Larios, Margarita

  Larrañga, Jesús

  Las Heulgas monastery

  Las Palmas

  Law, Oliver

  Law of the Press

  Law of Political Responsibilities

  Laycock, Colonel Robert

  Le Boulu

  Le Havre

  Le Perthus

  League of Nations

  Lebrun, Albert

  Leclerc, General

  Ledesma Ramos, Ramiro

  Ledochovsky, Vladimir

  Legionary Air Force, and battle for Madrid, strength, and battle of Jarama, in Basque campaign, in Guadalajara offensive,

  bombing of Alcañiz, and battle of Ebro

  Leipzig (German cruiser)

  Leizaola, Jesús María (minister of justice)

  Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich, xxix


  Leon Maestre, Colonel

  Léon, agriculture, guerrilla operations

  León, María Teresa

  Lepanto (republican destroyer)

  Lequerica, José Félix de


  Lerroux, Alejandro, in government


  ley de fugas

  Lézardrieux (ship)

  Libertad (republican cruiser)

  Libertarian Youth


  Líster, Enrique, and defence of Madrid, and Corunna road battles, personal qualities, and battle of Jarama, and battle of Guadalajara, and Brunete offensive, and Aragón offensive, recriminations, and battle of Ebro, and battle of Catalonia, leaves Spain

  Litvinov, Maksim

  Llano de la Encomienda, General Francisco

  Lliga Catalana


  Lojendio, Luis M. de

  London, Bolín’s activities in, meetings of Non-Intervention Committee, approval of Negrín, peace overtures, recognition of Franco regime, Negrín in exile

  Longo, Luigo (‘Gallo’)

  Lorca, (poet), see García Lorca, Federico


  López, Anita

  López, Juan

  López Ochoa y Portuondo, General Eduardo

  López Tovar, Colonel Vicente

  los Andes, Count de

  Los Dolores

  Los Llanos, (airfield)

  los Ríos, Fernando de

  los Ríos, Giner de

  Louis XIII of France, King

  Louis XIV of France, King

  Louis XVIII of France, King

  Low Countries

  Luca de Tena, Marquess Juan Ignacio


  Luftwaffe, personnel, develops aircraft and tactics in Spain, and battle for Madrid, fears losing Stukas, Second World War aces, aircraft trials, attack refugees, see also Condor Legion

  Lukács, General, (Mata Zalka Kemeny)

  MacDiarmid, Hugh

  Machado, Antonio

  Macià Lluís Companys, Francesc

  Madariaga, Salvador de

  Madrid, ‘Second of May’ rising, general strike, arson attacks, mass meetings, comedy Theatre, province of, assassinations, May Day parade, military rising, political killings, nationalist advance and republican defence, hotels, military base, formation of Largo Caballero government, Soviet representation in, fifth column, effect of government’s flight, fighting around, hospitals, front, shelled, conditions in, journalists in, International Writers’ Congress for the Defence of Culture, police school established, Verardini arrested, republican, struggle in POUM leaders imprisoned in, and Brunete offensive, spy network, communist conference, coup against Negrín, secret nationalist organization, National Council established, fighting among republicans, surrender, nationalist troops enter, victory parade, black market, guerrilla operations

  Madrid University

  Maeztu, Ramiro de

  Maginot Line

  Maisky, Ivan, (Russian ambassador)


  Majorca, nationalists invade, provides nationalist base, nationalist terror

  Makaseev, Boris

  Málaga, military rising, political killings, campaign and fall, executions

  Maldonado, Professor Francisco

  Malinovsky, Colonel R. (‘Malino’)

  Mallorca, see Majorca

  Malraux, André, L’Espoir

  Mamsourov, Ku. U. (Colonel Xanthé)

  Manchester Guardian

  Mangada, Colonel

  Manuilski, Dmitri

  Manzanares, River

  Manzanero, José

  Mar Cantábrico (ship)

  Marañón, Gregorio


  March, Juan

  Marchenko (Soviet chargéaffaires)

  Marías, Julián, xxvi

  Maritain, Jacques

  Maritime (ship)

  Maroto (guerrilla leader)

  Maroto, Mount



  Marshall Plan

  Martín, Antonio

  Martínez Anido, General Severiano

  Martínez Barrio, Diego

  failure in Valencia

  fear of Franco

  and fall of Catalonia

  crosses into France

  succeeds Azaña

  in exile

  Martínez Campos, General

  Martínez Monje, General Fernando

  Martínez Cabrera, General Toribio

  Marty, André

  and International Brigades

  opinion of Malraux


  and Negrín’s administration

  involved in recriminations

  last editorial

  determination to eliminate opponents

  Marx, Karl

  Das Kapital


  Masquelet, General Carlos

  Massana, Marcelino

  Massis, Henri

  Matallana, Colonel (later General)


  opposition to Negrín government


  negotiates with nationalists

  Matthews, Herbert

  Maura, Antonio

  Maura, Miguel

  Mauriac, François

  Maurín, Joaquim

  Maurras, Charles

  Mauthausen (concentrartion camp)

