Without saying a word, I walked up to him and threw myself into his body. Preston’s arms quickly wrapped me up and I felt like I could breathe for the first time in weeks.

  “Baby, what’s wrong?”

  My body sagged as Preston held me up. Hearing him call me baby was more than I could take. I wasn’t sure how long I could keep fighting the intense pull Preston had on me.

  “Preston,” I sobbed into his chest.

  Pulling back, Preston placed his hands on the sides of my face and brushed his thumbs across my cheeks. “Harmony, what happened?” Preston’s chest was heaving and my heart felt full knowing he was so concerned about me.

  “I…need…you. This is crazy…but I need—” My voice cracked and I buried my face in his chest as I said, “Preston, please take me home. Please.”

  Not two seconds later I was in Preston’s arms as he carried me to his car. When he set me down, I dropped my head back against his seat. I didn’t dare look at him for fear I would spill my heart out about my feelings for him.

  No. I just need to sleep. Then I can think clearly.

  Hot breath touched my neck as I sucked in a breath of air. “Harmony, I need to grab my stuff. I’ll be right back, baby.”

  Nodding, I tried to memorize the sound of my name coming off his lips.

  A few minutes later, I heard the door to the car open, then the engine start. “Harmony, do you want me to take you to Sandy and Jake’s?”

  Snapping my head over to him, I yelled out, “No!”

  Preston whispered, “Okay. Your house?”

  The words were out before I could stop them. “Will you take me to your house?”

  Preston’s mouth dropped open slightly before he closed his mouth, swallowed hard, then licked his lips and looked straight ahead. “Ah…sure.”

  As we drove to Preston’s house, a thought occurred to me. What if he had gotten back with Sherry? Oh shit, Harmony. You idiot.

  Preston drove a little ways out of town to a small house and parked in the driveway. Jumping out of the car, he ran around to the other side and opened my door. Before I could even get out, he had me in his arms and was walking up the steps to the door.

  “I thought you lived in an apartment?” I whispered.

  “I moved out. This is my aunt and uncle’s place. They are in Ireland visiting family.”

  Smiling, I asked, “Uncle John?”

  Preston smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “Yeah, Uncle John and Aunt Sue. I’m staying here until I find a place.”

  Opening the door, Preston walked into a modest-sized home. Looking around, I instantly felt at home. A calmness moved across my body that I had never experienced before. Family pictures covered the fireplace mantel and the walls that led upstairs.

  Walking over to the sofa, Preston set me down on it. “Do you want something to drink? Water? Um…beer?”

  Shaking my head, I whispered, “No, thank you.” I suddenly felt foolish for being here. Needing someone near me just to sleep was a sign of weakness, and I couldn’t afford to be weak.

  Preston sat down in the chair opposite me and rested his arms on his legs as he looked at me. “Harmony, I need to ask you something.”

  “Anything.” I barely spoke it.

  Preston looked at the floor as he rubbed the back of his neck. I felt a churning in my stomach as I waited for what he was going to ask me.

  “Are you dating anyone?”

  “No,” I whispered. My eyes narrowed as I looked at Preston. I wanted desperately to ask him how that answer made him feel.

  “Are you dating anyone?” I asked before thinking.

  “No. No, there isn’t anyone but—” Preston’s voice sounded strained. Clearing his throat, he asked, “The guy at the hospital. I saw you with him twice and he invited you to dinner, so I just thought…I mean…I just wanted to make sure he hadn’t done anything to you.”

  My heart felt as if it would burst with the way Preston cared so much about me. I wanted to ask him to finish his sentence but my body was starting to relax just being near Preston.

  “He’s my boss. I was having a problem deciding where I wanted my nursing career to go. I ran into him outside the restaurant and asked if I could speak with him. When I was coming out of his office the day I ran into you, he was asking me if Jake and I wanted to spend Thanksgiving with him and his wife.”

  Preston relaxed and I noticed he was fighting to hide a smile.

  “Okay” was all he managed to say.

  Shaking my head, I looked away. “I can’t sleep.”


