I immediately felt the loss of his warmth when he pulled his hand away. Focus on your breathing, Harmony. Slowly breathe in and slowly breathe out. My body quickly relaxed as I felt myself slipping off into sleep. For the first time in a long while, I felt completely safe just knowing Preston was next to me.


  My body was being moved and I had no desire to open my eyes. I knew Preston was carrying me and I knew the moment he knew I was awake he’d put me down.

  I heard a voice I didn’t recognize talking to Preston. “Dude, did you knock her out just to get her in here?”

  Preston chuckled and it moved through my entire body. Allowing myself this one time to enjoy the way Preston made me feel, I let the feeling rush through my body.

  “No, asshole. She fell asleep. Is it all set up?” Snuggling my face further into his chest, I took a deep breath. Jesus, what does this guy wear as cologne? It’s driving me insane.

  “You doubt me, baby cousin? I’m not the one who needs to impress a girl. And may I point out she’s wearing Yankees shit. I shouldn’t even let you put her down on the sacred ground.”

  “Fuck you, Kyle.”

  Smiling, I took notice of how Preston was willing to defend me even though I was wearing New York Yankees stuff. Deciding I should probably get out of Preston’s arms before I grew to love it, I lifted my head and looked into his eyes.

  Oh shit. Maybe I should have kept pretending to be asleep. The way he was looking at me had my heart dropping into my stomach. I’d never had anyone look at me the way he was looking at me. My heart began racing as I lost myself in his smile. “Hey,” I whispered.

  “Hey,” he whispered back. “We’re here.”

  Grinning slightly, I looked around. “Where are we?”

  Preston laughed as he slowly put me down and Kyle said, “Dude, she doesn’t even know where she is!”

  Taking my hand, Preston led me out toward the lights. The moment my eyes adjusted, I knew where we were. My brother had dragged me to Fenway Park more times than I could count.

  My eyes widened in surprise as I took it all in. “Fenway Park,” I whispered. A small blanket was set in the middle of the field…or infield, or whatever they called it. Preston took my hand and led me over to the blanket. Stopping, I looked up and spun around. “Oh my God! I’m on the field…in Fenway Park!” My stomach felt like I was on a roller coaster I was so excited.

  Preston laughed and took a step back to allow me to behave like a three-year-old. Jake was going to be insanely jealous. I had to control the urge to text him and show him where I was.

  Facing Preston, I smiled. “Why are you doing all of this, Preston?” My heart ached at the thought that he was doing this because he felt guilty.

  Taking a few steps toward me, he took my hands in his. “Because I like to see you smile.”

  Sucking in a breath, I gazed into his eyes.

  “Harmony, my only wish is that you enjoyed this day as much as I did.”

  Grinning, I nodded like a small child in a candy store. “This day has been amazing. But you did all of this just to make me smile? Is that the only reason?” I hoped like hell Preston was doing this because he enjoyed my company, because I sure as hell enjoyed his.

  Preston swallowed hard and looked down and inhaled a deep breath. “I like being with you, Harmony. I can’t explain it, but I feel a connection with you. I’m not doing this because I feel guilty, Harmony. I need you to know that.”

  I slowly let out the breath I was holding. Thank God, Preston wasn’t spending time with me because he felt guilty about TJ.

  “I feel a connection with you, too, Preston.”

  We stood there and stared at each other. I was positive Preston felt the electricity between us. Taking a step back, I looked down at the blanket and noticed a small cooler. “Is that dessert?”

  Laughing, Preston motioned for me to sit down as he sat down next to me. Opening the cooler, he pulled out two ice cream sandwiches. Falling back onto the blanket, I giggled. “You’re killing me!” Lying down next to me, he unwrapped the ice cream sandwich and handed it to me.

  “Your brother threatened my life if I asked him one more thing about the things you like.”

  Taking a bite of the ice cream sandwich, I looked over at Preston and asked, “You never thought to ask him who my favorite baseball team was?”

  His head snapped over and he looked at me as he shouted, “No! You live in Boston, for Christ’s sake. Being a Sox fan should be bred into your blood, woman!”

