Page 50 of Surrender

Page 50

Ari jumped at the sound of Rafe’s smooth voice. She hadn’t expected him to wait on her, not when his family was aboard the ship.

“You didn’t need to stay here. I’m sure I would be able to find the dining area,” she said as she approached him.

“I wouldn’t be so rude as to leave my guest all alone. ”

“I’m not your guest, Mr. Palazzo. I simply got railroaded into being here. I’ll make the best of it, but rest assure, spending the evening in your presence is going to be about as pleasant for me as having a root canal. ”

He slowly stood from the couch and began prowling toward her. She wanted to take a step back – make a hasty retreat, but she couldn’t show him signs of weakness. That was like flashing your open neck to a lion. If she gave him an inch, he’d surely take a mile.

“I’ve tired of you calling me, Mr. Palazzo. You will either call me by my name, or I’ll find very enjoyable ways to torture you in front of my family. The choice is yours,” he said as he stopped with his chest just brushing across her swelling ni**les. The dress he’d given her hid nothing from his view, and he smirked at her reaction to him.

She’d really love to call him on his bluff, but she was too afraid he’d actually follow through. She didn’t know what he’d do to her, especially with witnesses, but for all she knew, his entire family could be twisted. Maybe they liked to sacrifice young women at sea by throwing their bodies to the sharks.

“What? No sarcastic comeback, Ari. That’s unlike you,” he teased as his fingers ran through the natural curls of her hair. The slight tremble that raced down her spine was a clear give-a-way of how much he was affecting her, but no matter how she scolded herself, she couldn’t control her hormones. She could hate him for the way he made her feel, but she couldn’t stop desiring him.

“I’m very hungry if you wouldn’t mind taking me to the dining room,” Ari spoke just above a whisper, avoiding calling him by any name at all.

“I wouldn’t want to keep you waiting,” he answered as he slipped her arm through his. She knew resisting him would be to no avail, so she forced herself to relax as she walked beside him, out the same door they’d come in.

If she could just get around other people, she wouldn’t have to battle him, along with herself. If she could understand how she could hate the man while still desiring him, she’d be able to make millions. Many women would pay her for the secret.

“How was your shower?”

“Not too pleasant. You have a beautiful bathroom, but I did get pretty burned today. The water felt like tiny knives cutting into my skin. However, the lotion on the counter worked wonders. I don’t know what magic ingredient is in it, but I feel almost back to normal. ”

“After dinner, I’d be glad to rub it all over your body. I’ll make sure to reach those hard to get to places. ”

The soft purring sound of his voice caused her stomach to drop right from her body. Her legs were nothing but jello, and her core heated to inferno temperatures. How could she possibly think she’d be safe in the presence of others? The man could whisper a single word and melt her, or touch her with the barest of brushes and she was putty in his hands.

Maybe she would take her chances with the sharks. At the moment, they seemed the less dangerous creature.

Chapter Nineteen

Rafe should be furious with his sisters, but he was too pleased to have Ari’s arm wrapped in his and the soft curve of her breast pressing against his bicep. Even knowing it was more than a desire to break her spirit – knowing he was intrigued by her – he continued his pursuit. Ignoring his intuition, he chose to enjoy Ari.

“You have a nice boat. ”

Ari’s compliment filled him with warmth he’d rather not feel. He thought about making a sarcastic reply, but instead chose to simply enjoy the moment.

“Thank you. Right this way,” he said as he opened a door that led into his ornate dining area. A large table was centered in the room with enough seating for twenty. In addition, another seating area was to the right, where his family was chattering lively while having pre-dinner drinks.

“We were beginning to think you were never going to show,” his father said as he stood. “Who’s your beautiful companion?”

“Father, this is Ari. It seems the girls found her at the beach today and invited her onboard,” Rafe replied as he sent his sisters a stern look. They actually had the decency to glance away, knowing they were busted.

“We needed an extra person for volleyball, and ran into Ari. We had no idea she was the same girl who was Rafe’s… friend,” Rachel said with an innocent smile.