Wrapping my arms around my body, I thought about last night and how amazing Preston had made me feel. The idea of how much I needed Preston still scared me, but that wall had finally fallen and I couldn’t wait to start over with Preston. Closing my eyes, TJ’s smile appeared. My heart would forever have a piece missing. I knew that there would always be a part of me forever lost. But Preston had given me hope. Life was moving on.


  A week had passed since my birthday and things couldn’t have been better. Preston had stayed with me at my condo every single night when he wasn’t on shift. I felt so alive. Even my friends from school and work said they saw a difference in me.

  Feeling my phone vibrate in my pocket, I pulled it out to see Jake was calling me.

  “Hey!” I said with a smile.

  “Hey, back at you. You’ve been radio silent the last week. When do I get to take my baby sister out to dinner and drinks to celebrate her twenty-first birthday?”

  Laughing, I said, “Sorry. I’ve been kind of busy.”

  “Mmm, let me think about this. I sent Preston a text a couple days ago asking if he wanted to hang out on one of my rare days off and he said he had been really busy. You’re busy. That leads me to the conclusion that you’re getting busy together.”

  Feeling my face blush, I continued to throw a load of laundry into the washer. “I’m not even going to give you the satisfaction of knowing that I heard that.”

  Laughing, Jake said, “I knew it. Harmony, I can hear it in your voice, sweetheart. You sound…happy.”

  Leaning against the washer, my smile weakened as the guilt came flooding back with the thought of my being happy without TJ in my life. Pushing it aside, I walked into the kitchen and checked on the roast I was making for dinner. The smell of rosemary filled the air. Preston would be getting off later so it would be a late dinner, but that didn’t matter. It could sit in the Crock-Pot on warm.

  “Jake, I am happy. Preston has this way of making me feel like I’m the center of his world and I’m not used to that.”

  “He better fucking make you feel that way or I’ll kick his ass. Doesn’t matter that the guy can probably bench-press me ten times, I’ll still pound his face if he hurts you.”

  Giggling, I took out a peach cobbler from the oven and set it on the cooling rack as I leaned over and smelled the heavenly smell of sugar and peaches. “Stop it. There will be no ass kicking or face pounding.”

  Jake mumbled something to someone, then continued talking. “I hope not. I really like his uncle’s pub.”

  Laughing, I shook my head. “How is Sandy?”

  Jake became very quiet all of a sudden. “Jake? Is everything okay between you guys?”

  “Yeah. Everything is great. I…um…well, I…I kind of…”

  “Holy hell, spit it out already.”

  Blowing out a deep breath, Jake said, “You can’t tell anyone this. Promise?”

  Crossing my fingers, I said, “I promise.”

  “Uncross your fingers, Harmony.”

  Damn it.

  “Fine, I promise.”

  Blowing out a few quick, sharp breaths, Jake said, “I bought an engagement ring. There, I said it.”

  Dropping my mouth open, I started jumping. “Shut up! When are you going to ask her?”

  “Christmas. Do you think she’ll be surprised?”

  “Yes! I think she will be very surprised. Oh, Jake, I’m so happy for you.”

  “Thanks, Harmony. I’ve been kind of waiting until things settled down with you and all.”

  Wait. What? What does he mean he has been waiting for things to settle down with me?

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  “Well, you know, I didn’t want to ask Sandy too soon after the, um…well…I didn’t want to feel like I was kicking you while you were down.”

  My heart dropped to my stomach. Jake had put off asking Sandy to marry him because of me?

  I was about to say something when I heard someone calling out for him. “Hey, sis, I’ve got to run. Remember! Don’t tell Sandy anything! I love you.”

  Trying to find my voice, I said, “I love you, too.”

  The line went dead and I stood there staring out the window. Setting my phone down, I made my way over to the sofa and sat down. I was stunned that Jake would wait for me. Was I that pathetic after the accident? So frail and fragile that my own brother would think I wouldn’t be happy for him?

  Standing up, I decided to go for a run. After changing into my running gear, I headed out and started pounding the pavement. I wasn’t sure how long or how far I ran, but by the time I got back, I saw Preston’s car parked in my spot. Smiling, I raced up the stairs and into my condo. I called out his name. “Preston?”

