Page 10 of Belador Cosaint

  Mother Mattie made a pfft sound at Caron. "I'll talk to Quinn and pass along his appreciation to the stick-in-the-mud."

  "Mattie." That was Caron's warning tone.

  The old woman waved her off. "I left you meatloaf and a baked potato in the warmer."

  Caron practically glowed with happiness. "What about cake? Did you make a chocolate cake, too?"

  "Yes, there's cake and milk. Now get out of here."

  With a snap of sparkly energy, Caron vanished.

  Evalle cringed. "Was anyone watching her, Lanna?"

  "No. Caron hides her majik from humans." Lanna sighed. "I would like to eat everything and have beautiful body, too."

  "You are beautiful," Evalle told her.

  "Yes, but even Brasko women must work to good body."

  There was a hint of the confident Lanna that Evalle had missed.

  Mother Mattie opened the rear door to her car, where Oskar promptly hopped out and walked over to Evalle on his hind legs. The witch pulled out a large canvas tote bag, hooking the straps over her shoulder.

  Evalle scooped up Oskar. "Hi there. Want to see if Feenix is up for company?"

  Oskar danced his head side to side, upping the sound of his chirping and grunts. She took that as Oskar talk meaning he knew exactly where he was headed.

  When everyone acknowledged they were ready, Evalle took the lead through the lower entrance area, then up to the second landing. She paused to say, "Your apartment's unlocked, Lanna. Go ahead and get settled. Everyone is supposed to be here in the next fifteen or twenty minutes. We'll take Oskar up to Feenix's level."

  Lanna dragged her suitcase down the hall and disappeared into her space.

  Evalle waited to see if the twins would stick their heads out from across the hall, but they didn't. Probably playing a video game.

  At the next landing, she smiled at Oskar's enthusiastic grunting as she reached for the door to Feenix's space. Her sweet gargoyle had been upstairs with her earlier in the evening, where she'd kept a sharp eye on him so he wouldn't eat anything in her stainless steel kitchen.

  But she did let him torch a pizza in the oven where his flames wouldn't harm anything. It took so little to make him happy.

  Opening the door, Evalle lowered Oskar to the floor. "Mother Mattie, meet Feenix."

  Her two-foot-tall gargoyle had been building some structure with brightly colored plastic blocks Storm had brought him. Feenix turned around, bright orange eyes glowing with excitement.

  "Evalle!" Feenix flapped his little bat-like wings, taking to the air. He flew the length of the room and landed in her arms, chortling happily. She'd never get tired of the sound of joy he made every time he saw her, as if she'd been gone for months instead of hours.

  She hugged her baby, then turned him to the witch. "This is my friend, Mother Mattie."

  "Mattie?" Feenix asked.

  "Yes, I am. Nice to meet you, Feenix." Mother Mattie was grinning and held her hand out, palm up.

  Feenix studied it a moment, then placed his thick hand on hers. He closed his eyes and made a humming sound.

  Evalle didn't interfere, which said how much she trusted the witch.

  When Feenix opened his eyes, he started nodding. "Mattie friend."

  Mother Mattie's eyes held the kind of warmth seen when someone coos to a child. The witch said, "You're something, Feenix. I have never met anyone like you." Her eyes slashed at Evalle in a way that said Mattie would like to know more about the little gargoyle.

  Feenix twisted around and looked down. "Othkar! You play?"

  Oskar lifted up on his hind legs and turned as he made bullfrog-grunting noises. He tapped back and forth from one foot to the other, clearly ready to play.

  Evalle looked at Mattie. "Think we're good?"

  "Yes. Oskar either likes you or he doesn't. No halfway with him. Feenix isn't going to hurt him and Oskar will not harm your baby, especially now that he knows Feenix is my friend, too."

  "Now that you mention it, Feenix is pretty much the same as Oskar when it comes to liking or not liking someone." Evalle lowered Feenix to the floor. "Why don't you show Oskar around?" When she stood up, she told Mattie how Storm had kept Oskar contained in one corner last time for his safety.

  Feenix had yet to move. He'd stuck one of his claws into his mouth as if debating on what to do.

  Had he not understood what she was saying?

  Or was he unsure about Oskar being loose in his area? Feenix had never shared his space freely with anyone except Lanna or the boys.

