Page 15 of Surrender

Page 15

He didn’t know the answers yet, but for some reason he wasn’t ready to let her leave. He wasn’t ready for their game to end. She would submit to him first. Once she was willing to do his bidding, then he’d grow bored like he did with everyone else.

“I’m not a man to give up, Ari. It would be much simpler for you to just try the dish. You saw that I ate one with no problem. I’m still alive. ” The expression on her face seemed to shout that she didn’t think that was necessarily a good thing. It almost made him laugh, and he struggled to hide his amused smirk.

He took the spoon and dribbled a touch of sauce over the delicacy and scooped up a small bite, holding the fork out to her. “The sauce brings out the rich flavor and makes the meat very enjoyable. Come on… try just one,” he coerced in a temptingly soft tone.

She gazed at him with suspicion, but he could see that she was beginning to cave. His body stirred as her lips parted. She could be more easily trained than he’d originally thought. Teaching her could be extremely pleasurable for both of them.

With hesitation, her lips opened, giving him just enough room to slip the small bite inside. He set the translucent fish on her tongue, then watched as her lips closed around the fork as he slowly pulled it out. Her nose wrinkled as she bit down, but then her eyes widened in pleasure as the burst of flavor danced on her tongue. She finished chewing before picking up her wine and taking a sip.

“Okay, it wasn’t horrible, but certainly not something I want to try again. If I’m too afraid to eat something, then that’s all the warning I need to keep away from it, even though the flavor was actually quite indescribable. I may have to try other safer sushi dishes. The thought of eating raw fish has always kind of freaked me out,” she said with another wrinkle to her nose, the cute expression making Rafe grin.

“Well, the Fugu is the only fish on your plate that can actually kill you. Try the Hamachi Roll. It’s made with grilled yellow tail and shrimp. I think you’ll find it refreshing. ”

With a heavy sigh, Ari tried the roll, and then smiled. She didn’t complain as she finished the last few delicate rolls. Once her plate was clear, she picked up her glass of wine again.

“This is the best wine I’ve ever had, not that I'm very experienced in alcohol. My mom let me have a glass at my high school graduation party and then I’ve tried a few glasses when out to dinner, but I’m not a wine expert. I’ve had friends that could tell you what year and flavor this is. ”

He sat back as she babbled for several moments, finding that he enjoyed the sound of her voice even if he didn’t understand half of what she was talking about. Their conversation centered on mundane topics for the next half-hour, but he found he wasn’t in the least bored. If anything, he was more interested by this woman than ever.

They ate through several more courses and he enjoyed the excitement entering her eyes as each dish was revealed. She stopped wrinkling her nose as she dove into the artistic creations, some of them not to her liking, but she was eager to try each one.

“Thank you, Mr. Palazzo. This evening turned out quite pleasant. I can now say I’ve tried dishes I never imagined wanting to sample. I’m sorry the… um, employment didn’t work out, but I can’t say the evening was a total bust. It actually took my mind off my worries for a while. However, the real world is calling and I need to get back to it. ”

Rafe felt a small spark of irritation that she refused to call him by his first name, even after hours of dining with him, but he tampered it down as he stood to assist with her jacket.

As his hands slid against her shoulders, he felt that familiar stirring in his body. He found himself wanting to explore her hidden curves, touch her smooth skin, and see if she tasted as good as she smelled.

“I’ve enjoyed myself, too, Ari. Maybe you will reconsider my job offer,” he whispered as he bent down so his breath warmed her neck. Satisfaction rolled through him as he watched her skin react – her body unable to hide its pleasure in his touch. He couldn’t resist the urge to lean in and gently bite the delicate skin of her neck before running his tongue over the spot, making her lean momentarily against him.

Before he could wrap his arms around her and press his hardening body against her soft backside, she stiffened and pulled from him.

“No, that won’t be happening. Thank you again for dinner, but I really must leave,” she insisted as she strode from the room.

Rafe threw several hundred dollar bills on the table, then turned to follow Ari. She made it out the front door and a small stretch down the sidewalk before his long cool strides caught up to her.