“Preston? Darling, what’s wrong?”

  “PJ? Earth to PJ!”

  Fingers snapped in front of my face as I forced myself to pull my eyes off Harmony and the mystery man.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Is everything okay? You look upset,” my mother asked as she looked around.

  Letting out a gruff laugh, I said, “Yeah, yeah, everything is fine. Sorry.” Rubbing my hands together, I asked, “So what is everyone getting?”

  “Oh, that is easy. I’m totally getting the Penne con Pollo,” Angie said as she folded her menu shut.

  “Penne al Pomodoro for me,” my mother said with a smile and wink.

  Shutting my menu, I attempted to keep my eyes off Harmony. “Guess I’ll get the Tuscan Chicken Salad Club.”

  “That sounds heavenly, too,” my mother said with a sweet smile.

  Our waitress came and got our drink and food orders. My mother and Angie began talking about shoes as I glanced over at Harmony and the guy she was with. Reaching across the table, he placed his hand over Harmony’s as she smiled gently at him. Harmony glanced over at me and I quickly looked away.

  Pulling out my phone, I sent Jake a text. I wasn’t sure if he would be working today or not. He seemed to be working crazy insane hours ever since he started his residency.

  Me: Hey. Sorry I had to leave so quick this morning.

  Setting my phone on the table, it pinged back with a text message. My mom and Angie were still deep in shoe talk so I picked up my phone.

  Jake: Hey dude, on a quick break. No worries. Harmony sure seemed to be happy this morning. Said she had a wonderful day yesterday. Thanks, Preston, for being such a great friend to Harmony.

  Ugh. There was that damn word again. “Friend.” Although I was trying like hell not to look over at Harmony, I took a chance and stole a peek.

  Fuck. I shouldn’t have. Her smile was beautiful. My stomach turned at the thought of some asshole making her smile like that.

  Me: It was a fun day. At lunch with my mom and sister. Speaking of…Harmony is here with some guy.

  Jake: Really? I wonder who she’s with? Shit, I’ve got to go. Give me a call tonight.

  Well, that got me nowhere.

  “Preston? Are you listening to me?”

  Pushing my phone back into my pocket, I looked at my mother and gave her my best smile. “Sorry, Mom. What were you saying?”

  “Angie and I are thinking we are done for the day. After lunch, we’re ready to head back if you are. Are you going to stay at the house for dinner tonight?”

  The waitress brought over our food as my mother tried to persuade me to stay for dinner that night.

  Going to take a bite of my sandwich, I noticed Harmony and the guy standing up. Harmony walked around the table to the guy. He placed his hands on her upper arms as they stood there and continued to talk as I just sat there and watched them.

  “Preston? Where are you, sweetheart?”

  Looking back at my mother, I took a bite of my sandwich. Chewing it, I swallowed and smiled. “Sorry, Mom. I wish I could but I’ve got to work tomorrow so I’m planning on hitting bed early tonight. I’ve had a crazy last two days.”

  Raising her eyebrows, she nodded. “I’d say. Your uncle told me about your stop by the pub. Said you were with a girl.”

  Narrowing my eyes at my mother, I said, “Mom, she is just a friend. Besides, I just broke up with Sherry. The last thing I’m looking for is to be in another relationship.”

  Giving me that look only your mother can give, she slowly nodded and said, “Uh-huh. So, do you want to tell me why you keep staring at the young lady over there?”

  Shaking my head, I said, “No. I really don’t.”

  Angie chuckled. “What’s wrong, PJ, don’t want Mom in your private life?”

  Letting out a chuckle, I was about to reply when I heard her voice.

  “Hey, Preston.”

  My mother and Angie both turned and looked at Harmony standing next to our table.

  Setting my sandwich down, I stood and turned to Harmony and smiled as I glanced around for the mystery man she was on a date with.

  “Hey, Harmony.” I cursed under my breath when I heard my voice crack. I knew Angie noticed, because she giggled.

  Harmony smiled as she looked at Mom and Angie. Clearing my throat, I pointed to Angie as she gave me that smile like she knew everything that had to be known. “Harmony, this is my sister, Angie. Angie, this is my friend Harmony.”

