Page 11 of Belador Cosaint


  Quinn wanted to choke Sen.

  How was it that Sen could find anyone, but not Veronika? Worse than that, Sen had sat on vital information when he should have been broadcasting that she was loose.

  Based on what Trey related, Sen would say only that her escape was unusual circumstances. Quinn would have to find out more on that later.

  Right now, he had to bring himself to allow Lanna to put herself at risk again. No matter what everyone said, this was not a normal search for a missing person.

  Not when his daughter carried his genes plus that of a Medb priestess.

  Everything about this search would be extremely dangerous.

  "Cousin, please sit so I can explain what we need to do," Lanna called out.

  Resigned to at least give Lanna a chance to try, Quinn ignored the headache that still nagged him since diving into that troll's head last night, and took a seat.

  Lanna sat across the room from him with Kellman and Kardos on each side of her.

  Sitting a little too stiffly to look at ease, Lanna said, "Cousin, am I correct to think it is okay to talk freely about what we're doing and who we are looking for?" At his nod, she said, "I will tell you that Mother Mattie knows, but I did not tell her intentionally. It came out during our ... healing sessions."

  Guilt hammered him over not keeping Lanna safe from Grendal. "I understand and trust Mother Mattie to hold a confidence."

  The elderly witch tilted her head at him.

  He added, "I am in your debt for anything you need in the future and I'd offer the same to Caron, but I understand she does not wish to be thanked."

  "You're correct. I'll pass along your appreciation to Caron." The elder witch sent a look to Lanna, giving her the floor again.

  With her hands tucked in her lap, Lanna continued. "I have always been able to find those in our family. Is that not right, Cousin?"

  "That is correct. You showed an uncanny ability to do that early on."

  She awarded him with the hint of a smile. "I find it easier to draw on that ability when I hold something connected to the missing person." She no doubt caught the worry Quinn failed to hide from his face and rushed on to say, "I am not touching the bracelet, Cousin. But your daughter Phoedra is now my family, too."

  Leaning forward, he studied on where she was going with this line of thought. "That's true."

  "I believe if I hold your hand while I call upon my powers, that I can find Phoedra, because she is connected to you."

  That sounded so logical, but majik was rarely logical.

  He asked, "I accept that it is your decision to do this, but I want the truth. Is there a risk to you?" He glanced at Storm, but the Skinwalker appeared determined to stay out of this exchange, so Quinn was on his own.

  "There is always a risk with majik, Cousin. I will be safe, especially with four witches to share their power with me."

  Quinn thought she might be overestimating what the two boys brought to the witch table, but he could live with an unsuccessful outcome as long as Mother Mattie and Adrianna kept Lanna safe.

  He cursed himself for the hope racing through his heart when his job was to protect Lanna from harm. There was nothing he could do, though, about the fast beating of the savaged organ after weeks of hitting dead ends everywhere he'd gone.

  Even Garwyli had come up empty, though the druid continued to try.

  Quinn couldn't deny his anticipation at even a tiny lead.

  Lanna stood up, sounding in control of the event. "I will tell you where to sit on the rug when we are ready to start. When I do, please make yourself as comfortable as you can. I have not tried this for many years. I apologize now if it takes much time."

  Mother Mattie said, "This is not something to be rushed. Work at your own pace." She rose and handed the heavy tote bag to Lanna.

  "Thank you." Lanna withdrew a large object wrapped in black felt. She placed it in the middle of the rug and opened the circle of soft cloth to reveal a polished black bowl almost two feet across, but shallow. The black cloth extended another six inches all the way around and had silver designs drawn on it. Next she pulled out three sturdy candles, one indigo, one purple, and one white. Once she had them arranged in the center of the bowl, she withdrew a velvet bag of crystals.

  She placed the crystals in specific locations in the bowl before filling the dish with water from a small jug.

  Did that tote hold anything else?

  Nope. Lanna carefully folded the bag and placed it on her chair.

  As Quinn watched Lanna, he realized he'd never seen her pay attention to detail the way she did now. Was there a reason the dark blue candle stood taller than the other two?

