Opening the door to the guest bedroom, Preston walked me up to the bed and slowly set me down on it. Turning, he walked back to the door and slowly shut it. My heart pounded in my chest at the thought of Preston making love to me.

  Making his way back to me, he held out his hands as I put my hands in his and he gently pulled me up. “Turn around, Harmony,” he whispered.

  Turning, I glanced back over my shoulder to see Preston licking his lips as he unzipped the dress. Pushing it off my shoulders, he leaned over and kissed my shoulder as he made his way over to my neck.

  “You’re so beautiful, Harmony,” Preston whispered against my sensitive skin. Goosebumps erupted across my body as I let out a soft moan.

  His fingers softly moved up and down my arms and I was stunned by having the feeling of tiny electric bolts that seemed to be moving across my skin everywhere he touched.

  Preston’s touch did the most amazing things to my body. My stomach felt as if I was on the ride of my life.

  His hands slowly made their way up to my shoulders, then he gently turned me to face him. Placing his hands on the sides of my face, he leaned over and kissed me. Gripping his arms, I held on as my knees went weak.

  The kiss was soft, gentle, yet full of passion. Pulling his lips away, he spoke against my lips. “Where are your pajamas, Harmony?”

  Disappointment flooded my body as I frowned. I knew we were in his parents’ house and to expect him to make love to me in their guest room was crazy. Swallowing hard, I pointed to my bag. Preston turned and walked over to the bag and opened it. Pulling out a pair of Victoria’s Secret pajamas, Preston turned and walked back over to me.

  My eyes moved over his body. I could see his muscles moving under his shirt and I had to push the blooming desire down. Smiling, he said, “Turn around, Harmony.”

  Doing what he asked, I turned and waited to see what he was going to do. When his fingers touched my back, I jumped. His skillful fingers had my bra undone within seconds. Sucking in a breath as his fingers moved across my bare back, I closed my eyes and pressed my lips together. “Lift your arms, Harmony.”

  I’d never moved so fast in my life. His fingers moved gently up my right side and all the way up my arm as I whispered, “Preston.”

  Preston put the shirt on me as my stomach clenched. My body began to sway slightly as I dropped my arms after the shirt was on. Preston turned me around and slowly bent down. His hands moved slowly down my legs as I lifted one leg and slipped the pajama shorts over my foot. Repeating the incredibly sexy motion with his other hand, he lifted the other leg. Slowly pulling the shorts up, Preston lifted my shirt some to kiss around my belly button. Dropping my head back, I whispered, “Oh God, Preston.”

  Holy hell, I couldn’t even imagine how I would feel with him making love to me. My body was practically trembling under his touch. Standing up, he reached around and took my long blond hair down as he ran his hand through it.

  “Harmony, everything about you turns me on.”

  My eyes captured his and I tried to find my voice. His eyes were on fire with a passion that had my heart slamming against my chest. “Preston” was all I could pull from my mouth. Leaning over, he pressed a soft kiss against my lips as he whispered, “Will you be able to sleep without me?”

  I whispered, “I think so. I know you’re close by, so…”

  “Sleep good, sweetheart.”

  With that, he turned and walked out of the bedroom as I stood there a trembling, turned-on mess. Letting out the breath I hadn’t even realized I was holding, I fell back onto the bed.

  My hands moved across my body as I let out a small laugh and traced my lips with my fingertips. Never would I have imagined someone turning me on just with their touch. The look in his eyes was burned into my soul.

  Harmony, everything about you turns me on.

  Biting my lip, I let out a frustrated moan and rolled over and looked out the window into the darkness.

  Angie’s words flooded my mind. Did I mention Preston’s room is in the attic? Far away from everyone.

  Closing my eyes, I wasn’t sure how long I lay there before I got up and slowly made my way out into the hall. Angie had pointed out the attic door that led up to Preston’s room after we had gotten ready for the club, so I knew which door led to him.

  Can I do this? Will Preston think differently of me if I go up to his room? What about his family?

  Turning, I walked back to the guest room but stopped when I heard the faint sound of music. Spinning back around, I pressed my ear to the door. I could barely hear music coming from the attic.

