Page 5 of Fiery Fate

  The guilty feeling returned. "Oh, Noele, I am so sorry that you had to delay telling Garick your good news. I truly have mucked things up, haven't I?"

  Noele graced her with a beautiful smile, the magic of her happiness giving her a silver glow like a halo surrounding her body. "You have followed your heart, Solara. There is nothing wrong with that."

  "I have been impulsive and stupid for no reason. There is plenty wrong with that." Noele laughed and kissed her forehead. "Rest now. We will talk more tomorrow. There is much to plan now that the baby is coming."

  After Noele left, Solara paced her chambers, with every passing moment convinced that Garick needed to return to Winterland immediately. She worried about the danger he might face traveling to and from Greenbriar.

  What if something happened to him? Not only would his child not have a father, but he would never even know about the child he'd created with Noele. And it would be entirely her fault.

  She had to do something, and now. Hurrying out of her room, she crept down the hallway, stopping in front of the massive door leading to Roarke's chambers.

  It was late. Would he be abed? Images of him throwing open the door naked refused to leave her mind.

  Now is not the time for fantasies of Roarke. He is the only one who can help you. You need his warrior's heart right now more than you need his man's body.

  If only she could convince her own traitorous body of that fact. Before her courage failed, she rapped on the door.

  Her heart leaped into her throat as Roarke threw open the door. She tried to keep her eyes focused on his face, except he wore only half-laced breeches and no shirt. His chest gleamed strong and smooth in the light of the hallway.

  "What do you want?"

  His gruff voice nearly scattered her flagging courage. "I need to speak with you."

  "See me in the morning. I'm busy right now."

  He made to close the door. "Roarke, please. It's urgent." With a resigned sigh he motioned her inside and shut the door. "It's very late and you should not be here in my room."

  She walked in, her gaze gravitating to the huge bed in the middle of the room. Fur coverlets looked warm and inviting. Shaking off thoughts of Roarke's bed and the endless possibilities of what they could do there, she stepped in front of the hearth and warmed her cold hands, preferring to stare into the flames rather than his half-naked body. "I have something important to tell you."

  "I think we've said enough."

  "This is not about you and me."

  "Then what is it? And will you turn around? I find it difficult to converse with your backside." She whipped around and looked at his face. He had stepped close to her, so close the golden flecks in his eyes glowed from the firelight. Shots of molten heat emanated from his gaze.

  She swallowed past the dry lump in her throat and concentrated on his face, rather than his bronzed chest. Except his face was a work of art, too, his angular features accentuated by his closely trimmed beard. She remembered the softness of his beard against her thighs, and clamped her legs together to ward off the moisture gathering there.

  Unfortunately, she could do nothing about her nipples beading against her thin gown.

  Roarke must have noticed, because he dropped his gaze to her chest, then back up again at her face.

  "Make it quick, Solara."

  "It''s about Noele. She is with child."

  His eyes widened. "Are you certain of this?"

  "Aye. She told me tonight."

  "Does Garick know?"

  She shook her head. "No. She did not tell him before he left for Greenbriar."

  "Why not?"

  "Because she was afraid he would not go if she told him. She feared for D'Naath if Braedon was not advised of the delay."

  He did not have to say the words, because she felt them within herself. Because of her.

  "And what problem does this present? She can simply tell him upon his return." Obviously Roarke failed to see the urgency in getting Garick to return. "Garick should be alerted so that he can immediately return to Winterland. He belongs here, with his wife and child."

  "That is not possible."

  "Please, Roarke. Can't you ride out and bring him back?"

  "Is everything so simple to you, Solara? I cannot leave Winterland. I am sworn to protect it during Garick's absence."

  "Then send a few of the guards to catch up to him. He would be delayed in D'Naath for a day."

  "No. We can spare no guards. Besides, it would do no good. Garick must go to Greenbriar with haste.

  He will not stay even a day in D'Naath, merely alert your parents to your disappearance and move on to the southern lands. Braedon must be told immediately."