  Looking back at Preston, I finally gave up the fight and let my tears fall. Preston quickly dropped to the floor in front of me. “Harmony, what is it?”

  “I haven’t been able to sleep since the night you stayed on the sofa with me. It was the first night I’d slept without having any nightmares. And now…I can’t sleep at all and I’m so tired.” Dropping my head into my hands, I sobbed uncontrollably.

  Weakness is not an option, Harmony.

  Too tired.

  Preston picked me up in his strong arms and carried me upstairs. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I nestled my face in the crook of his neck. Kicking open a door, Preston walked into a bedroom that was filled with boxes.

  Gently setting me down, Preston pulled the covers back from his bed and turned to me. Looking into my eyes, he pushed a piece of my blond hair behind my ear as he dropped his hands to my pants and unbuttoned them.

  My breathing picked up as I grabbed onto him for stability. My legs felt as if they were barely holding my body up.

  Preston squatted down but kept his eyes locked on mine as he pushed my pants down. I silently thanked God that I had put on a pair of stupid boyshort panties.

  Swallowing hard, I moved my hands to his shoulders and stepped out of my pants. Preston stood up and set my pants on a chair, his eyes never leaving mine. I’d never experienced such powerful emotions before. Not even with Trey. The way Preston looked at me, it was as if I was his entire world.

  I jumped when he moved his hands to my hips, touching my bare skin. Lifting my shirt up, he pulled it over my head and tossed it over onto my pants. Inhaling a deep breath, I tried like hell to calm my breathing down as Preston’s eyes fell to my pink and white polka-dot bra.

  Closing his eyes tightly, Preston opened them again and gave me the sweetest smile. Reaching down, he picked me up again. His hands on my bare skin caused electricity to rip through my body as he moved and placed me on his bed. Reaching down, he went to cover me up when I grabbed his arm. It wasn’t lost on me that he sucked in a breath when I touched him.

  My eyes pleaded with him as I said, “Please, Preston. I don’t want to be alone.”

  Preston’s muscles went rigid as he stared at me with an incredulous look. Slowly standing up, Preston reached for his shirt and pulled it over his head. Biting my lip, I contained the moan I wanted to let out when I looked at his broad, muscular chest. My eyes moved down to a set of perfect six-pack abs. And I mean perfect, like if you looked up “six-pack abs” in the dictionary, there’d be a picture of Preston’s abs.

  Preston slowly unbuttoned his pants as I felt my whole body flush. Dear God, please let him be commando.

  Closing my eyes, I attempted to calm my betraying body down. Harmony, stop this now. Commando would be very, very bad. Peeking through barely open eyes, I watched as Preston pushed his pants down to reveal a pair of boxer briefs.

  Oh. My. God. So much sexier than commando. Moving over, I made room for Preston as he slipped under the covers. Rolling over on my side, I prayed he would spoon me and hold me in his arms. I could hear him taking in a few deep breaths before he finally turned and pulled me into his body, noticeably keeping me away from his lower section.

  Tingles raced over my skin as I felt myself melt into his body and relax completely.

  “Is that better, Harmony?” Preston whispered against my hair.

  It felt as if I was
home in more than one way. “Yes, Preston,” I whispered before closing my eyes. Sleep was upon me within seconds.


  My eyes slowly opened as I let them adjust to the sun. I had no idea what time it was. All I knew was that I had slept through the night with no nightmares. My body felt relaxed and my mind was totally clear. It was then that I noticed my fingers lightly moving up and down Preston’s arm. He was still holding me the exact same way he had been when I fell asleep.

  Smiling slightly, I closed my eyes and wondered what it would be like to wake up like this every morning in Preston’s arms. Of course, it was hard not to notice his hard-on pressed against me.

  Opening my eyes, I gazed out the window and thought about Trey. I had loved him, but I always knew I wasn’t in love with him. I knew he felt the same way about me. The only reason we were even together was because of TJ. It still hurt that he had cheated on me though; that he didn’t feel like our marriage was worth the effort.