  She began pointing out places on the rug for everyone. "Kellman there, then Mother Mattie, Kardos, Adrianna, Cousin, and I will be here."

  Like the others, Quinn slipped off his shoes and found his spot, where he sat cross-legged.

  Adrianna took her spot, looking like a perfect blonde package of class and confidence. Quinn was thankful to have her as an ally to Beladors, as well as a friend.

  He knew about Isak Nyght, a human black ops soldier, who had been getting deeply involved with her until the chump acted like an idiot, in Evalle's words.

  Lanna drew Quinn's attention back to the moment when she asked Evalle to lower all the artificial lights, then explained, "This will not be a scrying exactly. My majik works in its own way. When we join hands, please open your power to me. I have learned how when we bring our power together, we form a stronger connection to the universe. I will open myself to what I can learn about Phoedra, but I will need all of you to remember whatever I say. I may recall what happens, but I may not."

  Taking her place next to Quinn, Lanna extended her hand, which he grasped, noting how small her fingers were against his huge hand. Lanna would rush into a burning building for those she cared about, but in spite of her inner strength, which humbled him, she was still a vulnerable young woman who had been through hell.

  "Everyone please hold hands." Lanna grasped Kellman's hand, then squeezed Quinn's and said, "Relax, Cousin. It will be fine."

  Lanna closed her eyes, silent for a moment, then she began speaking in an earnest tone. "We call to you, guardians of the innocent, to ask for your wisdom and your vision. We open our hearts to your counsel and our minds to your advice. We seek one of our blood who needs our prayers and our strength. We wish to wrap Phoedra, child of Quinn and Kizira, in our love and protection."

  The only sound Quinn heard next was soft breathing as Lanna sat perfectly still.

  He forced himself not to fidget.

  If she could put herself out to do this then he could do as she asked and open up to her power, but it was difficult to do so, knowing Veronika had escaped.

  Lanna lifted her chin, eyes still shut, and moved her lips but no sound came out.

  The flames of the candles began to grow, with the indigo one climbing the tallest, to eye level with him.

  Opening her eyes, Lanna leaned forward slightly and stared down at the bowl.

  Quinn couldn't help leaning a little forward himself and gaped at the reflection of her eyes. He looked over to see if it was a trick of the lights on the water, but no.

  Her blue eyes had turned bright as two diamonds with pinpoint pupils.

  Looking up above the circle of bodies joined by hands, he saw a halo of white hovering over them.

  When he checked Evalle and Storm, they both looked at the halo, then Evalle sent Quinn a reassuring smile.

  Lanna moved her head as if studying something intently in the water. Then her face eased and she whispered, "Phoedra."

  Did that mean she saw something?

  He didn't dare say a word.

  Adrianna had closed her eyes and her lips were moving with silent words, too. Was she sending Lanna power?

  How the hell did this work?

  Mother Mattie also sat with her eyes shut, but the boys were following Quinn's actions by watching every move.
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  Actually, Kellman only had eyes for Lanna.

  "Where are you going?" Lanna asked in a confidential tone. "Show me your world."

  Quinn held his breath.

  Was Lanna actually seeing his daughter? He had no idea what Phoedra even looked like. His pulse climbed, but he maintained his calm. The last thing he wanted to do was distract her.

  Lanna pulled back with an odd expression on her face then leaned forward again. "Who is that woman?"

  What woman?

  Damn, Quinn had to bite his tongue to keep from shouting out a question. Wouldn't Lanna call out an alert if she saw Veronika? Could Veronika find his child this quickly when Quinn had been searching constantly for weeks?

  Adrianna murmured, "Who is the woman?"

  Without looking at Adrianna, Lanna said, "Pretty face. Brown or maybe reddish brown hair. Curls."

  "Macha?" Adrianna asked softly.

  "Not Macha. Not a goddess."

  And neither did the description sound like Veronika. Quinn released a breath of relief for that much, but he still didn't know who was with Phoedra.

  Mother Mattie opened her eyes and focused on the murmured exchange between Adrianna and Lanna.

  Should that worry him?

  The elderly woman glanced at Quinn who gave her what he hoped conveyed a look of confusion.

