Son of a bitch, I’m not going to last much longer.

  Once her body stopped shaking, I picked up the pace and began pulling out and pushing in harder. “Yes! Preston, harder. Faster.”

  Oh Jesus, this girl has no idea what she does to me.

  My balls were sucked upward and I could feel the sensation drawing closer. I was going to come hard.

  Pulling out and pushing in harder, Harmony sucked in a breath as I panted, “Harmony, baby, I’m going to come.”

  “Preston!” Harmony must have been coming again as I felt her squeezing every drop of cum out of me and pulling it into her.

  Holy Mother of God. I’d never in my life experienced such bliss before.

  Coming to a stop, I stayed buried deep inside her as my dick continued to twitch. Our breathing was erratic as we both dragged in breath after breath. Moving my lips to her ear, I whispered, “Harmony, you destroyed me. I’ve never…experienced anything like that before in my life.”

  Wrapping her arms around me tighter, she spoke in a voice I’d never heard from her before. She sounded…content. “Preston, please don’t move. I want to stay like this forever.”

  Looking into her eyes, I could see she was feeling the same things I was.

  Placing my hand on the side of her face, I rubbed my thumb gently across her delicate skin. “Take a shower with me, Harmony. Let me take care of you.”

  Her eyes widened as tears formed again. I could tell she wasn’t used to such attention. Why her fucking husband hadn’t showered her with love while he was with her was beyond me. If Harmony was my wife, I’d spend every damn day showing her and telling her how much I loved her.

  Nodding, Harmony let out a nervous giggle. “Okay.”

  Pulling slowly out of her, I missed her warmth immediately. Lifting her up, I leaned over and gently kissed her before reaching down and picking her up. Letting out a small squeal, Harmony covered her mouth and widened her eyes. Laughing, I said, “Don’t worry. No one can hear us.”

  Burying her face into my neck, she whispered my name. I loved the sound of my name coming from Harmony’s lips.

  Walking us into the bathroom, I reached in and turned on the shower. Once the temperature was right, I walked us into the shower and slowly slid Harmony down my body. My dick was already trying to come back up as I watched the hot water cascade down around Harmony. Reaching down for my shampoo, I poured some into my hand and motioned for Harmony to turn around. Smiling, she quickly spun on her heels as I washed her hair. “Preston, that feels so amazing.”

  Harmony turned and faced me as she placed her hands on my chest and chewed on her lower lip. Reaching up, I pulled her lip from her teeth and sucked on it as Harmony held on to my arms.

  We quickly got lost in our kiss as I picked Harmony up and walked her against the wall of the shower.

  “I want you again, Harmony, but I have to be honest with you.”

  Her eyes were burning with desire. “O-okay.”

  Swallowing hard, I said, “I want to fuck you, baby. Hard and fast.”

  Her lips parted as she nodded and slowly smiled. “I think I would like that. A lot.”

  Smiling, I pushed into her as she let out a gasp and quickly fell apart in my arms.

  Ten minutes later, I was carrying Harmony back to my bed. She was weak and tired as she whispered against my neck how amazing she felt.

  Pulling the covers back, I placed Harmony down and then crawled in next to her. Wrapping my arms around her, I melted into her body.

  Her breathing slowed to a steady pattern. Once I was sure she was asleep, I whispered, “I love you, Harmony.”

  Closing my eyes, I dreamed of Harmony and a little blond curly-haired girl running around the house I built just for them.


  Walking into the kitchen I was stopped dead in my tracks. Harmony was standing next to my mother, wearing one of her aprons, laughing as she mashed potatoes. This is what I have been wanting. This is the girl I would walk into a jewelry store and buy that engagement ring for. This is the girl I want to start a family with.

  Smiling, I walked over to my mother and Harmony. Giving my mother a kiss on the cheek, I turned to Harmony and did the same.

  My mother turned around and pointed to the cabinets and said, “Preston, will you set the table in the formal dining room?”

  My mouth dropped open. “But…football is on, Mom.”

  She gave me that look that told me I had better stop talking, and I let out a frustrated sigh and said, “Yes, ma’am.”