  Pushing those thoughts from my mind, I thought about Preston. His smile did things to me that I didn’t want to admit to. His touch sent bolts of lightning racing through my body. No one had ever had that kind of effect on me. Not even Trey.

  Then there was his laugh. Goodness, the man had a laugh that moved through my body like silk over my skin.

  Of course, I couldn’t forget about the man’s body. That fine-ass body of his. He was built perfectly. Not too big, but big enough to make a girl’s body melt when he undressed in front of her. Abs that had you dreaming of running your tongue along them. An ass that…oh dear God. Stop thinking about his body, Harmony! I fought the urge to rub my ass against him.

  Could I risk opening my heart up to him? What if he hurt me? Was I even ready to let someone else into my heart when I still felt like I was trying to find myself again? Something was missing…and I needed to find it before I could open my heart up to love again.

  Pulling me in tighter against his body, Preston let out a sigh in his sleep. Yes. I could get very used to waking up every day like this.

  Then a thought occurred to me. What if I’m never able to sleep again unless I’m in Preston’s arms?

  Shit. That could be bad. Or good.

  Slowly lifting Preston’s arm, I slipped out of bed. Looking around for my clothes, I saw a T-shirt of Preston’s and picked it up and pulled it over my head. The T-shirt fell to my mid-thighs. I had no idea why I put it on. My pants and shirt were right there on the chair. Glancing back at Preston, my stomach fluttered. Oh my, he is so handsome.

  Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I made my way out of the bedroom and downstairs. I was starving and prayed that Preston’s aunt and uncle had left some food in the house before taking off for Ireland. I remembered the days when Jake lived alone. He’d never had food.

  Opening the refrigerator, I found eggs, bell peppers, mushrooms, salsa, and an onion—perfect ingredients for an omelet. Smiling, I thought back to the morning Preston made me breakfast and I had almost the same thing.

  Taking everything out, I searched for a skillet. Finding that, then the olive oil, I got to work making Preston breakfast.

  While the veggies sautéed in the olive oil, I glanced around the kitchen. Uncle John’s house was adorable. I could see raising a small family in this house and being so incredibly happy.

  When the clock on the mantel started dinging, I let out a small scream from the fright it gave me and quickly slammed my hands over my mouth. I sat there and counted the dings while I attempted to get my heart beating normally again.

  Eight dings later and I stood there stunned. Preston and I had slept over twelve hours.

  “Wow, I must have really needed the sleep.”

  Making my way back over to the stove, I began beating the eggs lightly. The air around me changed and the hairs on my body stood up.

  Oh my goodness. That can’t be a good thing. Closing my eyes, I prayed like hell Preston had gotten dressed.

  “How did you sleep, Harmony?”

  God, I loved the way my name rolled off his tongue. Glancing over my shoulder casually, I went to talk but nearly choked on my own spit.

  Preston stood before me in nothing but jogging pants that barely hugged his hips. There should be a law against guys this hot making old sweatpants look so damn sexy.


  Tilting his head, Preston’s eyes roamed over my body. “Could you not find your clothes this morning?”

  Lord help me, he has a sexy-as-hell morning voice.

  Giving him a slight smile, I repeated the only word I seemed to be able to make come from my lips. “Um—”

  Pushing his hand through his hair, Preston walked into the kitchen and over to the coffee maker. His back was toward me, and the way his muscles moved when he moved was beyond hot. And his ass—damn, it looked good in those sweatpants. Rolling my eyes as I bit my lip, I pushed down the moan I wanted to let out.

  Glancing back at me, my eyes snapped up to his eyes. “Want some?”

  I sure as hell do. “No, thanks. I don’t drink coffee.”

  Preston jerked his head back and placed his hand over his chest. “What? You don’t drink coffee? What is wrong with you, Harmony?”

  Letting out a nervous chuckle, I got back to making the omelet. Take a deep breath in, blow it out slowly, Harmony. It’s not a big deal that there is a sexier-than-hell firefighter standing in the kitchen with you. Never mind that he is half-naked…and his ass looks really good in those old sweats. None of that matters. Focus. Focus. Focus.


  Turning to Preston, I asked, “What?”

