Page 13 of Noahs Nuclear Niche


  Scene Six: (a bus stop, enter two housewives, Barbara and Beverly with their hair in head scarves)

  Barbara: Are you coming Beverley? If you don't hurry up we'll miss the bus and we'll miss out on all the bargains at the sale.

  Beverley: Here I come Barbara, don't get your knickers in a twist.

  Barbara: Did you read about those cattle billionaires on the front page of yesterday's newspaper?

  Beverley: I saw them on telly.

  Barbara: It's not right, you know.

  Beverley: But there's nothing the likes of us can do.

  Barbara: They don't wash themselves properly.

  Beverley: I s'pose they got different customs to us.

  Barbara: They don't keep themselves clean and decent.

  Beverley: They could at least use deodorant.

  Barbara: They don't shower every day like us.

  Beverley: Perhaps they're not used to running water.

  Barbara: They don't change their underclothes and their socks regular.

  Beverley: The real famous one Mr Red or something he's going with an Australian girl.

  Barbara: It's not right really.

  Beverley: I can't condone that sort of behaviour.

  Barbara: It's hardly decent.

  Beverley: It doesn't seem normal somehow.

  Barbara: What about our children?

  Beverley: We have to think of their future.

  Barbara: Is that any way for a decent Australian girl to behave, I ask you?

  Beverley: I feel sorry for her mother.

  Barbara: I brought my girls up properly.

  Beverley: Some people would think she's cheapened herself.

  Barbara: He won't marry her. I'll bet my bottom dollar.

  Beverley: He's just using her.

  Barbara: It's not decent.

  Beverley: Not right.

  Barbara: Not natural.

  Beverley: Something ought to be done.

  Barbara: They ought to do something.

  (we hear a bus screeching to a halt)

  Barbara: Oh here's our bus now!

  Beverly: It's going to drive right by!

  Barbara: Come on!

  Beverly: We'll have to run to catch it!