  Glancing around, I saw part of his uniform lying over the sofa and that familiar pull in my lower stomach started building. Mmm…something about Preston in his uniform turned me on.

  Making my way into the master bedroom, I heard the shower going. Smiling, I quickly stripped out of my running clothes and snuck into the bathroom. Preston was standing in the middle of the shower, his head leaned back, eyes closed, and hot, steaming water running down his sinfully perfect body.

  Stepping into the shower, I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his back. “I missed you.”

  Turning, Preston placed his finger on my chin and lifted it so we were looking face to face. “I missed you more. I couldn’t sleep, damn it. I wanted to have you in my arms listening to your soft breathing lull me to sleep.”

  Smiling, I placed my hand on the side of his face. “Let me wash you.”

  Taking the soap from his hands, I moved it over his body. First his arms, then his legs. Licking my lips as I watched his dick grow harder, I wished like hell I had the courage to take him in my mouth. Cleaning his chest, I glanced down at it again.

  Fuck it. I was going for it. Setting the soap in the container, I rubbed along Preston’s chest as he dropped his head back. Dropping down, I quickly took him into my mouth.

  “Fuck!” Preston hissed through his teeth. Taking him as deep as I could, I worked my hand up and down his shaft as I sucked and licked his dick.

  Preston let out moan after moan as he laced his fingers through my hair and began moving his hips. I remembered something one of the girls at work said about playing with their balls and applying light pressure to their backside. Lifting my hand, I played with his balls and then slowly moved my finger back.

  Sucking in a breath of air, Preston pulled me up, lifted me into his arms, and backed me into the shower wall. Slowly sinking down on him, I sighed in relief. Dropping my head back against the wall, I let out a whimper of need.

  “Harder! Preston, harder!” I screamed out.

  Preston quickly picked up the pace as I felt my orgasm growing. “Yes!” I screamed out as my orgasm hit me. The waves of pleasure rolled across my body as I squeezed down on his dick.

  One last push and Preston let out a low, rumbling grunt as he pressed his lips to mine and lifted me higher. He hit my sweet spot again and I gasped into his mouth as another orgasm started. Pulling away, he panted, “Fucking hell, you’re squeezing my dick and getting out every ounce of cum I’ve got.”

  I loved it when Preston talked dirty to me. Smiling, I wrapped my legs around him tighter as we stood there for a few minutes. I loved that he was never in a rush to pull out of me. The connection we shared was amazing and I cherished it each and every time we made love.

  Pulling out of me, he slowly let me down. “Jesus, you have no idea how much I needed that.”

  Grinning, I purred, “Me, too.”

  Quickly finishing up the shower, we both dried off and soon found ourselves in bed, where Preston slowly made love to me.

  Running my finger up and down his chest, I listened to him breathing.

  “What are you thinking about, Harmony?”

  Smiling, I said, “How perfect this is.” Moving my head, I rested my chin on the back of my hand
as it lay on his chest. “About how happy I am and how happy you make me.”

  Reaching down, he pulled me up closer to him, then pulled my lower lip into his mouth and gently sucked on it. “You make me happy, Harmony Banks. Don’t ever forget it.”

  Before we got lost in yet another kiss, I pulled back and whispered against his lips, “Are you hungry? I made a roast and a peach cobbler.”

  Pushing me off him, Preston made me laugh as he jumped up, got dressed, and called over his shoulder, “Meet you downstairs, baby.”

  Sitting up, I pulled my knees to my chest and smiled. I made a note to myself to call my brother and tell him he needed to ask Sandy as soon as possible to marry him. Life was too short to wait.2

  “Harmony! Baby, come on before I eat the cobbler first!”

  Giggling, I jumped up and threw on one of Preston’s T-shirts and rushed to the kitchen.

  Yes. I’m happy and I’m not going to feel guilty about it. I’d give anything to have my baby back, but Preston has taught me that I can be happy once again.