  Laughing, I rolled over onto my side and looked at him. “I think I’m going to like this friendship. A Red Sox die-hard fan, who happens to be Irish and is going to have to be a Yankees fan all of next season.”

  Preston closed his eyes and shook his head. “Harmony, you’re on the infield of Fenway Park, how can you still be a Yankees fan?”

  Leaning over, I brushed my lips against his neck and smiled when I saw the goosebumps appear on his skin. “You’ll have to do more than swoon me on the infield of Fenway Park to get me to become a Sox fan.”

  Preston leaned up on his elbows and smiled. “I swooned you?”

  Pushing him over, I jumped up and finished off my ice cream sandwich. I needed to get this back on track and quickly. I could feel the way Preston was looking at me and I knew I was most likely looking at him the same way. “I better get back home, Preston. I have an early class tomorrow.”

  The disappointment spread across his face and I wanted to kick myself. “I had a wonderful day today, Preston, but—”


  Placing my hands on his chest, I felt his body tremble under my touch. “But I’m just tired. I haven’t had this much fun in a long time and I’m emotionally spent.”

  Nodding, Preston took my hand and led me out of Fenway Park.

  As we rode in silence in a cab to my condo, I stared out the window and second-guessed my decision to end the night. Turning, I peeked over at Preston. He was texting someone and my heart dropped.

  What if he was texting another girl? Sherry maybe? Or maybe someone else he had made plans with tonight. Looking back out the window, I fought to hold my tears back. This was why I couldn’t open my heart to anyone…especially Preston Ward. The way my heart was feeling for him, I couldn’t risk being hurt again.

  Preston walked me up to my door and stopped. “Thank you for spending the day with me, Harmony. I had a wonderful day.”

  My eyes landed on Preston’s lips. “I did, too,” I whispered.

  Preston took a few steps back. “Okay, well, I guess I’ll be heading back home.”


  “Sleep good, Harmony.”

  Trying to smile, I knew that was impossible. I’d hardly been sleeping at all since the accident. The feeling of being alone swept over my body. The warm, fuzzy happy feeling I’d been experiencing all day was slowly slipping away the farther Preston walked away.

  “Preston! Wait.”

  Stopping, he turned and looked back at me. “Yeah?”

  “Will you stay and…um…stay and—” Oh shit. What do I want him to stay and do? Think, Harmony. Think!

  “Watch a movie with me?” I groaned internally. Really, Harmony?

  Preston’s smile grew bigger. “Sure!”

  The moment he came bouncing back up the stairs I knew I was in trouble. He couldn’t stay away from me any more than I could stay away from him.

  Opening the door and heading up the stairs, I glanced over my shoulder. “I’ll have you know I’m breaking all my rules here.”

  Letting out a chuckle, Preston asked, “How so?”

  Walking up to the coffee table, I reached down and turned the television on. “I’m watching a movie with an Irish, crazy-tradition, sock-wearing Red Sox fan.”

  Preston flopped down on my sofa and laughed. “Bring on the movie.”

  Dropping my keys on the coffee table, I sat down next to Preston and snuggled into his side as he surfed for a movie. When Pri
de and Prejudice flashed across the television and Preston kept it on the movie, my heart about stopped. This was my all-time favorite movie ever. Of course, a true Pride and Prejudice fan would have a worn-out copy of the book always close by, like I did—on my nightstand. I would beg Trey to watch this movie with me and he always said no. “Is this okay, Harmony?”

  I barely got the words out. “Yep. This is perfect.” Just like Preston was perfect. Closing my eyes, I settled more into Preston’s side.

  Jesus H. Christ. Why does he have to be a Sox fan?

  Chapter 12

  A Night to Remember


  Harmony had fallen asleep almost immediately. By the time the movie was over, my arm was so asleep it felt like pins sticking me every time she moved an inch.

  Looking at her, I smiled. She was sleeping so peacefully, I hated to move her. Looking around, I saw a blanket lying across the back of the sofa. Reaching for it, I pulled it over Harmony and somewhat adjusted my body so I was lying on the sofa and had Harmony wrapped in my arms.

  This is not good. So not good.

  Moaning internally, I closed my eyes. Jesus, this is so good. So very good.