  She shook her head slightly, indicating he should not interfere, but she remained with her eyes open, watching closely.

  "Where is Phoedra?" Adrianna asked in a quiet voice, sounding as if she were in a trance.

  "Is near water. Maybe ocean."

  That didn't narrow the location down much for Quinn, but it was a start.

  Adrianna turned her head to the side, flinching as if in pain, then the moment was gone and her facial muscles relaxed. Still in a monotone, the Sterling witch asked, "What about ... the woman?"

  Lanna frowned at the water. A ripple chased across the surface. "She has dark energy. Not human."

  Quinn's heart dropped. Who was with his child?

  "What ... town or street?" Adrianna breathed out.

  Lanna studied whatever she saw in the bowl for a long couple of minutes and finally said, "Very warm. They are walking. Candles. Another woman." She leaned forward sharply. "No ... no."

  "What?" Quinn uttered and Mother Mattie sent him a visual threat he interpreted as shut up or expect to be hurt.

  "Watch out, Phoedra!"

  Chapter 13


  San Diego, California

  Reese O'Rinn strolled down a quiet section of the La Mesa suburb at a loss for how to cheer up her twelve-year-old neighbor and dog sitter, Phoedra.

  Wait, not twelve. That would really set off Phoedra. She was now a teenager at thirteen.

  Until now, Reese had a go-to list for bringing a smile out of the adorable teen, but not today.

  Everything she'd suggested had been met with indifference.

  What else could she do at five in the afternoon that would be fun?

  Normally, Phoedra would be bubbling with excitement over the smallest thing and full of opinions, which never failed to show her mature side. It usually took so little to make her happy. She'd turn her face up to the sun, which was currently on its way to setting, and smile, then prance around to show off whatever she'd worn in her favorite colors.

  Nope. Today she kept her chin tipped down and wore a slouchy, long-sleeved, gray T-shirt and jeans with her worn sneakers.

  A far too subdued look for her.

  Just like her silence.

  Reese knew zero about raising a child since hers had died without ever having a chance at life. That had been ten years ago. Not a day went by that she didn't feel the loss.

  But Phoedra was such a special girl in so many ways that being around her had patched over some of the holes in Reese's heart. Everything about this child was unique except for her last name. Smith didn't really fit.

  Phoedra's bright gaze had an exotic appeal, and for a thirteen-year-old, she was wise beyond her years.

  Who knew? There might be other kids her age who were just as wise, but Reese felt justified in her subjective opinion since she'd been around to watch this one change. From a lanky braniac who had always been an adorable kid, Phoedra was budding into what would be a stunning young woman. She took in the world through inquisitive blue eyes and wore her black hair chin-length ... with a dash of pink.

  She'd sported an entirely pink head of hair until last week.

  Phoedra had major endearing qualities like loving Reese's shaggy mutt, Gibbons, and looking at Reese on occasion as if she were some kind of superhero.

  That right there qualified Phoedra for saint status, because while Reese did a smash-up job of pretending to be human, she would never be a superhero.

  She would also never expose Phoedra to the fact that Reese was not human, or to the nasty demons hunting the energy inside Reese, which was why she had to keep the girl inside this demon-free zone east of downtown San Diego. Reese had stopped hunting demons so that the pain-in-her-butt person who gifted her this safe zone would not take it away.

  Phoedra had been acting strangely lately, for ten days actually, and Reese was running out of geographic area to keep a thirteen-year-old entertained and safe.

  Was Phoedra close to starting her period? How young did girls start nowadays?

  I suck at knowing what to do for a teenager.

  The movie Phoedra had wanted to see was sold out. Now what?

  "What's going on in that head of yours, Phoedra?" When at a loss, go rushing forward with a stupid question.

  The girl lifted her slim shoulders.

  Reese squelched a growl of irritation.

  Where had the perpetually sweet young lady gone? Was this the infamous evil hormonal stage coming upon Phoedra?

  At Phoedra's age, Reese had been a real pain in her mother's backside, but that had been more about Reese possessing demon blood than anything else.

  Maybe all thirteen-year-old girls had demon blood. Heh.

