Page 51 of Surrender

Page 51

“What a happy coincidence,” Rafe replied with mockery.

“Ari, it’s so good to meet you. My son seems to be quite fond of you,” his mother said in her slight Italian accent. It had really lessened over the years as she spent more and more time with his father in the states.

Rosabella stepped forward and took Ari’s hands, then leaned in and kissed her cheek causing Ari to blush slightly at the warm greeting.

“It’s nice to meet you too, Mrs. Palazzo. ”

“Oh, darling, please call me Rosabella,” his mother insisted.

“Thank you, Rosabella. You have wonderful daughters. I had a very pleasant day with them. I’ve also never been on a large boat like this before, and it’s quite the treat. ” Rafe noticed she had no trouble calling his mother by her first name.

“My ornery son hasn’t brought you onboard yet? Well, I’ll just have to speak to him about his manners. The liner is a nice escape. I’m thinking my husband and I need one of our own so we can take off for a few months. I could get used to sailing the high seas,” Rosabella said with a delighted laugh.

“I will order one tomorrow, dear, and whisk you away to the far corners of the world,” his father said as he leaned down and gently kissed his wife. Rafe was always pleased with the obvious love between his parents. If he hadn’t seen so much devastation in most relationships, he may actually hold out hope that he could have that for himself. He knew better, due to his previous marriage. What his parents had was a very rare thing.

“Mom, you guys are getting all mushy again and embarrassing Rafe’s guest,” Lia spoke up, causing another blush to steal over Ari’s cheeks.

“Don’t mind me at all,” Ari murmured.

“I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m starving. That volleyball game really zapped my energy,” Rachel said, saving them from the slightly awkward moment.

“Me, too,” Lia piped in.

“Yes, Ari was saying she was quite hungry herself. You must have played a strenuous game. I may have to join you next time,” Rafe said as he looked down into Ari’s eyes, which widened in a bit of panic.

He liked catching her off guard. He’d been giving her too much space. The longer she took to realize they were going to be together, the less patience he had. Seeing her tonight was lighting a fire beneath him.

“A couple of our opponents sure wanted to whisk Ari off to the high seas,” Rachel said with a mischievous grin at Rafe. He glared at his little sister before turning to Ari who was looking at Rachel in horror.

“Really? Do tell,” Rafe commanded.

“Oh, I think it was the red bikini. She looked hot with a capital 'H'. The guys were tripping over themselves to offer her drinks, help her up when she fell, and then, of course, the dinner and drinks invitation. We were a little tempted to accept and tag along just to watch the show, but the boat was calling our names,” Lia answered.

Neither of his sisters was fooling him. He knew exactly what they were doing. Knowing didn’t matter, though. The thought of these unknown men flirting with Ari was causing a simmering burn in his gut. He needed to brand her – let the world know she wasn’t up for grabs. He planned on doing it soon.

“I need to speak to the Captain. Why doesn’t everyone get seated, and I’ll have dinner served immediately,” Rafe snapped as he walked from the room.

He decided right then that they were staying out for the night. He knew his family wouldn’t mind, and he wanted to keep Ari trapped on the ship with him – where she couldn’t possibly escape. He would show her who she belonged to.

He returned shortly and their first course was served. As she sat next to him, his temper cooled, but his desire continued to escalate.

Conversation filled the room as his exuberant family all spoke at once. Rafe was used to the loud voices of his family as everyone demanded to be heard. He enjoyed nothing better than sitting back and listening to his loved ones, especially now. It helped soothe his easily roused temper.

“Ari, has Rafe told you yet what a hellion he was as a teenager?” Lia asked with a twinkle in her eye.

“Lia…” Rafe said in a warning tone which she completely ignored.

“I somehow can’t imagine Mr. … um… him as a child,” Ari quickly corrected herself. Rafe was somewhat disappointed. He would love for her to slip up. He had big plans on different forms of exotic torture he could put her through.

His hand slid beneath the table and landed on her bare thigh, causing her to jump and nearly knock her wine glass over.