Page 7 of Bound to Trust

  "Suck it."

  The words alone caused her to shiver. The thought of doing to him what he'd done to her in the restaurant had her licking her lips in eager anticipation. She had received his climax a few moments before, but she hadn't been the one to give it to him.

  Dropping to her knees, she took his shaft in her hand, drawing the tip near her mouth. Her tongue snaked out and captured the drops of fluid gathering at the head of his cock, welcoming his flavor. He quivered as she licked the velvety top of his shaft, then placed her lips over him and lightly suckled.

  "Zejehr, min letonsay sool da fahl!" he muttered. Marina had no idea what it meant, but he said the words so passionately, ending them on a stuttered groan. They must mean he enjoyed her mouth on him. Perhaps she'd ask him to teach her some of his Xartanian language. It had a lyrical, sensual sound to it, almost like Earth's French.

  "Let me feel your teeth along the shaft," he commanded. "Lightly."

  She shuddered at his sensual order, then complied by grazing the sides of his member. Kaden threaded his hands in her hair and pulled her closer to him.

  "Yes, zejehr, like that. Now suck, hard and fast."

  His words were like a caress over her body, driving her mad with the desire to knock him to the floor and climb on top of him. A fierce need to fuck him furiously drove her to take him as deeply as she could.


  How could she take him deeper? There was so much to his length, yet her mouth was so full of him she couldn't speak. He held her head and fucked her mouth, taking his shaft nearly all the way out before plunging once again between her lips.

  Arousal beat against her vibrating nipples and sex. She reached one hand down between her legs, only to find that hand jerked away as Kaden bent over and removed it.

  "You will not come until I tell you."

  Sucking in a breath that rattled with both irritation and a powerful need to climax, she took his shaft in both hands, moving her fingers up and down the length of him while taking the head into the deep recesses of her throat.

  She was poised at the brink of an orgasm, and could easily have one without touching herself. Yet Kaden's warning remained prominent in her mind. Not wanting to lose the delicious sensations coursing through her, she concentrated instead on drawing his release from his straining cock.

  Freeing one hand from his shaft, she searched underneath for the twin sacs, massaging the ridge between them before cupping the globes in her hands and gently squeezing.

  His balls contracted tight and hard, his sweet release erupted inside her mouth and he let out a guttural cry in his alien tongue. She milked his balls and swallowed his essence as he continued to hold her mouth captive with his thrusting member.

  When there were only a few remaining drops of the tangy fluid, he withdrew, his cock still hard despite the copious amounts of come he had shot down her throat.

  He tasted like sweet fruit.

  Marina sat back on her heels, her body desperate for release, and wondered what game they would play next.

  Surely he would tire of her after the minimal amount of dominance he would have to show to whomever it was that watched.

  Watched. Someone had watched her give Kaden a blow job. No doubt still watched as he reached for her hands and drew her up, then tilted her chin up, forcing her to meet his gaze.

  "You did well, Marina."

  She didn't speak, not sure what the appropriate protocol was in this type of situation, and definitely not wanting another shock to mar the warm, wet desire between her legs.

  "I smell your nectar. You were aroused sucking my cock?"

  "Yes, Sire."

  "Good. You have a very talented mouth." He traced the outline of her lips with his fingertip, then leaned in and kissed her, licking her tongue where the taste of him still lingered. She shivered and reached for him, desperate for the feel of his skin, his muscled strength against hers.

  "But you have much to learn about pleasing me. And I think there's still a little too much fight in you. We'll have to break you of that."

  He wasn't going to let her come. Goddamit, he was going to deny her what she needed the most right now. And he said he wouldn't torture her?

  Bullshit. This was the worst form of torture imaginable.

  And she was tired. Tired, yet coiled with need.

  Exhaustion finally claimed her and she rested her head against his chest. She wasn't certain she could endure another punishment, and yet she knew she had no control over whatever he decided to do to her next.

