus II the Strong, King of Poland
Frederick Augustus II, Elector of Saxony (r. 1733–63), see Augustus III, King of Poland
Frederick Louis, Prince of Wales (1707–51), 81, 94, 99, 100, 179, 235, 236, 241
Frederick William I, King of Prussia (r. 1713–40), 399–400, 402, 403, 405, 431–42, 447, 448;
army of, 437, 438–39, 450, 459;
death of, 446–47;
and Frederick II, 437, 439–40, 440–42, 450;
and Pragmatic Sanction, 436, 451
Frederick William II, King of Prussia (r. 1786–97), 496, 511, 752
Frederick William IV, King of Prussia (r. 1840–61), 543
free donations, see dons gratuits
free enterprise, 54, 262, 647
Free Inquiry into the Miraculous Powers … in the Christian Church, A (Middleton), 122–23
Freemasonry, 79, 294–95, 344, 432, 446, 610, 767
free trade, 98, 156, 262, 279, 475, 647
free will, doctrine of, 118, 134, 356, 583, 758;
rejected, 143, 339, 528, 612;
Voltaire on, 445, 715, 716, 748
Freiberg, Saxony, 408
Freiberg School of Mines, 556
Freiburg-im-Breisgau, 276
French Academy (Académie Française, Forty Immortals), 24, 291, 344, 679, 697, 699, 762, 763, 784;
d’Alembert and, 337, 498, 782;
Buffon’s discourse to, 573–75;
liberalized by Duclos, 323, 337, 498;
Voltaire’s campaign for admission to, 283, 299, 356–57, 381–82, 385
French language, 294, 302;
pre-eminence of in Europe, 323, 336, 400, 779
French Revolution, 251, 309, 325, 575, 594, 598, 658, 690, 692, 780;
censorship a cause of, 497;
education under, 286;
feudalism and, 252, 259;
Lagrange and, 512;
Laplace and, 512, 547, 549;
Lavoisier and, 512, 534–36;
Meslier’s influence on, 617;
Montesquieu’s influence on, 347, 360;
reaction against, 430, 785;
metric system established by, 263, 512, 549;
philosopher’ influence on, 583, 649, 682, 689, 691, 693, 713;
predicted by d’Argenson, 279, 291–292, 510;
Priestley’s defense of, 529;
Raynal shocked by, 694;
Rousseau and, 498, 693, 710, 713;
supported by bourgeoisie, 264, 266, 290, 535;
—by parish priests, 256;
and theaters, 325;
wars of, 532, 551;
and women’s status, 299
“frères” (cohorts of Voltaire), 739, 744, 751, 752, 765, 767, 777, 781
Fréret, Nicolas (1688–1749), historian, 500
Fréron, Élie (1719–76), critic, 498, 760–61, 784;
attacks Encyclopédie, 640, 761;
and Diderot, 670, 671, 764–65;
philosophes’ attempts to silence, 497, 641, 761, 763, 783;
and Voltaire, 380, 384, 498, 760, 761, 764–65
Frescobaldi, Girolamo (1583–1644), 414
Frey, Father (fl. 1761), French Jesuit, 769
Freytag, Prussian resident at Frankfurt, 469–70
Fribourg, canton of, 473, 475
Friendly (Tonga) Islands, 559
Frizoni, Donato (fl. 1704), 398
Füchsel, Georg Christian (1722–73), 556
Furnes, 276
furniture: Chinese style, 505;
Georgian, 76;
German, 403;
rococo, 24, 214, 281, 282;
Louis Quinze, 303–4, 309, 315
gabelle, 260
Gabriel, Jacques Ange (1698–1782), 307
Gabriel, Jacques Jules (1667–1742), 307
Gabriel, Jean Jacques, 308
Gaeta, Italy, battle of (1734), 109
Gaetano, Juan (fl. 1555), 559
Gainsborough, Thomas (1727–88), 216, 223
Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England, 55
Galbraith, Agnes (fl. 1734), 141
Galilei, Galileo (1564–1642), 507, 543, 550, 584, 633
Galiani, Abbé Ferdinando (1728–87), 498, 680, 681, 696, 763
Galland, Antoine (1646–1715), 341, 502
Gallatin, Albert (1761–1849), 479
Gallican Articles (1682), 769, 770
Galuppi, Baldassare (1706–85), 660
Galvani, Luigi (1737–98), 507, 522–23
Gänsemarkt Theater, Hamburg, 409, 410
gardens, 77–78, 81, 215, 403, 405, 505
Garrick, David (1717–79), 124, 132, 183, 184, 226;
Hogarth paints portrait of, 220;
and Smollett, 200, 202;
philosophes and, 672, 696, 784
Gärtner, Joseph (1732–91), 566
Gassendi, Pierre (1592–1655), 247, 609
Gates, Bernar
d (fl. 1732), 235
Gatti, Angelo (1730–98), 596
Gauchat, Abbé (fl. 1755), 755
Gaussin, Mlle. (Jeanne Catherine Gaussem; 1711–67), 295
Gay, John (1685–1732), 63, 65, 95, 99, 185–87, 205, 207, 215;
and Handel, 231, 233;
and Italian opera, 233–34;
and Lady Mary, 207, 209–210;
and Pope, 169, 171, 185, 207, 210;
and Swift, 210, 233;
and Robert Walpole, 99, 183
Gellert, Christian Fürchtegott (1717–69), 193, 400, 409
Gemaldegalerie, Dresden, 399
Geminiani, Francesco (1667?–1761), 231
General Advertiser, The, 243
Genera Plantarum (Linnaeus), 562, 563
Geneva, 474, 476, 478–82;
d’Alembert’s article on, see “Geneva”;
art and science in, 481, 551, 568, 578, 601;
book burning in, 496, 724, 737, 742;
Grand Conseil, 479, 481, 482, 724;
Petit Conseil (Council of Twenty-five), 479, 742;
publishing in, 324, 348, 476, 497;
Voltaire settles at, 472–73;
watch and instrument making in, 475, 479, 550, 551
“Geneva” (d’Alembert), 479, 480–81, 482, 489, 641, 682, 719
Geneva, Lake of, 474
Geneva, University of, 481, 561
Genoa, 10, 109, 212, 398
Gentleman’s Magazine, The, 162, 627
geodesy, 550, 552–53
Geoffrin, Marie Thérèse Rodet (1699–1777), 291, 300, 322, 635, 762, 781;
and Diderot, 582, 673–74, 677, 678, 679;
on d’Holbach, 697
geography, 485, 500, 524, 549, 550, 557–61;
and Christianity, 585
geology, 341, 481, 550, 553–57, 561, 563, 569;
its impact on civilization, 584, 585
geometry, 369, 509–12
passim, 514, 544, 548
George I (George Louis), King of Great Britain and Ireland (r. 1714–27), and Elector of Hanover (r. 1698–1727), 60, 66, 82, 89–94, 127, 157, 206, 400, 437;
and French Regency, 8, 32;
Handel’s patron, 229–32
passim, 242;
his mistresses, 63, 65, 82, 89–90, 94;
and South Sea Bubble, 57–58;
and Spain, 101;
and Voltaire, 245, 248;
and Walpole, 90, 96, 97
George II (George Augustus), King of Great Britain and Ireland, and Elector of Hanover (r. 1727–60), 61, 69, 81, 94–95, 111, 127, 183, 192, 344, 477;
accession of, 94, 96;
at Caroline’s deathbed, 95;
his Dettingen victory, 94, 113, 240–41;
and his father, 90, 94, 96, 232;
his fears for Hanover hold England from war, 452, 454, 456–57;
and Frederick Louis, 99, 235, 236;
and gambling, 65, 66;
and Handel, 95, 232, 234, 235, 236, 240–41;
and Jacobite rebellion, 110–12, 221, 224–25;