  Pressing her lips together to contain her smile, Harmony looked back down at the mashed potatoes. My mother walked up to me and kissed me on the cheek. “That’s a good boy.” Turning, she reached into the oven and pulled out a pumpkin pie. The smell filled the kitchen and Harmony and I both let out a moan. Laughing, my mother put the pie in the middle of the island.

  Wiping her hands off, she leaned against the counter and looked from Harmony to me. “I was telling Harmony how beautiful she looked today.”

  Harmony’s eyes captured mine and she smiled the most beautiful smile ever. Smiling back, I said, “She does.” Harmony had her hair braided to the side and had on jeans and a baby-blue shirt that made her eyes even more insanely blue. We had lain in bed for a few hours that morning talking before Harmony crawled on top of me and took me to heaven and back.

  “She has a…glow…about her. Wouldn’t you say, Preston?”

  A beautiful flush swept over Harmony’s face. Walking up to her, I placed my hands on the sides of her face and ran my thumbs over her skin as her lips slightly parted. We hadn’t talked about letting anyone know what had happened between us, but I needed to kiss her. Right at that moment, I needed to kiss her.

  Brushing my lips across hers, I gently kissed her. Pulling my head back, I said, “She certainly does, Mom.”

  Harmony smiled and shook her head slowly. Dropping my hands, I took a few steps back when I heard Wes and Angie heading into the kitchen. Giving Harmony a wink, I turned and finished gathering all the dishes for the table. Taking a peek at my mother, I saw tears in her eyes. Quickly gaining her composure, she shouted orders out to everyone as I attempted to calm my racing heart.

  Everyone began bringing out the plethora of food my mother, Angie, and Harmony had cooked. Dad brought out the turkey and got ready to carve it. The smells of the turkey mixed with all the other smells had me ready to eat. Everyone groaned when Dad stood up and cleared his throat and got ready to give his yearly speech. Harmony had met my grandmother and grandfather earlier, and my grandfather was stuck on her like glue.

  Glancing over at Harmony, I was taken away by her laughter. Granddad was saying something to her that had her laughing. Covering her mouth, Harmony shook her head and looked across the table at me. Dropping her hand, she smiled. Her eyes looked so happy. My heart was soaring above the clouds. I never wanted this feeling to end.

  “Now, I know how much everyone loves my yearly speeches,” my father said as everyone let out another groan. Harmony giggled as she watched my father.

  “This year is going to be different, though. I have not prepared a long speech.”

  Angie clapped as my father shot her a dirty look. “Sorry, Daddy. I got kind of excited at the thought of actually eating Thanksgiving dinner before it got cold.”

  Glaring and pointing his finger at her, my father said, “Watch it, young lady.” Smiling innocently, my sister blew him a kiss. Looking around the table, my father cleared his throat. “This Thanksgiving, I think, has been one of my favorites so far. Seeing my children happy is probably the greatest thing to be thankful for. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that we’ve all had a little…Harmony…come into our lives.” Everyone laughed as Harmony rolled her eyes and shook her head while she laughed. “Sorry, I couldn’t resist. Honestly, it’s been an honor having you with us this year, Harmony.”

  Harmony’s smile faded some as her voice cracked when she spoke. “Thank you so much for allowin
g me to be a part of your family holiday.”

  Angie reached for Harmony’s hand and took ahold of it. “You brought a breath of fresh air to us all, Harmony.”

  Looking down, Harmony let out a nervous laugh. “I…I’m not sure what to say…but thank you.”

  My father clapped his hands and said, “All right, let’s do this. It’s give-thanks time.” Leaning over the table, I told Harmony, “Everyone has to give thanks for one thing that has happened to them this year.”

  Harmony nodded and gave me a smile.

  Finn was the first to give his thanks, followed by Wes, Angie, my grandparents, and my mother. Everyone looked at me as I stared at Harmony. Pulling my eyes from her, I glanced around the table as I smiled.

  “Preston, you’re up!” Angie said.

  Clearing my throat, I stood and said, “I have a lot to be thankful for this year.”

  “You can only pick one,” Angie said as she chuckled.

  Harmony’s eyes met mine as they danced with light. “I’m thankful for the New York Yankees.”