  "Got something you want to do?" Reese asked, feeling desperate.

  Phoedra shrugged again.

  "Come on, Phoedra. Talk to me."

  "You didn't have to come with me."

  Technically, Phoedra was talking, but that was not what Reese had wanted to hear. "I'm actually a little hurt that you headed out for a movie without me."

  "I forgot."

  Reese was no lie detector like that demon Skinwalker named Storm whom she'd met in Atlanta six weeks back, but she called the bullshit flag on Phoedra forgetting.

  She'd seen Phoedra leave her apartment after the girl's foster mother, Donella, had departed for work.

  Reese had told Donella a long time ago that she'd keep an eye out for Phoedra any time Donella couldn't be there, and in return, Phoedra and her foster mother took care of Gibbons.

  Reese was pretty sure this wily teen had slipped out without telling her foster mother, but she would not betray Phoedra's trust when she was generally such a good kid. Something was clearly bugging her, but what?

  Phoedra asked, "Do you ever get premonitions, Reese?"

  "Uhm, I, uh..." How to answer that? Reese saw visions sometimes, but not the way humans had premonitions from what she understood of them. Think, Reese. Phoedra had opened a door. She needed to keep her talking. "Sort of. Why?" Always redirect the question when in a tight spot.

  "I asked Donella, but she doesn't have them," Phoedra said, instead of answering why she was asking.

  Reese bit her lip, keeping quiet, hoping the tactic would push Phoedra to talk. It worked on adults.

  Swiping a handful of black hair and pink highlight behind her ear, Phoedra admitted, "Sometimes I have a feeling something will happen. You know?"

  That sounded right for a premonition.

  What was a safe answer?

  "I know what you're saying." Then it hit Reese that maybe this was part of Phoedra's female cycle coming on. "I think it's a female trait.
I've heard some women say when they have their period, their intuition increases." Total bullshit, but damn that sounded good.

  Phoedra slammed to a stop and spun on her. "What? I'm not having PMS!"

  Oh, crud. Backpedaling, Reese raised her hands in supplication. "Hey, I wasn't suggesting that. I was just saying what I've heard from other women." Not that she socialized with any besides Phoedra and Donella.

  Time for a subject change. Reese went for Phoedra's favorite topic. "How's Joey doing?"

  Phoedra's eyes teared up. "He's a jerk."

  Oy. Was there no safe direction?

  But Reese did have experience with the opposite sex and shared her best advice. "Boys, and all men, are idiots most of the time. They don't usually deserve the women they get."

  "But I really like this one," Phoedra said in a watery voice.

  Reese could commiserate.

  With the exception of a casual encounter when loneliness got the best of her as a younger woman, she'd spent years avoiding intimacy with men. Who could blame her after the man she'd fallen for at nineteen had gotten her pregnant, then abandoned her.

  Then she discovered he'd been married.

  Then she lost the baby.

  Then ... life didn't matter a whole lot for a long time.

  But in fairness to men in general, she'd met Quinn, who was unlike any other she'd ever encountered. So much that Quinn was the cause of her suffering weeks of stupid fantasies since she'd come back from Atlanta.

  She couldn't get him out of her mind.

  He was in a hot and incredibly wonderful category of males all his own. He'd fought to protect the body of a dead priestess from potential necromancy. Not just any priestess. Kizira had been a Medb, an enemy of the Beladors, and Quinn was the North American Belador Maistir.

  Who did something like that these days?

  Sleeping with the enemy didn't get much closer than a Belador bedding down with a Medb.

  Reese didn't know for sure Quinn and Kizira had done the horizontal tango, but she felt certain something serious had gone on between those two.

  She couldn't shake the disappointment that had latched onto her and still followed her around since she'd figured out that connection.

  It wasn't as if she had an attachment to Quinn.

  Sure, he had stood between her and a horde of demons, and he'd played fair with her even though she never came clean with him about why she'd been sent to retrieve Kizira's body. She'd like to think Quinn would have understood if she'd told him she'd been offered the return of her powers for delivering Kizira's body and keeping it out of the Medb queen's hands.