  "Othkar," Feenix announced and walked past the little critter.

  Mother Mattie's familiar spun as smoothly as a dancer and tiptoed after Feenix.

  When they reached the other side of the room, Feenix dragged two of his beanbag chairs to the middle of the room, facing the wall where a huge flat-screen television had been mounted.

  Storm had created a special panel with different-colored buttons the size of muffins, which he'd wired for controlling anything in the room that required electronic operation. Some buttons had designs and images painted on the surface.

  Feenix said something to Oskar, who made a loud chirping noise.

  In reply, Feenix laughed as he walked over to hit a big black-and-white checkered button.

  Roaring engines of the latest Daytona 500 NASCAR race poured from surround-sound speakers mounted along the walls.

  Oskar jumped up and down on his bag.

  Feenix chortled and clapped as he waddled back to his stuffed bag.

  It looked like they wouldn't kill each other.

  Evalle had an app on her phone that allowed her to monitor Feenix via cameras when she wasn't with him.

  "They'll be fine," Mother Mattie declared and stepped out, closing the door behind Evalle, who headed to the roof.

  "Lovely place," the witch commented as they walked into the open space upstairs. Mattie placed her tote bag next to one of the cozy chairs, and took in the view of the city at night. "Are you only able to come up after dark?"

  "Oh, no. I'm up here during the day, too." Evalle explained how the roof worked to protect her from the deadly sunrays.

  Mother Mattie said, "That's some man you have, Evalle."

  "I know." She beamed with pride. "He's the best."

  "That's what I want to hear after a long day," Storm announced, walking up to Evalle from behind and kissing her soundly. One touch of his lips and her body started planning a party with his.

  When he released her, Evalle whispered to him, "We have company, but save that thought."

  "Oh, I won't forget," he assured her. "Sorry I'm late."

  "No problem. I let Quinn know we're starting at eight instead and he was good with it. He needed the extra time."

  Storm paused to greet Mother Mattie with a handshake. "It's nice to have you visit us."

  "I told Evalle that you have a wonderful building, but that was before I actually toured it. Very nice."

  "Thank you." Storm kissed Evalle again.

  Mother Mattie moved back to the plush chair she'd chosen and settled with a sigh. "To be that young again."

  Quinn arrived next and Storm asked how long it would be until Daegan showed up.

  "Daegan won't be joining us," Quinn replied. "He's working personally with our people in the Atlanta area to ensure all Belador families are secure. Once everyone is covered to his satisfaction, he's going to take any additional Belador warriors he's withdrawn from VIPER to areas in the country with heavy Belador populations and leave teams in place to replicate the plan in those spots."

  Storm asked, "What about VIPER?"

  Evalle interjected, "I haven't had a chance to tell you or Quinn, but we're on the outs with VIPER. Sen basically blew off Daegan's concern for Belador families being targeted, so Daegan invoked something called Belador Cosaint." She shared a quick rundown of what had happened with Sen.

  Quinn mused, "He said it was a protocol created long ago. I'd like to hear more about Daegan's life prior to be
ing captured and cursed."

  "We all would," Evalle agreed. "I think he'll tell us in his own time."

  Storm carried a tray of different beverages toward the coffee table as he commented, "I wonder how Sen took getting pushed back again. If Daegan keeps doing that, Sen's going to come after him."

  Evalle said, "Sen didn't like it. In fact, Trey tried to ask Sen a question earlier today and Sen blew him off."

  "After witnessing the way Daegan knocked Sen down a notch during the last Tribunal meeting, then issued a not-too-subtle warning to the Tribunal deities if they tried to take him on, I'll put my money on the dragon," Quinn said.

  Evalle interrupted, "Hold on guys, before you start talking shop. Quinn, I thought you'd want to know that Mother Mattie is here." She gestured toward the seating area.

  Quinn leaned to look past Evalle. "I apologize for not speaking sooner, Mother Mattie. Very nice to see you. I have so much to thank you for, and appreciate all you and Caron have done."

  "It's good to be here and you're welcome. We were happy to have Lanna with us." Mother Mattie gave a definitive nod, confirming she'd been happy to have Lanna at her home.