  Mayalde, Count de

  Medina, Diego


  Mediterranean Sea


  increased nationalist control

  French presence

  republican ports

  and Second

  World War

  Medvedev (partisan leader)


  Méndez Aspe, Francisco

  Méndez Nuñez (republican cruiser)

  Mendiola, Leocadia

  Menéndez, General Leopoldo, opposition to Negrín government


  Mera, Cipriano, and battles of Jarama and Guadalajara, frees chief of staff, and Brunete offensive, and Aragón offensive, commands IV Corps, opposition to Negrín government, returned to nationalist Spain

  Mercader, Caridad

  Meretskov, Colonel Kirill, (Soviet adviser)


  Merry del Val, Pablo

  Metaxas, Yanni

  Mexico, support for republicans, accepts Spanish refugees

  Miaja, General José, and defence of Madrid, communism, and battle of Corunna road, and battle of Jarama, squabble with Pozas, and battle of Gudalajara, obtains Verardini’s release, and Estremadura offensive, and Brunete offensive, and Gudalajara offensive, and battle of Ebro, requests negotiations, determines to fight on, opposition to Negrín government, promoted, heads National Council, flees to Orán, in exile

  Miguel de Cervantes (cruiser)

  Mije García, Antonio, (communist leader)

  Milicias Antifascistas Obreras y Campesinas (MAOC)

  militias, nationalist

  militias, republican, in defence of Madrid, experience and conditions, incorporated into republican army
, in Málaga campaign, Catalan, wages, Basque, belief in victory, see also

  militias, republican, columns, Erich, Muhsam centuria [these 5 lines moved from republican army]

  Sacco and Vanzetti centuria

  Durruti Column

  Giustizia e Libertà Column

  International Column

  Militias’ Cultural Service

  Millán Astray, General José

  Minéevich, Stoyán (‘Stepánov’)



  Mirabello (Italian warship)

  Miranda de Ebro


  Miravitlles, Jaume

  Miró, Joan

  Modesto, Juan, personal qualities, and battle of Jarama, and Brunete offensive, and Aragón offensive, and battle of Teruel, and battle of Ebro, promoted, leaves Spain

  Moix, José

  Mola (nationalist submarine)

  Mola, General Emilio, role in coupétat, politics, Basque operation, and Franco’s rise to power, commands army against Madrid, and ‘fifth column’, commands Jarama offensive, and Basque campaign, death, Church and

  Mölders, Oberleutnant Werner

  Molero, General Nicolás

  Molotov, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich

  Monasterio, Colonel Félix (later General)


  Mont de Marsan

  Montana project


  Montaud, Colonel

  Montecillo (ship)


  Montseny, Federica

  Monzón, Jesus

  Monzón Telesforo

  Moors, Moroccan troops, see regulares


  Mora del Ebro

  Mora la Nueva


  Morel, Colonel

  Moreno, Admiral Francisco de

  Morgan’s Bank

  Moriones, Colonel Domingo

  Moroccan troops, see regulares

  Morocco, French presence in, rebellion in, military rising, recruitment in, colonialism and independence, mustard gas used in, and Second World War

  Moscardó, Colonel (later General), defence of the Alcázar, represses anti-fascist rising

  Moscardó, Luis

  Moscow, influence of, reports to, organized demonstrations, Republic establishes embassy, Spanish gold reserves shipped to, purges and show trials, and suppression of POUM, radioed for instructions, passports sent to, German invasion halted, defence of Kremlin

  Mosley, Oswald




  Múgica, Bishop Mateo

  Mujeres Libres

  Muley Hassan, Caliph

  Mundo Obrero

  Munich agreement

  Muñoz Grandes, Colonel (later General)


  Museo del Prado

  Mussolini, Benito, funds Falange, symbolism, trains Carlists, invades Abyssinia, assistance to nationalists, frustration with Italian king, international responses to, uses phrase ‘Rome–Berlin axis’, compared with Franco, appetite for military glory, and Guadalajara defeat, and Basque victory, response to international protests, reinforces nationalist navy, and bombing raids, relations with Franco, ambitions in Albania, predicts Franco’s defeat, and France, fears European war, orders captured Italians executed, and Second World War, fall of

  Mussolini, Bruno

  MVR (Militias of Rearguard Vigilance)

  Nabarra (trawler)

  Nanetti, Nino


  Narváez, General, Duke of Valencia 1800–1868)