  No. No, this is not good. Friends. We are just friends.

  Harmony let out a small whimper. Pulling her in closer to me, her body completely relaxed. Fighting to keep my eyes open, I finally gave up the battle and drifted off to sleep. As much as I didn’t want to admit it, holding Harmony in my arms felt amazing. I’d never felt so complete in my entire life.

  As sleep took over, I whispered, “Just friends.”


  Harmony moved slightly in my arms as I held her against me. Even though every inch of me was aching and I was sure my body would cramp the moment I stood up, I prayed like hell it wasn’t morning yet. This was for sure going to be a night I would never forget.

  I inhaled a deep breath, and Harmony’s scent filled my senses. That’s when I heard Harmony clear her throat.

  Wow. Harmony sure has a deep morning voice.

  Opening my eyes, I saw Jake sitting on the coffee table wearing a wide grin. I glanced down to see Harmony snuggled up against me with my arms wrapped around her.

  “You’re sure holding on to her for dear life,” Jake whispered.

  Giving Jake a dirty look, I mouthed, “Screw you.” I was almost positive Jake knew I had feelings for his sister. Hell, I was holding on to her for dear life as I slept on the sofa with her.

  Smiling bigger, he leaned over and looked at Harmony. “She sure is sleeping peacefully.”

  “My arm is about to fall off,” I whispered.

  Harmony moved about and then stretched. Opening her eyes, she saw Jake smiling at her.

  “Hey,” Harmony said in a sleepy voice.

  “Sleep good, baby sister?”

  Nodding, she said, “I slept amazingly.” Harmony started to move and then stopped. Sitting up quickly, Harmony turned to look at me. “Preston?”

  Giving her a slight smile, I replied, “Harmony?”

  Snapping her head back over to Jake, she asked, “What time is it? I’ve got class this morning.”

  Looking at his watch, he said, “It’s almost eight.”

  Jumping up, I flew off the sofa. “Shit! I’ve gotta go.”

  Harmony stood up and watched as I quickly put my shoes back on. “You had your shoes off, Preston? With those socks?”

  Laughing, I looked at Jake and shrugged my shoulders as Jake burst out laughing.

  “Sorry, Harmony.” Reaching out to shake Jake’s hand, I said, “Sorry I can’t stay and chat, but I’m late.”

  Turning to Harmony, my heart stopped. Her eyes looked so sad. “Where are you going?” Harmony asked.

  “I promised my mom I’d take her and my sister shopping in Boston. Something about a winter formal.”

  The smile that spread across Harmony’s face about dropped me to my knees.

  “Sounds like fun,” Jake said sarcastically. Harmony shot him a dirty look before looking back at me.

  “I’ll walk you out, Preston.”

  Nodding, I pointed for her to lead the way. Looking over my shoulder, I lifted my hand. “Talk to you later, Jake.”

  Narrowing his eyes at me, he said, “Oh, you better believe we’ll be talking later.”

  Shit. That can’t be good.

  Harmony walked me out to my car and I could tell she had something on her mind. “Is everything okay, Harmony?”

  Sucking in her upper lip, she bit down on it before giving me a forced smile. “Yeah, sorry. Um…thank you for staying with me last night, Preston. I’m sure you had somewhere better to be.”

  Lifting my hand up, I placed it on the side of her face. “There was nowhere else I wanted to be last night than where I was.”

  Harmony’s lips parted as she sucked in a quick breath. She took a step away from me, and I dropped my hand and smiled weakly.

  “I’ll see you around, Preston. Thanks again for yesterday and for, um…ahh…staying again last night.”

  My heart dropped slightly. It was clear Harmony didn’t want anything other than a friendship with me. And that was how it should be. At least that’s what my head was telling me. My heart, on the other hand, was quickly falling for Harmony.

  “Anytime, Harmony. I enjoyed myself.”

  Raising her hand and giving me another goodbye, Harmony turned and headed toward her place.

  Getting into my car, I shut the door and watched her walk into her condo. Closing my eyes, I shook my head.

  What in the hell are you doing, Preston?

  Hitting my sister’s number on my cellphone, I waited for her to answer.