  Chewing on my lip, I slowly placed my hand on the doorknob and held my breath as I turned it. When it opened, my mouth dropped open. You can do this, Harmony. It’s time to move on.

  Slowly making my way up the stairs, I stopped at the top. My eyes widened when I looked at Preston’s room. It was huge. Hearing water, I glanced around and noticed another door. They must have put in a bathroom up there. Walking into the giant room, I smiled when I walked up to a shelf that contained trophies. Picking one up, I saw it said “First Place” along with the name of a soccer tournament. Setting it down, I looked around as I made my way over to the door. Leaning against the door, I let out a sigh. What I wouldn’t give to have the courage to open the damn door. Was I doing the right thing by even being in his room?

  Pushing myself away from the door, I made my way around Preston’s room as Maroon 5’s “It Was Always You” began playing. The words flooded my mind as I continued to look around at all of Preston’s things.

  The more the song played, the more I realized that the only thing I wanted was Preston Ward. I wanted his touch, his smile, his laughter, and more than anything, his love.


  Running my fingers across his desk, I made my way over to the side of his bed. Smiling, I placed my hand over my mouth when I saw Pride and Prejudice sitting on the night table.

  Dropping my hand, I reached for the book as I whispered, “Oh my, that certainly explains a lot.” Opening the book, I could tell it had been read often. Running my fingers over the pages, I closed my eyes and imagined Preston lying in bed reading. There was something incredibly sexy about that image. What were the odds Preston would have my all-time favorite book sitting on his bedside table? Setting it down, I went to turn, but immediately felt his presence behind me. Slowly taking in a deep breath, I froze. My stomach pulled hard with desire and my breathing picked up.

  Somehow I managed to speak. “I couldn’t sleep so—”

  His hands grabbed my arms as he gently turned me around. Letting out a gasp, my eyes wandered over his perfectly toned muscular body. The only thing he had on was a towel wrapped around his waist.

  I swallowed as my eyes landed on his lips. I licked mine and snapped my eyes up to his. They looked beautiful, as they were filled with what I had always dreamed of seeing in a man’s eyes when he looked at me. Love. Passion. Desire.

  His hands moved to the bottom of my shirt and he slowly lifted it over my head. My chest was heaving as Preston dropped the shirt on the floor next to us. His mouth dropped open as he looked at my breasts. Closing his eyes, he mumbled, “So perfect.”

  Opening his eyes again, his hand came up to the side of my face as I placed my hand over his. “Preston, I’ve never been with anyone other than Trey. I’m not sure I—”

  “Don’t say anything, Harmony. Please just let me love you.”

  Oh. My. Goodness. I have to be dreaming.

  “I’m scared,” I whispered.

  “I’m scared, too, Harmony, but I promise you I’ll be slow and gentle.” Preston kissed me gently as Chase Rice’s “Ride” began playing. Oh wow…Preston is scared, too? And this song—what timing.

  Preston gave me a naughty smile as he dropped to his knees and slowly took my shorts off. Stepping out of them, I dropped my head back as Preston moved his hands up my legs. Then I felt hot breath down…there.

  Dropping my head forwar
d, my mouth fell open as I watched Preston press his lips against my panties. Holy hell. Trey never gave me this kind of attention. Can you pass out from being so turned on?

  Preston slowly pulled my panties down. Breathe, Harmony. Breathe.

  Sitting back on his heels, Preston just stared as I lifted my feet and stepped out of my panties. Standing before Preston completely naked should have had me trembling with fear, but it didn’t. The way he took in my body made me feel…beautiful. Cherished.

  Preston placed his hands on my legs and my body erupted in goosebumps. Swallowing hard, I closed my eyes and concentrated on breathing.

  Then I felt his lips on my skin. Smiling, I pushed my hands into his hair as he said, “You’re so beautiful, Harmony.”

  “Preston,” I whispered as I felt him move his lips up my body.

  “Open your eyes, Harmony.”