  Why in hell had she agreed to this? Frustration ate at her, the desire to scream and cry almost unbearable. Would he tie her up again, leave her wanting while he left her? Worse, was she going to have to endure pent-up arousal for her entire stay?

  Maybe he'd never let her come. Maybe that was part of what they did here.

  Hell, no wonder the women served their Doms so willingly. She'd do anything right now for an orgasm. Just one sweet, stress-relieving orgasm.

  Instead, she just knew more torture was forthcoming.

  She was surprised when he led her to the bed and laid her gently upon it, pulling the light sheet over her. He swept her hair away from her face and smiled down at her.

  "Rest, zejehr. You've had a long day."

  She wanted to ask him questions, like the meaning of the word he used frequently when speaking to her, what would happen next, and when she'd be allowed to come. She wanted to get her mind around finding the kidnapped women and finishing this mission, although admittedly that part had somehow been shoved to the back of her mind.

  Tomorrow. She'd store all her questions inside her head until then. Kaden waved his hand over the wall panel and the lights dimmed. The day had been long and filled with stress and tension. Maybe they'd drugged her to get her to Xarta, because her limbs felt heavy and she had a hard time keeping her eyes open. No longer able to fight how tired she was, she closed her eyes, her mind awash with the monumental changes that had occurred in her life today.

  Shut it down, Marina. Rest. You'll need your strength for what's coming.

  For now, sleep was more important. Tomorrow, there'd be plenty to deal with.

  Chapter Six

  Kaden stood over Marina, watching her slumber. Light filtered in through the clear skylights above, casting a glow on her skin. She looked like a golden goddess, her dark skin glimmering in the sunlight, her hair cascading in wild curls over her shoulders and down her back. The sheet rode low on her hips, revealing the crest of her buttocks. She was magnificent.

  And surprising.

  He'd expected her to do her job. Laren had assured him of that. What he hadn't expected was the passionate response she'd given him last night. What he gave, she took. When he expected her to break, to give up, to scream at him, she hadn't. Instead, she'd flamed his senses, heightened his arousal, and damn near killed him with her luscious mouth. That, he hadn't expected.

  If she was acting the part, she was giving an award-winning performance. He had guessed that she might be a submissive underneath her dominating, controlling exterior, but he had no idea that she'd adapt so readily to the pleasures he could offer. Even in punishment she had controlled his desire. He wasn't sure who was mastering whom here, because he was under her spell and wanted her more than he should.

  As it was he had barely slept last night. Not that he needed to, but a fierce desire to crawl next to her on the bed and wrap her in his arms had been almost more than he could handle. He'd ended up leaving the room and scouting the palace for the women they sought.

  He hadn't yet had an opportunity to ask Marina about her kidnapping. He'd been so absorbed with her as his sub that he hadn't taken her to a place where they weren't monitored.

  It would have looked too suspicious anyway. He'd take care of the questioning this morning.

  No luck yet, but perhaps later today at the meal they would share with all the palace citizens. If the women were still here, and last he heard at least some
of them were, then he and Marina would be able to spot them. Last night he'd formed a plan. Today, he'd discuss it with Marina, if he could manage some private time with her. Too many of the rooms were monitored both visually and aurally.

  Marina stirred and rolled over onto her back, the sheet slipping down to her waist. Her breasts glowed in the sunlight, the emeralds sparkling as they kissed the soft flesh of her nipples. He ached to cover her with his body, nuzzle the charms with his tongue before taking the peaks deep into his mouth and suckling her.

  He undressed, wondering what she'd do if she woke and found him peeling off his clothes, his cock already semi-hard. Last night had been difficult, but necessary for her to learn the ways of a submissive. But he'd wanted her to come, wanted to feel her bucking underneath him, her sweet cunt squeezing the life force from him.

  Instead, he'd taken her to the brink again and again, and then put her to bed to sleep.

  Undressed, he approached the bed and leaned over, content for the moment to just watch her. She frowned in her sleep. A bad dream perhaps? He hoped not. Tiny creases appeared near her eyes when she scrunched her features like that. He wanted to taste her, touch her, hold her in his arms until she woke, then make love to her over and over again.