  Chapter 20



  Sitting at the table, I couldn’t concentrate. “Ward, what the fuck? Are you going to play or stare off into space?”

  Looking up, I glanced around the table. Nodding, I said, “Right, sorry. Um…I’ll take two cards.” Pulling out two cards, I put them down on the table and slid them to the center of the table as I picked up the other two cards.

  Smiling when I saw the queen of hearts, I shook my head.

  Sharp took one look at me and threw his cards in the middle of the table. “Aw, hell no. I know that smile, I’m out.” Soon, everyone was out except for the captain and me.

  “You ready to show what you think you’ve got, son?” Captain Ryan said with a smirk on his face.

  “Bring it,” I said with a grin.

  Captain Ryan laid down his cards and everyone yelled out. Taking a look at them, I said, “Damn, three of a kind and a pair. Cap’s got a full house.”

  Cap was pulling the pile of chips toward him when I said, “But…I believe my girl is with me tonight.” Spreading my cards, I laid out a royal flush. “The queen of hearts was all I needed and damn, Cap, you dealt it straight to me.”

  Rolling his eyes, Cap got up and pushed his chair back. “Ward, I want to talk to you in my office. Now.”

  Everyone laughed as I scooped up my chips and started high-fiving everyone. Sharp walked up to me and shook his head. “Damn, you know you pissed off the cap when he loses at poker and wants to talk to you in his office.”

  Laughing, I nodded. “Right?” Placing my winnings in my hat, I took off toward the captain’s office.

  Knocking, I pushed the door open. “Cap, you wanted to see me?”

  Glancing up, he nodded for me to sit down. Setting the hat full of my winnings in the chair next to me, I sat down and smiled as I waited for him to start speaking.

  Leaning back in his chair, he stared at me for a few minutes. “So, how did those counseling sessions go?”

  Oh fuck.

  Shrugging my shoulders, I said, “Sir, I never went to them.”

  Shaking his head, he pursed his lips and narrowed his eyes at me. “You have a reason why you never went?”

  “I didn’t think it was necessary.” As he raised his eyebrow, I threw in, “Sir.”

  Clearing his throat, he let out a breath and began talking. “Preston, we’ve all lost people. You lost people before you lost Harmony’s son. You don’t find it strange that you couldn’t save her son’s life, you became involved in her life, and now you’re practically living with her?”

  Moving about in my seat, I cleared my throat. “Sir, who told you I was living with her?”

  “Your uncle John.”

  Rolling my eyes, I let out a frustrated sigh. “Sir, I’m not really sure what this has to do with me not going to those sessions.”

  Leaning forward, he said, “I’ve seen it happen, Preston. Firefighter can’t save the life of a loved one, or the victim is burned badly because you couldn’t get them out in time. What happens? The guilt eats you alive and you find yourself pulled toward that person out of guilt.”

  Standing up, I pointed down at him. “I do not love Harmony because I feel guilty about her son. Do I wish she had never lost him—hell yes, I do. Do not sit there and tell me how I feel, Cap. My feelings for Harmony are unlike anything I’ve ever experienced.”

  Sitting back in his chair, Cap nodded. “If she asked you today to walk away from this job, would you?”

  Without even having to think, I answered, “Yes.”

  Raising his eyebrows, he asked, “Really? Like that, you would walk away?”

  “I love her and I’ll do whatever I have to do to make her happy.”

  There was a knock on the door and Captain Ryan looked around me. “One second!” he shouted as he looked back at me. “You’re like a son to me, Preston. Your daddy brought you to this station from the time you were little. I watched you grow up with my own eyes. I just want you to be happy.”

  Dropping my eyes, I nodded. “She makes me happy, Cap.”

  Standing, he reached across his desk and shook my hand. “Good enough for me, Preston. Now get out of here and go win some more.”

  Smiling, I grabbed my hat and headed out. Stopping at my bunk, I pulled out my phone and found Harmony’s name.

  Me: Hey, baby. How is your day going?

  Harmony: Good! I painted the hallway a silver-blue-gray kind of color.

  Me: I can’t wait to see it. I love you, Harmony.

  Harmony: Is everything okay?