  "Oh, why must we have all this ritual and custom? If I was not expected on a certain day, this would have been much simpler."

  "If you had stayed here and left for Greenbriar when you should have, there would be no problem."

  "If you hadn't touched me, perhaps I would have."

  His eyes widened. Her fingers brushed over her lips, unable to believe what she'd just uttered.

  If she had but one wish right now, it would be to take back what she had just said.


  Roarke stared speechless at Solara, unable to find a retort for her revelation. Because of him she'd run off? Because of him she had not wanted to go to Greenbriar?

  "If I hadn't touched you. Care to explain that?"

  Her dark lashes fluttered against her cheeks as she looked down. "No. 'Twas not what I meant."

  "Then what did you mean?" No, do not ask her to explain. Do not spend any more time alone with this faerie than necessary. She is too dangerous .

  "I meant...what I meant was...oh what does it matter? Can't you take me to Greenbriar yourself? If we cannot bring Garick back, then you can escort me there so he can hurry back. Maybe we would even catch up with him and he could turn around."

  He grasped her shoulders and forced her to meet his gaze, hoping he could make her understand. "Have you listened to anything I've told you? I cannot leave Winterland, I cannot fetch Garick and I cannot take you to Greenbriar. You are simply going to have to wait until he returns, then you can go." Perhaps she had decided to hurry on to Greenbriar because she'd found nothing in Winterland to stay for.

  And now he was being ridiculous. He did not want her to stay. Her destiny lay with the southern king, not at Winterland.

  "I have heard you; I just refuse to believe there is no other way." Her skin was soft as cream, her scent permeating the air and making him mad with the urge to bury his lips against the pounding pulse in her neck. She stood with her back to the fire, the flames from the hearth appearing as if they burned through her scarlet wings. Her face was shadowed and her entire body glowed like a bonfire.

  The same way she lit him up, setting him afire each time he was near her. She was the magical flame, he the tinder that longed for the spark.

  Damn his desires, and damn her for tempting him this way. His only recourse was to make her so angry she would leave.

  "You will get what you want soon enough, Solara. For now, you will simply have to be patient and wait until Garick and the guards return. Your childish actions have put both Garick and your sister in danger.

  Why don't you spend the time praying for their safety instead of concocting more ridiculous schemes?" He heard the rush of air as she sucked in a breath. Unfortunately, it also forced her breasts against the thin gown she wore, outlining nipples that he remembered touching, tasting. His cock came to life and he realized that railing against her would never tamp down the need he had for her.

  "Why do you act as if I've injured you?" she asked, folding her arms across those delectable breasts. "I have done nothing to you, Roarke. I have asked nothing of you." Her skin burned against his hands, and he pulled away as if she'd just set him on fire. "You have injured my king with your foolishness. You have put Winterland at risk by diluting our guard strength. And you have taken Garick away fr
om Noele when they should be celebrating together, not suffering apart." She winced and turned away, swiping at a tear creeping down her cheek.

  Remorse fought hard over the need to remain impervious to her beauty. Not one to hurt a woman, he wanted to take her into his arms, stroke her hair, and murmur apologies against her soft lips.

  But that he could not, would not do.


  What he could do, what he had to do, was stay as far away from her as possible. Beginning with removing her from his room before he did something foolish like carry her to his bed and sink his shaft deep inside her sweet cunt.

  "It's late and I have much to do tomorrow. You should leave." She nodded, her eyes like moist, green pools. Blinking against the tears, she said, "Aye, that I should. My apologies for wasting your time, Roarke."

  She fled his room quickly, shutting the door behind her. Roarke released the tension knotting his shoulders and turned to his bed, knowing that sleep would not come for him tonight.

  He cared for Solara, that much he could admit to himself. But caring and wanting warred with honor and duty, and in the end, he would do what was expected of him.

  He would leave Solara alone, no matter how much he wanted her.

  Chapter Six

  Solara busied herself tending to the tables, making sure the cloths were set so the dishes could be brought out.

