Page 26 of Surrender

Page 26

“Ari, I did tell my friend, Tony, that if he could get us in, you’d head to the backroom later and let him get to at least third base. I knew you wouldn’t mind. ”

Ari choked on her drink as she sent an incredulous look Amber’s way. She couldn’t tell if the woman was kidding or not. She really hoped so. Thankfully, Amber couldn’t keep up the serious expression for long and soon burst into laughter, letting Ari know she’d been joking.

“I wish I had my camera right now. You should see the expression you’re wearing. Trust me, girl, Tony has zero problems getting dates. Just look at him. If I weren’t already married, I’d be ripping his clothes off with my teeth. Heck, for that matter, if I get a few drinks in me, I may just go ahead and take him for a spin, anyway. ”

“I have to admit that you girls frighten me a little,” Ari replied, sending the women into fits of laughter.

“What are you ladies drinking?” Ari looked up, more than grateful for the interruption.

“We’ll all have a round of Tequila shots followed by Apple Martinis. Just make sure you don’t take too long for our next round. We don’t have a ton of time to get drunk enough to go home,” Miley stated as she batted her eyes at the young and gorgeous waiter.

“Mmm, don’t worry, I’m always very attentive for the pretty ladies,” he flirted right back before sending a wink Ari’s way and then taking off to the bar.

“Wow. I bet I could get wild and kinky with him. Too bad he was looking straight at you, Ari. He must have realized you’re the only one available,” Shelly said with a smile.

“I’m not available. Just because I’m single doesn’t mean I have any desire to date. I have my mom to take care of, work to do, and more importantly, school to think about. I will get back and graduate. ”

“Yeah, well you know what they say… all work and no play…”

“I’m just fine with all work. ” Her three co-workers looked at each other and rolled their eyes.

“Here you are, ladies. I brought an extra round of Tequila shots for you – on the house. ”

“Mmm, mmm. You’re a man after my own heart,” Miley purred as she batted her eyelashes. “Our friend here was just saying what a nice ass you have. ”

Ari gasped in mortification as the waiter sidled a bit closer to her, his dark eyes not releasing her gaze.

“My name’s Chandler. You are more than welcome to look… touch… do just about anything you want with my ass and any other part of me. ” Ari was speechless as he moved far too close for her comfort, his hip brushing up against her leg.

He turned his body, and if she wasn’t mistaken, he was already a bit excited and pressing his arousal against her. Panic filled her as she looked toward her friends. She’d never had a man be so forward with her before – well, except for Rafe, but that didn’t count as he’d been trying to hire her for a sex slave, where she was pretty sure Chandler the waiter, wanted her for just a single night.

“Her name’s Ari. It appears she’s being shy. Come back around after drink number three or four,” Amber told him while flashing a heart stopping grin.

Chandler grinned down at Ari before Shelly gave him their sushi order, consisting of Pacific Rim, Samurai, and Firestarter rolls.

“We can order more if we want later, but that will be a good start. ”

“See you gorgeous ladies soon,” Chandler said with a wink sent Ari’s way, causing her face to heat as she quickly looked down at her drink.

“Alright, girls, let’s get this night started in style,” Amber said as she licked her wrist and shook some salt on the wet skin. Ari was lost. The other two women followed Amber’s lead, but Ari watched cautiously, trying to figure out what they were doing.

“You don’t like Tequila shots?”

“I don’t know what they are. ”

“Oh, you poor, poor, sheltered girl. ”

“Miley, don’t be so hard on her. We’ll just have to teach her,” Shelly scolded. “Okay, Ari, lick your wrist, yeah, like that. Now, shake some salt on it. Good job. Finally, you just lick the salt off and then throw back the Tequila. Watch and learn, sister. ”

All four of them did it at once, then her co-workers began laughing at the pierced look on Ari’s face. She knew she was scowling, but the amber liquid was burning a hole in her throat, and the salt seemed to only intensify the flavor.

“Okay, now grab the lime and bite into it like this. ”