Eight Short Stories for Children

  By Anthony Mastro

  Copyright 2015 Anthony Mastro

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  Table of Contents

  Going to the Zoo

  Jacobs Big Surprise

  Nell Goes Shopping

  The Gift to a Girl

  The Movie Star

  The Scary Giant

  The Very Young Princess

  Going on a Picnic

  Going to the Zoo

  William's mom works all day and his father is away on business so William goes to day care. He will be five in a month or two and can't wait for the real school to start when he turns six. His mom came home one day and asked if William would like to go to the zoo on Saturday. William was so excited that he jumped up and down asking all kinds of questions. "Will we see tigers and bears mom?" He asked. "Yes, I think so." Said his mom. William couldn't fall asleep that night thinking of the trip to the zoo in the morning. Along about eleven he finely fell asleep.

  In the morning he was the first to get up rushing into his mothers room and jumping onto the bed. "Wake up, wake up. It's time to get ready for the zoo." His mom opened one eye and then looking at the clock on the nightstand she said, "William, it's only seven. The zoo opens up at ten and we can be there in half an hour." But she got up anyway and got dressed and made breakfast for the two of them. William ate so fast his mother had to tell him to slow down. When the breakfast dishes were washed and put away William put on his jacket and he and his mom got into the family car and drove off to the zoo.

  The drive there seemed to William to be forever. His mother parked the car as close as she could to the entrance. There were a lot of cars there already. William held on to his mother's hand and dragged her along. "Come on mom." He said and his mother laughed and walked a little faster. At the main gate his mother paid to get in and got a map of the zoo. "Where do you want to start?" She asked. William thought a little then said ,"lions. I want to see the lions first mom." So William and his mom walked over a little bridge to the lion house. When they walked in the air got a little smelly. "What's that smell?" Asked William. "That's the smell of the lions." She said. They walked down the hall and there in a cage was a real lion. William stood there a while then said, "Why doesn't he move mom." His mother looked down at William and smiled. "That's what lions do when they are tired." William shook his head and said, "he must be very tired. He doesn't move at all." When William had seen enough of the lion he grabbed his mother's hand and pulled her along to the next cage. Soon they had seen all the lions and tigers in the building and walked out the door on the other side of the hall.

  "Let's go see the monkey's." Said William. So his mother looked at the map and said, "We have to go this way." And pointed the direction to William. When they came to the monkey island William was thrilled to see many monkeys running after each other. Some we're looking in each other's hair and some were just sitting there looking at the people looking at them. Williams mom had brought a lunch with and William and her sat under a tree at a picnic table and ate a sandwich each. His mother bought some juice to drink with the lunch. By the afternoon William was getting tired and so was his mom. On the drive home William fell asleep in the car and his mom carried him into the house. As she put him in his bed William woke up and said to his mom, "Thank you mom. That was the best day ever."