Page 8 of Bound to Trust

  Besides, she had no right to get jealous and possessive of Kaden. He wasn't hers, any more than she was his.

  "Oh, I don't know about that. Maybe in your culture that's true. It's different with Xartanian Doms and their subs."

  "Different? In what way?"

  He smiled. "Those who don't live the kind of lives we do simply don't understand. There's an emotional bonding when a dominant and a submissive become one. It isn't just physical, or even the mental aspect of dominating another."

  "What is it then?"

  He pointed to his heart, below the tattoo. "It comes from within. A sharing, a merging of wants and needs. For example, if you were a true submissive, I'd be able to give you what you needed, and you'd do the same for me."

  She frowned. "In other words, I can't satisfy your needs because I'm not a true submissive."

  His lips curled upward in a smile that made her stomach flutter. "Not necessarily. You were doing fine last night."

  Heat crept into her skin and she forced her gaze away from his eyes. "Is that why you left before? Because keeping slaves didn't meet your needs?"

  "Partly. Just like your people on Earth, everyone on Xarta is unique. Some prefer the born submissives, while others prefer women who put up more of a struggle. That's why they started bringing in females from other planets. More fight in them. But no, I have no desire to own a woman completely unwilling to submit to me. I have no desire to completely break someone. There is no pleasure in that kind of situation. Not for me, anyway."

  "Then you must prefer the women who are naturally submissive."

  "Not really."

  And they said women were confusing? "I don't understand. Xartanian women are born submissives. Why couldn't they meet your needs?"

  He stood and roamed the room, pulling one of the oval fruit from a tree and peeling its top layer away. "I don't really know. I was dissatisfied with my life here." He looked toward the trees on the left as if he were searching for something. "What I need cannot be found on Xarta."

  What did he need? He didn't want a complete submissive, and he didn't want an unwilling slave. Didn't really leave much choice, did it? She studied his fine ass and sculpted thighs, amazed that a man as beautiful as he would have any sexual interest in her.

  He was either a great actor, or he really found her attractive. Irritation swept through her at the realization of being pleased by that.

  When she looked over at him again, he had turned, his body even more magnificent in profile. The sharp planes of his chest tapered to a rock-hard abdomen and a cock that any normal, breathing woman would die to call her own.

  Yet, despite his aura of power and authority, she sensed a loneliness deep inside him, a need for something, for someone. A need to belong, to be accepted, to share.

  A gentle tug squeezed her chest when she looked at him.

  No, she was not going to feel anything for Kaden. This was ridiculous. She was no psychic. What did she care what Kaden needed anyway? She had enough trouble figuring out her own happiness, let alone someone else's. Especially someone as complex and foreign to her as Kaden.

  "Come here, Marina."

  Immediately, she slid off the chaise and moved to him. Kaden opened his hand, revealing the smooth, purple fruit. He tore off a piece.

  "Open your mouth."

  She did, and he slid the fruit onto her tongue. Drops of the sticky juice dribbled down her chin and onto her chest. She quickly closed her mouth and savored the flavor.

  Sweeter than anything she'd ever tasted, it seemed to warm as it slid down her throat. "That's fabulous. What's it called?"

  "Donage. Prominent in the tropical forests of Xarta, rare in the desert areas. It's quite sought after."

  After swallowing, she nodded. "I can understand why."

  He pulled another piece and waved it in front of her face. "Open."

  She shuddered at the sensual promise in his eyes and opened her mouth. How could the simple act of sliding a piece of fruit between her lips become so erotic? Perhaps because of the way Kaden fed her. Slowly, as if he were easing his cock inside her mouth instead of the sweet purple fruit. More juice fell from his hands onto her chest. She looked down to see lines of purple nectar on her breasts, then held her breath as Kaden bent down and licked a drop from her nipples, then moved his tongue along the trail of purple juice.

  Marina shuddered and reached for his head, tangling her fingers into his dark blond hair. She needed his touch, his mouth on her, her body still afire, still on the edge of release. As his tongue roved from one breast to another, she imagined his hot mouth taking her clit and sucking it until she exploded. God, she needed an orgasm!