  His cock twitched, stirring and ready for more. He'd yet to drive his shaft into Marina's sweet cunt and wasn't sure how much longer he could hold back. But here in Xarta, it was necessary to have her complete cooperation first. Once he was assured of complete dominance over her, then they would share their bodies.

  She didn't yet understand what that meant, didn't realize that she would lose nothing of herself by giving her sexuality to his control. She would learn, though, and when she did, it would be the sweetest gift imaginable.

  He smiled down at her, wondering if she was still aroused. He pulled the sheet back and grinned. Her hand rested on her slit, gently stroking her bare pussy even in her sleep.

  Guess that answered his question. Her scent filled the room, vanilla and musky, making him desperate for a taste of her. How easy it would be to slip between her legs and lick the moisture beading there.

  "Marina, wake up."

  She groaned and lifted her hips, leisurely circling her clit with her fingers. His balls tightened.

  "Now Marina. Wake up."

  Her eyes opened partway, enough to glimpse the magic of her emerald gaze, as vibrant as the stones on her nipples. She smiled at him, then sat up, keeping her gaze focused at his feet as she slipped off the bed and stepped toward him.

  Was she actually taking a submissive position with him? Or was she still too sleepy to acknowledge he was even in the room?

  "Look at me."

  She lifted her chin and met his gaze. Galaxies, she was lovely in the morning. Her skin flushed with sleep and warmth, her hair in wild disarray around her face, and her eyes still holding onto whatever dream had made her reach for her sweet pussy.

  "Good morning, Marina."

  "Good morning...Sire."

  Kaden couldn't help his smile. "Very good. Come, we have much to do today."

  He directed her into a privacy chamber where she could have a few minutes to herself. When she came out, he led her through a panel in the wall into the bathing room.

  Marina's eyes widened as he led her into one of his favorite places on the palace grounds. A tropical oasis, the bathing room was actually located outside in a courtyard, surrounded by the pale coral walls of the rounded palace interior. This was one of the places where he and Marina could speak without being heard, especially this early in the day before the crowds came to bathe and play.

  "This is lovely," she said in a hushed voice, then quickly turned to him as if in apology.

  "It's okay. In this instance I won't punish you for speaking your thoughts. Be mindful of that fact in the future, though."

  "Yes, Sire."

  "Tell me what you remember of the kidnapping."

  "Nothing. My mind is a blank from the time I entered the BDSM club until I woke up here."

  "Interesting. Let me do some checking into that."

  She nodded, barely listening to him as she took in the sights and sounds of the pool area.

  An inexplicable satisfaction filled him as he watched her admiration of the things he also found enjoyable. It had never mattered before whether a submissive liked her surroundings or not. Then again, Kaden had a wary sensation of caring what Marina thought. His heart had never been part of relationships in the past. Whether he held that part of himself back or whether he hadn't found the right woman who struck a chord deep inside him, he didn't know. Something about Marina called to him, the depths of him, more so than any other woman he'd known before.

  The feeling was unnerving.

  Marina felt like she'd just entered a forest. Dense, overhanging trees similar to palms waved in the warm breeze. Instead of coconuts, though, purple oval fruit hung from each end of the fronds. The melodic songs of birds filled the thick, humid air. She looked up and saw colorful creatures not at all like birds. Sitting on the thick branches of the trees, they were fat like koalas and covered with green and red fur.

  She inhaled and tropical scents greeted her, sweet, pungent and earthy.

  Dark rocks of varying sizes surrounded a pool of water as blue as anything she'd ever seen. A light vapor of steam rose from the surface, making the air so thick she felt she could reach out a grab it with her hands. Running water fell over the rocks and into the pool, the rippling sound peaceful and calming.

  "Sit here," Kaden commanded, motioning her to a small table and two thickly padded lounging chairs. She slipped onto one of them and he handed her a drink. It was orange, thick, and ice cold.

