Page 6 of Fiery Fate

  Seeing her sister's pitiful countenance convinced Solara to do whatever was necessary to make sure Noele rested and didn't worry about the castle. If it were not for her running off, Garick would be at Noele's bedside right now, caring for his wife.

  "Of course. I will see to things immediately." She scurried toward the door, then paused, turning back to Noele. "What things should I be seeing to?"

  By the time the castle inhabitants had sat down to the morning meal, Solara had managed to get the cloths and dishes on the table and ensured the kitchens were preparing the food Noele had ordered. She mentally ticked off the items on the list Noele had given her, marveling at what it took to ensure a castle ran smoothly.

  "Where is Noele?"

  She jumped at the sound of Roarke's voice. He took a seat next to hers, much to her dismay. "She is ill."

  He frowned. "Is it the child?"

  Nodding, she added, "'Tis common in pregnancy for the woman to fall ill during the first few months.

  She did not look at all well this morning, and cannot hold down any food." Roarke swallowed hard, and Solara focused on his neck where the line of his beard ended and his skin began.

  "I will see to her after the meal," Roarke said, then stood and moved down the table to sit with his men.

  She watched him with a hunger that no food or drink could satisfy. No matter that he didn't want her, despite the fact she knew she could never have him, she wanted him with all her being. In her mind's eye, whenever she thought of her future, she thought of it with Roarke. Foolish notions, indeed.

  She ate her meal with Elise and Mina, who bombarded her with questions about Noele. She placated them as well as she could, having promised Noele that she would not breathe a word of her pregnancy to anyone. Only she and Roarke knew of the child Noele carried. Noele wanted to tell Garick before anyone else found out.

  After the meal, she made sure the rooms were cleaned and the temporary tables stored. Then she went to check on Noele.

  Only Noele wasn't alone. Roarke sat on the edge of the bed, holding Noele's hand.

  She stepped in the room and cleared her throat. Noele smiled weakly in her direction, but Roarke did not even turn to acknowledge her.

  "Breakfast went well," Solara reported.

  "Thank you."

  "Are you better?"

  She nodded. "Somewhat, although I am still weak. I fear I will have to find someone else to tend to my duties around here for a bit. I am so tired I can barely stay awake." Solara slipped onto the edge of the bed, ignoring Roarke. Their knees touched and he moved his away.

  Noele smiled, then put her hand over her mouth and yawned. "My apologies. I do not know why I am so tired."

  "You carry a burden beyond your own body," Roarke said, then patted her hand. "You must rest.

  There are others here who can fill in."

  His gaze gravitated to Solara. "Your sister, for example, has nothing to do to occupy her time until Garick returns."

  Did he think her lazy? She had helped out whenever she could before now. Truly, the man was insufferable. "I have already offered my assistance."

  "I'm afraid I will need more than just a little help, Solara. If this pregnancy is anything like Mother's, she was abed quite a bit in the beginning."

  "I will do whatever you ask of me."

  "Thank you. To begin with, I will need you to work with Roarke."

  "I do not need her to work with me!" Roarke shot off the bed, backing away as if Noele had just set him on fire.

  "Of course you do," Noele explained. "My sister knows nothing of running the keep. You know everything. In Garick's absence I need you to show her what needs to be done." Show her? Solara swallowed past the lump in her throat. "Surely someone else can--"

  "No, I think it would be best if you and Roarke worked together. With Garick and I both unable to fulfill our duties, there is much to be done beyond the daily running of the castle. Decisions must be made, and I trust no one else but the two of you. Solara, Elise and Mina can help with some of the daily chores.

  Roarke, put someone else in charge of training the guard so that your time is not consumed there." Noele had changed from sister to Queen of Winterland. Solara had no choice but to do as she bid.

  "Aye. We will see it done."

  Roarke nodded his assent, bowing his head. "You need but tell me what must be done, and I will make it so."