mistresses of, 65, 82, 94, 95, 97, 117;
and Pitt, 114–15;
and Voltaire, 245, 248;
and Walpole, 94, 96, 103
George III, King of Great Britain and Ireland (r. 1760–1820), Elector and (from 1815) King of Hanover, 100, 135, 213, 245, 508, 542, 552
George Louis, Elector of Hanover, see George I, King of England
Georgia, colony of, 74, 130, 131, 132
Georgian style, 76
Gérin, Jacques (d. 1702), 26
German Empire (1871–1918), 430
German language, 397, 400, 401;
in Prussian Lutheran liturgy, 437
Germany (German states), 397–430;
arts in, 397, 398–99, 404–7;
Empire, relation to, 431;
literature and music of, see under literature and music;
population of, 59, 397;
religion in, 495, 747
germ theory, 592
Gersaint, Paris art dealer (fl. 1721), 26–27, 317
Gerusalemme liberata (Tasso), 230
Gervais, Dr. (fl. 1723), 40
Gessner, Salomon (1730–88), 477
Gewandhaus Orchestra, Leipzig, 409, 421
Gex, county of, 751
Ghebers, 343
Ghent, 278
Gibbon, Edward, grandfather of the historian, 59
Gibbon, Edward (1737–94), historian, 59, 63, 127, 213, 323, 475, 523, 593, 692, 693, 780;
and Hume, 156, 158, 160;
and Montesquieu, 346, 347, 359–60;
on the Paris philosophes, 696;
and Voltaire, 381, 486, 488–89, 731
Gibbon, Hester, 128
Gibbs, James (1682–1754), 215–16
Gibraltar, 101, 102
Gibson, Edmund (1669–1748), bishop of London (1720–48), 117, 235
Gilbert, William (1540–1603), 518
Gil Blas (Lesage), 29–30, 33, 188, 202
Gillot, Claude (1673–1722), 25–26
gin, 66–67, 71
Giornale dei letterati d’Italia, 408, 499
Giovan Gastone de’ Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany (r. 1723–37), 228
Giuliani, Giovanni, Italian sculptor, 433
Giustino (Handel), 236
Gizziello (Gioacchino Conti; 1714–61), 236
Glareanus, Henricus (Heinrich Loris; 1488–1563), Swiss humanist, 347
Glarus, 473, 474, 476
Glasgow, 92, 107, 111, 139, 587
Glasgow, University of, 108, 139, 200, 517
glassmaking, 215, 261, 404
Glatz, county of, 457
Glenfinnan, Scotland, 110
Glorious Revolution (England, 1688–89), 238
Gloucester, England, 54, 125, 132
Gluck, Christoph Willibald (1714–87), 297, 410, 411
Glume, Johann Gottlieb (1711–98), 404
Gobelin tapestry works, 261, 305, 311, 312, 315
Goddams, 377
Godfrey, Thomas (1704–49), 537
Godin, Louis (1704–60), 552
Godolphin, Henrietta, Countess of (nee Churchill), 2d Duchess of Marlborough (d. 1733), 232, 242
“God Save the King,” 224–25
Godwin, Mary Wollstonecraft (1759–97), 691
Godwin, William (1756–1836), 691, 713
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1749–1832), 401, 438, 474, 477, 565, 779;
and Bach, 421, 430;
and Diderot, 659, 668, 679;
on the philosophies’ influence, 784–85;
plant-development theory of, 566, 579
Goldberg, Johann Theophilus (fl. 1740), 420
Goldoni, Carlo (1707–93), 193, 600, 670
Goldsmith, Oliver (1728–74), 74, 192, 403, 448, 504, 508
goldsmiths, 79, 306, 404
Goncourt, Edmond de (1822–96) and Jules de (1830–70), 28, 644*
Good Hope, Cape of, 545, 558, 559
Goodman’s Fields Theatre, London, 183