  Nathan, Major George

  National Block

  National Council of Defence

  National Republican Guard

  nationalist air force, see Brigada Aérea Hispana

  nationalist army, leadership, training, strength


  Army of Manoeuvr

  Army of the South

  Army Corps of Aragón

  Army Corps of Castille

  Army Corps of Galicia

  Army Corps of Maestrazgo

  Army Corps of Morocco

  Army Corps of Navarre

  Army Corps of Turía

  Army Corps of Urgel

  1st Cavalry Division

  5th Navarrese Division

  10th Division

  13th Division

  50th Division

  51st Division

  52nd Division

  81st Division

  105th Division

  108th Division

  150th Division

  Navarre Division

  Soria Division

  1st Navarre Brigade

  4th Navarre Brigade

  5th Navarre Brigade

  San Quentin Infantry Regiment

  see also Army of Africa

  nationalist navy seeAlmirante Cervera; Baleares; Canarias; España; Mola; Navarra; Sanjurjo; Taranto; Velasco

  nationalist spy networks

  nationalists: military strength politics, zone of control, strengthened morale terror tactics, receive international support, leadership, and international opinion, power struggle and formation of JONS, air superiority, increased military superiority, tensions in alliance


  Navalmoral de la Mata

  Navarra (nationalist cruiser)

  Navarre support for Carlists, nationalists hold, political killings

  Navarro, Captain Enrique

  Nazis, Spanish admiration for, expansionism, ‘Four Year Plan’ and Catalonia, motives for campaign in Spain

  Nazism, compared with Falangism

  Negrín López, Juan, finance minister, and shipment of gold reserves, commands carabineros, government of, and republican power struggle, policy of ‘controlled democracy’, and assassination of Nin, war policy, addresses League of Nations, visits Paris, refuses Prieto’s resignation, character, resists joining Communist Party, and SIM, sells silver reserves, rebuffed by Stalin, end of friendship with Prieto, supports Prieto, government reformed, Thirteen Points, failed peace overtures, and battle of Ebro, asserts authority, centralism, new government, surrender negotiations, bids farewell to International Brigades, plans for National Front, and fall of Catalonia, crosses into France, return to Spain and continuation of war, coup against, leaves Spain, in exile

  Nelken, Margarita

  Nenni, Pietro

  Neruda, Pablo

  Nervión, River

  Neurath, Konstantin von

  New Castile

  New York Daily Worker

  New York Herald Tribune

  New York Times

  News Chronicle

  Nicolson, Harold

  Nieto, Major Andrés

  Nikonov, Anatoly, (deputy chief GRU)

  Nin, Andrés, and ‘events of May’, arrested and murdered

  NKVD, supervises shipment of gold reserves, fake passports, personnel in Spain, ‘active work’, and republican power struggle, control secret police, defectors, in International, Brigades and SIM, euphemism for, reaction against, republicans serving with

  Normandy invasion

  North Africa

  North, Joseph

  Northcliffe, Lord


  Núñez, Carlos

  Nuñez de Prado, General Miguel

  Nuño, Amor

  nuns, disinterred, rumours about, killed, alleged rapes, as prison warders,

  Nuvolini, General

  Nyon, conference

  O’Brien, Aileen




  October revolution (1934)


  O’Duffy, General Eoin

  oil synthetic

  Old Castile

  OMSBON, (NKVD Moscow detachment)

  Operation Romerales


  Organización Sindical

  Orgaz, General, in command in Morocco, commands central front

rlov, Aleksander

  Ortega, Lieutenant-Colonel Antonio

  Ortega, Daniel

  Ortega, Major Leopoldo

  Ortega y Gasset, José

  Orwell, George

  Homage to Catalonia, coins term ‘double-speak’, describes ‘events of May’, wounded, speaks out

  Oviedo military rising, siege of, carpet bombing around, salient

  OVRA, (Opera Volontaria di Repressione Antifascista) Italian secret police

  Pacelli, Cardinal Eugenio (later Pope Pius


  Palacios, Major

  Palancar, Pablo


  Palma de Mallorca

  Pàmies, Teresa

  Pamplona, provides Mola’s base, military rising, political killings, monarchist flag lowered, under Franco

  Pamplona, Bishop of

  Pando, Major

  Paracuellos del Jarama

  Paris, Italian Embassy, Spanish gold reserves shipped to, and formation of International Brigades, International Exhibition of Arts, International Writers’ Congress for the Defence of Culture, Negrín visits, Spanish embassy, republican leaders in, recognition of Franco regime

  Partido Nacional Republicano

  Partit Catala` Proletari

  Pascua, Marcelino

  Pat O’Leary resistance group

  Paulus, Field Marshal Friedrich

  Pavlov, General (‘Pablito’), care for his men, and battle of Jarama, and battle of Guadalajara, and Estremadura offensive, and Guadarrama offensive

  Paxtot Madoz, General Francisco

  Peiró, Joan


  People’s Army, see republican army

  Peraleda del Saucejo

  Perea, Colonel

  Pérez Carballo, Francisco

  Pérez de Ayala, Ramón


  Perth, Eric Earl of

  Pestañ, Ángel

  Pétain, Marshal Philippe

  Petrograd Soviet

  Philby, Kim

  Philip II, King

  Philip IV, King

  Philip V, King

  Philip of Anjou


  Pi y Margall, President Francisco

  Pi y Sunyer, Carlos