  When Kaden withdrew and stood up, she whimpered in disappointment. One corner of his mouth curled up and he traced her jaw line with his finger. "Not yet, min so lecheh. Soon."

  "What did you just say?" she asked.

  "My sweet fruit."

  "Oh." She liked that. "And what does zejehr mean?"

  "It's an endearment. Sort of like 'my love'."

  She absolutely would not think that meant anything other than something he would utter in the heat of passion. No way was she going to let her female mind conjure up a relationship where none existed.

  "You have donage juice on your chin," he said with a smile.

  She raised her hand to wipe it away, but he grabbed her wrist. "No. Let me."

  Kaden leaned in and licked the juice from her chin, then moved to the corner of her mouth, his tongue lightly teasing her. He drew back just enough to meet her gaze. His was hot, penetrating, his pupils dilated. His breath, so sweet from the fruit, touched her skin like a soft caress. He bent in and pressed his mouth lightly against hers, rimming her lips with his tongue before sliding it inside her mouth in search of hers.

  In a heartbeat she'd lost her breath, lost her senses, lost any hope of acting as if he didn't matter to her. His touch, his taste, everything about him made her want things she'd never wanted before. Was it some sort of magic that Xartanian Doms wielded over their subs? Could she possibly fall in love with a man she barely knew?

  No. This was purely physical. She was aching for an orgasm and every time he looked at her, touched her, put his lips anywhere on her body, her nerve endings shrieked for completion. Of course she'd react to his mouth on hers, his arms wrapped around her and crushing her to his hard, naked body. What woman near orgasm wouldn't? She had to quit thinking emotional and start thinking physical.

  Starting now. She pushed away so that she could see him. "Kaden, I need an orgasm. Is that going to happen today?"

  Arching a brow, he said, "That's for me to decide. Don't bring it up again or you will be punished."

  "I thought we were speaking freely right now."

  "I have my limits. You want to talk about the case, fine. In any other area, I expect you to respond and act like my sub."

  How much more cooperative did she have to be? Murderous intent sailed through her mind, as did the thought of rebelling and just making herself come. Somehow she knew he'd stop that from happening, then make her wait a week while he brought her close time and time again. Could she go insane from a constant state of arousal?

  Deciding discretion and cooperation was best at this point, she kept her mouth shut.

  Good thing, too, since at that moment two women and one man entered the bathing chamber. All of them were naked, which somewhat lessened her chagrin over being in the same state of undress. Since they didn't seem to be preoccupied with their lack of clothing, she supposed she shouldn't, either.

  One woman had long hair the color of a blackbird, her skin like pale cream. The other was completely green from her hair to her skin, though human in appearance. The male was very tall, very broad, with reddish-brown hair that hung almost to his shoulders. He was gorgeous, too, although how anyone could notice anything but his prominently displayed erection she didn't know.

  Marina bowed her head in the submissive position, not wanting to call a
ny more attention to herself than necessary. She watched out of the corner of her eye as Kaden approached the male.

  "I am Kaden of Xarta."

  The other man bowed his head. "I am Jhin of your neighboring planet, Sertal. These are my submissives. The dark-haired woman is Leen, the green-haired woman is Var."

  Kaden nodded and pointed to Marina. "This is my newly acquired submissive, Marina. She is of Earth."

  Her peripheral vision allowed her to see Jhin assessing her. "She is lovely," he said to Kaden.

  "Thank you. Still learning, but she is a quick study."

  Marina rolled her eyes at the mirth in his voice. Like she was a dog being trained. Some day she'd make that man pay for being so arrogantly condescending.

  "Tell me, Kaden," Jhin said. "Shall we let our women play together? I'm in need of a bit of amusement this morning."

  Oh holy hell. What did that mean? If she was going to be ordered to service Jhin, she and Kaden would have words. There were limits to what she was willing to do. She sent mental pleas to Kaden. Please say no, please say no, please say no.

  Kaden turned his head and glanced at her over his shoulder. Read my body language, dammit! No, no, no!

  "I think that sounds like a fabulous idea."


  Chapter Seven

  Kaden watched for Marina's reaction. Irritated, definitely. Curious? Possibly. She was too sexually aroused to deny that pleasure of any kind might generate the orgasm she sought.

