Looking toward the stairs, I saw Harmony and my mouth dropped open. She was dressed in a teal dress that fell to the middle of her thighs. Swallowing hard, my eyes moved across her body. She was laughing at something Angie was saying as they walked down the stairs.

  Motherfucker. She is gorgeous. How am I going to keep guys away from her when she looksd like that?

  The top part of the dress was covered in sparkly shit, but the way her breasts looked in the dress had my dick growing painfully hard.

  “Son, you might want to at least close your mouth while you stare at her. It’s more polite.”

  Looking at my father, I whispered, “W-what?”

  “You’re staring at Harmony with your jaw down to the floor, son.”

  Standing up, Finn slapped me on the shoulder. “Damn, dude, either you stand up and walk over to her or I’m going to.”

  Jumping up, I pushed Finn out of the way and made my way over to Angie and Harmony. Stopping in front of my sister, I smiled and said, “You look beautiful, Angie.”

  Beaming, she said, “Thank you, PJ.”

  Turning to Harmony, my hands began to shake and that damn fluttery shit was happening in my stomach again. Taking her hands in mine, my eyes captured hers. “Harmony, you look gorgeous.”

  Glancing around the room, she blushed and looked back at me. “I haven’t been dressed up since…” Shaking her head, she let out a nervous chuckle. “Thank you, Preston. Angie picked out the dress.”

  “It’s beautiful,” I whispered.

  My mother walked up and smiled as she pushed a curl to the side of Harmony’s face. “Oh, Harmony, you look stunning. That color just makes your eyes pop. Let me grab you a shawl, it’s chilly out.”

  My mother quickly went to her room while my father lectured Angie about being safe. Walking back out, my mother wrapped a black shawl around Harmony’s shoulders.

  “Um, thank you so much, Jenn.”

  Winking, my mother nodded.

  Angie clapped her hands to get everyone’s attention. “Okay, since Dad is putting a curfew on me—which I still say is so unfair since I’m eighteen, but whatever—we should probably head out.”

  “I’ll drive,” Wes said as he kissed my mother on the cheek, followed by Finn. I couldn’t take my eyes off Harmony. Finn hit me in the chest and asked, “Are you guys driving separate?”

  Nodding, I said, “Yeah, I think we will.”

  Taking Harmony’s hand in mine, I kissed my mother on the cheek and glanced at my father. He was giving me a look that I couldn’t really read. Raising his eyebrows, he said, “Be careful, Preston.”

  Smiling slightly, I nodded and said, “Yes, sir.” I knew the hidden meaning in that was to be careful with Harmony. Just how he wanted me to be careful was the question.

  Walking out to my car, I opened the door and held Harmony’s hand while she got in. Jesus H. Christ. Her legs. Why had I not noticed before what amazing legs she had?

  Shutting the door, I turned to see my parents standing on the porch. My father was watching me intently as I walked around the front of the car. Stopping at the door, I asked, “Is everything okay, Dad?”

  Smiling, he said, “Yes, Preston. Have fun this evening, and watch your sister.”

  “Will do, sir.”

  Getting into the car, I started it up and followed Wes down the driveway.

  Clearing her throat, Harmony looked at me. “You look so handsome, Preston.”

  I had on dress slacks, a button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and a pair of dress shoes that I’d borrowed from my father since my mother said I couldn’t wear my sneakers.

  “Thanks. I’m afraid you’re going to steal the show this evening though.”

  Laughing, she shook her head as I looked straight ahead.

  “I don’t dress up often so it’s kind of fun. Angie really gets into the whole dressing-up thing. She said she just wore this dress for her winter formal.”

  “Ever since she was little, she has been the princess who loves to get dolled up.”

  Smiling, Harmony let out a chuckle and looked out the window. “How far is the club?” she asked. Glancing over at her legs again, I held back a moan.

  “Ah…about thirty minutes. We used to always go to this place. It’s eighteen and up, but in a few hours, you’ll be legal to get hammered.”

  Letting out a laugh, Harmony held up her hands. “Oh no. I’ve decided drinking and me do not go together.”

