Page 24 of Surrender

Page 24

His mouth hovered over her aching heat, torturing her with his proximity, but not bending the last half inch and satisfying her. She tried raising her hips, but couldn’t as his hands were pressing her against the bed, holding her in place, right where he wanted her.

When she was ready to give up, about to go out of her mind, he closed the gap. His hands moved inward and he parted her soft folds, his thumbs caressing her inner heat as his mouth bent down and he sealed his lips over her most sensitive area.

She screamed out in pleasure as he sucked her into his mouth, his tongue quickly rubbing over her swollen mound. When he inserted his fingers deep inside her core at the same time as his tongue swirled over her bud, she exploded with triumphant pleasure.

Her body shook against his skilled mouth as he eased her down the crest of her wave. She sagged against the bed as exhaustion overtook her body. Her bones felt like they were made of liquid, making her unable to move – to even breathe.

She felt the release of his mouth, then the feel of his body moving up her own – the warmth of his skin searing across hers. She wanted to push him away, tell him she couldn’t take any more, but her hands were still bound. She couldn’t move. She was all his for the taking.

“You don’t think it’s over, do you? Are you a selfish lover, Ari?” Rafe asked as he settled his weight across her body and his teeth bit down on the soft lobe of her ear.

She could feel the tip of his thick shaft pressing against her soft, wet opening. Lacking the energy to form words she simply shook her head. He slowly pushed himself inside her, one inch at a time.

Too big!

He was going to rip her apart. He pushed deeper and she screamed. It hurt. This wasn’t pleasurable. He was too large. They didn’t fit together.

“Please stop. It hurts,” she cried out. He laughed as his lips claimed her mouth, silencing her. He thrust his tongue inside at the same time his arousal pushed fully inside her.

Ari screamed as she sat up in bed, sweat dripping off her brow. She looked around in confusion, then gasped at the ache consuming her.

“It was just a dream. You’re okay, it was just a dream,” she said out loud. Even her words couldn’t calm her. What was that? Why was she fantasizing about Rafe? She didn’t want him. She didn’t. She had no business having an erotic dream about the man.

It had to be from their meeting earlier that day. She’d felt like a deer in headlights as he waited for her answer. Ari was still shaking from the strength it had taken for her to stand and walk from that room.

When he’d leaned over her, his mouth nearing hers, she’d almost arched her back, moved her body closer to him. She was finding his raw power to be an aphrodisiac. His seduction was hard to resist.

She had a great job; she had a few days to find help for her mom. It would be much easier for her to shun Rafe Palazzo if he wasn’t so magnetic. Her body seemed to be drawn to him, and that couldn’t happen.

Still unable to calm her beating heart, Ari stood and walked into her small bathroom. Flipping on the light she looked at her flushed complexion in the mirror. She was shaking as if he really had been there stroking her flesh.

“It was only a dream,” she said again, furrowing her brow at her reflection, as if she couldn't believe her audacity to be so turned on.

Her one and only sexual experience had been in college and it had been horrible. The guy was only concerned with himself and hadn’t given her body time to prepare. The pain had been excruciating when he’d thrust quickly inside her. She knew sex could be good, but she figured she was broken. That’s really why she didn’t understand her dream.

She could understand the end, the painful part, but the pleasure before that. Wow. She’d never in her life felt something so intense and since she didn’t have anything to compare it to, confusion swirled around in her head. She wished she’d never read his papers, filled her mind with such ideas.

She didn’t want to be tied up with silk scarves. She certainly didn’t want him to pleasure only himself and leave her aching. If only she was able to turn off her mind, purge him completely from her system. That would make her life so much easier than what it was right now. Though it was still the middle of the night, she didn’t think she would find sleep again anytime soon.

Turning on her shower, she stepped under the warm spray and washed away the sweat her erotic dream had produced. As she passed her fingers over her swollen folds, she flinched. Never had a dream made her body ache.

Pressing her hand tightly against her heat, she tried to push out the ache that still throbbed from her very core all the way down the sensitive skin of her thighs. After a fifteen minute shower, she was no closer to feeling relief so she dried off and climbed back in bed.