  Our eyes caught and I sucked in a breath of air as Preston’s eyes lit up with fire. Cupping his hands on my face, he gently placed his lips on mine. As he ran his tongue along my bottom lip, I let out a moan. Preston was clearly much more experienced than I was, and that scared me. What if he is disappointed? What if I do something wrong? Trey and I had great sex, but Trey never was one to…experiment with other things.

  Placing my shaking hands on his chest, I slowly moved them down to the towel. Preston deepened our kiss as I pulled the towel off his waist. Moving my hand down, I took his hard dick in my hand and moaned.

  Holy crap. Preston was much better endowed than Trey had been. It felt like it was my first time again as my body shook with anticipation.

  Preston pulled his lips slightly back and whispered against mine, “Your touch drives me crazy, Harmony.”

  The feeling was very mutual. “Preston, I want you so badly.”

  Before I knew what was happening, Preston lifted me in his arms and placed me on his bed. Picking up my foot, he kissed my ankle and my body arched as I gasped for air. “I’m going to kiss your body everywhere. I plan on memorizing every inch of you by morning.”

  Each time he touched me, a rush of tingles took off over my skin and I had to fight to contain my moans. The feel of his lips and hands on my body had my head thrashing back and forth as my hands grabbed the sheets. It wasn’t going to take me long to come.

  Preston’s hands spread my legs slowly open as he whispered, “Open yourself to me, baby.”

  Oh. My. God. I’ve died and gone to heaven. Doing as he asked, I lifted my head and watched Preston’s hands move up my thighs with his lips trailing behind. His hands moved up my body and to my stomach as he settled between my legs.

  Biting my lower lip, I fought to keep my breathing under control. Preston kissed around my clit as I lifted my head and watched him. His hands moved up and caressed my stomach as I whispered his name. “Preston, oh God.”

  His eyes moved up to mine as he smiled and licked across my clit. Gasping, I dropped my head back down. “I’ve never…”

  “Never, Harmony?” he asked while he gently placed kisses over my sex. Lifting my hips, I silently begged him for more. Thrashing my head back and forth, I replied, “No. Never.”

  My body jumped as Preston’s hands moved and he opened my sex to him. The moment his mouth came down on me I felt the buildup happening.

  Son of a bitch. This is going to be amazing. My hands moved through his hair as I pulled his head into me more. Grabbing a handful of his hair, I hissed through my teeth, “Oh God, yes!” I’d never felt something so amazing in my entire life.

  Preston slipped his fingers inside me as my eyes rolled to the back of my head and I saw stars. Slamming my hand over my mouth to contain my moans of pleasure, I rode out my orgasm as he sucked and licked me through the most incredible orgasm I’d ever had.

  It felt as if the room was spinning. I hadn’t even realized Preston was moving farther up my body and had a nipple in his mouth. My body trembled as my hands ran across his muscular back. Preston took his time as he gave each nipple the same attention. Was it possible to have an orgasm just from him sucking on my nipples? My body was building and it felt as if it was starting in my toes.

  Preston’s lips moved up my chest to my neck as he kissed gently across my neck and over to my ear.

  Whispering into my ear, he said, “Harmony, I’m going to make love to you now.”

  Gripping his strong arms, I felt the tears building. Trey never took the time to talk to me while we made love. It was always rushed. He’d never adored my body like Preston was doing.

  My voice was shaky as I closed my eyes and said, “O-okay.”

  Then his warmth was gone. Opening my eyes, I watched as Preston reached into his side drawer and grabbed a condom. I wanted to feel him, without any barriers. I wanted this experience to be raw. Lifting myself on my arms, I got my first real look at Preston’s dick.

  Holy shit. I was going to be sore as hell. He tore the condom open and was about to put it on when I said, “Preston, wait.”

  Stopping, he looked at me. His face dropped as he stared at me. Inhaling a deep breath, I asked, “Have you always practiced safe sex? I mean, even with Sherry?”

  Nodding, Preston replied, “Yes. I’ve never had sex without a condom.”

  Chewing on the corner of my lip, I looked away quickly and tried to gather the courage for what I was about to ask of him. “I’ve only been with Trey. Once I found out he had an affair, I was tested. I’m clean.”

  Preston smiled. “Okay, baby.”