  My heart was beating so hard in my chest, I was positive Harmony would be able to hear it. What if she hooks up with a guy tonight? Fuck, why did Angie want to come to this stupid club?

  “Preston? Is everything okay?” Harmony asked as she placed her hand on my arm, causing a jolt of energy to rip through my body.

  “Yeah. I was just thinking, that’s all.”

  Dropping her hand, Harmony talked about all the great recipes she’d gotten from my mother. Before I knew it, we were pulling into the club’s parking lot and I was praying like hell some asshole didn’t catch Harmony’s eye. As we walked toward the building, I could her the bass from the club booming and Harmony smiled a beautiful smile. “I haven’t gone dancing since before I had TJ.”

  “Really? Well then, you have some making up to do, sweetheart.”

  Harmony’s eyes lit up when I called her “sweetheart.”

  “I should probably get on your dance card now, huh?”

  Biting her lip, Harmony walked closer to me and placed both hands on my chest. “My dance card is already filled, Mr. Ward.”

  My heart dropped and I was sure panic moved across my face. “It is?”

  Nodding slowly, she reached up on her toes and brushed her lips gently across mine. “Your name occupies all the spots; I hope you don’t get tired of me.”

  Wrapping my arms around her, I pulled her into me and she let out a gasp as my hard dick pressed into her stomach. “I could never get tired of you, Ms. Banks.”

  Harmony’s eyes glassed over with tears as she whispered, “Promise?”

  Wrapping my hand around the back of her neck, I pressed our lips together and kissed her with as much passion as I could.

  “Oh, holy hell, Preston! I thought you would at least be able to control yourself until after we got into the club,” Finn yelled out.

  “Don’t mess up her hair, Preston!” Angie yelled out.

  Harmony and I laughed as we pulled back from each other. “You ready to get your dance on?” I asked.

  Nodding, she laced her arm through mine and we headed into the club. The bouncer looked at Harmony’s license and smiled. “Three more hours, I’m going to give you a wristband and stamp. Once it gets past midnight, you can drink.”

  “Okay,” Harmony said as she looked up at me and grinned.

  Finding his way to a table, Finn clapped his hands and then pointed to Angie. “Behave. Don’t leave with anyone. Don’t take a drink from anyone, and check back in with one of us every hour. We’ll all meet back here at one to see how everyone is feeling.”

  Angie held up her hand and said, “I see my friends. Later, big brothers.” Turning to Harmony, she leaned over and whispered something that made Harmony’s cheeks turn bright red.

  Giving me a wink, Angie took off.

  “What did she say?” I asked Harmony, who looked shocked as hell by whatever my sister had said to her.

  “Um…nothing. It was, ah…nothing at all.”

  Tilting my head, I gave Harmony an incredulous stare. Holding up her hands, she laughed. “I swear, it was nothing.”

  “One drink, then we’ll go dance. What do you want?” I asked as Harmony glanced around the club.

  “Diet Coke.”

  Laughing, I said, “Seriously? You don’t want a drink?”

  “Preston, no! He told me I had to wait until midnight.”

  Good God this girl is too good to be true. Her innocence had to be one of the most attractive things ever. “Diet Coke it is.”

  After fight
ing the crowd at the bar and two really drunk girls trying to get my attention, I made my way back to Harmony, who was sitting at the table talking to Wes. Setting her Diet Coke down on the table, I sat down next to her. Wes glanced at me, then back at Harmony. “Have you always wanted to be in nursing?”

  Nodding, Harmony said, “Yeah. I think it all started when my older brother Jake decided he wanted to be a doctor. I didn’t think I was smart enough for medical school, so I thought nursing would be a great pick.”

  Wes was about to ask something else when a brunette walked up and asked him to dance. Grabbing his bottle of beer, he got up, wrapped his arm around her waist, and led her out to the dance floor.

  Taking a quick look around the club, I saw Finn all up on a girl as they danced. Pointing at him, I said to Harmony, “I’d bet you a hundred bucks he’s already told her he is a firefighter.”

  Harmony laughed as she took a sip of her soda. “It is rather sexy. The whole firefighter thing.”

  I lifted my eyebrows and smiled. “Really? Well, would you like to dance with one?”