  “PJ! Are you on your way?”

  Just hearing my sister Angie’s voice caused me to smile. She was the only person to call me PJ. When she was a baby, Angie had a hard time saying “Preston.” My grandmother used to call me PJ, short for “Preston James,” when I was in trouble. Apparently, when Angie was growing up, I was in trouble a lot because she’d quickly caught on to PJ.

  As I headed out on Comm Avenue, I felt a heaviness in my heart for some reason. “I’m on my way, Short Stack. I woke up late but I’m on my way.”

  Hearing Angie squeal, I imagined her jumping up and down. “Mom said be careful driving but hurry up!”

  Laughing, I shook my head. “Yes, ma’am. I’ll be there shortly.”

  “Okay, see ya soon. I love you, PJ.”

  “Love you, too, Angie.”

  Hitting END, I tried to push back the uneasy feeling I had creeping up on me.


  Walking down Newbury Street, I let out a frustrated sigh as I listened to my mother and Angie go on and on about how happy they were to have found a dress for the winter formal. Angie’s boyfriend attended a private school and had asked Angie to go to the dance with him.

  Lacing her arm through mine, Angie looked up at me with those big green eyes of hers. “How about lunch now, big brother?”

  Chuckling, I said, “Sounds good. I worked up an appetite watching you try on all those pretty dresses.”

  Giving me a wink, Angie said, “So, Mom said you finally broke up with Sherry the snob.”

  Dropping my mouth open, I glanced over at my mother. “Wow, news travels fast.”

  Shrugging her shoulders, my mother said, “I won’t say I’m sad over this.”

  Shaking my head, I looked ahead. “Did anyone other than me like Sherry at all?”

  “Nope,” my mother and sister said at once.

  “Oh, Preston! There is Papa Razzi—we haven’t been there in forever,” my mother said as she headed over to the restaurant.

  Angie giggled. “Guess Mom wants Italian.”

  “I guess so,” I said as Angie and I followed our mother into the Italian restaurant.

  The waitress immediately began flirting with me as I did my best to ignore her. “Table for three?” she asked as she licked her bottom lip and eye-fucked the hell out of me. Nodding, I smiled
politely and said, “Yes, ma’am. Table for three.”

  Giving me a wink, the hostess said, “Follow me, then.”

  Walking through the restaurant, it felt as if I was being watched. Setting the menus down on the table, the hostess blocked me from sitting down. Turning to me, she said, “You don’t remember me, do you, Preston?”

  Glancing at my mother and sister before turning back to the hostess, I said, “Um, no, I’m sorry, I don’t.”

  “Cassie Sharp.”

  The name didn’t ring a bell at all, and I was racking my brain trying to think if I had gone on a date with her before I started dating Sherry.

  Letting out a nervous chuckle, I shook my head. Tilting her head and letting out a fake laugh, Cassie put her hand on my chest. “Mitchel’s sister. We met at his birthday party a few years back.”

  Holy shit. Sharp’s baby sister. Looking her up and down, I was shocked at how much she had…grown up.

  “Wow. Cassie Sharp. You certainly have grown up.”

  My mother cleared her throat as my sister laughed.

  Leaning in closer to me, she whispered, “In more ways than one.” Taking a step back, I gave her a weak smile.

  “Right, well, I’ll be sure to let Mitchel know I ran into you.”

  Picking up my hand, she wrote her number on the back and said, “Let’s not.”

  Turning on her heels, Cassie headed back to the hostess station.

  Shaking my head, I sat down at the table. My mother and Angie were both staring at me. “What?” I asked as I looked between them.

  “Seriously? Do women just throw themselves at you like that all the time?” Angie asked. “I mean, yuck. That was gross.”

  Laughing, I glanced around the restaurant and that was when I saw her.


  She was staring at me. Once our eyes met, she gave me a small smile. Smiling back, I lifted my hand and waved to her. That’s when he turned around and I quickly dropped my hand and balled my fists.

  Who was this guy? Was Harmony on a date? The guy gave me a good once-over before turning back and talking to Harmony. She smiled and let out a small chuckle as she shook her head.

  What the fuck is that all about?