  Having started toward her, Quinn paused. "Wait, if you're here, does that mean--"

  Lanna entered the room. "Hello, Cousin."

  Quinn turned around and caught Lanna, who dashed into his arms. When he hugged her, his face relaxed a little for the first time in a long while.

  Evalle was glad to see the pair reunited.

  Quinn told Lanna, "I've been worried about you."

  "I know, but I am fine."

  Evalle didn't believe that for a moment and seriously doubted that Quinn did either, but she hoped he'd accept it for now. When he loosened his hold, Lanna stepped back and lifted her cocky little chin at him.

  "I believe I can help you, Cousin."

  His voice was gentle, but stern. "As long as you sit on the sofa and tell me your idea, I will very much appreciate any help you can offer. But if you try to find her by using your powers, then I will be quite displeased."

  Offering him an unconcerned expression, Lanna said, "You will be very displeased then, because I will do much more than call up my powers."

  "Lanna, listen to me--"

  Evalle cringed and said, "About that, Quinn..."

  Quinn shifted around. "You knew she planned to do something tonight?"

  "Well, sort of, see--"

  "I told you she was not getting involved again."

  "I know that, but--"

  "Please. Be. Quiet!" Lanna requested without raising her voice, but power rushed through the room and everyone fell into a deep silence.

  Storm murmured, "Whoa, that's ... major mojo."

  Evalle had always suspected Lanna had a lot hidden inside her, and Caron's words downstairs had backed up that instinct. Still, that surge she'd just experienced was insane.

  Quinn looked shocked. "How did--"

  Lifting her finger to her lips, Lanna shushed him.

  Behind Quinn, Mother Mattie chuckled.

  Holding her short frame as erect as she could, Lanna informed Quinn, "It is time for you to see me as adult, Cousin. I was careless with my abilities when I first came here." Her solemn blue eyes forced everyone to take her seriously. "I have learned much. Some things I wish I had not, but that is how life goes. I have healed and trained with Caron. You remember her?"

  "The Fae woman."

  Quinn didn't sound too happy about a Fae powerhouse training Lanna, but to argue that point after what Caron and Mother Mattie had done for Lanna would be digging a deeper hole than the one he already had going.

  Nodding, Lanna said, "Yes. Caron and Mother Mattie have worked very hard. You should wait to see the results before assuming you know what is best for me. Caron does not know if I am mage or sorceress or ... something else. Caron says I am like witch with much power since they are all from same family of beings."

  Quinn's gaze went to Evalle, who gave him a be-patient look and angled her head toward Lanna, subtlety suggesting that Quinn should listen to the girl.

  Lanna continued. "Caron says I am very powerful. I knew this, but I did not realize how dangerous it was for me to use these powers without more knowledge. I am taking time to develop all that she has shown me about myself and I need people I can trust when I draw on this power. I am going to join with Mother Mattie and Adrianna to find your daughter. You must do your part when I ask and not interfere with me."

  Well, damn. Evalle exchanged a look with Storm, whose expression said this was a far more mature Lanna than he'd last seen, too.

  She'd put Quinn in his place, but she was fooling herself if she thought Quinn couldn't see the shadows in her eyes that Evalle had observed.

  Adrianna walked in, saving Quinn from having to figure out how to respond to Lanna's set down. The Sterling witch called out, "Do we just have three witches for this?"

  "Make that five," Kardos said in a deep voice as the first of two male witches entered. "Evalle told us you were having a seance."

  Adrianna made a derogatory noise.

  On the heels of Kardos, Kellman walked in. All similarity between the tall, fair-haired twins stopped at physical appearance. Both were attractive young men, but Kellman had a quiet reserve about him, unlike his boisterous sibling.

  "Hello, Kardos and Kellman," Lanna said.

  As Lanna spoke, Kellman lifted his head and stared at her with an unabashed adoration that had Quinn frowning.

  Evalle knew that overprotective look. She sent a message to Quinn telepathically. Stop giving Kellman the you'll-die-if-you-touch-her stink eye.

  Quinn glanced around at Evalle.

  She crooked an eyebrow in challenge.

  Quinn answered in the same silent communication, I was not giving anyone a stink eye.