  Angie stood up and instead of acting like a normal human being, she pulled Harmony into her arms and whispered something into Harmony’s ear that made her laugh and look at my sister with a confused look. Next came my mother. Standing up, she extended her hand toward Harmony. “Harmony, this is my mother, Jennifer Ward. Mom, this is a friend of mine, Harmony.”

  Shaking my mother’s hand, Harmony smiled. “You must be very proud of Preston, Mrs. Ward.”

  Beaming with pride, my mother nodded as she looked at me. Looking back at Harmony, she said, “Please, call me Jenn.”

  Grinning, Harmony said, “Jenn it is.”

  “How did you two meet?” Angie asked as she sat back down, and my knees about buckled under me. I hadn’t even thought for two seconds anyone would ask how we’d met.

  My head snapped over to Harmony as her smile faltered some before she replaced it with one that didn’t touch her eyes.

  Trying to think of something to say, Harmony began talking. “Preston responded to a wreck I was in.” Turning and looking at me, her eyes seemed lost and confused. “He tried to save my son but…”

  Harmony’s voice faded off as my mother quickly took control of the situation. “I’m so sorry for your loss, Harmony.”

  Turning to my mother, Harmony nodded. “Thank you.”

  “Harmony is such a beautiful name. Is that your real name?” Angie asked. If I could have, I would have reached over and kissed my sister.

  Letting out a chuckle, Harmony nodded. “Yep. My mother loves the symphony.”

  Taking a step back, Harmony looked at me. “I didn’t mean to interrupt, but I saw you and wanted to say hi.” Turning to my mother and sister, Harmony held up her hand and said, “It was a pleasure meeting you both.”

  “The pleasure was all ours, dear,” my mother said in such a soothing voice.

  Before turning and leaving, Harmony said, “Enjoy your afternoon.”

  “See ya around, Harmony,” I said as I looked back down at my plate as I sat down.

  Angie gave me a kick and I let out a yell. “Ouch, you little brat!”

  “Why are you not going after her?”

  Looking at my sister like she’d lost her damn mind, I pulled my head back and stared at her. “Huh?”

  Rolling her eyes and letting out a frustrated moan, she said, “Clearly she wants you to go after her, PJ.”

  Looking back toward the door, I asked, “Why?”

  “Oh my gosh, Mom! He knows nothing about women.”

  My mother laughed as she continued to eat. “Angie, eat your lunch and leave your brother alone.”

  Dropping her mouth open, Angie looked at me, then back to my mother. “Mom, tell me you didn’t notice the way that girl’s eyes lit up when she talked to PJ.”

  Letting out a gruff laugh, I shook my head. “Ha! You’re dreaming, Angie.”

  Tilting her head, Angie stared at me as I attempted to eat with her glaring at me.

  “Oh. My. Gosh. You like her, Preston, don’t you?”

  My sandwich stopped at my mouth. “You called me Preston.”

  She let out a laugh. “Yeah, I did. This is serious and calls for using our grown-up names. Preston. Do you have feelings for her?”

  Now, that caught my mother’s attention. “Preston?” she asked with concern lacing her voice.

  Swallowing hard, I couldn’t find my voice. Finally getting some control of the situation, I said, “No. We’re friends. I mean, she lost her husband in the wreck also and??
?no…Angie, you’re crazy.” My eyes caught my mother’s and I knew she could see right through me.

  “Preston.” My name off my mother’s lips was almost my undoing. I wanted to jump up and shout to the world that I had fallen for Harmony hard and fast. And all it took was spending one day making her laugh and one night holding her in my arms.

  “Not now, Mom. Please not now.”

  Nodding, she turned to Angie. “Let’s finish up so we can get home.”

  Angie smiled. “I’ve gotten a bit of renewed energy!”

  Moaning, I rolled my eyes as my mother chuckled.

  The rest of the afternoon was spent looking for the perfect pair of shoes for Angie. My mother and Angie talked about designer shoes while I tried not to think of the guy Harmony had been out with.


  Later, as I was walking my mother and sister up to the house, I leaned over and kissed Angie on the cheek. “Behave, Angie.”