  He began to roll the condom on and I sat up more. “No, Preston. I want to feel you. All of you. I want this to be us being together as one.”

  Stopping, his mouth dropped open as he whispered, “What?”

  I was positive my poor lower lip would be bruised and swollen tomorrow with the way I was abusing it. “If you’re not comfortable with not wearing a condom, I totally understand, I just…well…I don’t really know why I asked. Never mind, I’m so sorry I even suggested—”

  Preston smiled as he quickly moved back over me while I fell back against the pillow. “Harmony, do you even realize how amazing it would be to make love to you with no barriers between us? I can’t even imagine, and honestly I’m afraid I’ll come the moment I push in.”

  Heat swept over my cheeks as I looked away. Placing his finger on my chin, Preston brought my eyes back to him. “Are you on birth control?”

  I whispered, “Yes.”

  Closing his eyes, he asked, “Harmony, are you sure you want this?” When he opened his eyes, I sucked in a breath of air as I saw they lit up with such passion.

  “Yes, Preston. I’ve never been more sure of anything in my entire life.”

  Preston moved over my body again as I spread my legs open more to him. Cupping his hands on both sides of my face, he searched my face before he looked back into my eyes. “You’re so beautiful. I’ve never in my life met anyone as amazing as you, Harmony. I melt every time you look at me.”

  My breathing picked up and my heart was pounding so loud, I was sure Preston heard it. Tears formed in my eyes as I closed them and felt a single tear fall. Feeling Preston’s lips on my cheek, a small sob escaped my lips. Opening my eyes, I attempted to talk without my voice cracking.

  “Preston, you make me feel like a princess.”

  Pressing his lips to mine, Preston kissed me as he teased my entrance with his dick. Oh God. Oh God. My body shook with anticipation. Barely pulling his lips from mine, Preston whispered, “You are a princess, Harmony. You’re my princess.”

  And there it was. My heart fell and I completely gave myself to Preston as he pushed into me.

  Arching my back, I let out a whimper. “Relax, Harmony baby.”

  Closing my eyes, I relaxed as Preston slowly worked himself in. Words could not even begin to describe the way I was feeling. Pain mixed with pleasure as Preston pulled out and pushed in harder.

  “Baby, I’m all the way in. Harmony, you feel so amazing.”

  Wrapping my arms and legs around P
reston, I whispered the one thing that scared me more than anything. “I’m yours, Preston. Completely yours.”

  Chapter 18

  Yankees Fan


  Don’t move. If I moved I would surely come. Never in my life had I ever experienced something as amazing and wonderful as I was right that very moment.

  “Baby, I’m all the way in. Harmony, you feel so amazing.”

  Harmony wrapped her arms and legs around me and whispered, “I’m yours, Preston. Completely yours.”

  My heart about burst from my chest as she spoke those words. I couldn’t believe the feelings that were rushing through my body. I wanted more than anything to whisper in her ear that I loved her, but I wasn’t sure how that would make her feel. I had told her I was falling in love with her, but how different would it be to actually tell her I loved her?

  Slowly moving in and out, I let out a moan. Fucking hell, it felt so damn good. Harmony’s fingers slowly glided across my back as she moaned in pleasure.

  “Preston, it feels so good. Please go faster. I want more of you.”

  My eyes about rolled into the back of my head. Moving my lips across her neck, I kissed her gently as I moved faster.

  “Yes! I’m so close, Preston.”

  Gritting my damn teeth, I prayed like hell I wouldn’t come before she did. Having never had sex without a condom before, I’d had no idea what in the hell I was missing out on. Then again, I thought it probably had more to do with being with Harmony than anything else.

  Harmony’s pussy squeezed around my dick as I let out a low growl from the back of my throat. “Baby, you’re so close. I feel you squeezing down on me. It feels so fucking good.”

  Harmony met me thrust for thrust. “Oh God, Preston. Don’t stop.”

  Harmony’s body began to shudder as she fell apart. Her eyes caught mine as she said, “I’m coming. Oh God, Preston.” Slamming my lips to hers, I swallowed her cries of pleasure as I felt her pulsing around my dick.