  Everyone at the table let out a gasp. Harmony continued to stare at me as she narrowed her eyes and tilted her head.

  “That’s blasphemy, Preston James Ward!” my father shouted as my brothers both said I needed to be kicked out of the house.

  Granddad laughed as he looked at Harmony and shook his head. Standing, he waved his arms around and said, “Leave the boy alone. He has his reasons.”

  My father stood up and pointed to me. “Well, it better be a damn good reason.”

  Smiling, I nodded. “You would have had to see her in a Yankees baseball cap, Dad, to understand.”

  Glancing over at my father, I saw him staring at me like I was insane. “See who?”

  Turning, Granddad spoke to Harmony. “Harmony, darling, it’s your turn.”

  Standing, Harmony never took her eyes off me. “I’m thankful for Preston. If it wasn’t for him…I’m not sure where I would be right now.”

  My heart stopped as I looked into Harmony’s eyes. I was stunned into silence by her words as she smiled and sat back down. I didn’t think she would ever realize how important those words were that she had just spoken.

  Everyone sat at the table in silence. Sitting down, my father leaned over to my sister and said, “Please tell me Harmony is not a Yankees fan.”


  Holding Harmony’s hand, we walked along the worn-out path in peaceful silence. I had no desire to be anywhere else than right where I was.

  Harmony began humming, which was something I’d never heard her do before. Letting out a deep, contented sigh, she began to speak. “I’ve never experienced such an amazing Thanksgiving. Your family is wonderful, Preston.”

  Smiling, I nodded. “Yeah, they are pretty amazing.”

  “My heart felt so empty a few days ago. I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to make it through this knowing TJ wasn’t here, but I did. Thanks to you and your family.”

  Pushing me slightly on the shoulder, she gave me a look that only a mother could give. “I wonder how your mom found out it was my birthday? I mean, she had to have known a few days ahead of time to order that amazing Italian cream cake. Which happens to be my favorite cake ever.”

  Shrugging my shoulders in an innocent way, I said, “I can’t believe she ordered that cake! What a crazy coincidence.” Laughing, we both shook our heads as we looked straight down the path again.

  “It was a beautiful and delicious cake, though. Her friend did an amazing job on it,” Harmony said as she leaned her head on my shoulder as we kept walking.

  Nodding, I replied, “Yeah, she did.”

  Stopping, I turned to face Harmony. “Tell me what you’re thinking right this second, Harmony.”

  Biting her lip, she looked away. “I’m thinking about how this feels like a dream. Guilt is starting to settle in because I feel the happiest I’ve felt in a very long time. I’m also thinking how my heart feels—complete. That’s the only word I know to use to describe it and that scares me.”

  Placing my hands on the sides of her face, I brought her eyes back to mine. “Why does that scare you, baby?”

  Tears formed in Harmony’s eyes as she closed them, then opened them again, only to let them release a tear to roll down her beautiful face. “It scares me because I heard what you whispered to me last night, Preston.”

  My heart slammed in my chest. Damn it. I’m pushing her into this too fast. Shit. Shit. Shit.

  “I heard you say that you loved me and…and…”

  Slamming my lips against hers, I wrapped my arms around her as she did the same. I wanted to pour as much into the kiss as I could. The last thing I wanted to do was push Harmony away.

  Pulling my lips back, I spoke softly. “Harmony, please don’t feel like you have to say anything in return to me. The last thing I want to do is push you into something or push you away.”

  Shaking her head, she smiled as she placed her finger to my lips. “I love you, Preston.”

  My heart stopped beating and my knees felt weak. “I’m pretty sure the moment I knew I loved you was the moment I opened my eyes and saw we were at Fenway Park. I’ve just been so scared to let it happen. The thought of losing someone else I love…it scares me to death.”

  She loves me. Harmony loves me.

  Entwining my hand through her hair, I pulled her closer to me as I gazed into her beautiful blue eyes. “Harmony, I wish I could turn back time. I would have found you sooner so that I could have loved you longer.”

  A single tear rolled down her face as she sucked in a breath. Reaching up, I wiped her tear away and softly said, “By the way, I’m a huge Patriots fan.”