  Chewing on her lower lip, she asked, “Are you asking me to dance?”

  Standing, I held out my hand. Taking her hand in mine, I pulled her up and prayed like hell she didn’t notice how sweaty my hands were. I had no idea why I was so nervous, but the more Harmony and I opened up to each other, the more nervous I became.

  As we walked out to the dance floor, I saw at least three guys eye-fucking Harmony. Bringing her closer to me, I grabbed her hand and spun her around as she laughed. Pulling her back to me, I kissed her quickly on the lips. “I want every asshole in this place to know you’re mine.”

  Harmony’s eyes darkened as she pushed her hand up into my hair and pulled my lips back down to hers. I wasn’t sure how long we stood there and kissed. Someone bumped my arm, causing me to pull away. Turning, I looked at Finn, who was laughing.

  “Dude, the dance floor is meant for dancing, not kissing.”

  The song changed and “Beg for It” began playing. Harmony raised her eyebrow and said, “You wouldn’t make me beg for it, would you, Mr. Ward?”

  Pulling her to me, I placed my lips against her ear and said, “I think hearing you beg might be a major turn-on.”

  Harmony gave me a naughty smile and began dancing. Holy shit. Not only is she beautiful, she can dance, too.

  Looking up to the heavens, I prayed for strength.

  Harmony was moving her hips in a sinful way as I smiled and moved right along with her. Turning around, Harmony pushed her ass into me as I grabbed her hips. I closed my eyes as I let a moan slip out.

  Fucking hell. This girl is driving me mad with desire.

  Turning back around, Harmony wrapped her arms around me as she kept moving against me. My hands moved over her body as we danced close together.

  The song changed to Sam Hunt’s “Make You Miss Me.” Pulling Harmony into my arms, we slowed the dance down. I wasn’t sure where all of this was leading, but I hoped like hell Harmony was on the same path as I was.

  Her head was resting on my chest as we danced. Pulling back some, she looked into my eyes. I quickly became aware of my heartbeat as the hairs on my arms raised. Harmony’s eyes were laced with passion and fear. Placing my hand on the side of her face, I slowly stroked her soft skin with my thumb as her breathing quickened.

  Placing her hand over mine, Harmony closed her eyes. “Preston, don’t let me push you away. Promise me you won’t let me push you away.”

  My knees felt weak as my eyes searched her face. Opening her eyes, a single tear rolled down her face. I brushed it away as I said, “I promise you, Harmony.”

  When the song finished, I walked Harmony back over to the table. “Do you want a drink, Harmony?” I asked. She gave me a smile that quickly grew.

  “Are you trying to loosen me up, Preston?”

  Before pulling her chair out, I leaned over and gently kissed her as I whispered against her lips, “Trust me, sweetheart, I have a much better idea for how I would loosen you up.”

  Harmony grabbed my arms as she appeared to steady herself. “I think I’ll take that drink now.”


  Harmony and I had sat at the table for at least an hour just talking. We mostly talked about my job and her schooling as she nursed the Bud Light I had set in front of her an hour ago.

  Every now and then, Angie would make an appearance to check in. Wes had all but disappeared, and I was pretty sure he was hooking up with the girl he had been dancing with since we’d gotten there. Finn was standing at another table talking to about six girls. Somehow I had a feeling he’d end up with at least two of them tonight, knowing Finn.

  Angie came running over and hugged Harmony and said, “Happy twenty-first birthday, Harmony!”

  Standing up, I reached for Harmony and pulled her up. “Let’s dance, old lady.”

  Throwing her head back, Harmony walked out onto the dance floor as she moved her hips and danced with Angie.

  “Hands on Me” started playing and Harmony spun around and pointed at me. “Oh my God! I love this song!”

  Placing my hands on her hips, we began dancing pretty provocatively, grinding our bodies together. My hands were all over her as Harmony licked her lips and ran her hands over her own body.

  Fuck me. Hottest damn thing I’ve ever seen is Harmony rubbing her hands over her own body. I’m gonna have to take a cold shower when I get home.

  Turning, she backed up against me and tilted her head, exposing her neck to me. My lips were all over her neck as she ran her hand through my hair.