  Noele's lips curled in a satisfied grin. "Perfect. Shall we get started, then? I have a very long list." Chapter Seven

  A very long list, indeed. Solara had no idea Noele was responsible for so much. Running the castle took up much of her day.

  Apparently, her sister added on some of Garick's duties for Roarke to do, because the way the list read, Solara would be spending a considerable amount of time with Roarke, going over accounts and holding meetings with the townspeople.

  The last thing she wanted was to spend time in close proximity to Roarke. He'd made it abundantly clear he had no interest in being with her, and in fact could not wait for her to leave Winterland.

  Now that she knew how he felt, or how he didn't feel, she was anxious to move on to her new life. In the meantime, she would work alongside him in an effort to help Noele and Garick, and for no other reason.

  They were to meet in Garick's offices this morning. Nervous flutterings in her stomach would not go away, and she blamed it on worries about doing a good job for Noele. After all, she had much to learn in a short period of time.

  Shortly, she would be queen of her own lands. The sooner she became accustomed to her duties, the better she would handle the transition.

  After checking on Noele, she headed to Garick's office. When she opened the door, she found Roarke sitting at the desk going over some papers. She admired the strength of his profile as he bent over two sets of ledgers sitting open on the desk.

  He hadn't heard her enter, so she took a moment to watch him.

  Stars, he was a beautiful man. Her breath caught and held as he ran his fingers through his long hair, and she recalled the exquisite sensation of touching him in the gardens.

  That night had remained so fresh in her memories, and yet made her long to recapture a moment which seemed to have occurred a lifetime ago. She closed her eyes and recalled the way he touched her, his earthy scent fueling her desire for him. The way he had brought her to pleasure had been a dream fulfilled.

  With a sigh, she opened her eyes and found Roarke staring at her.

  "Daydreaming?" he asked, his sharp gaze sweeping from her head to her feet.

  She shifted, not wanting to acknowledge the sensual darkening of his eyes.

  You will not toy with me this way, Roarke. I will not stand by while you tell me you don't want me and then look at me like you wish to ravish me. "No, I was thinking of all the duties I have to fulfill. Not only here to assist Noele, but as Braedon's wife and Queen of Greenbriar." His gaze lingered for a few seconds, then he turned away and looked down at the journal on the desk.

  "Come here, then. There are accounts that need settling. You will be managing accounts of your own soon enough."

  He'd brushed her comment aside as if it meant nothing to him. Folly to think he would be bothered by thoughts of her marrying another man. She approached the desk and Roarke stood, pulling over a chair for her to sit. She retracted her wings and tried to position herself as far away from him as possible. His scent, so like the earthy smell of the forest she loved, permeated the room.

  Attempting to concentrate on the books, her mind kept wandering. First, to the crisp, dark hairs on his forearm, then the way his shirt bunched up around his muscled biceps. She glanced down at her arm next to his, marveling at how much bigger he was than her.

  "You must account for the number of sheep, geese, and chickens bought, marking them in the ledger in this column. Then, as they are butchered or sold, you track them here." They spent the entire morning going over the accounts. By the time they had finished, Solara was miserable. Sh
e had watched every movement he made, breathed him in until his scent became a part of her, and wished with all her heart that once, just once, he would have touched her.

  It did not matter how far away she was, or whom she was wed to. Her heart, her body, her very soul would belong to Roarke.

  "You learn quickly," he said, turning in his chair until his knee brushed against her thigh.

  Forcing the melancholy aside, she nodded. "I have had some experience in managing things. Our parents taught us much of what we would need to know."

  "But there is more you have yet to learn."

  She gazed up at the sound of his husky voice, his heated gaze causing her pulse to race. What did he mean? "What is it that I have yet to learn?"

  "Running a keep, tending to the gardens, dealing with the various arguments and requests from the villagers."

  "Oh." Of course he meant her duties as queen. How silly of her to think he would suggest she needed instruction in more passionate pursuits. Or that he would be the one to teach her. Although the thought of exactly what type of training he could provide had her body flushing with heat.

  "And what did you think I meant?"

