Page 25 of Surrender

Page 25

Ari tossed and turned the rest of the night, not finding any solace in sleep. She was hungry, and when a woman craves something, there is no use in fighting it.

Chapter Ten

“Ari, would you like to join us? We’re heading to the Temple Night Club for some sushi and dancing. We must have some girl time before heading home to the husbands and kids for the entire weekend. ”

Ari smiled at Miley, one of her co-workers. She really loved her job. The women she worked with were wonderful and patient as she learned her varying tasks, and now they even included her in going out with them.

“I’d love to,” she said, feeling truly good for the first time since her mother’s accident. She’d gotten a draw from work so she had a little extra cash in her pocket, even after the rent was paid, and she was succeeding on her own. To top all of that off, she had a reason to celebrate.

“Why are you in such a great mood?” Miley asked.

“I just received the best news ever. The hospital has found the funds for my mother’s operation. I thought I may have to prostitute myself, but it turns out that waiting was the right decision to make. My mother’s going to be just fine, and my life will finally get back to normal,” Ari answered with a wink.

Miley looked at her with shock for a moment before laughing. Ari knew Miley thought Ari was joking, but the girl had no idea how close Ari truly had come to signing along the dotted line for Rafe Palazzo. If the funds hadn’t come in, she would’ve been left with no choice.

A fifty pound weight had been lifted from Ari’s shoulders that she hadn’t realized was resting there. It was time to paint the town red, and the best part of all was that she could do it guilt free.

She gathered her purse and coat, then followed the three ladies from the building.

“I got my performance bonus today so the first round of drinks is on me,” Shelly said.

“Mine came in too, so I claim second round,” Amber told them with a big grin.

“How many drinks are we having?” Ari asked with trepidation. Her one experience of getting drunk hadn’t gone so well – actually, it had gone downright horrible.

“As many as it takes to start making my not-so-fit-and-very-balding-husband start looking like one of the Chippendale dancers,” Shelly said, making the group of women laugh.

“I’d say that’s at least twenty tequila shots if he looks anything like my husband,” Miley piped in.

Ari stayed quiet as the other women bantered back and forth on their ride down the elevator. She didn’t want to offend them by not joining in their fun, but she was terrified to try her hand at drinking again.

The need for friends overrode her fear of alcohol, though, so she figured she may as well suck it up. It might not be as bad as last time. It wasn’t like she could make her life any worse than it already had been for the past six months.

“Did you drive to work today, Ari?”

“No. My car has been having engine trouble. I took the bus in. ”

“Good. We’ll all take the bus over there and then not have to worry about having a designated driver. I hate pulling straws cause I always seem to end up with the short one. ”

Ari looked at Shelly with a bit of surprise. She was always the efficient one in their office. It seemed that once five-o-clock hit, her sites were set on partying verses filing paperwork. Ari had to admit she was enjoying the group of women. Her worries were quickly left behind as they exited the building and headed for the nearest bus stop.

It didn’t take them long to reach the club, and they found a crowd was already waiting for entrance along the building in the cold night air.

“Wow. I wasn’t expecting so many people to be out this early,” Ari commented.

“It’s Friday, happy hour time. Everyone has the same idea as us – to blow some of their paycheck before getting locked inside with the kids all weekend. Even if my husband and I weren’t swimming in debt, I’d be out working just to keep my sanity,” Amber answered.

“I don’t think we can get in. ”

“Don’t worry, Ari. I have connections. ”

Ari watched Shelly approach the stunningly gorgeous bouncer who embraced her before nodding his head. Shelly nodded for them to follow her and once inside, Ari was seated at a crowded circular bar on a high stool, watching as chefs prepared sushi rolls with lightning fast speed and craft.

The lights were turned down low and the noise level was high as waiters moved among the patrons while friends visited. The energy in the room was exciting and the last of Ari’s concerns floated out the window. With her new friends next to her she was determined to have a wonderful time.