  "I saw you last night, Solara. What were you doing sneaking out of Roarke's bedroom in the middle hours?"

  She turned at the sound of Noele's voice. Attempting a nonchalant shrug, she said, "I asked him to fetch Garick."

  "You did what?"

  She refused to look at her sister. "I asked him to bring Garick back and take me to Greenbriar."

  "I assume he told you that notion was ridiculous." Did no one take her side? "Yes, he made that quite clear."

  "I'm surprised you would put yourself in a compromising position like that. You know better than to go to a man's room. You are a virgin Solara, and promised to another." Solara didn't respond.

  "Aren't you?"

  "You know very well I am promised to Braedon. Your comment did not require a response."

  "And are you still a virgin?"

  Solara looked up and scanned the room, grateful that she and Noele were alone. "Aye, I am still a virgin."

  "You play with fire, sister."

  "I play with no such thing. I am resigned to my duties, Noele. Do not fear that I will do anything else to embarrass you or Garick."

  "I do not worry for that. You have done nothing to embarrass us. You are simply confused. I want to make sure your confusion does not lead you to make a mistake." How easily it would have been to make a mistake with Roarke that night. If he'd told her he wanted to make love to her, she would have gladly given her virginity to him, only to discover later that he cared nothing for her.

  As it was, he had made it clear that he couldn't wait for her to leave Winterland, that she was nothing but a hindrance.

  "You do not need to worry. My head and my heart are clear and I will fulfill my destiny."

  "I can only hope you find love at the end of the road, Solara." She let out a small laugh. "The kind of love Garick gives to you is a miracle, Noele. I do not hold out hope that I will ever be loved like that."

  At that moment Roarke walked into the hall. Solara felt the heat cross her face. Despite her resolve to do her duty, she could not stop her body's reaction to seeing him, nor could she keep from watching his progress. He nodded to them as he approached.

  "Good morning, Roarke," Noele said, gracing him with a smile.

  His face lit up and he stopped, took Noele's hand in his and pressed a light kiss against her knuckles.

  "Good morning, my queen. I trust you slept well?"

  "Very, thank you. What are you about today?"

  "Shoring up the main gate, training of the guard, sharpening of swords. Typical daily duties. And you?"

  "Seeing to the cooking, making sure the linens are changed in all the bedchambers, and tending to my garden, as always. May you have a pleasing day, Roarke."

  "You too, my queen." He turned, then as if in afterthought, inclined his head slightly in Solara's direction before leaving the hall.

  She might as well have been invisible for all the attention he paid her. Turning away, she grabbed the dishes and began to slam them down on the tables.

  "If you take your anger out on my dishes, I fear we will need to replace them." Noele's teasing voice did not help her disposition at all. "I don't know what you're talking about. I am merely setting places at the table."

  "I think you are jealous of the attention Roarke pays me."

  "Jealous?" She whirled around to face her sister, only to find a teasing grin on Noele's face.

  "Aye. Jealous. Roarke pays only the appropriate amount of attention to me. We are friends. He is my guardian and my protector."

  He had also been her sister's lover for one night. Granted, it was elvin custom that the king share his bride with his protector, but Solara would not soon forget that Noele had shared a part of Roarke that she never would.

  Noele bent her head to Solara's and whispered. "What happened with Roarke and I was required custom. One time, and nothing more. You know where my heart lies, sister." Solara realized she hadn't shut off her thoughts from Noele. She took her sister's hands. "I meant nothing by my thoughts. I'm being foolish, 'tis all." Noele motioned to a group of women just entering the hall, giving instructions for serving the food.

  "Come walk with me to the gardens. The meal will not be served for a bit and I wish to speak alone with you."

  She followed Noele, nervous and anxious at what her sister had to say.

  Noele had been right. She had no business going to Roarke's room last night. What if something had happened? Something...compromising.