  "Nothing." She stood and pushed back from the chair, circling around the desk to put some space between them. "Are we finished here?"

  "In here, yes. Next we will have our meal, and after that meet with some of the villagers who have complaints and concerns."

  She nodded, following him into the hall. During the meal, Roarke ignored her, sitting with some of the guards. She ate alone, since Elise and Mina were having their meal in Noele's room.

  Which left her with nothing to do except watch him. With his men, Roarke laughed easily, smiled often, his booming voice echoing down the table and surrounding her, making her tremble with the desire to hear the husky tones whispered in her ear in the darkness.

  After the meal, they took their seats at two large chairs normally reserved for Garick and Noele. It felt strange to be sitting with Roarke in chairs made for the king and queen of the castle. Almost comfortable, expected.

  They spent the better part of the rest of the day solving disputes, granting requests and meting out disciplinary action to the villagers. Solara found Roarke to be diplomatic, stern, but also fair. She did not object to any of his edicts, and would have made the same recommendations had she been asked.

  Which she hadn't. She laced her fingers together, contemplating strangling the man who did not once seek out her counsel on any of the affairs. By the time the hall emptied she was seething.

  "Will that be all, my king?" she asked, not even trying to keep the sarcasm from her voice.

  He turned and narrowed his eyes at her. "I am not your king." Hands on hips, she faced him squarely. "You certainly acted as if I were nothing more than a servant at your feet. Not once did you ask my opinion of any dispute or request."

  "Have you suddenly gone mute?"

  "Obviously not."

  "Did you disagree with anything I said or did?"

  "Well, no."

  "Then you have no reason to complain. If you had objections, you could have spoken up."

  "'Tis not how it should work."

  Mirth caused the gold flecks in his eyes to sparkle as if the sun shone directly on his face. "I see. And how should it work?"

  "There should be discussion, compromise if necessary. But the king and the queen should discuss all matters relating to the inhabitants of their lands and come to a mutual agreement."

  "Hmm, perhaps you are right. I shall keep that suggestion forefront in my mind for the next time we hold court together."

  Which would hopefully be never. If she had to sit through another one of these episodes with him, she would strangle him. "Will that be all?"

  "Here, yes. But now you will accompany me to the falconry." It was already near dusk, and they had been working steadily since early morning. She could swear he was deliberately trying to exhaust her. "Why?"

  "To tend to the birds there, of course. It is your job to oversee their care, make sure they receive the food and medicines necessary. While you will not perform these functions yourself, you will need to be aware what must be done so the birds are in prime hunting condition."

  "Noele did not mention anything about the falconry."

  "I am certain Noele was in no condition to explain every minute detail that goes into running a castle, especially in her condition. You will simply have to trust that I know what you need to learn." She followed him out of the hall and across the courtyard, convinced that Roarke knew absolutely nothing about what she needed.

  With a quick intake of breath she inhaled the fresh air, hoping it would clear her mind. Roarke's quick step was difficult to keep up with and she had to hurry along, not even able to take time to speak to Elise and Mina who waved at her from the entrance to the gardens.

  They entered the falconry and observed the caretaker of the birds feeding one of Garick's most-prized gyrfalcons. A small chicken was brought into the open yard and the jesses on the gyr were released, allowing it to hunt and capture its prey.

  Solara watched in fascination at the voracious appetite of the huge bird.

  "They eat a lot, don't they?" she asked Roarke.

  "Aye." He slipped on a leathered glove and held out his arm, letting loose a whistle that had the gyrfalcon instantly flying to him and settling upon the glove. He grabbed hold of the jesses. Solara followed him inside the mews, watching as he returned the falcon to its perch.

  "Such beautiful creatures." Falconry was not practiced in D'Naath, and she had never ventured forth into the area where they were kept here in Winterland. This was her first opportunity to view the gyrfalcons and peregrines housed here.

  "They are. Even more magnificent to watch them hunt out in the open fields and streams."