  Oh, yes you were. Kellman and Lanna like each other. We can all see it and Kellman would lay down his life for her, so she's not at any risk staying here with the boys. If anything, I think it will help her come out of her quiet shell.

  She waited for him to argue, but he couldn't.

  Quinn knew, just as Evalle did, that Kellman had proven himself to be the sane and upstanding one of the twins.

  Worry scrawled across Kellman's face when he took in Lanna. Quinn might want to lock her away somewhere safe, but that wouldn't help as much as Lanna being around peers she trusted.

  One more thing, Quinn, Evalle added just for him. I believe Lanna is ready to begin moving past what happened to her with Grendal and tonight will actually help her. I wouldn't have gone along with this if I didn't believe it. We're all ready to watch out for her, but are you okay with the boys knowing about Phoedra? Lanna told me she'd like as much witch power as possible.

  He just nodded, ending their private chat.

  "Thanks for joining us, guys," Evalle said out loud. "If you'll all grab a seat, Lanna can tell us what she has in mind."

  "One thing first," Adrianna said as they all found places on sofas and chairs. Storm sank onto the soft cushions beside Evalle.

  "Sure. What's up?"

  "Did you tell anyone about what happened when you and I left Mattie's house?"

  Storm came to attention. "What happened?"

  Oh, boy. Evalle said, "Nope. I wasn't sure if you wanted me to share it so I didn't." She whispered out the side of her mouth. "I was going to tell you later."

  Storm squeezed her leg. All was good.

  "Thanks for that," Adrianna said with appreciation in her voice. "But I think Quinn and I may need to go back to see Veronika."

  Quinn jerked at that. "Why?"

  Adrianna proceeded to describe what had happened while she was out with Evalle visiting Lanna. The Sterling witch still sounded shaken by that second incident when she'd fought to control Witchlock.

  She had been talking to the room, but as she finished, Adrianna asked Quinn, "What do you think?"

  "I think I'll check with Trey and have him find out if any of the guards working VIPE
R's high security area have reported something going on with Veronika. I heard yesterday that she's singing crazy songs." Quinn's face had gone from serious to concerned in a blink.

  "Good luck with that," Evalle grumbled.

  "Why would you say that?"

  She told Quinn about asking Trey to check earlier to see if anything had happened with Veronika and how Sen dismissed any request from a Belador.

  "That bloody liaison. I'll give him an option to give me a report or give it to Daegan in person. This is too important to be screwing around."

  "Nice to finally have a hammer to hold over Sen," Evalle said as she inched toward the edge of her seat, waiting on Quinn to contact Trey telepathically.

  She studied his face, which normally showed little, but his hands curled into fists before he drew a deep breath and unfurled his fingers as he exhaled anger.

  Before Quinn could say a word, Evalle and Adrianna both asked, "Did Veronika escape?"


  Mother Mattie lifted her phone and started typing. "We have to alert all the witches."

  "Wait a minute. Sen can find anyone who runs so he can find her, right?" Evalle asked.

  Quinn's Adam's apple bobbed with a hard swallow. "Evidently not this time." He told Mattie, "As to alerting the witches, that will be wise, especially Rowan, but I believe we probably have some time. Veronika will most likely target Adrianna first, but Veronika knows Adrianna has the Beladors as allies so she will need time to organize a support team and to come up with a plan for gaining Witchlock without Adrianna destroying her."

  "Understood," Mattie said.

  Showing the kind of backbone that kept Witchlock from Veronika's claws, Adrianna said, "I'll go with Mother Mattie after we finish here so we can meet with Rowan in person and explain what we're up against."

  "That's what I told Rowan in my text," Mother Mattie said, putting her phone away.

  Shaking his head, Quinn stood and said, "I'm sorry, Lanna, but we're not doing this tonight."

  Lanna started to speak, but Adrianna stood and told Quinn, "Veronika knows about Phoedra. She said as much when we saw her in VIPER. With that witch at large, I may be of no help to any of you after tonight. If Lanna doesn't locate Phoedra, then you, the Beladors and that dragon will have to find Veronika, Quinn, because I believe she will find your daughter. If you don't get to Phoedra first, you may not have a second chance if Veronika realizes what she can do with Phoedra's potential power. Every second counts right now."

  Chapter 12