Page 12 of Noahs Nuclear Niche


  Scene Five: (a Cathedral, the Bishop and a Monk enter)

  Bishop: Today's sermon is on the topic of cattle. The word cattle is a word that is close to our hearts, in the name of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.

  Monk: Amen.

  Bishop: I must speak out against cattle and milk prices. What is a good Christian life if you can't go home after a hard day's grind and sit down with your nuclear family, escape from the hustle and bustle of life and have a swig of milk? When Jesus went down to Nazareth¬.

  Monk: Amen.

  Bishop: And Matthew said to Mark.

  Monk: Amen.

  Bishop: Said to Luke who spoke of it to John who had a word in the ear of James, and Paul eaves dropping, spoke thus to Timothy.

  Monk: Amen.

  Bishop: Let us heed 'The Revelations of St. John the Divine' 'There appeared a great red dragon, having seven heads, ten horns, fifteen tails and a thousand legs. And there was war in the heavens, And the great dragon was cast out. But woe to ye the inhabitants of lowly Earth for the devil is come down unto ye'.

  Monk: Amen.

  Bishop: And who are these supposedly humble cattle? Satan and his cohorts on the dairy farm, Beelzebub, Mephistopheles and Lucifer, horned devils who verily ya forsooth tramp about freely our streets in the name of God the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost.

  Monk: Amen.

  Bishop: Are cattle in league with the devil!