  Winking, she gave me a naughty smile and said, “Always!”

  My mother turned and gave me a once-over. “The only way you’ll know for sure is to ask her, Preston.”

  “Excuse me, ma’am?”

  Narrowing her eyes at me, she shook her head. “Preston, I’ve seen that look before. I saw it on your father’s face the first time he saw me on a date with another man. Talk to her and ask her.”

  “Nah, Mom, it’s not like that with me and Harmony. We’re just friends.”

  Nodding, she said, “Okay, Preston.” Reaching up on her toes, she kissed my cheek. Turning to walk into the house, she looked over her shoulder and said, “Life is too short, darling. You of all people should know that, Preston.”

  “What does that mean, Mom?”

  Lifting her hand, she gave me a wave and walked into the house.

  Pushing my hand through my hair, I let out a sigh. I’ll never understand women.


  Chapter 13

  Holidays Suck


  Flopping down on the beat-up sofa in the break room, I let out a sigh. The door opened and one of the nurses walked in. Chuck. Just the sight of him made my skin crawl. Closing my eyes, I hoped he would just get what he needed and head right back out.

  “Harmony! How’s it going?”

  Ugh. I knew I couldn’t get that lucky. Opening one eye, I smiled. “It’s going.”

  Closing my eye again, I hoped he got the hint that I was tired and not in the mood to talk. It had been a little over a week since I’d seen Preston and I was exhausted from lack of sleep. The night he held me in his arms was the best night I’d slept since the accident.

  “You look tired,” Chuck said as he flopped down next to me.

  Go. Away.

  “I am, Chuck. School and work have taken their toll on me.”

  “Yeah, I bet. I’m sure with the holidays coming up, it’s got to be hard on you, too. You know, not having your son and husband.”

  Jesus, did he really just bring that up? What a dick and a half. No. No, Chuck was a full-on dick. He didn’t think I noticed him brush up against me yesterday as I was bending over. I could feel his nasty hard-on and it made me want to jump out of my skin.

  Oh God. I’m going to puke.

  Just as I was about to tell Chuck to get the hell away from me, the door opened again. Opening my eyes, I smiled when I saw the head of nursing walk in. “Joel, did you say you needed to talk to me?”

  It only took Joel half a second to notice what was going on. “Yes, if you have a minute, Harmony. I’d like to talk to you in my office.”

  Closing my eyes and saying a quick prayer, I jumped up and said, “See ya later, Chuck.”

  “Oh yeah, um, see ya later, Harmony.”

  Following Joel into his office, I let out a moan as my eyes went heavenward. “Thank goodness you showed up when you did.” Sitting down in one of his chairs, he gave me a look and asked, “Is everything okay, Harmony?”

  Nodding, my eyes roamed freely over his body. Why in the hell do I not find this man attractive?

  Oh wait. It could be because he’s my boss. Or maybe it’s the fact that he is ten years older than me.

  “Yes, I’m just tired. Thank you again for meeting with me for lunch. It really meant a lot that you would take time out of your schedule to discuss my concerns on where I saw my nursing career going.”

  Sitting back in his chair, it was Joel’s turn to let his eyes roam freely over me. Biting my lip, I looked away. I didn’t think he meant to look at me the way he did, but it still made me uncomfortable. Ever since he saw Preston staring at us at the restaurant, he seemed to act differently toward me.

  I looked back at him and Joel smiled. “I know it’s been a rough few months, Harmony, and that’s what I’m here for. I was thinking though, how does the maternity ward sound?”

  Feeling my smile spread across my face, I nodded and asked, “How did you know?”

  Throwing his head back, Joel laughed. “Harmony, do you know how many times I’ve caught you on the third floor looking at the babies?”

  I didn’t want to tell him it was because I was missing my own baby. Shrugging my shoulders, I said, “Labor and delivery has always been my main interest.”

  His smile faded and he turned back to all business. Just like that day at lunch. “Then consider it done.”

  I wanted to jump up and down and scream out how happy I was. My heart was pounding and my hands began to sweat. “When can I transfer?”

  “I’ll put in for it today.”