  Smiling, I ran my finger over her name. I would lay down my life for that woman. There was nothing that I wouldn’t do to make her happy.

  Me: I miss holding you in my arms.

  Harmony: Me, too. I couldn’t sleep last night with you gone. Are we still getting a Christmas tree tonight?

  Me: Hell yeah, we are.

  Smiling, I decided to have a little bit of fun with my girl.

  Me: Is that whole wearing the Yankees shit bet still on?

  Harmony: Yes! Don’t even think about it, Mr. Ward.

  Me: What if I made you another bet, would you be game?

  Harmony: Sounds fishy?!?!?

  Letting out a chuckle, I got ready to bring out the big guns. Harmony had been having a dream about the two of us last week and I was hell-bent on making it come true.

  Me: What if I can make your dream come true?

  I waited for what seemed like forever for her to respond.

  Harmony: If you can make that happen, I’ll let you out of your bet.

  The alarm went off, stating a minor car accident. Fist pumping, I stood up and sent her another text.

  Me: Yes! Got to go. Alarm went off. I love you!

  Harmony: Please be careful and I love you, too!

  Smiling, I dropped the hat and took off. Only twelve more hours to go and I’d be home with Harmony wrapped in my arms.


  Sharp walked up and hit me on the foot as I glanced up from the book I was reading. “What’s up?” I asked as I gave him a head bob.

  “What did the cap want?”

  Rolling my eyes, I waved it off. “Nothing. Butting into my personal life.”

  Falling down onto his bed, he crossed his legs and rested his head in his hands. “He was asking me if I’d been around you and Harmony. What my thoughts were on your relationship.”

  Sitting up, I dropped the book to my side. “What the fuck? Are you kidding me?”

  “Nope, don’t get pissed, Ward. He thinks of you as a son. He was worried.”

  “What did you tell him?”

  Glancing my way, Sharp gave me that damn smile of his. “I told him I’d never seen you look at a girl like you look at Harmony. I also told him I’ve never seen you so happy.”

  Smiling, I reached my hand out and Sharp slapped it. “Thanks for having my back, dude.”

  Letting ou
t a gruff laugh, he said, “I was only speaking the truth. I’m glad to see you happy, Preston. I know how much you want to settle down and have a family. I sure as shit didn’t see that happening with Sherry.”

  Shaking my head, I mumbled, “Yeah.”

  Sitting up, Sharp looked at me. “What is it?”

  Shrugging my shoulders, I let out a sigh. “I want to start a family with Harmony. I just don’t want to push her. I mean, we’ve only been together officially for a month—before that we were best friends.” Pushing my hand through my hair, I let out a laugh. “Jesus, it’s all I think about. Dream about, really. It’s the same damn dream, over and over. Harmony chasing a little girl around in a house I built out in the country.”

  Giving me a weak smile, Sharp said, “That doesn’t sound bad, Ward.”

  Smiling like an idiot, I nodded. “No, it doesn’t sound bad at all.”

  The alarm rang for a three-alarm fire. Jumping up, we both took off. Hopping into the truck, Sharp leaned over and shouted, “We have choices in life that sometimes we aren’t sure of, Preston. The best way to know which choice to make is to follow your heart.”

  Pulling my head back, I stared at Sharp with a stunned expression. “Who the hell are you and what in the fuck did you do with Mitch?”

  Throwing his head back, Sharp let out a rumbling laugh as we pulled up to the three-alarm fire. Stepping out of the truck, we both said, “Holy shit.”

  Flames engulfed the building. Cap came walking up shouting orders. “Fourth floor there is a family trapped. Let’s move, people. Now!”

  After getting on our breathing apparatus, we headed into the building. Smoke surrounded us as we made our way to the stairs. Stopping on the fourth floor, I thought I heard someone screaming. Yelling for Sharp, I pointed down the hall and quickly made my way to the last apartment on the left. Following our safety standards, we checked everything out before opening the door. Sharp and I quickly made our way around the apartment. The smoke was getting thicker from the fire on the floors above us. A woman with three small children was sitting in the corner trying to keep the kids’ mouths covered.