  "I should like to see that some day," she murmured, her gaze transfixed on the gyrfalcon's actions.

  "Perhaps you will have an opportunity to do so after you marry Braedon." At the mention of Braedon's name, she looked up, surprised to find she and Roarke were alone.

  "Perhaps I will. I am certain he will be more than willing to teach me anything I'd like to know." Dusky shadows fell over the dwelling, Roarke's face half-hidden in the murky light. He approached her, and she moved back a step.

  "You are anxious for him to teach you?" he asked, his voice lowering to nearly a whisper.

  "Aye, there is much I need to learn."

  Roarke advanced another step and she retreated two, only to be halted by the rear wall of the falconry.

  Even the birds were quiet, lending a deafening silence to the ever-shrinking room.

  "Tell me, Solara, what will you be asking Braedon to teach you?" He was so close that if she inhaled strongly, the tips of her nipples would brush against the leather of his shirt.

  "He will teach me things that I do not know."

  "Such as?"

  His nearness drove her mad. She could reach out and touch his broad chest, run her fingers through his long hair and capture the lips that had taunted her dreams for the past days. Trying to find her voice, she answered his question. "Such as how things are between a man and a woman." Now his face was visible as he leaned over. She hid her arms behind her back, curling her fingers into her palms to keep from touching him.

  "You are curious about sex, aren't you?"

  "Aye. You should know that."

  He laughed, a husky whisper that sent jolts of pleasure to her dampening pussy. Tension coiled deep in her belly. The air in the room seemed to thicken and she found it hard to breathe.

  "Your curiosity is enticing. Any man would be more than happy to teach you the fine art of lovemaking, Solara."

  Any man but him. She lifted her chin and said, "I look forward to it." She teased him, she knew, but could not help herself. The language of his body spoke more of his feelings than any of his words to the contrary. He wanted her. She felt his desire everywhere as if he'd draped her in a blanket of his arou
sal. His breath came in short gasps, the same as hers. Did his heart race erratically as hers did?

  Unable to hold back, she laid her palm on his chest, rewarded with his heartbeat thumping rapidly against her hand. A pulse pounded in his neck, calling to her. She wanted to lick that spot where his life's blood flowed, then nibble until he threw her down on the straw-laden floor and made love to her.

  But he wouldn't. He would not touch her, and she knew that.

  "Do not be so certain that you know what I will or will not do, my faerie," he responded.

  He'd heard her thoughts. She'd let her guard down and he'd reached inside her mind. How easily he threw her off balance, made her forget to be wary. Had he not hurt her enough the other night? "You confuse me, Roarke. I do not know what you want."

  "I know exactly what I want. Do you think it easy for me to see you every day, wanting you so much it takes my breath away, but knowing you are not mine to have?" She closed her eyes, her heart soaring at his revelation. Was it possible to be so happy and yet so distraught at the same time?

  "What are we to do, then?"

  His hands encircled her waist, drawing her against him. "I know what we cannot do, but there are many things we can. You are a fire in my blood, Solara. I burn for you. Feel my flame." He reached for her hand and placed it over his rigid cock. She gasped at the fierce heat emanating from his shaft.

  Roarke tilted his head back and groaned. "Ah, yes. Your touch ignites me, faerie. I have a desire to feel your pussy under my hand, to dip my fingers in your sweet nectar and lick it from my fingers. Would you like that?"

  She could not find the words to tell him, to beg him to do just that. She could only stare and nod, her throat too dry to voice a response.

  His erection brushed against her thigh as he leaned in, licking the seam of her lips with his tongue. The dragon blew fire against her already heated mouth. "Open for me, Solara. Let me in." Without hesitation she gave him her mouth. He slid his tongue inside, crushing her against his chest and winding his arms around her.

  His tongue danced devilishly against hers, teasing, enticing, stealing what little breath she had left. She reached for his hair, tangling her fingers in the silken depths and tugging him closer. Her erect nipples brushed against worn leather and she whimpered, needing so much more than merely touching him.