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  Jacob's Big Surprise

  On the first of June it will be Jacob's sixth birthday. He is so excited because baseball has started and he loves it so much he sleeps with the ball and glove his father gave him instead of the teddy bear his grandma gave him. The bear sits in a corner of his bedroom and gathers dust but Jacob talks to it now and then telling it that so and so hit a home run or about his little league game on Saturday. He loves playing and watches it on TV whenever he can. His mother takes him to his games and watches from the stands.

  Jacob's friend is Charlie. He lives next door and is the same age as Jacob. Charlie also plays baseball with Jacob but is not as good. He likes to play hide and seek more than baseball and couldn't care less if he watches it on TV or not. Charlie walked over to Jacob's house and knocked on the door. Jacob's mom opened the door and said, "Hi Charlie. What's cooking?" Charlie looked at Jacob's mom and shrugged his shoulders. "What does that mean?" he said.

  Jacob's mom laughed and said, "It means what is up." Charlie looked up and said, "The sky?" Jacob's mom laughed again and said, "Come on in. Jacob is in his room." And Charlie walked over to Jacob's room and went in. "Your mom is sure funny." He said. "Why what is so funny." Said Jacob. "She asked me what was up and the only thing I saw was the sky." Said Charlie.

  "Let's go outside and throw this baseball around. It's too hot in here." Said Jacob. So Jacob and Charlie went out the back door and into Jacobs yard to play with the baseball. Jacob went to one side of the yard and Charlie went off to the other. They threw the ball back and forth all the while talking to each other. "I have my birthday next week." Said Jacob. Charlie said, "I hope you invite me for some cake. Are you ganna have some games?" he said as the ball went over his head and he turned and ran it down. "I don't know. My mom takes care of that stuff. I hope my dad will be home from the Army soon. Mommy said he might come home for Christmas. I miss him a lot." Said Jacob.

  Charlie's mom called to him for dinner and so he left Jacob in the back yard with his baseball. Jacob watched Charlie go then turned and tossed the ball in the air and caught it again. He did this five or six times then threw it to the far end of the yard and ran after it. "It's no fun playing alone." He mumbled to his mom when he came in and she asked why the sad face. "I can't play ball alone. Can you come out and play ball with me mom?" he asked. "Jacob, I have housework to do just now but maybe after dinner, OK?" she said.

  When dinner was done and the dishes put away Jacob, with his ball and glove in hand, stood by the sink until his mother was finished. "Now mom?" he said as he looked up at his mother. "All right ." she said and with that Jacob ran out the back door and down the stairs to the yard. "Yippy." He cried. His mother came out carrying her husband's baseball glove and started to play catch with Jacob. Jacob was thrilled to have someone to play with even if it is his mother. He would rather have his dad but he knew that his father was thousands of miles away in the Army somewhere. The day came to an end and Jacob got ready for bed. "Let's say our prayers Jacob." Said his mom. Jacob knelt down next to his bed and said his nightly prayers with the usual "And take care of daddy. Amen." At the end.

  The next morning after breakfast was done the doorbell rang. Jacob ran to the door and upon opening it he saw the postman. "Hi there young fellow. I have a special delivery for someone named Jacob. That wouldn't be you now would it?' he said. Jacob took the letter and said "Thanks." And closed the door. He ran to the kitchen and gave it to his mom. "It is a special delivery for you Jacob. It's from daddy." She said. "Can I open it mom?" he said. Mom gave it to him and Jacob opened it ever so careful and looked inside.

  Out of the envelope came a letter and two tickets. Jacob's mom read the letter for Jacob. It said "Happy birthday Jacob. Take these tickets for you and mommy and go the ballpark to see a real game. Write to me and tell me all about it when you get home again . Love Daddy." Jacob's mother had to turn around because of the tears coming in wave as she read the letter. Jacob was so excited. He couldn't believe he was going to see a real game live for the first time. That night he said a special prayer for his dad. He couldn't fall asleep at first. The tickets were pinned to the cork board next to his bed and he looked at them until his eyes couldn't stay open any more.

  When the day came Jacob and his mom drove to the ball park. When she presented the tickets to the guard there he looked at them and then said, "You have great seats. Right next to the dugout. Let me take you there." So Jacob and his mom followed the guard and walked down to the seats next to the dugout. The game had not started yet and the players were out in the field moving around here and there. Jacob was so excited. He pointed to one player and then another all along telling his mother who they were and where they played. He was very good. As they sat there watching someone came down their row and said, "Excuse me, I think that this is my seat." And he pointed to the seat next to Jacob. Jacob looked up and there in front of him was his father. "Daddy!" he cried and Jacobs mother looked just as surprised.

  Jacob and his mother both stood up and hugged him. Tears ran down everyone's faces even those around them. When they looked out to the field the players had gathered around in front of them and were clapping. "This is the best surprise birthday gift I ever will have." Said Jacob. His mother could only nod her head in agreement.

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