Page 16 of Surrender

Page 16

“How were you planning on getting home, Ari? My driver is the one who brought you here. Besides, I always escort my date home,” Rafe insisted as he grabbed her arm and spun her around, enjoying the look of awareness on her face.

“That’s not necessary, Mr. Palazzo, as this wasn’t a date. There’s a bus stop just down the road, and I’m happy to use it,” she fired back.

“It’s not safe for a woman to be out walking at night. There will be no way in hell that I’ll allow this to happen. ”

“I’ve lived in the city for a while now and I’m fine on my own. I know how to take care of myself,” she said as she tugged against his hold.

“I’m sure you do, Arianna, but why not let someone else take care of you for a while. I’m very good to my women,” he said as he backed her up against the brick wall of the restaurant.

“I’ve made my decision. You need to let me go. ” Her voice trembled as her gaze dropped to his lips.

Rafe had a strict, no kissing rule, but he found himself wanting to bend down and devour her naturally plump pink lips. He felt himself bending as his will began to break.

Right before their lips connected, a drunken crowd of teenagers stumbled by, one of the boys knocking into the two of them and breaking the moment. Ari slipped from his arms and took off down the sidewalk. Rafe caught up to her as she made it to the barely lit bus area.

“I’m beginning to tire of chasing you, Ari. I said you won’t be taking the bus, so that means that you won’t. I really have no qualms about causing a scene, but since you’ve been hissing at me beneath your breath, I take it that you do. You can either come with me willingly, or I’m going to pick you up, toss you over my shoulder and drag you back to the restaurant. It’s your choice,” he said, causing her to jump.

“You wouldn’t dare,” she gasped as she looked around. A few people were beginning to walk toward them. Rafe could see the bus approaching several blocks down the street. She wasn’t getting on it, not on his watch.

“Not only would I dare, but I’d enjoy myself. You have to the count of three. One… two. . . ”

“Okay, okay. I’ll take the ride,” she relented as his hands were starting to reach out to her. She turned back in the direction of the restaurant, grumbling underneath her breath about pompous men who needed to learn self-control.

A smirk appeared on his lips as he pretended not to listen to her. She had no idea how much self-control he was actually using around her. He’d been planning on taking her to her new apartment tonight, ravishing her body, and initiating her into his world.

If Rafe knew one thing, though, it was that plans changed. He didn’t often have to adapt, but he could make exceptions once in a while. It seemed if he wanted to pursue this matter with Ari, he’d have to make an exception or two. He could live with that.

When he finally got her into his car, she refused to speak to him. She didn’t give him directions, and she didn’t bother to offer them. They both knew he was well aware of where she lived.

They drove in silence and upon reaching her apartment, he slowed his car as he parked in the dark parking lot. She jumped from the car, but he was right on her heels. He wouldn’t have her walk to the door by herself. It took her a few tries, but eventually she managed to get inside. Once he heard the sound of the lock sliding into place, he left. It was going to be a long, painful night.

A mixture of irritation and excitement coursed through him as he drove home. Ari was unlike any woman he’d ever pursued, and he decided right then that she wasn’t escaping him. To let go at this point would forever haunt him. The two of them could have some explosions together – scratch that – the two of them would have explosions together.

Chapter Six

Ari waited for Rafe to leave and then quickly walked down to her car. She needed to go to the hospital and see her mother. She was grateful the facility was only a few miles from her apartment because her knees were shaking and her heart was pounding and she had no business behind the wheel of a car. When she reached the parking garage, a shudder passed through her.

“You did the right thing. Just because you had one amazing dinner with the guy doesn’t mean you should sell your body to him. Okay, he makes you think that sex may not be such a bad thing, and the paycheck he’s offering is phenomenal, but that doesn’t make any of it okay. You did the right thing. You just need to focus on that and remember that you’re not for sale. You’re certainly not willing to do the kind of stuff he likes to do,” Ari lectured herself while resting her head against the steering wheel.