  But she wouldn't climax with anyone but him. Not now, not...

  No, he couldn't say "ever". She wasn't with him because she wanted to be, or even because she truly belonged to him.

  "Wonderful," Jhin said, his dark eyes gleaming with lust as he looked at Marina.

  "A few rules before we begin," Kaden said, motioning Jhin to the far corner of the room. "I have not fucked Marina yet. I'll be the first to do so, so my only request is that you do not touch her." He knew the protocol. Jhin would have to comply. No Dom could take another's sub without the Dom's permission.

  Jhin pursed his lips. "I suppose I must honor your request, although I would like to feel her mouth around my cock."

  "Some other time, perhaps," Kaden said, finding it difficult to be polite when Jhin was practically drooling.

  Jhin turned away and spoke to his women, who stood and nodded, their heads bowed in a position of respect. Kaden moved toward Marina and took her hand, leading her to the edge of the bathing pool. "You need a bath."

  She nodded, her head bowed.

  "I want to watch Leen and Var bathe you."

  Her head whipped up and her eyes widened. She mouthed the word "no".

  Kaden frowned. "Marina, assume the position of obedience or I will punish you in front of Jhin and the women."

  Her chest rose with her sharp intake of breath. Her mouth set in a grim line. Fury sparking her green eyes into hard points, she dropped her head.

  "Shall we bathe?" Jhin asked.

  Kaden nodded, leading Marina into the steaming pool. Leen and Var submerged completely, quickly surfacing and pushing their wet hair away from their faces. Jhin whispered to them and inclined his head toward Kaden. They walked through the water and stopped in front of them, their heads bowed.

  "What is your pleasure, Sire?" Var asked, her green skin sparkling almost like the emeralds at Marina's breasts.

  "Bathe Marina."

  "As you wish," Leen said with a quick nod.

  The women took Marina's hands and led her to the center of the pool. Kaden settled into a sitting position near the edge of the water, watching as they turned her around to face him, then instructed her to submerge. His breath caught when she sprang out of the water, tossing her dark curls behind her.

  Such a contrast the three women were. Marina's bronzed skin, Leen's pale flesh and the green of Var were like a kaleidoscope of color. Even their bodies were different. Where Marina was lush and curvy, Leen was very tall and reed-thin with tiny breasts. Var was small everywhere.

  "Look at me, Marina," Kaden commanded, wanting to see her eyes, to gauge if she could let go enough to enjoy the touch of another woman. He suspected she could take pleasure in many sensual delights if she'd only allow herself. And what she enjoyed, he would enjoy also. This lesson was merely a warm-up. Soon, they'd be busy doing other things.


  But now, he would relish the thought of Marina being pleasured by the two beautiful women bathing her. And hope that he could keep from storming across the bathing pool and fucking her right then. Already his cock was hard, his balls aching as they filled with the come he would soon spill inside her. Perhaps he'd stroke it as he watched the women bathe Marina. Considering she'd be focusing on him, that might add to her enjoyment of what was about to happen.

  Marina couldn't believe what Kaden was doing to her. How dare he assume that she'd enjoy frolicking in the water with two other women? He hadn't even asked, just assumed.

  Well, of course he assumed. This was all about his pleasure, not hers. He and Jhin would be the ones who got off on this girl-on-girl display. Wasn't that like most men? Their fantasy, to watch women get it on? Well she'd do the bath thing, but she wasn't taking part in anything else.

  The pale woman, Leen, smiled at her and reached for a handful of some clear liquid that flowed from the rocks into the pool. Strange that it didn't create any bubbles or discolor the water in any way. Marina inhaled the liquid, sparks of arousal shooting to her sex. Wow, that was some heady soap. The scent was tropical. Gardenias, or maybe some kind of jasmine, with a little musk added in. Some type of aphrodisiac, maybe? Her nipples stood hard, the emeralds vibrating gently.

  "Relax, Marina," Leen said, meeting her gaze as she spread the liquid over her shoulders.

  "You're allowed to look at me?"

  "Why yes," she said, mirth evident in her voice. "All submissives are equal in our sires' eyes. We can speak as long as we are not under an order of silence."