  Laughing, he asked, “Why are you saying ‘focus’ over and over?”

  “I am?”

  Preston walked closer to me as I stood my ground. Just friends. That’s all Preston was. A friend.

  He stopped right in front of me, and I tried to give him a smile but was afraid it would come out more as a moan. “You look awfully good in my T-shirt, Harmony.”

  Shit. I’d forgotten that I was half-naked, too. Pressing my lips together, I shrugged. “I guess I just wanted to still be wrapped up in—”

  Preston reached up and rolled a piece of my hair around his finger as he asked in a whispered voice, “Wrapped up in what?”

  Swallowing hard, I was about to say “you” when the doorbell rang and I jumped and took a step back. My heart was beating like crazy in my chest and I held my breath. Closing his eyes, Preston turned and headed to the front door.

  Letting out the breath I’d been holding, my shoulders dropped and I leaned against the counter to get my wits about me. “Holy hell, what is he doing to me?” I whispered as I heard Preston start talking to someone.

  Turning back to the now almost dried-out eggs, I turned off the stove and looked for plates. That’s when I heard a female voice.

  Oh shit. I’d only met her once, but I would never forget Sherry’s voice.

  “Don’t tell me we don’t have anything to talk about, Preston. You moved out of our apartment? I had to find out from Sharp that you were here. Why did you leave our place?”

  Preston let out a frustrated moan. “It wasn’t our place, Sherry. It was mine. I left because I’m moving on and leaving the past in the past. What does it matter anyway, Sherry, you moved in with whatever his name is?”

  Not really knowing what to do, I quickly found the plates and dished up the omelet while Preston talked to Sherry.

  “I need a favor, Preston. I haven’t told my parents that we broke up and Daddy is having a holiday party on Martha’s Vineyard in two weeks. I need you to come with me.”

  Preston laughed. “Why can’t your new boyfriend go with you?”

  “You know my father, Preston. He will not be expecting a new boyfriend, he will be expecting you.”

  “Sherry, you are so full of shit I can smell it from across the room.”

  Smiling, I took both plates and made my way out to the small dining room that was off the living room. I was pretty
sure Preston and Sherry were still in the living room.

  Rounding the corner, I walked to the table and set the plates down.

  Letting out a frustrated sigh, Sherry said, “Fine. Daddy needs an endorsement from the Boston Fire Department and if his daughter shows up with a firefighter boyfriend, then—”

  Clearing my throat, I leaned against the table. Sherry spun around and stared at me with her mouth hanging open.

  “Breakfast is ready,” I said with a smile. The smile that spread across Preston’s face caused me to smile bigger.

  “Harmony? What are you doing here?” Sherry’s eyes moved over my body as her mouth dropped open. Spinning around on her heels, Sherry looked at Preston. “Are you sleeping with her?”

  Preston looked between Sherry and me as he walked over to me. Pulling me into his arms, he winked at me and said, “Yes, Sherry. Harmony and I have slept together.”

  Smiling like a kid in a candy store, I said, “Your eggs are getting cold.” I wasn’t sure why this tickled me so much. I knew what Preston had meant. We had slept together—twice now.

  Letting go of me, Preston pulled out a seat and motioned for me to sit down. Then he pushed my chair in and leaned down and pressed his lips against my neck under my ear. “Thank you.”

  And just like that, he was gone and I was left breathless again. Picking up my fork, I stabbed my eggs and started to eat while Preston showed Sherry out. Before she left, she got the last word in. “I hope the two of you are happy living in this tiny little house with your stupid paycheck-to-paycheck job.”

  My mouth dropped open and I stood up, ready to lay into her ass, but Preston slammed the door in her face.

  “Oh my gosh. How dare she insult us like that!”

  Laughing, Preston walked up to the table and sat down and began eating his omelet. “She didn’t really, Harmony, because this isn’t our house and we aren’t really sleeping together.”

  Chewing on my lip, I slowly sat down. “Your job is more than what she makes it out to be, Preston.”

  Giving me a smile that about melted my panties right off, he simply said, “I know it is.”