  Standing up, I held out my hand. Joel stood and extended his hand to me. “Joel, thank you for understanding. I really enjoyed working for you and I’ll miss—”

  “Harmony, you’ll still be working under me. I manage the nurses and staff on the third floor as well.”

  Smiling, I said, “Oh. I didn’t know that.”

  Joel kept ahold of my hand and walked around his desk. His eyes turned to something I had never seen before. I couldn’t say for sure, but it looked like lust. No. Surely not.

  “Harmony, do you have plans for Thanksgiving?”

  My mind was spinning. God, please don’t let my boss be asking me out. Please.


  “Yeah, my wife loves cooking. I’m sure she would love to have you and your brother over for dinner.”

  His wife? I let out a nervous chuckle. Oh shit. Did I read into that all wrong?

  “I’ll ask my brother, but I think we are going over to his girlfriend’s parents’ house for dinner.”

  Nodding, Joel dropped my hand. “Well, the invite is open, if you should change your mind.”

  “Thank you so much for the invite. I…um…I better get back to work.”

  Turning, I quickly made my way out of Joel’s office. After closing the door, I leaned against it and took in a deep breath. Then, not looking where I was going, I walked right into someone.

  The moment his hands grabbed my arms, I knew it was him.

  Green eyes caught my blue ones. “Preston,” I whispered.

  The office door opened and Joel stepped out. “Harmony, if you do decide, dinner will be served at four.” Giving me a polite smile, Joel saw Preston standing there.

  I quickly turned back to Preston and saw his eyes turn from happy to sad in an instant. His hands fell to his sides as he looked between Joel and me.

  I went to talk but noticed Preston was in his uniform. My heart began to beat wildly in my chest while my eyes took him in. Dear God, he looks handsome as hell. My voice was lost as I stared at him. Wow. Just wow. I’d thought Preston was hot before, but seeing him like this had me wishing for an ice-cold drink to pour over me.

  “Excuse me, Harmony.” Preston took off and headed down the hallway before I even had a chance to say anything to him. I knew instantly he thought Joel and I were together. I could see it on his face in the restaurant and I saw it on his face just now. A part of me wanted him to think we were together because it would be easier to guard my own

  “That’s twice he’s looked at me like he wants to kill me, Harmony. Boyfriend?”

  Shaking my head, I watched Preston until he went through the double doors at the end of the hallway. “No, he’s just a friend.”

  Leaning in closer, Joel asked, “Does he know that?”

  Looking at Joel, I gave him a weak smile and turned to go back to the nurses’ station. I only had thirty more minutes before I could leave and head home for the weekend.


  Wrapping my coat tighter around me to keep the cold wind out, I found myself standing in front of Firehouse 37. I had texted Jake earlier to see when he had talked to Preston last. I was shocked to find out that Preston had gone out last night with Jake and Sandy. I had sent Jake a few text messages but he had only sent back one- or two-word replies. I knew he was busy with his residency, and honestly, I wasn’t sure why I was shocked Preston hung out with him and Sandy. Preston and Jake had quickly become good friends after the accident and I knew they hung out together.

  Chewing on my lower lip, I had turned to leave when I heard my name being called.

  “Hey, Harmony! How is it going?”

  Spinning around, I plastered a fake smile on my face. I was so exhausted. Even attempting to act happy was a feat in itself.

  Mitchel walked up and his smile faded the moment he looked into my eyes.

  “Hey, Mitchel. Is, um…is Preston working today?”

  Mitchel’s face tightened as he looked at me. “Are you okay, Harmony?”

  My eyes stung with the threat of tears. Nothing had been okay since three weeks ago, when Preston had walked out of my condo after holding me all night long. Or when I’d seen the look on his face when he saw me with my boss at that restaurant.

  “I just need to talk to—” My voice cracked, and I hated how vulnerable I was feeling. So tired. I was just so tired.


  Closing my eyes, I let his voice penetrate my body before opening them again and seeing him. Preston.

  Mitchel stepped out of the way and Preston stood there in front of me. Pressing my lips together tightly, I fought like hell not to be attracted to him. His brown hair was a mess and I could guess why. He couldn’t keep his damn hands out of his hair. His eyes looked so tired and sad. It was as if I was looking into a mirror.