  Funny how Kaden hadn't mentioned that to her. "I see. I'm new here and don't know the rules yet."

  "You will learn soon enough. There is much pleasure to be had here on Xarta," Var added.

  Pleasure for the men, Marina thought. But Leen and Var's hands were soft as they massaged the lotion into her arms and shoulders, relaxing away the stress-induced kinks. They seemed to know exactly how much pressure to apply and where. Soon, she was completely comfortable as they worked her upper back with the bathing lotion.

  Var moved in front of her and Leen stayed behind, brushing her hair away and working on her shoulders. Var applied more bath lotion and spread the slick liquid over her breasts. Marina's nipples hardened as Var applied soft strokes back and forth, reminding her that she hadn't yet come despite the constant barrage of sensual pleasures Kaden had made her suffer.

  And sensual pleasure was what she felt right now. A fact that shocked her. These were women touching her, yet she was not aroused by women. Was it because she hadn't come, that she was in full arousal? She looked at Kaden, his eyes darkening, his hand gently massaging his cock and balls.

  He was aroused watching the women bathe her. Did he know how it would make her feel?

  She hated to admit that his pleasure in watching them inched her desire up more than a few notches. But it was fact.

  Kaden kept his gaze on her as he relaxed upon the ledge of the bathing pool. Jhin reclined across the pool from him. Both men leaned back on their elbows, both spouting impressive erections. But Kaden's was the only cock she focused on, remembering the texture of it as her lips covered it, the taste of it as he came torrents in her mouth. The same cock she had dreamed about while she slept, imagined it thrusting hard inside her juice-filled cunt as she screamed into the night. But she hadn't come then. When would she be able to release this torturous arousal? Hadn't she been punished long enough?

  Determined to torment Kaden as much as he'd tortured her, she closed her eyes as Var moved her hands down her ribcage and stomach, the mus
cles of her abdomen jumping at the woman's touch. Leen moved in and wrapped her arms around Marina, cupping her breasts in her hands. Leen's small breasts slid against Marina's back, her nipples pointed, obviously aroused. Marina looked down and watched Leen circle her nipples with her thumbs, then tug them between her fingers.

  Her legs trembled and she focused once again on Kaden. He took his cock into his hand and began to leisurely stroke it from base to tip. The women had guided her to the shallow end of the bathing pool now, so that only her knees and below remained in the water. Var spread Marina's legs apart, and dropped to her knees, using the sweet-scented lotion on her thighs. When she slid her palm between her legs and cupped her aroused sex, Marina whimpered, then captured her bottom lip between her teeth to keep from crying out. Leen continued to massage her breasts and caress her nipples. The sensation of having both these women touch her with their soft, gentle hands was more erotic than she had ever thought possible.

  She wished there was a mirror in the room so she could watch the play, wondering how much of a contrast they made with their varying body types and colors. Marina had long ago given up being ashamed of her body. She was simply who and what she was and she would make no apologies for it.

  "Lick Marina's pussy," Jhin commanded to Var. He, too, had taken up stroking his shaft with his own hands, the head swelling and growing a dark purple as he clenched it tight.

  Var rinsed Marina's sex, then leaned in, her green tongue snaking out to lick at the drops of water along Marina's slit. She cried out at the burning heat of Var's mouth and would have sank to her knees if it weren't for Leen holding onto her.

  The alien woman had an incredibly talented tongue, one that any woman would love to have pleasuring them. Marina looked to Kaden, desperate for the orgasm that approached. Kaden removed his hand from his swollen cock and shook his head as he approached them.

  "No Marina. You may not come." He motioned the two women aside. They quickly bowed and scurried over to Jhin, who wasted no time in commanding them to suck his cock and balls.

  Kaden stepped behind her and turned her toward Jhin and the women. "Watch as they pleasure him," he commanded in a soft whisper. His light beard brushed her neck, sending prickly sensations down her spine and between her legs. He wrapped his arms around her, not touching the places on fire for his hands. His cock nestled at the rise in her buttocks. She desperately wanted to bend over and beg him to fuck her. Fuck her anywhere, and in any way. She just needed to come.