  Marina wondered whether she still had permission to speak. After yesterday, the last thing she wanted was to be stretched out on that rack and tortured to near orgasm again. Last night she'd dreamed of nothing but sex. Her and Kaden and hours and hours of sensual pleasures. Somewhere in the back of her mind she remembered she had a job to do here, but also knew that Kaden would take the lead. Fighting him would do no good. Not on this planet, anyway. And if she could perform this mission and enjoy some amazing sex at the same time, why not? It's not like there was any permanence attached to their relationship.

  When the mission was over, they were over. Simple and straightforward with no entanglements, just the way she liked it.

  Right now she had to concentrate on his expectations so that she could avoid more of his wickedly sensual torture. Her body had still ached with arousal when she woke, and dammit she'd get an orgasm today even if she had to beg him for it.

  She'd play the part to the extent she was capable, but she'd never give herself completely to him. Control was important. That she'd never truly give him.

  His power over her required he manipulate her to his will. Two could play that game, and she'd bet he'd never realize what she was doing.

  As she sipped the liquid, she surreptitiously glanced in Kaden's direction. He sipped his drink and stared at the water spilling into the pool. In profile, he was magnificent. Hell, in everything he was magnificent. Unashamed of his nudity, he reclined on the chair like he was posing for an artist. One foot flat on the lounge, knee bent, resting his arm on top of it. His cock, even when at rest, enticed her, making her mouth water for another taste of him.

  She hadn't met many men like Kaden before. Okay, admittedly, she'd never met anyone like him. The men she knew were all strong on the outside, for certain. The ones she'd slept with had no clue what women wanted.

  That is, they'd had no clue what she wanted. She was in charge of enough in her daily life. Just once she wanted to have a man who knew exactly what he needed, with enough insight to also know what she needed.

  Oh hell, Marina. Make up your damn mind! Do you want control over every aspect of your life, including sex? Where has that gotten you? Nothing. No orgasm, no satisfaction. Never.

  Why couldn't she submit to Kaden willingly? Was it so difficult to let
someone else take charge of her pleasure?

  And why not give it up to someone who clearly knew her body almost as well as she did.

  She quickly averted her gaze when Kaden glanced over in her direction.

  "You don't have to remain silent. We're alone for the time being and not being monitored. Just remember to take the position of submission should someone walk in."

  She nodded, feeling oddly uncomfortable. How was she supposed to get used to acting like a submissive slave if they had to pop in and out of their roles all the time? "If you don't mind, I'd like to continue the act, even if we're talking about the case. Makes it easier that way and I won't forget to do as I'm supposed to."

  He arched a brow and nodded. "Or perhaps you enjoy the role more than you're admitting?"

  Not a chance. She looked away, staring out over the pristine water of the pool. "I'm just doing my job, Kaden."

  His silence forced her attention back to him. He nodded, his facial expression revealing nothing of his emotions. "Of course you are."

  Wasn't she? She hadn't known Kaden that long, and besides, she never developed emotional attachments to the men she fucked. She merely fucked and forgot them.

  The allure of Kaden was that he hadn't allowed the fucking part to commence, and she was more than ready for it. What was wrong with him, anyway? She thought a Dom would be screwing her ten different ways in the first hour. As it was, they'd spent two evenings together, and not once had she felt his cock inside her pussy.

  Kind of annoying, now that she thought about it.

  "I went scouting for the women last night," he said.

  She turned to him, grateful to have something else to think about. "And?"

  Shrugging his shoulders, he said, "Nothing. No sign of them, at least not in any of the public areas of the voyeur rooms."

  "That's not good. Are you sure they're here?"

  "Yes. We'll be taking a meal with the rest of the palace today. We can look for them then. I have a plan that, when we find them, may work to get us alone with the women to talk."

  "And would that plan consist of you fucking any of those women?"

  His eyes darkened. "Do you have some problem with that?"

  Now it was her turn to shrug. "Of course not. One fuck is just as good as another." So much for thinking there was something different about Kaden. She wasn't about to let him know she might have any feelings for him. He already had enough of an advantage over her.