Page 52 of Surrender

Page 52

“Is everything okay, Ari?” his mother asked.

“Yes. Sorry about that. I’m being a bit clumsy. I think I got a little too much sun today,” Ari said as she tried to push his hand away without causing a scene. He just squeezed her leg a little tighter, letting her know he had zero intentions of letting her go.

She sent a desperate look his way before responding to a question his father asked her. As his fingers danced along her thigh, she sat tensely next to him with her legs clamped tightly shut. He had no doubt he could outlast her. She’d grow too tired to hold herself so stiffly long before he’d lose interest in caressing her.

“Back to my story, Ari. Rafe was once a child, though I do understand how that’s difficult to believe considering he rarely even takes off his suits now. He was a horrible monster, always playing tricks on Rachel and I. I remember the worst thing he did was put a huge snake in my bed. I was so tired after a late night volunteering at our church, and the room was dark. I turned on my lamp and pulled back the covers and an eight foot snake was slithering across my sheets. I screamed so loud that my dad burst through the doors a few seconds later with the shotgun raised. I was sufficiently satisfied when Rafe got grounded for a month. To this day if I see any snake, even a gardener one, I freak out,” Lia said dramatically.

“How did he get that big of a snake to stay in your bed?”

“Oh, it was his pet. However, after that incident, Mom made him give it away. He was grounded from having any more reptiles or rodents in the house. I was quite pleased with that outcome. ”

“Snakes give me the creeps, too. ”

“Who actually likes them? Only other reptiles,” Lia said as she stuck her tongue out at Rafe.

“You did your own share of pranks, Lia. Why don’t you explain why I put that snake in your bed,” Rafe said with a laugh, not offended at all by her goading.

“It was nothing compared to what you did to me. ”

“Nothing! Are you kidding me? She put itching powder in my work-out shorts. I started running in P. E. and then had to make a mad dash to the showers. My friends wouldn’t let me live that one down for the rest of my high school career. ”

“Oh, that’s great,” Ari said with a laugh as she looked up at him, delight dancing in her eyes. It seemed his Ari had a wicked streak about her.

The bantering of his family caused Ari to relax, and he was able to move his hand higher up her leg, his fingers drifting to the inside of her thigh. Before she realized she’d let down her guard, his fingers brushed the brief piece of lace covering her delectable womanhood.

Her legs tightened immediately again, but all it did was trap his hand flush against her heat. He took immense pleasure when he felt the warm wetness of her body drift through the delicate lace. She desired him – whether she was willing to admit it or not.

Suddenly, his little game turned on him to the point of pain. Knowing her body was prepared for him to enter her caused him a pulsing erection. With a small gasp, Ari opened her legs and he reluctantly removed his hand. He’d never make it through the rest of the meal feeling her moist heat.

Her cheeks were flushed and her breathing quickened and she refused to meet his gaze. She was doing her best to carry on conversation with his family, but he could see it was taking a lot of effort on her part.

As their final course was served, Rafe breathed a sigh of relief. Soon, he’d get her alone again. He knew it wouldn’t take him much longer to convince her to make their situation a mutual arrangement. He could offer her much pleasure, and he had a feeling she’d provide for his needs more than sufficiently.

By the time desert was served, Rafe was done visiting with his family. He had to get Ari to his bed – it was beyond desire – pure need was gnawing at the zipper of his pants.

“I hope you all don’t mind the surprise, but I’ve told the Captain to keep us out to sea for the night. I thought you’d all enjoy spending the night aboard the ship,” Rafe announced, not turning toward Ari when out of the corner of his eye he caught her head whip around in his direction.

“I… uh… can’t. I have to get home,” she stuttered.

“Oh, do you work tomorrow, Ari?” his father innocently asked, not sensing her tension.

“No,” she responded with hesitancy. “I don’t actually work, but I have laundry to do and other stuff to get ready for the week,” she finished feebly.

“Don’t worry, Ari. We’ll get in early,” Rafe said, making sure she knew the discussion was closed.