  Of course for that to occur, Roarke would have had to be interested. Which, clearly, he was not. Since that night in the gardens he hadn't touched her, hadn't indicated he wanted her as he had then.

  With a sigh she kneeled on the sun-warmed ground next to Noele, helping her tend to the flowers and herbs. And waited.

  Noele contemplated what she would say to her sister about Roarke. She plucked at weeds while planning her words carefully.

  She sighed, wondering if she should even broach the subject. If she delved deep, used her magic, and saw a destiny for Solara that she shouldn't see, then what would she do?

  And yet the sense that Solara's fate lie down another path had wriggled its way into her mind since the day her sister had arrived at Winterland.

  The feeling grew stronger when Solara and Roarke occupied the same room.

  "The onions and cabbage are coming along nicely," she murmured absently, pulling away weeds threatening to choke the new vegetables. "The herbs will be ready soon. I must remember to pick them."

  "What is on your mind, Noele?"

  Placing the weeds on the warm grass next to her, Noele gazed into Solara's eyes. "I wonder about your fate."

  "What of it?"

  "Simply curious. Indulge me." She took Solara's hands into her own, closed her eyes and concentrated on the magic within her.

  Pregnancy had seemed to provide a clarity she hadn't possessed before. She saw farther, felt more deeply, than she'd been able to previously.

  A warmth enveloped her like a cloak, shielding her from the cold chill of being out of her body. She saw a land similar to Winterland, a castle as beautiful as the one she called home.

  But it wasn't a castle deep in the southern lands. Snow surrounded it, and forests just like the ones where she lived, with cliffs overlooking the northern sea.

  She saw Solara standing on the cliffs, and the shadow of a man behind her. His features weren't visible, but he had dark hair flowing in the breeze and from the back looked like--

  Jerking her hands away from Solara, she opened her eyes to find her sister regarding her with a wide-eyed expression.

  "What? What did
you see?"

  Noele stood and brushed the grass from her shift. "Nothing. was unclear. I have things I must tend to. We will speak later, sister."

  She nearly ran from the gardens, needing to put as much distance between her and Solara as possible.

  She closed her thoughts in case Solara became curious and decided to probe.

  Once she reached her bedroom, she shut the door and sat on the bed, curling her feet underneath her.

  Her heart pounded madly against her ribs and she placed her palm over her breast as if to quiet the riotous beats.

  What she'd suspected was true. Solara's fate did not lie with Braedon of Greenbriar.

  Her destiny was with Roarke. 'Twas Roarke Noele had seen in her vision, standing at the cliffs with his arms around Solara. 'Twas Roarke's heart she saw entwined with her sister's for all eternity.

  But how could that be? Solara was promised to another. Their customs demanded the faerie princesses marry a king to whom they were betrothed, unless that king refused the marriage or chose another.

  Roarke was neither a king nor the one to whom Solara was betrothed.

  Their match could not be.

  And yet, she had seen it clearly, knew it to be the truth. Roarke and Solara shared a destiny. All was unfolding as it should.

  Or was it? She'd felt the tension since Roarke had brought Solara back to Winterland. They avoided each other completely.

  Perhaps destiny would find its own way with those two.

  And perhaps she would give it a little nudge in the right direction.

  She smiled, a plan already formulating.


  "I feel so weak. I can barely stand. I fear my pregnancy sickness has begun." Solara worried over Noele, picking up her hand and cradling it in her own. Lying in the middle of the huge bed, Noele looked like a small child, so frail and weak. Yesterday in the gardens she had seemed fine.

  "I am sure once you have something to eat, you will feel better." When Noele had not come down to oversee the breakfast preparations, Solara had gone in search of her, finding her still abed and pale as her white wings.

  "I cannot eat. Please, Solara, help me if you will. Go downstairs and see to the morning's preparations." Her? Oversee a meal for hundreds? "I do not know how. Surely Isolde--"

  "Oh, I could not ask her to run to and fro. As it is she has been staying by my bedside tending to me. Please, dear sister, I have no one else to rely on."