  Laughing, Harmony threw her body into mine as I wrapped my arms around her and picked her up.

  “Preston, take me home. I want you to make love to me.”

  Chapter 19

  Life Moves On


  Preston rushed back to his parents’ house, practically pulling my arm out in the process. Walking in through the back door, everyone turned to look at us.

  “Hey!” Preston said with a quick wave.

  “Where’s the fire?” Angie asked as she threw her head back and laughed. Preston stopped and looked at her while I attempted to hold back my chuckle.

  “Like I’ve never heard that before, Angie,” Preston said as he gave her a soft push.

  Sitting down on one of the stools at the kitchen island, I was about to say something when Preston turned and looked at me with a shocked expression. “Why are you sitting there? Shouldn’t you be packing?”

  Standing up, I pressed my lips together and nodded as I made my way out of the kitchen and up to the guest room. Taking the stairs two at a time, I raced up them. The sooner I packed up, the faster I’d be in Preston’s arms again.

  Grabbing my bag, I quickly packed my things up.

  “So, you sure are in a rush.”

  Jumping, I spun around and let out a nervous chuckle when I saw Angie standing in the doorway. “Oh, hey.”

  “I thought you were staying a few days? You know, take in that fresh country air.”

  “Um,” I said in almost a whisper.

  Shit. What in the heck am I going to tell Angie? Oh, hey, I want to leave so I can have sex with your brother and not worry about your parents hearing?

  Chewing on my upper lip, I tried to think of an excuse. “Well…I…umm…we need to—”

  Looking behind Angie, I smiled when I saw those green eyes. “Baby, you need help packing up?”

  My stomach dipped the moment Preston called me baby. Slowly shaking my head, I said, “Nope, I don’t have much to get.”

  Pushing his sister out of the way, he walked into the room and slowly began to close the door on her. Angie’s mouth dropped open as she put her hand on the door. “Excuse me, I was talking to Harmony.”

  “Well, it’s my turn now, little sister.” With one hard push, the door closed and Preston locked it.

/>   Turning to me, Preston smiled. My heartbeat must have increased tenfold just from that smile. “Preston,” I whispered as he made his way over to me.

  Wrapping me up in his arms, he brought his lips to mine and kissed me. “Jesus, Harmony. I’ve had a taste of you and it’s all I can think about. You are consuming my thoughts.”

  Giggling against his lips, I spoke. “I feel the same. Preston, I need to feel you inside of me.” Grabbing my hair, Preston pulled my head back, exposing my neck to his mouth. Kissing along it, I let out a low, deep growl as I felt Preston’s hard dick pressed into my body.

  “Soon, baby. I’m going to pack my bag and in a few hours we will be back in Boston.”

  Dropping his grip on me, Preston took a step back as I jutted my lower lip out. Walking backward toward the door, Preston slowly shook his head. “What are you doing to me?”

  Placing my fingers over my lips, I felt as if they were still tingling. “The same thing you’re doing to me, apparently.”

  Flashing me a smile that made my knees about buckle underneath me, Preston turned, unlocked the door, and raced toward his room in the attic.

  Quickly racing to the guest bathroom, I grabbed everything and threw it into my bag. Taking in a deep breath, I glanced at myself in the mirror.

  “Oh my.” Leaning in closer, I took a good look at myself. The last time I’d looked at myself closely, I’d had bags under my eyes, my face was too thin, and my eyes looked blank. The reflection I saw in the mirror now was of someone who was happy. My eyes were a sparkling blue again and I saw life in them.

  Smiling, I quickly wrapped my hair up in a bun and applied a light shade of pink to my lips.

  Closing my eyes, I thought back to what Jake had said to me on the phone a few weeks back.

  “Harmony, it’s time to start living again. It’s time to get your sparkle of life back. If you would only just allow your heart to open.”

  Taking a deep breath, I slowly blew it out. “It’s hard, Jake. I’ve lost so much and to open it again and risk losing it all over…I’m not sure I can.”

  “I know, Harmony. I know. But trust me, the moment you let that wall you’ve built around your heart fall, you will never regret it.”