Görtz, Baron Georg Heinrich von (1668–1719), 362
Göteborg, Sweden, 524
Gotha, 469
Gothic style, 165, 352, 433, 486, 692;
in poetry, 178
Goths, 340
Göttingen, University of, 400, 429, 477, 538, 562
Gottsched, Johann Christoph (1700–66), 400, 477
Gounod, Charles François (1818–93), 419
Goupy, Joseph (d. 1763), 235
Gournay, Vincent de (1712–59), 262
Gouvernet, Marquis de, 36
Gouvernet, Suzanne de Livry, Marquise de, 35–36
Gozzi, Carlo (1720–1806), 505
Gracchi, the (Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus and Caius Sempronius Gracchus, Roman statesmen of 2d cent, B.C.), 347, 354
Graffigny, Françoise d’Issembourg d’Happoncourt de (1695–1758), 372, 374, 680
Graham, George (1675–1751), 537, 538, 540
Graham, James (fl. 1780), 594
ralath, Daniel (fl. 1746), 520
Gramont, Béatrixe de Choiseul, Duchesse de (1731–94), 301, 782
Gran, Daniel (1694–1757), 434
Grand Alliance (1692–97), 8, 31
Grand Dictionnaire historique (Moreri), 499
Grandison (Richardson), see Sir Charles
Grandison Grandval, 695
Grand Vocabulaire, 292
Graun, Karl Heinrich (1701–59), 409, 411–12, 427, 429
Graupner, Christoph (fl. 1722), 415
Gravelines, France, 109
gravitation, 248, 507, 517, 546, 547–48;
of double stars, 542–43
Gray, Stephen (d. 1736), 518, 520
Gray, Thomas (1716–71), 169, 180–83, 193, 213, 262, 332
Great Britain, see England
Great Fire of London (1666), 60
Great Northern War (1700–21), 438
Great Rebellion, see Civil Wars, English
Greene, Maurice (c.1696–1755), 225
Greenland, 554
Green Park, London, 242–43
Greenwich Fair, 245
Greenwich Hospital, 217
Greenwich Observatory, 537, 539
Greenwich time, 538
Gregorian calendar, 82, 540–41
Grenoble, 181, 582, 781
Grenoble, Parlement of, 23, 771
Gretna Green, Scotland, 64
Greuze, Jean Baptiste (1725–1805), 322, 665, 667, 668, 673
Greuze, Mme., nee Babuti, 668, 675
Grew, Nehemiah (1641–1712), 565
Grimani, Vincenzo, Cardinal (1655–1710), Viceroy of Naples (1708–10), 229
Grimm, Friedrich Melchior, later Baron von Grimm (1723–1807), 209, 297, 301, 322, 325, 605, 641, 680, 761, 785;
art criticisms of, 311, 312, 316;
on Buffon, 555, 573;
and Diderot, 313, 632–33, 648, 657, 658, 666, 667, 671, 673–78
passim, 693;
and Mme. d’Épinay, 338, 666, 671, 674, 781;
on Helvétius, 681, 691;
and new morality, 777;
on Raynal’s book, 693;
on d’Holbach, 697;
and Rousseau, 573, 632–33, 671, 697;
on Voltaire, 752
Grimm, Peter (fl. 1771), 510
Griselda (Bononcini), 232
Grisons (Graubünden), 474
Grolée, Comtesse de, 23
Grotius, Hugo (1583–1645), 83, 349, 359*
Grub Street, London, 164
Grub Street Journal, The, 64, 162, 171
Grumbling Hive, The (Mandeville), 138
Grummert, Dresden physicist (fl. 1747), 520
Gua de Malves, Abbé Jean Paul de (1712–86), 634
Guastalla, duchy of, 278
Guelphs, 89
Guéneau de Montbéliard, Philibert (1720–85), 569
Guénée, Antoine (b. 1717), 488, 756
Guericke, Otto von (1602–86), 518
Guerre des Bouffons, 297
Guettard, Jean (1715–86), 532, 555
Gueudeville, Nicolas (d. 1722), 341