  When the song changed to a slower song, Harmony melted into my arms. Holding her close to me, we danced in silence. I quickly learned that one of Harmony’s favorite things to do was bury her face in my chest.

  As she looked up at me, I saw something change in Harmony’s eyes. It was as if she was letting down the wall she had built to guard her heart. Pushing the strands of her hair back, I looked deeply into her eyes and decided I needed to listen to my heart for once.

  My heart hammered in my chest as I drew in a deep breath and slowly let it out. “Harmony, I’m falling in love with you.”

  The smile that spread across Harmony’s face left me breathless. Her cheeks began to glow as she closed her eyes. Pressing her lips tightly together, she opened her eyes. When I saw the tears I wasn’t sure what I should do. Reaching up, I placed both my hands on her face as I leaned over and kissed her tears away.

  “Please talk to me, Harmony. Don’t disappear on me.”

  Shaking her head, Harmony’s eyes lit up as she said, “Preston, I’m falling in love with you, too. I…I’m pretty sure I’ve already fallen.”

  My heart slammed against my chest and a feeling I’d never experienced before rushed through my veins.

  “Let me make you mine, Harmony,” I whispered against her ear.

  She only needed to say one word back to me and I prayed like hell she would.

  Chapter 17

  It Was Always You


  The moment he spoke the words, my heart about burst. Preston was falling in love with me. Preston wanted to make me his.

  I was excited and scared all at once. I’d never been with anyone else but Trey.

  Damn it. Why aren’t we back in Boston? I’d be begging Preston to take me home and make love to me.

  Preston was about to say something when Angie walked up to us. “Preston? I’m not feeling so great.”

  Dropping his hands from my face, he took ahold of Angie. Concern laced his eyes as he looked her up and down. “What’s wrong? Did something happen?”

  “No, no, it’s nothing like that. It’s just, I think I’m just tired and it hit me. Finn is wrapped up in trying to hook up with someone and Wes…hell, I think Wes left with someone.”

  Attempting to hide my smile, I glanced over at Finn. He was for sure working it.

  “Yeah, Wes told me he was leaving with Mandy.”

?Mandy? His girlfriend from high school?” Angie asked.

  Chuckling, Preston nodded. “Yep. I didn’t recognize her but that is who he was indeed with.”

  “Gag me,” Angie said as she turned and headed over to Finn. Preston grabbed my hand and led me over to the table where I grabbed my shawl and Angie’s. She must have been telling Finn we were leaving because he looked over and gave Preston a thumbs-up, then made some motion with his hand to Preston as Angie walked back over to us.

  “Bastard,” Preston mumbled as he placed his hand on my lower back. The butterflies in my stomach took off at the simple gesture. “Let’s go.”

  Glancing back over my shoulder, I noticed Finn had his arm draped around one of the girls and they appeared to be leaving as well. Turning back to Preston, I asked him, “What was that hand gesture he did to you?”

  Shaking his head, Preston said, “It was nothing.”

  “It was something. What was it?”

  Smiling, Preston looked at me. “When we were in high school and used to go out, we had a signal we would give each other if we were…um…if we were…”

  “If they were about to get lucky,” Angie busted out.

  Pressing my lips together, I held back my smile. “Oh, I see. So did that mean Finn was getting lucky?”

  Laughing, Preston nodded. “Yeah, Finn is for sure getting lucky.”

  Looking straight ahead, I said, “Huh. I guess Wes gave you the same signal.”

  “Yeah, he did when he said he was leaving and for me to make sure Angie got home okay.”

  Angie let out a huff as she marched to the car. “I’m not a child, ya know. I can take care of myself.”

  Angie opened the car door and then slammed it shut. Preston walked me to the passenger side and whispered, “Angie’s ex showed up with another girl.”

  “Oh no, poor Angie.”

  Preston smiled. “She’s better off—he was an asshole.”

  Letting out a chuckle, I nodded. Once I was in the car I wondered how many of poor Angie’s boyfriends her brothers and father had scared away.


  Feeling my body move, I slowly opened my eyes. Preston was carrying me into his house and up the stairs. Jenn had already arranged for me to stay in the guest bedroom. I couldn’t believe how exhausted I was.